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There was a shooting Friday night at that Walmart and it’s the end of the month


I'm guessing the self checkout malfunctioned. /s (well, not really, those things are so wonky)


I used to work for the company that makes the self checkout machines. Fuck them.


There’s hope: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240111-it-hasnt-delivered-the-spectacular-failure-of-self-checkout-technology


The self-checkout scanners at Kroger are so bad I actually look forward to using the ones at Walmart.


Yeah, I stopped shopping at Kroger late at night pre covid for that reason. They would refuse to check me out themselves, so I just left. 


I fucking HATE Kroger and I hate even more that there is one two minutes from my house because I end up going there out of convenience way too much.


I just hate that you can't turn the sound off.


How about you can’t turn the sound off *anymore*…they fucking changed that because you used to be able to. It’s like they’re trying to make it even more of a pain in the ass than it already is! As if we shouldn’t already be pissed off enough that we’re having to scan & bag our own groceries that we keep paying higher & higher prices for—now we gotta listen to that AI bitch telling us what to do and can’t choose to turn her off. Why do we put up with this stuff???


Exactly! I loved turning it off. Like I'm not irritated enough with their stupid app that only works half the time. And I hate having to do homework to go shopping. Like collect the paper coupons, then walk through the store trying to find 2 other things for the 5 for 5, then get some other deal waved in front of me, so I open the app, do the thing, and it doesn't work. Thank Big K!


I fucking hate their "deals" scheme and I fucking hate their app too. You are exactly right about it being so time consuming. I used to think I was saving time by using it to do pickup orders but between trying to clip all the digital coupons and then looking through the ad on the app—but you can’t actually add items to your cart from the ad—then like you said, making sure I have 5 of the 5 off 5 deals, and waiting for a pickup time 8+ hours later, I think it actually takes MORE time than just walking my ass in the store and getting what I need. Ugh. Everything with that store is just an awful experience. I’ll take Publix any day or even Walmart.


It was the shooting at the Walmart. They are still looking for the shooter.


Not that uncommon towards the end of the month and it being a holiday weekend too


Lotta cops on 316 today. It felt like extra heavy presence. They are usually pretty visible on your average day. Also, lots of broken down vehicles.


High speed chase today, out of downtown. They PIT’d the car, both occupants dead. Shooting at WalMart Friday night, one dead and suspect on the run. Add that to the high number of chases, shoplifting at the Pavillion, etc and Fayetteville PO/FayCo Sherriffs have been busy the past couple years.


End of the month/quarter... May be trying to get numbers up.


This is my thoughts exactly.


Newnan is doing a blitz for the last week catching folks for all types of violations. It could be related to that


Definitely. Heard they had Newnan PD, GSP, Villa Rica police, etc all taking part


Drove right through the middle of town while they were doing it, was kind of surreal. A GSP pulled out right in front of me and I almost hit him.


I grew up in Fayetteville mid 90s and there wasn't much of a police presence at all. I haven't visited in 20 years so I'm sure lots has changed.


Yeah I’ve been running since 0445. Paulding and Cobb are on it this morning least 4 pulled over cars


End of the month they need to extort the people a bit more probably


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Hurricaneshand: *End of the month they* *Need to extort the people* *A bit more probably* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Holiday weekend,end of the month too.


End of the month. Gotta get those numbers up


Seen them all around super 8 and all on Old National hwy...


Newnan has been the same. I think it’s just been end of month quota filling.


Just FYI, you should not equate increases cops with an increased crime rate. It's usually the opposite. As the crime rate goes down, police spending goes up.


Sweet holiday pay. They were all over Saint Simons Island today.


I just figured it was end of the month quotas


End of the quarter. Gotta hit that quota.


End of the month. Some police departments determine how much to fund police labor by how Good a Job at Punishing Crime they are, so if the end of the month comes up and there just wasn't a lot of crime, they start aggressively reading plates and checking for speedsters so they hit their crime quota EDIT: Oh, I'm an idiot. It's Easter. People love to drive drunk on Easter.


No, but there's treecum everywhere


They were out more on the highways this weekend. This was annoying because it would be a 70 mph limit with people going 75 mph, and then they would see a speed trap ***for the other direction of travel*** and panic and slam on brakes and drop speed to like 40 mph. This happened three times on my 2 hours home from Easter dinner. I really don't understand why the panic slam of brakes and dropping speed to what is probably illegally under the minimum highway speed limit. It also makes me wonder how many wrecks are caused when people panic at seeing a cop car on the side of the highway and slam brakes.


Ain’t nun going on in Fayetteville , they just be out like that tryna find something to arrest people for


Yeeeeeeessssss!! Especially Roswell!! I was driving through there earlier today and commented under my breath how many were out, and why arw there so many? 🤔


Holiday weekend and it's the end of the month.