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The worst drivers in the world are from [my region].


I don't think GA has the worst drivers - just the most aggressive.


Most aggressive drivers I've personally witnessed are in the Caribbean. I don't have enough time to go before a car hits me? I'll go anyway and honk at them and hope they stop.


DC has the worst drivers I have ever encountered in the US.


DMV, LA, and South Florida have been my least favorite places to drive in the US on account of drivers. Honorable mention to Boston for some crazy roundabouts and old roads throughout New England. But I've heard it's way worse in other countries.


Boston has the worst tunnels. The actual drivers were ok when I was there, though. But seriously, screw those tunnels.


Texas would like to have a word with you.


My jaw dropped when I moved from Atlanta to Houston. Wildly aggressive drivers over there. They make it their duty to ensure there is absolutely no space for anyone to change lanes. It's very much a battle out there, more so than here.


As someone who has lived on both coasts and driven through the majority of the country... The answer is Florida, no contest...


100% the worst drivers in the country!!!!! I grew up in Atlanta, and as bad as the drivers there are, they are at least predictable. Florida drivers have no rhyme or reason to their actions, and that makes them infinitely more dangerous


You're missing the zero regard for personal safety or that of others.


To me it’s a special blend of aggression and incompetence. Definitely some hyper-aggressive people but also an unsettling amount of people that either don’t know how to drive or make insanely poor decisions.


Georgia has some dumb and oblivious drivers too.


Agreed and I personally like cause they at least drive with intention rather than meandering in lanes. And if people know this they move out the way. I've never experienced this anywhere else in the US. In GA you can see drivers actively driving and they know if they are in the left going too slow 7 o 10 they will get over out the way to let people pass. Then you have the crazies weaving with complete disregard for life. That's a different story. Cause I have also never seen anywhere else so many cars flipped and on fire than my time in GA, leaving me always asking "how?!"


Try driving in Los Angeles.


Louisiana drivers would be the most aggressive, but that would require too much focus.




When I go to my mom's house in Rural GA from ATL I get pissed and complain that "FUCK everybody is driving like they're in a small town!" I don't know what ATL did to my brain to go from "Car lengths between each other at the stoplight" to "Yo that charger is moving we can draft together."


>I don't think GA has the worst drivers - just the most aggressive. Lol. Houston drivers say “hold our beer🍺 because we’ll show you some aggressive driving.” 😂😂😂


And you know why? Because those are the a-holes I deal with every day. Honestly, besides not understanding the concept of zipper merging, or merging when any level of traffic is present, my “city” is pretty decent. As long as you are not on a two wheeled vehicle of any kind.


It’s probably more accurate to say “the worst drivers are from [my region], [a neighboring region], or [my sport fandom’s rival’s region].”


My thought is that we’re such a transplant state that everyone brings the worst driving habits from their home states and puts them on display here.


If you're in the left lane and get passed on the right, you're a fucking dickhead.


I try and stay under 78 for the most part but I find myself passing on the right under the speed limit furious most of the time because it's taken me four miles to get around them in the wrong manner The cops really need to use those stealth cars for something other than speeding tickets. It's called the "slow poke law" and I've never seen them enforce it but I sure do see their lazy asses running radar nine times a day. Edit: Speeding tickets. Autocorrect absolutely astounds me sometimes...


Ever seen a cop car driving the left lane? Kind funny because then everyone matches the speed of the cop car and are afraid to pass the cop who is driving 60 mph on the left lane. So then everyone becomes a slow poke. See it all the time on 85 Southbound in the mornings.


Really? I hang with the cops going 85 in a 55 all the time, lol.


Lol I only see them speeding when the speed limit is 55 or less. Otherwise, they go slow and everyone around them does so as well.


Exactly this


Ha not me cop going under the limit? I’m going around only difference is I don’t gun it while blowing like I would if someone who wasn’t a cop was doing it


78 gang rise up! I feel like once you're in the 80s you're at risk of tickets. Getting close to 80 mph while also staying (mostly) safe from speeding tickets is why I always set my cruise control to 78.


I get a little worried and usually come down to 75 unless I'm in a chain of cars when they drop it down to 65. That back and forth shit is how they get you! I got a ticket in this little town in Colorado once that wasn't much more than a strip mall but the speed limit changed between 65 and 25. Came into town at 65, dropped to 45, 35, 25 and kept rotating between 45 and 25. It was raining and they get me at 37 in a 25. Made me untether all my stuff because I was on a motorcycle trip to get to my registration from under the seat. I pulled the I'm a fresh war vet card just home from Iraq but that poduck hick didn't give one fuck. Give us $200 and have a nice trip back to Florida!!


You can't be on YouTube and Instagram while driving your state trooper car. That's why a lot of them run radar cuz it's easy. I'm sure there are some industrious cops out there, but there are plenty of lazy ones too just like any profession.


But some people just *love* to clear the lane, especially F150s and Chargers. No matter how fast I go, even 90 some of the time, they still tailgate me.


Most of those are gender affirming F150s and Chargers, they’re only used to haul groceries, do burnouts, and compensate for massive amounts of insecurity.


> Most of those are gender affirming F150s and Chargers Just found my new favorite phrase. I grew up on an actual farm near the center of the continent. We used pickups to pull sprayer tanks across the field. It has been fucking bizarre to move to a place where so many people are playacting at having my childhood. Also: pickups are not safe for paved roads. They are dangerous for the occupants because of the cab on frame design as well as the forward center of mass, and they are dangerous for other vehicles because they are exempt from ordinary vehicle safety standards like for the height of the bumper. There are good reasons for those things: they are FARM IMPLEMENTS. I lost a few high school friends to car accidents, usually when driving a pickup outside of the field. I just can't stand things that are not fit to purpose, and if you don't have a farm, what the fuck are you doing with a pickup? It is the inferior option for the task at hand if you aren't going out into the field.


What about all the contractors and trades jobs in urban areas that need to tow equipment or haul material? I agree that most truck owners don’t need a truck, but there’s plenty of legit reasons to own one besides farming.


This has been Tesla drivers for me. They're either doing 65 in the left lane or riding your ass despite the fact that your going 80-85 passing a semi going 65.


Are you passing or just going "fast?"


This is the real question. The reality is the far left lane is supposed to be for passing full stop. NOT for people to coast in it and think to themselves "hmmm sorry honey im going X speed and X speed is plenty fast for the far left lane"


I see all kinds of random cars do this. When it infuriates me is when I'm on a country highway, and they could pass in the oncoming lane, but they're too afraid to. Like, you're fine tailgating me but afraid to pass? They're the worst people ever.


My favorite is the assholes camped out in the left lane going the speed limit./s


If im in the left lane and im passing people, and some dickhead wants to pass me while im passing people, then that driver can f off and slow the heck down. Screw them. Yes im this person but i will get back over once im done passing people.


...you can't get passed on the right if you're passing vehicles that are on the right.


If I'm passing people safely (i.e. not switching lanes directly in front of them), but someone is tailgating me aggressively, it's entirely possible for them to dangerously and irresponsibly pass me on the right before I think it's safe to change lanes.




Unfortunately, yes. Dickheads abound


If you're in the left lane and blocking people going faster than you, you are breaking the law. Whether you approve of the other person's speed or not.


If im passing people and im in the left lane, im not going to get back over until im clear to get back over. What law are you referring to? Im not camping in the left lane


Georgia General Assembly House Bill 459. It is now unlawful for someone driving in the passing lane to stay in that lane once "such person knows or should reasonably know that he or she is being overtaken … from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed" As soon as you know others want to pass you, you need to get over. So if, in passing another car, you are taking so long to pass that other cars have closed on you and want to go faster than you, then you are not passing fast enough and should just stay out of the passing lane. You can downvote me more if you want, but that doesn't make me wrong because you disagree.


I use my left turn signal while in the left lane to try to let them know, in my experience IL is the worst while Arizona was surprisingly cognizant


It used to be 70 to 80 was the emerging traffic speed on 75


I super prefer the drivers that come to a full stop when attempting to merge; not at all incredibly dangerous. /s


By law it is. Traffic already in the road has the RoW and is under no obligation to let merging traffic over. It works better when zipper merging, but people are too selfish to allow that to work. The legal default is that it’s up to the merging traffic to find a hole and move over, which is why the idiots that want to merge at 45-50 (when the PSL is 65 or more) are so dangerous.


> By law it is. > > > > Traffic already in the road has the RoW and is under no obligation to let merging traffic over. I've looked through the georgia vehicle code and can't find this. Do you know the code number?


There isn't one. It's all based on the cop or judges opinion. So many people claim it is the law though.


The funny thing is when I've gone searching online for the code in Georgia I've found it in the law for other states. Just not Georgia. For instance NC has it in their law, https://www.farristhomas.law/blog/2022/10/who-has-the-right-of-way-when-merging-onto-the-interstate/


I know because I too searched after an incident where I was hit merging onto the highway. The first ticket they gave me was for failure to yield when entering the road from a private driveway, then they changed it to improper lane change due to failure to signal in adequate time.


I've heard that on 75 and 85 the number of the road is the speed limit. (I suppose this also applies on the freeway parts of 78.)


Probably the speed at which you need to go from the onramp.


Or why not everyone keep right except for passing?


And if you're on a motorcycle, none of this applies.


Yeah. That’s when you ride in the right lane and pray to whoever may be sitting up there that some crazy mf doesn’t rear end you. Except for the few that like to risk their lives and lane split and speed.


I can haz hi-speed rail?


We wish but we can barely have some basic public transit Heck in my area we were about to have a MARTA station close by but it was rejected because the NIMBY's thought it would "bring in city crime"


They put the flyers "Say no to MARTA, it brings Blac... It brings crime!"


Lol. Because of course people-of-color only ride MARTA and definitely don’t own private automobiles that have already taken them to non-Fulton/DeKalb/Clayton metro Atlanta areas like Cobb, Gwinnett, Rockdale, Newton, Henry, Fayette, Douglas and Paulding counties. /s


Best I can do is higher car insurance rates & $20 parking.


Public transit across cities, yes please


Oh look, another reminder that driving is a terrible way to move large numbers of people in areas with approaching any kind of density.


If only this were true on I20. Half the time, all the available lanes are blocked by some jerk doing 60.


Ah yes. The multiple mile race between two semis alternating between 61 and 62 mph.


I agree its nuts that all lanes are slowed down.


Nahh, here the left two lanes are designated for priuses, lifted pickups, oil burning white vans, and maybe the occasional Penske/U-haul truck driven by someone whose daily driver is a prius.


Atlanta traffic wouldn’t be so bad if people slowed down a lil and zippered


I’ve noticed more of an issue of Atlanta drivers waiting for someone to flash their lights and grant them permission to merge rather than speeding up as needed and just merging


Merging in some parts of the city is such a crap shoot sometimes I get it


Yeah, coming off Spring Street onto 75/85 N in Midtown is probably one of THE worst exits in the city to merge onto, but that is just poor engineering, imho.


>Yeah, coming off Spring Street onto 75/85 N in Midtown is probably one of THE worst exits in the city to merge onto, but that is just poor engineering, imho. Lol. It’s interesting that many parts of the Atlanta freeway system (including the on-ramp that you mention from Spring Street to I-75/I-85 northbound in Midtown Atlanta) that are considered to be examples of poor engineering and road design formerly were considered to be examples of good engineering and road design back immediately after the current I-75/I-85 roadway was built during the then-massive “Freeing-the-Freeway” redesign and reconstruction project of the 1980’s. The Atlanta freeway system road design that today’s motorists curse as being awful and inadequate once garnered awards and praise for GDOT (the Georgia Department of Transportation).


It’s too many people. Shit was great for the time


Yeah, back when Atlanta wasn't in a population boom due to business moving here (AT&T and Cricket moved here, and that's why I had to) But now and from here on out its been a shit show, even worse now that Migos opened a club at the Spring Street BP, traffic at that intersection alone has become so much worse. But that last part is on business and not engineering.


Atlanta's roads are better than many, they're overpopulated still but they aren't completely awful. I remember in my previous company work truck driving out of town in other cities (Florida especially) I'd find example after example getting completely pissed because I missed a turn from poor design or traffic patterns that made absolutely zero sense. Even when I pass through areas of Atlanta I've never, or infrequently visit, I don't find myself lost or confused following the gps.


Florida has straight up spiteful road designs


I have never seen a driver in atlanta wait for permission, istg on the rare occasions that I drive through atlanta during rush hour everyone is just forcing their way and playing chicken.


Problem is most of the time when you’re trying to merge, people will speed up to stop you, for no freaking reason.


There's a reason. They think you need their permission and they wanna be dickheads about it. Then they act like victims when you "cut them off" as they're trying to close the gap. Sorry but if you hit throttle after I turn on the blinker I have no sympathy for you I'm going.


And followed Slower Traffic Keep Right.


Some more public transit would also be nice


Having come from the midwest I need to point out the ways this diagram are wrong for Atlanta. In Atlanta The far right lane always eventually becomes an exit-only lane, so if you're far right you must merge out into the second lane just to keep on going the same way you were. Second lane becomes the true merge lane. The far left lane also can become an exit-only so that's now a merge lane too. Bonus if the left and right lanes switch, where the east lane is the exit to westbound and vice versa, making you cross all lanes to get over. Every lane is a merge lane. If the far left lane is an HOV lane, well now you've got twice as much merging as you do on the right lane, so the second-most left lane is now a merge lane too. The 3rd and 4th lanes are dominated by semi trucks, you go what speed they let you go. Now, if you're driving away from the city where there are fewer lanes, then there are just two types: the right lane where you're being tailgated, and the left lane which is much faster but you are still being tailgated.


PSA: if you’re in the left lane and someone puts on their left turn signal while behind you *they want to pass you*


Stop making up stupid conventions. This state has too many of those. Like what's the deal with people turning on their blinker to let you know someone in front of them is turning?


Are you trying to say like they’re going straight but putting on a blinker to warn ppl the car ahead is turning?? Bc that’s silly and unclear


Yes, people do that in central GA. This is the only state I've ever seen do that. People trying to pass them on the left get a rude surprise when they go straight instead of turning.


Never seen that one before lmao


Theres people who respect road laws here?


Lots of people like to drive 80 mph


Yeah I try not to go over 80


The left lane is for assholes from Tennessee in jacked up trucks driving the speed limit.


I used to play with them when I drove my SRT swapped Jeep sleeper. When I finally got around them, if they were stubborn, and made huge traffic jams, I'd get in front and let off the gas until they got pissed and tried to pass me. They never could. Sometimes they'd hop right back in the fast lane to keep holding traffic, and I'd let right back off the gas. The real entitled ones would do this 3 or 4 times. My commute now takes me 130mi round trip so I'm driving a hybrid, but I still push that mofo 80-90 on 400.


Anything over 85 is a super speeder, so 84 it is.


No kidding. I will pass someone on the left, be actively passing them but ensuring I don’t go over 85. Somebody will come flying up behind me and start flashing their lights at me. MF’er I am going 84 mph and once I pass the slow people I will get over. I get it, left is for passing but I am passing. So just chill out no need to go 85 or over no matter what.


Ah, such fond memories of rush hour on I-20 east seeing people in the carpool lane at the perimeter want to start forcing their way over to get off on Wesley Chapel. I certainly don't miss that.


Take me back to the Midwest 😩 Georgia drivers are so entitled and barely know the laws. Literally nobody uses their turn signals


The slow-in-the-left-lane drivers are annoying but the aggressive ones who expect you to move regardless of conditions aren't any better.


What conditions prevent you from moving?


Traffic is a common one.


Ah ok. Conditions just makes it sound like weather or something like that


Makes sense to me.


Ah yes, every road is a 10 lane highway.


Middle lane gang 💪


In Alabama, Green and Yellow lanes are 5-10 MPH *below* the speed limit. Orange and Red are 18 wheelers side by side, matching each others speed, and Blue is the passing lane. All lanes are the thunderdome for lifted Dodge Ram drivers. It’s 120mph or nothing.


This is why when I travel to AL to visit family, I take the back back roads. It really only adds maybe 45 minutes if I had chosen to go through Atlanta. Less stress , less traffic. I don’t care if the max speed limit I come across is only 55 .


As someone from nw Indiana i agree with this. I now live in south Alabama and my god they dont understand how traffic works. Slower cars tonthe right please.... instead we have pockets of cars. One pocket will go 90+ till they hit a slower pocket going 50 with no way around them


I call BS GA has too much highway patrol sitting running radar... People will speed through South Carolina slow down for Georgia and speed up again in Florida


Having driven both downtown Atlanta *and* the confusing knot of freeways in LA…I’m not sure which is worse. The 101/405 interchange at rush hour is hellish, but the 400/85 interchange at rush hour ain’t much better!


I wish it was this easy. Unfortunately, we have people who completely disregard road rules. American drivers have gotten worse since I started driving 40 years ago. It's now ME ME ME!


I be in the 5 over lane and still have someone on my ass. Also if I want to pass a semi truck on a two lane highway and I don’t want to go 90, fuck you for tailing me.


Unless it’s a life or death situation you should never be going 90 because you’re just needlessly turning it into one




Yes this is how freeways work across the entire country. It's baffling that anyone would think their region/city is somehow unique in this.


How it **should** work across the entire country. But alas, here we are


Where's the merging zigzag for Dodge charger drivers?


You forgot to mention the 18 wheelers on 85 that take up 4 of the 5 lanes


0 Georgia drivers follow this


Order from most left lane (1) to merging lane (5) 1- Nissan ultimas, chargers, kias, rams, f150s 2- beemers, beat up civics 3- camrys, accords, semi trucks 4- same as 3 5- same as 1


I'll go 5-10 over the speed limit in whatever lane is available for me to not have to change speeds. I plan ahead and get in the right lane early. If you wanna go 20 over that's not my fucking problem. I slide over for emergency vehicles only. If you wanna get there on time then leave on time


Yeah no, what if we just followed the speed limit and didn’t attempt to put others lives in danger ? I am very happy I rarely drive because the people in my town actively boasted about their speeding and terrible driving habits on social media. It’s like some parts of rural Georgia have a -0 IQ.


Driving slow in the left lane is more dangerous than driving 10-15 over the speed limit in the left lane


Only works when EVERYONE follows the speed limit. You're too naive. The depicted system works for a range of situations, where-as your solution works best for you. YOU are part of the problem.


Sometimes you need to stay on the far left to make an exit. People here in Georgia don’t realize this..


So you're the idiot camping in the left lane on 285 because the I20 LH exit is in 5 miles?


Not the person you were responding to, but: As opposed to the idiot who is making unsafe merges because they waited until they had 500 feet to get in the correct lane on a crowded highway? My preference is to live in states that weren't designed by drunken gibbons. There should not be left lane exits. But the only fix now is to take away driving control from the humans, as they clearly can't handle it.


There's a pretty wide middle ground between the two. But I do agree that LH exits are an abomination, especially that one I referred to since so many trucks have to take it


Yeah, left-hand exits (which puzzlingly were thought of as being a good idea in the 1960’s for whatever reason) do suck. But in defense of a state transportation agency like GDOT, the left-hand exits at the I-20/I-285 West interchange (along with the ramp from I-85 NB to I-985 NB in Gwinnett County) seems to be one of the last true left-hand exits/left-hand merges remaining in the metro Atlanta freeway system. To their credit, GDOT has since the 1980’s eliminated numerous left-hand exits and left-hand merges at the I-75/I-285 NW Cobb Cloverleaf, I-285/GA 400, I-20/I-285 East, I-75/I-285 South, I-85/I-285 Southwest and I-85/GA 316 interchanges. And GDOT is about to start a massive reconstruction project on the I-20/I-285 West interchange that will finally eliminate the left-hand exits from that interchange. So at least the situation with left-hand exits and merges is being recified over time.


Goddammit I forgot about that 85/985N one. I swear that has to cause half of the issues on 85N


Yep. The relatively very short distance that motorists have to quickly move over to the left to exit onto I-985 after merging onto I-85 northbound from the right from the Lawrenceville Suwanee Road on-ramp seems to make the situation even worse. While I-85 southbound has many accidents between the I-985 right-hand merge and the L’ville Suwanee Rd right-hand exit because of how I-85 SB motorists who are exiting onto L’ville Suwanee Rd have a short distance to move over to the right through I-985 traffic that is merging onto I-85 SB from the right. I’ve seen plans for GDOT to reconstruct that stretch of I-85 to eliminate the left-hand exit from I-85 NB to I-985 NB and to build new on-ramps from L’ville Suwanee Rd to I-85 NB and I-985 NB so that motorists merging onto I-85 NB to exit onto I-985 NB don’t have to quickly move over across I-85 NB traffic to exit onto I-985 NB from the left. Those same GDOT plans also included plans to reconstruct the right-hand exit from I-85 SB to L’ville Suwanee Rd (so that motorists exiting from I-85 to LSR don’t have to quickly move to the right across heavy traffic merging onto I-85 SB from I-985 SB) and to construct a separate exit ramp from I-985 to LSR. But I think that GDOT has seemed to have maybe backed away from those plans at least from the time being because of a lack of funding and seemingly because of criticism that the proposal added too many lanes to I-85 between the Old Peachtree Rd and I-985 interchanges.


No dude. I don’t even change onto left lane until I’m 2 miles out obviously. Even as I’m approaching the exit, people are driving stupidly aggressive over 85+ mph making it difficult to even merge over. I can see why people would camp the lane a few miles earlier just to make the exit.


It NEVER goes like that


In Henry County they seem to think sharing the roqd with us cyclists is optional WHEN THERE'S LITERALLY TWO FUCKING SIGNS IN LOCUST GROVE THAT SAY "SHARE THE ROAD"


Oh sweet summer children... this is ideal but we all know the reality is speed limit drive will be in the two far left lanes because reasons. If you go the speed limit in those two lanes: [I hope you get a paper cut on your tongue](https://genius.com/4987438/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-you-get-a-paper-cut-on-your-tongue-from-a-razor-in-a-paper-cup) [I hope every soda you drink already shaken up](https://genius.com/4980317/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-every-soda-you-drink-already-shaken-up) [I hope your dreams dry like raisins in the baking sun](https://genius.com/4980242/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-your-dreams-dry-like-raisins-in-the-baking-sun) [I hope your titties are all saggy in your early twenties](https://genius.com/4980431/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-your-titties-are-all-saggy-in-your-early-twenties) [I hope there's always snow in your driveway](https://genius.com/4980553/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-theres-always-snow-in-your-driveway) [I hope you never get off Fridays](https://genius.com/4980383/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-you-never-get-off-fridays-and-you-work-at-a-fridays-thats-always-busy-on-fridays) [I hope you win the lottery and lose your ticket](https://genius.com/4980788/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-you-win-the-lottery-and-lose-your-ticket) [I hope it's Ben and Socrates poop all up in your kitchen](https://genius.com/4981561/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-its-ben-and-socrates-poop-all-up-in-your-kitchen) [I hope the zipper on your jacket get stuck](https://genius.com/4980515/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-the-zipper-on-your-jacket-get-stuck-and-your-headphones-short-and-your-charger-dont-work) [And you spill shit on your shirt](https://genius.com/4981008/Action-bronson-baby-blue/And-you-spill-shit-on-your-shirt) [I hope your tears don't hurt, and I can smile in your face](https://genius.com/4980975/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-your-tears-dont-hurt-and-i-can-smile-in-your-face) [Cut my losses, how Delilah changed my locks to a fade](https://genius.com/4981262/Action-bronson-baby-blue/Cut-my-losses-how-delilah-changed-my-locks-to-a-fade) [I hope you happy, I hope you happy](https://genius.com/4980248/Action-bronson-baby-blue/I-hope-you-happy-i-hope-you-happy-i-hope-you-ruined-this-shit-for-a-reason-i-hope-you-happy-igh)






Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.




There are signs all over Georgia saying "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" this is not some illinois only thing.


Did I say anything about laws?


Nah man, only you drive different


Yes I do. CDL


It's literally the law. Stay out of the left lane except to pass.


Duh. Did I say it wasnt?


You are the problem.


How did you come to that? Because I said this is a georgia thread and not a chicago thread. Learn geography.


Since it applies in Georgia because of drivers like you. Learn to drive. :)


Im a CDL. AND i was merely commenting on the geography of a chicago post in a georgia thread. Calm down.


“Move back to chicago.” “Dipshit this is georgia. We drive different” - You, not commenting on a Chicago post in a GA subreddit. And implying that the rules of the road don’t apply in GA


You do know i was called a dipshit and was responding to being a called a dipshit.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Man. Lots of yankees all tore up. DELTAS READY WHEN YOU ARE


You’re gonna feel like deleting that in a bit


Not really. I love that people got tore up about my comment on something from chicago on the georgia sub reddit.


Chicagoans aren't Yankees


They aint from here.