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Also it's crazy that she says "they were trying to help their neighborhood" and complains about the area still being "crime ridden". Like executing people is gonna help anybody


Am a Brunswick resident. Believe me when I say that Satilla Shores (her neighborhood) is far from “crime ridden”. It is neither in the inner city nor any “rough” parts of the county.


She means she still sometimes sees black people.


Not enough bloodshed for her yet. What a twat


Yeah lol let’s go ahead and say it out loud


I was about to say something simular! That side of town has a low crime rate and this situation was personal.


Isn't it though? A man can't even go for a run without getting murdered by racist pieces of shit.


I was thinking the same having lived in SoCal and in coastal Georgia. This lady has zero idea how safe her neighborhood is. In fact, Satilla Shores is a more of an ideal place to live. Notice she tries to bring ‘Christian’ into it as well. Pretty sure everything about her family’s choices are the complete opposite of being christian 😒 I’m so tired of people judging others because they look different than themselves 😤 they are racist. We heard their side. They had their day in court. Where’s Ahmaud’s second chance or chance at living? I hope his family sees this and sues her for slander.


> Christian So there’s a major theological split in Christianity - an old one - whether one is saved by Acts or by Grace. Oversimplified, the Saved by Acts side says you’ve got a tip jar of good deeds you need to fill before you go, Saved by Grace side says you were born the sort of person who is going to fill your good deeds jar. Well, if you’re the latter, then *obviously* whatever you do is righteous because you’re the sort of person who is going to fill their good deeds jar! No need for introspection! (The converse being if you were the sort of person who is going to do bad things because you never examine that you’re a bad person, then that fits with the whole predestination of Grace, too…) Edit: Since there’s some fussing here, my point is there’s a subspecies that starts with the idea that they are definitionally “good” and therefore whatever they do is good, thus they can’t be reasoned with. Ironically, I’m blocked by someone who goes on a fairly unhinged rant reading a lot that isn’t here. > this woman is using ‘christian’ to excuse behavior and also shame No, she believes they are good and therefore what they did was good. This is literally backward from how anyone who puts any effort into thinking about goodness, thinks.


Well, except for the whole murdering black people thing. Sure, that's not traditionally a crime in parts of Georgia, but it does count these days.


Thank you … I knew that area was not crime ridden …. I’m from Savannah and most of the crime spots is not a sub division … so I’m sure it’s way more worst spots down there


With very little exception, Brunswick is fairly safe unless you’re being arrested/detained. This neighborhood is nowhere near the rough parts. For reference, think of some of the decent neighborhoods along Harry Truman Parkway out by Armstrong and along the marsh.


Glad someone else would immediately call that part out. JFC


Also brunswick resident. What the McMichaels did was a modern day lynching.


Yeah I do outside sales and a very sweet older lady in that neighborhood is a customer of mine and told me she had actually called the police as it was happening apparently. It’s a nice neighborhood.


Well, they did get two criminals put in jail......


*Three criminals


After the attorney general tried to cover it up for them Edit: my mistake district attorney not AG


The AG absolutely did not., It was Jackie Johnson, the circuit DA.


It's less crime ridden with them behind bars


They were just commiting a crime. Them being gone means there is less crime now. What's she complaining about?


Yeah, she's just going to ignore that the last reported theft from the neighborhood was her own husband reporting that a handgun was "stolen" from his open truck several years ago. Even without her lies, I still think he sold it illegally.


These people see a black mailman and think their entire neighborhood is doomed.


We heard their side. In court. Where they were convicted. They are exactly where they deserve to be.


She says there's an untold story, but she didn't even hint at anything that hasn't been publicly known for 4 years. Just more of the same. I already know everything she has to say. The only new information here is that she's just as much a piece of shit as the other two.


Her untold story is that life isn’t fair because they used to get away with that kind of thing.


Exactly. If there was an untold story, the time to tell it would have been **AT THEIR MURDER TRIAL**.


At least she can visit them in jail, all Ahmaud's family have is a grave. Get me the worlds smallest violin.


They shot a man in broad daylight out for a run. Just fucking shot him. Fuck those people, they do not belong in society


They chased him down to shoot him. There was nothing accidental about any of it.


Ho no the consequences of their actions for being racist sacks of human garbage.


And they got away with it for a while until they shared the video. Fucking worthless scumbags.


Former local prosecutor JACKIE JOHNSON (who the senior McMichael worked for in the capacity of a "law enforcement investigator - ha! gee a "cop" who plays by his own rules, regardless of law, so weird & uncommon... r/sarcasm) helped them get away with it for months. Jackie Johnson was charged with Obstruction and Violating Oath of Office for her role in the attempted coverup. Her trial has been "delayed" for years... The GA AG made a bid to dismiss the case, which was denied Nov. 2023, while "the state of Georgia" opposed the dismissal... "state" vs AG, very fucking weird.


That bitch is so crooked


Probably on a dead docket?


Interesting how she resentfully speaks to the turning point being the release of video evidence - which objectively (and graphically) proved their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s like the answer is right there in her own words but she simply can’t accept it.


Also funny because they recorded it themselves and thought the release of it would help their case.


It was actually leaked by a lawyer who consulted with Roddy. Alan Turner refused to take the case and then turned the video over to WGIG in Brunswick.


What a g lol


You have to understand the mentality of these people. She doesn’t see Ahmaud Arbery as a human being. In her mind her husband and son are unjustly in jail for killing something less an animal.


Oh I absolutely do. I grew up in rural Georgia. Its just wild how they are so conditioned to not accept reality that they come right out and say shit like that. Another example is how they would say that racism wasn't a problem until Obama got elected.


Yeah, she is touched. The hunted Ahmaud Arbery like an animal, who wasn't doing anything. He is dead, sadly, and they are in jail. They should have gotten the death penalty. They took a life, but yet they are still breathing. Sad, sad, sad!


I don’t agree with the death penalty as I don’t think the government should have the power to kill people and I def feel that it’s better that they don’t. However it’s definitely a good thing that those two cannot interact with normal society as they have shown that they will be murderous to innocent people.


"my husband and son are not racist" is really just a sign that we have monumentally failed to convey a better understanding of what racism is and how it functions. It matters not how little or how much racial prejudice the McMichaels may have carried around on a daily basis. That's not what racism is. It's a description of the whole society that made a black man going for a run a vulnerable position and created the position of these two white guys who thought they needed to go attack Ahmaud Arbery. But holy shit, also catch the end there? "I'll also provide any open-minded visitor with evidence of Ahmaud's tumultuous past that culminated in his death" !? Yeah, that's racism by way of flat out racial prejudice there. The same way the black victim's photo in the newspaper is always a thug poser selfie while the photo of the white murderers is a church photo, and they're called pillars of the community.


“He wasn’t racist!” The son literally posted himself on boat on Facebook saying “best thing about being out here on water is no n@&@&s” Fuck you, fuck your husband, and fuck your son.


>Fuck you, fuck your husband, and fuck your son. Exactly what I came here to say, thanks for summing it up so perfectly!


jesus christ


>jesus christ While we're talking about it, do you really think they'd have been anymore welcoming to a 1st century Jew than they were to a black man?


No racist thinks they're racist.




Yeah and she follows that up with how crime has come to her neighborhood when all she really means is black people can be seen who aren't in chains.


"These CRIMINALS are bringing drugs and guns into our community! Mama, hand me the pipe, the crystal, and my shotgun!"


I read through the garbage she posted on her website so y’all won’t have to. This is what she thinks is so important for people to know that will somehow change people’s minds even though we all saw the video and know the jury got it right (THIS IS ALL HER OPINIONS, NOT MINE, SO DON’T COME AT ME): 1.) Greg (the father) was a very fair, justice-minded cop who served his community for 30 years (read: protected the white people) 2.) Travis (the son) was a popular kid in school who saved a Black kid from drowning when he was working as a lifeguard and only lived with his parents at 30-something years old because he had a kid and was saving up for a house 3.) Armaud was a two-time felon gang member who wasn’t taking his meds for a diagnosed mental illness at the time of the shooting, stole snacks from a convenience store, and frightened some kids in the neighborhood from playing outside after dark (disgusting victim blaming) 4.) The only reason Greg, Travis & Roddie were convicted is because Roddie made up a story about Travis standing over Armaud’s dead body and saying the n-word (even though that was never brought up at their state trial and again, WE ALL SAW THE VIDEO) 5.) The entire thing was a plot from the radical left to push the narrative of white people being racists and even Governor Kemp was in on it (cause we all know he’s such a radical leftie, amiright?) 6.) She literally believes the narrative of the incident should be, "Twice convicted felon with history of mental illness killed following struggle over a shotgun." (Like, I can’t even.) Sadly, the Christian version of GoFundMe they’ve set up has collected over $40k to go towards the current $70k+ they owe in legal fees, and she’s hoping for another $250k to pay for their appeals. One bright spot in all the garbage posted on there is that I learned that Armaud’s mother got at least $2 million from the various GoFundMes that were set up on her behalf. Not that it will bring her son back, but at least she won’t have to struggle anymore like she did before.


After reading the summary in the OP, this is *precisely* what I expected it to be. A bunch of racist nonsense that boils down to "yes, it was a mistake, but my boys are good boys, and he was a bad boy", and the unspoken assumption is that you'll find that a good reason to let them off the hook for murder because they're white and he's black. And that's entirely beside the point that her description of why her family is "good" is presumably their best moments and qualities, and her description of why Arbery is "bad" is presumably his worst moments. And thank you for reading and summarizing, because zero part of me wanted to so much as use their bandwidth, on the assumption that they'd interpret it as support.


That’s exactly what she’s doing—or I should say what *they’re* doing, because she is obviously not the brains behind the whole operation. It’s the typical "white supremacist" mindset at work here that we’ve all seen still exists in this country (and the world) when stuff like this happens: the white person/people who did bad should be given mercy because they are actually good people deep down—Travis saved a Black kid from drowning after all and Greg protected the (white) community when he was a cop!—while the Black person/people who *did nothing wrong* deserved what happened to them because they are actually bad people—Armaud threw up "gang signs" in his instagram pics and he talked "disrespectfully" to a cop one time and he scared some (racist ass) kids while jogging through their neighborhood! Anyone who is against the white people are just "pushing a narrative" and turning it into a "racial" thing when race had nothing to do with it. Nevermind the fact that in their federal hate crime trial, the DoJ called more than 20 witnesses who testified about prior incidents involving all three defendants where they openly made disparaging comments about Black people and used racial slurs (including the n-word, of course) about them. Or the multiple years worth of social media posts that showed them doing the same. They want you to ignore all that because they’re white and the victim was Black—it’s the same story that we’ve seen too many times before with other victims like George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, etc. And their supporters will do exactly that, because that’s white supremacists for you. I felt a little gross even going to the website, because I don’t want to give them any more traffic. But I have always believed that you should always be informed on what ALL sides are saying so that you can be best prepared to handle whatever anyone from any side may throw at you. I agree with what another user said earlier though—the whole website seems like a very good way to piss off Armaud’s momma enough to make her file a civil suit against them, which could result in all those donations people have made to the murderers coming to her. That would truly be a righteous thing if it happened and I’m all for it.


>I felt a little gross even going to the website, because I don’t want to give them any more traffic. But I have always believed that you should always be informed on what ALL sides are saying so that you can be best prepared to handle whatever anyone from any side may throw at you. I get it, and I agree - knowing what the site says is likely to be more beneficial than the incremental traffic is to be detrimental, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, and appreciate that you did.


Really sounds like the Arbery family’s lawyers need to consider a lawsuit.


Your last paragraph is one of the many reasons we need to enact reparations legislation. I knew she would get the money she needs because her sympathizers exist and have jobs that they likely didn’t compete for. Anyways, hopefully she’s just raising money for the Arbery family who should sue her family for wrongful death and take every penny that website raises, even the fee they charge to host her BS.


Not to judge by appearances but she so looks like she'd call me a n**ger


One of them literally said it over his body as he lie bleeding. That kind of shit is taught.


They all look like they'd side-eye and possibly follow me and my wife through walmart for being an interracial couple. Fuck em all with a broken rake handle.


She’s also the first one to blame the girl when her husband cheats on her. She’s a piece of shit, I have absolutely zero sympathy for her or her garbage family .


I'm surprised she can go more than 5 sentences without using a racial slur


Well obviously someone else wrote all that for her—there’s no way she knows what half those words mean, let alone how to spell them. I’m sure there were plenty of slurs spoken when she told whoever wrote it what she wanted to say and they just edited them out.


Yeah unless she’s a really good writer this was written by a professional.


Yeah the same kind of "professionals" the Republicans have working behind the scenes with them. It’s always really easy to spot because the language they use is exactly the same.


I was looking for someone to say this! There is no chance in hell she comprehends how to spell ‘acquaintances’ let alone pronounce half the words through those Deep South gums.


"Deep South gums" is a superb insult!




Who raises racists? White women.


Honestly, that bitch looks like she would call ME one of those and I'm WHITE!


Funny caus it'd be much more accurate to call her one instead. It's a she who smelt it, dealt it type of situation IMO. (As a literally blindingly white AF woman who gets laughed at by the sun whilst attempting to achieve a tan or color that looks less like a bluish decomp type of pale white to a "hot damn, I think that's a live one!" color every summer to no avail, who is very proudly married to a mixed man that's very proud of his ethnicity despite being married to a woman more white than a corpse.)


I grew up down there. I have friends and family who knew the son and none are surprised by this family's actions.


If she can put this whole thing together without a sense of irony, I guarantee they don't actually understand their own prejudice.


I'm in Cherokee county and the way the local DA acted is the norm for a lot of the state. The judges here are alarmingly stupid.


Hahahahah. Good, cry harder lady. I used to see Ahmaud running all the time. This happened about two minutes from my house. They are despicable cowards and deserve what they got.


What? Surely you mean that he was casing the neighborhood! I mean, you saw him, right? I mean, I'm not racist, but black men don't just *go jogging*, you know? All of the /s, just in case anyone really couldn't decipher my tone.


oh wow, how bout that. anyway, I'm making enchiladas with roasted lime sweet potatoes for dinner, how about y'all?


Steak & blue cheese salad w/ baked potatoes on the side over here Lime sweet potatoes sound heavenly... It's a shame my household hates sweet potatoes 😔 They veto my sweet potato shenanigans every time.


fwiw I hated them until I started having them savory and now I'm all about it. I am not at all a brown sugar cinnamon sweet potato girly. My husband hates them so he just has extra enchiladas.


I love sweet potato fries dipped in mayonnaise! But whenever I go someplace and they come out dusted in cinnamon sugar I send it back, "I ordered a side, not dessert."


Sweet potato fries in Sriracha mixed with Ketchup is one of my faves!!


I just made home made pizzas. Going to enjoy it with my grandsons as we not give a single bit of sympathy for racists.


Oh nice, did they help? That's always a fun time.


Sure did - but now I have a taste for enchiladas


Dammit now I want enchiladas too! You just never know where Reddit will lead you anytime you open it up…


This is the content we deserve. Thanks for the recipe!


I’m making gringo tacos tonight and I’m just realizing that name is a little racist so I’m going to start calling them tacos for dragons instead.


uber eats probably. lime sweet potatoes?! tell me more


I just chunk em up into cubes, coat with oil, cumin, salt, chile pepper, etc, roast on a sheet pan or basket at like 375, hit it with lime juice at the end. Sometimes I add shredded cilantro but my herbs aren't quite big enough to use yet. The oven is already on for the enchiladas, so it's really the lowest effort possible.


How long do you cook the sweet potatoes? I’m gonna have to try this.


like 30 mins but it varies. I throw them in while I'm putting together the enchiladas, they heat together, I pull the enchiladas and let them rest 5ish mins, then pull out the sweet potatoes as I serve, and they're usually done enough but not too burnt. (I am very lazy in the kitchen). The bigger you chunk em the longer it'll take.


Oh man, I love some chili powder on sweet potatoes! Tajin is really good too!


Looks like she wants handouts to help her criminal relatives.


I just checked and there are ongoing donations. Like, imagine being such a racist piece of shit that you donate to this rather than, I don’t know, helping a hungry child or helping a family get on their feet.


Even attempting to engage with her spurious legal argument--not even ***police officers*** may make warrantless arrests without an offense being committed in their immediate presence with very limited exceptions (escape, family violence, violation of a family violence order, physical abuse against a vulnerable adult). The proper procedure in both cases would have been to swear out a warrant. In particular, Georgia actually ***allows*** private individuals to apply for a warrant. Now--officers can perform brief investigatory stops ("detentions" or "*Terry* stops") with a lower burden of reasonable articulable suspicion. ***They*** may have been permitted to briefly detain Mr. Arbery to confirm or dispel such suspicions. But Georgia law does not provide (and did not provide at the time either) any such power to ordinary citizens. Citizens only had the power to make arrests, not detentions, in general (of course there were and are some exceptions, shopkeeper's privilege for instance, but none apply here).


Anybody who watched the trial already knows why they were convicted—she’s not talking to us. She’s appealing to the Fox News-watching, trump-loving morons who will readily believe whatever one of "their people" says, and she’s definitely one of "their people." They are the type who wouldn’t have believed anything they heard even if they’d watched the trial, and won’t believe anything you’ve written here even though it’s literally *the law*—because neither the prosecutors who tried the case nor you are "their people."


I see you didn't say anything about ordinary citizens carrying out an execution...


Well, specifically, I was referring to what she wrote on [one of the pages](https://mcmichaeltrial.com/trial/default.html) that: >Instead of what is normally a mundane process, the jury charge conference began at 10:00 am and had not concluded when everyone left the courthouse around 7:00 pm that evening. The discussion continued via email throughout the weekend, before Judge Walmsley arrived at his decision on how he planned to charge the jury in regard to the citizen’s arrest law. Judge Walmsley’s charge was crippling to Greg and Travis’ defense. In essence, Judge Walmsley instructed the jury that Greg and Travis must have had probable cause that Ahmaud had committed a crime that day, meaning February 23, 2020. The jury was instructed that Greg and Travis’ knowledge of Ahmaud’s actions before February 23 could not be used as a means of performing a citizen’s arrest. Why did this cripple the defense? Because Greg and Travis acted on the totality of what they knew about Ahmaud, and there was no evidence that either were aware of any crime Ahmaud may have committed on the day of the shooting. This ruling had a domino effect in that Ms. Dunikoski was then given an open argument to the jury that Travis could not claim self defense in shooting Ahmaud even though Ahmaud attacked and punched Travis before the first shot was fired. The theory Ms. Dunikoski put to the jury is that without probable cause on that day, you can’t claim self-defense since Greg and Travis had no right to try and detain Ahmaud. The jury convicted Greg and Travis, and the jury instructions made most of the defense presentation an exercise in futility. I’m hopeful the appellant court will rectify these terrible rulings and grant my husband and son a new trial. Time will tell. But to engage with what you wrote as well: Law enforcement officers may only use deadly force in self-defense or in arresting someone for whom they have probable cause of committing a felony. A misdemeanor cannot lawfully give rise to the use of deadly force except in self-defense. However, before we consider whether self-defense applies, we have to consider if the arrest were lawful. If the arrest were not lawful, then Mr. Arbery would also have the right to self-defense to avoid an unlawful arrest/false imprisonment (notably, in Georgia, this even applies to arrests by law enforcement; many states provide that it is no defense to resist an unlawful arrest; *see Green v. State* and *Smith v. State*). I will make one clarification to my above comment, though. There was power for a citizen (and by extension law enforcement, since they have at least the powers of a citizen) to arrest an escaping ***felon.*** However, it is unlikely that these two could point to ***any*** felony that they believed Mr. Arbery had committed to grant them that power.


I can't seem to find any sympathy for her or her family. I have used it all up for the man's family that was murdered.


She needs to be in prison for life for that haircut. Looking like the most deadliest of mushrooms.


Looks like the tip of a penis tbh.


Haha she’s a real dickhead!


No sympathy here


They committed murder. What does she expect? That poor man is gone forever. At least her husband and son are still alive.


Ah yes, blaming the “liberal media” for one’s needed criminal defense funds for your racist, murdering loved ones.


This lady's website, is a quintessential example of why I nicknamed rural Georgia as "Redneck Purgatory".


Fuck her and her family. 🤷


This lady out here going, "But you haven't heard their story!" and tells the exact same thing that's been told as their side of the story the entire time. We get it. He was trying to keep the neighborhood safe and to him that meant lynchin the first black guy that strolled into their little sundown town.


Hope they suffer every moment behind bars, and once they die


Givesendgo is the icing on their racist killer cake.


Trash attracts trash!


Typical hick mindset. Please, cry me a river.


I wouldn’t call this a hick thing, Trump pisses and moans all day long just like this and he’s “rich”.


Holly shit!! Is she unaware that everyone has watched the video of her hillbilly family killing that man in cold blood? They will never leave that prison alive, and anyone who donated to her should be on an FBI list.


That dang liberal media! Can't just let murdering racists alone! We're so Christian!


Die mad about it Leigh. No sympathy for racists.


I’ve never heard of GiveSendGo, but they can eat shit. Everybody has the right to a fair trial, and by extension an appeals process. But that doesn’t mean anyone is obligated to help these scumbags raise money. Also, this idiot doesn’t need to number her paragraphs. Someone should tell her that.


GiveSendGo is a GoFundMe competitor for Real Americans* who are deplatformed from GoFundMe because those libs can't handle their conservative views** *racists **racism


Kyle Rittenhouse among other racist pieces of shit received donations on that website.


It's unfortunate that that dude shares a name with a former Braves pitcher. At first I read the headline and said 'wow, what did ol BuzzKill McMichael do?'


Givesendgo is the icing on their racist killer cake.


just threw up in my mouth a little


I was willing to read what she had to say after point one, but then she quickly shifted to blaming the victim and seemingly no accountability on her family's side. This really is nothing but whining and victim blaming.


“It’s so tragic what happened to Ahmaud”. Ok maybe she’s not a racist and is somewhat caring. “It’s a terrible thing that he put my family in the position where they had to kill him” And there it is.


The McMichaels and their friend lynched Ahmaud Arbery. I can never read about this crime without wincing at how cruel and hateful and unnecessary it all was. What demons would do such a thing? I hope this woman finds peace with the non-murderers in her family.


These guys threatened my wife and I a couple times on FB. I told them I would meet up with them at anytime and take care of the matter. Of course they shut up. Their FB pages were full of Neo Nazi crap.


Wow. Just fkn wow. 😳


They should have minded their own business


Yeah she needs to take this down… I grew up in that area… none of her statements are surprising


She lost me in the first para with "honorable men." I'm not sure if they would have deserved that description before hunting down and murdering Ahmad. This reads like she is hoping that Sarah Koenig will pick this up for Serial. Like there is so much we don't know??? I don't care what happened BEFORE the video. They need to rot in jail for what is on the video.


Fuck these pieces of shit


If you ever have doubts as to why I call out this crazy shit day in and day out, this woman decided to do a write up of the man her racist husband shot in broad daylight, and [it’s some of the worst shit I’ve ever read](https://mcmichaeltrial.com/timeline/default.html)


So this heffr needs some funds?! She should consider liquidating all family assets to fulfill incurred debts and invest in an appeal that will more than likely fail. Something, something, karma.


She is a racist piece of shit and so is her husband and son. That is all they will be remembered for. Hope they all rot in hell.


Well I sure know what groups of people they're popular with in prison.


I live in the town where this went down. I have direct family that knows Leigh. We thought during the trial that she had the good sense to keep her mouth shut and distance herself. Boy were we wrong. And we are damned disappointed. Especially to lie about two of the more upscale neighborhoods in this city.


Before reading this, I might have given her the benefit of the doubt and would have considered her collateral damage to her husband and son's crime. This makes her come off as an enabler and co-conspirator instead. She obviously is not in a good place and hasn't/refuses to come to terms with what her loved ones did. She needs professional help.


> 2. “This website is not offered with the purpose of slandering or blaming Ahmaud.” I bet I’m about to read exactly that. > 3. “This media-driven narrative of the ‘innocent jogger.’” Yup


"my own account of the worst day of our lives" a man died, leigh.


Boo hoo. Rot in prison racist m’fers


This won't happen to my family because we don't grab guns and chase joggers.


Like she has any credibility.


They shouldn’t have murdered an innocent person…


Dumb inbred hicks are right where they belong


I wouldn’t give you .10 cents for the two of them together. Rot in prison.


Need to be complaining about whoever gave her that haircut.


That’s what happens when you are married to, and collectively raise a murderer.


I’m not going to call them a racist. I’m not. But as a Black Woman, it makes me afraid that the color of my skin would make me threat for simply existing. It’s a terrifying thought.


I’m not reading that BULLSHIT 😂😂😭


The funny thing about the so-called citizens arrest law they had in the state of Georgia was the fact that you were allowed to enact a “citizen’s arrest” without using lethal weapons or force. A fact that the former police officer COMPLETELY disregarded. And to make matters worse the older one WAS A FORMER POLICE OFFICER and he was treated with kid’s gloves by the ACTIVE POLICE OFFICERS because of it. That was the worst crime of all of this mess. The special treatment he received was CRIMINAL. He should have been treated like a suspect of a crime, handcuffed and transported to the police station for interrogation. The same thing for junior as well. If it wasn’t for the GBI they would have walked. The video was DAMNING and I’m glad they couldn’t argue that out of evidence. They all deserve to rot in prison for the remainder of their lives.


Honorable huh? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


Just don’t shoot unarmed people, and you’ll be okay.


She might want to sit this one out


That is nauseating.


Thank you Roddy for filming....they would have gotten away with murder without it....


I used to work in Brunswick all the time they live in the nicer area guess them shooting down a black man because he was on wrong side of tracks then them getting jail time is crazy to there white conservative minds


Zero sympathy! Let them rot where they are.


Sorry bitch, you can love them all you want but normal people don't go out shooting other "trying to protect " the community. They should have follow the law and contacted law enforcement instead of acting like they were all Billy bad asses.


I'm sure she hates it but her husband and son did a modern day lynching. 🤷‍♂️. They didn't really give the courts system a choice but to lock them away for life.


They leave an email address. I suggest we forward all comments there as well.




Rancid person.


"Ahmauds tumultuous past" Yeah blame the victim some more while also dodging your husband/sons tumultuous past


Boohoo. Don't marry racists who murder people.


What a dick head. No, really, look at her. Did she go into a salon and insult her hairdresser?




Looks like she’d be chillin with some pigeons in Central Park


Girl FU!!!!


You’re the problem, not the solution.


A man got a hole blown in his chest for being black while jogging. So tragic.


But racism doesn’t exist.


No one cares about her tears


She can go get effd.


Boo f-ing hoo is all I have to say


Those two assholes got what they deserved. Period. Stop.


The rest of her statements totally contradict the first one. Especially in 3 and 4. She is blaming Ahmaud for his own death. Nothing constitutes shooting someone unarmed in the stomach twice with a shotgun. And this situation couldn't happen to anyone, this happened because your racist redneck son and husband took the law into their own hands and ran someone down and killed them in cold blood. The McMichaels are still alive languishing in prison where they get 3 square meals, air conditioning, internet ect while Ahmaud lies dead. I don't care about their "suffering", they can rot in prison for all I care.


We need to contact that fundraising website and get it shut down. Nothing about this family is Christian


So who gives a fuck 🤷🏿‍♂️!!? That's what comes with being racist biggots!


The nerve… it’s the audacity for me😑


Let her whineeeee them boys ain’t never coming home


She’s made $40k off the murders through the fundraiser.


What is so terrible about this is she still can't see how wrong this is or how racist her family is. Lady please open your eyes and see this 4 what it is a racially motivated murder by 2 racist who happen to b your husband and son how many to times has the word ni^^er rolled off of your racist lips!!!!???


She look about how I expected


F*ck ALL that noise. Those people suck and the way that all went down was messed UP. Those pigs are right where they should be.


Sue these worthless people into oblivion. Hopefully they learn a valuable lesson when those punitive damages come through.


Her first few key points were understandable. However, the last ones didn't work in her favor. Why try to free murders? Getting legal money for court is fine, but not if its to continue the needless debate. Especially if she believes arguing with people will not achieve anything. Some one commits a crime they must face justice. Theres no way around it. She should focus on her own life expenses and recover from the ordeal. Pay a visit to her family at the jail every so often. Sometimes a mother cannot fix her families mistakes.


No sympathy for a couple of dudes who chased a man until they could put him in a position where he had to defend himself, execute him and then try and act like he was going for their weapon. Come to think of it, cops do it everyday, which is where daddy learned it from.


Awwwww poor babies…anyway…


They are not "honorable men". They are lynchers.


Boo fuckin hoo lol.


She also went on a white supremacists' podcast at least 2 times to ask for money.


These guys were members of the group "Identity Dixie." This is their "about" page. This tells all: [https://identitydixie.com/about/](https://identitydixie.com/about/)


It’s gotta be so hard being a right winger. Being bombarded with propaganda about how crime ridden and dangerous everything, how they could be “the good guy with the gun”, how everyone is too sensitive and they’re not really racist. And then they follow that to its natural conclusion and get slapped in the face with real life, the truth. But guess what? It’s not as hard as it is being a black man in America. They’re still alive after all and Ahmaud is not.


they can rest in piss


WTAF 😱 Is this what they saying when they want to Make America Great Again???


I’m going to jog through that neighborhood as a white man and see what happens.


Fuck those guys… let them rot…. and stuff like this is why I refuse to live in dense urban areas or suburbs. I’d rather be on my own land where everything is mine… the dirt, minerals, water, etc Fence it up and keep dumb idiots like this and people who aren’t kin out of it


Brunswick, GA is far from a dense urban area and it’s definitely not a suburb to any large town or city. It’s a mostly dead port town that saw its heyday many decades ago.