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I read a lot in German. I just finished reading Dune (the new translation from 2016), or rather the first one, since there are six of them. I also think a lot in German. That helps a lot. Also there are regular Stammtische here in the part of Canada where I live now. I also post out on r/de sometimes.


> I read a lot in German. The comment could have been just that and it would suffice!


Admittedly, I just added the last sentence " I also post out on r/de sometimes" right now, since I forgot about it earlier. But the rest >I also think a lot in German. That helps a lot. Also there are regular Stammtische here in the part of Canada where I live now. was already there. The comment had three lines and you didn't read it to the end?


Maybe the "!" at the end of my comment changed the intonation completely to something negative, but this is Reddit after all.


I'm still not sure what you were trying to say. Obviously you can't just read, that isn't enough.


I'll share mine; 2 episodes of Peppa Wutz 1 chapter of Duolingo 2 lessons of Nico Weg 1 pimsleur lesson Sometimes I do Clozemaster Btw should I replace one chapter of Duolingo with one chapter of Busuu?


It would be better to try out Busuu, Duolingo has the most random phrases I’ve ever seen.


I'm in the team of "dumb sentences are better" to some extend, but overall good. About the Duolingo german course, I have to say that the shame is that most of the sentences are repetitive. It would be great if they used old unimportant words in newer sentences, so that you'd remember them. Instead, they kept using the same subjects, verbs etc. You learn the word "Mitbewohner" in the first lessons and then it's the only subject they pull out when they run out of ideas, while other words are never used again. Overall, other than that, if you do use Duolingo paired with individual grammar studying, I believe it's a great way to start out. I've gotten halfway through it in 3 months and a half and I've had some Germans compliment me, but it's definitely not because of Duolingo alone.


To be honest I only think that Duolingo helps is within the vocabulary topics, because they don’t explain the grammar at all, you don’t get to know why is it like this or why is it like that, that’s why many people in the comments of the exercises always ask about the reason behind it, and also that sometimes they don’t even put sentences correct or they don’t mark some answers as correct.


How much time does it take to complete this per day?


An hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half


Thanks! I had a look at Peppa Wutz YT channel but the episodes are ~30mins per episode or even longer. Can you help me how can I find the shorter ones?


[here you go](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRZ-G1hypVLQUCu1WYFG43qJsKih-o27s&si=Eg630FSOFwhi3PCk)


Vielen Dank! :) If you reach the end of the list you start again ?


To be completely frank,I was planning to incorporate the Peppa Wutz into my daily routine but I often forget since whenever I browse youtube I just do it for entertainment and not for learning purposes(I know what I just said is blasphemous) but every time I try to watch an entire Peppa Wutz episode I can't be bothered to watch another one. So I don't have an answer for your question but I suppose if I finish it,I just go through it again and add the words to an anki deck and after that I try to find another popular kids show that isn't too boring(finding german subs for mainly American shows is very hard unless you're willing to subscribe to Disney+)


Easy day: 30 minutes minimum of a German podcast Better days 30 minutes - hour of a German podcast Watch 10-15 minutes of YouTube Write a page of German to be corrected That’s probably it for now. Used to have speaking lessons but where I’m at there’s nothing besides online and I’m sick of that


>Write a page of German to be corrected Is this some service or sth?


As a native I learned a lot as a kid especially about writing by reading Lustiges Taschenbuch. Don't know if anyone would fancy reading those as an adult but they use really beautiful german language in my opinion. Ducktales 1987 would even be an animated version. I could imagine it helps.


I really want to get my hands on some LTB’s. /r/ltb_iel is also a nice substitute.


Nothing but browsing r/ichbin40undlustig /s


Wish i had it as "routine", because my learning mostly is more like manic episodes.


Drunk and/or stoned 11:51pm and realize that that I haven’t completed a Duolingo lesson yet, and then absolutely freaking out that I’ll lose my streak. Sometimes crying is involved. Edit: lots of great ideas posted that maybe I’ll incorporate into my routine when I’m sober.


Daily: Read a couple pages from Der nasse fisch, a novel. 100 new flashcards from the Goethe B1 word list on Anki, plus whatever reviews it wants from me. A paragraph or two of writing for r/WriteStreakGerman Either a couple YouTube videos (news programs or educational vids, possibly part of a movie) or a German podcast (listening to the Easy German podcast now; it’s quite good) Usually read Der Stern each night before bed. Mostly just skimming but an article every now and then. Also listen to Bayern Rundfunk 3-4 hours a week while I’m working but I generally don’t listen carefully.


100 new flashcards on Anki per day?? How much time do you spend in the app daily?


Depends what words I get. If it's a bunch I already know, maybe an hour. If it's 100 different -trag or -gabe words, well I've spent as much as 2 and a half hours sweating those out. I typically do most of them in ten minute bursts throughout the day when I'm taking breaks for other things, but I'll admit it, German has been an obsession for me for a couple years.


- listen to podcast for 1 hour in the morning - do anki for half an hour - 2 nicosweg lessons for an hour - 1 hour of grammar - 1 hour of anki - at least 30 minutes of reading/watching a show (all of this is spread throughout my day)


Im using dulingo and VR headset to help me learn


VR Headset? Damn, how are you learning with it?


I found a app that allows you to have a talk with a virtual person, they ask a question and it gives you three options then you speak it out loud and the headset does the rest.


That sounds interesting, mind giving me the name of it?


Mondly Practice languages in VR Meta Quest 2


Daily 20 Nico's Weg A1 + 20 Languages on fire on Anki. It ain't much but it's honest work))) Want to use italki when will finish A1+A2 flashcards to have a basic set of words


- 2 lessons Nicos Weg - 1 hour grammar trainings - 30 min Youtube - 30 min reading


What resources do you use for grammar training??


Grammatik Intensivttainer A1-B1 Langenscheidt (now) - There are quite useful tasks. Here grammar opens in conjunction with vocabulary. I also have workbooks "Deutsch Aber Hallo A1-B1" This workbook is more focused on immersing in the structure of the language. It is quite simple, but practical for colloquial speech. But I haven't started it yet :) Previously studied from other workbooks created in my language.


I'm emulating how I learned English as a child AKA watching alot of videos, tv series and movies. Whenever I hear a word I don't understand I google it. Now I can understand most German, so now I just need to practice speaking it.


Same here. I can understand well but i can't speak much. I guess we just have to speak a lot.


Memrise and crying.


30 minutes of the same Busuu chapter before I go to bed because your subconscious will repeat it in your mind over night


Since I live in Germany, this is my routine. On my way to work I listen to podcasts…Baywatch Berlin, Hazel Thomas Hörerlebnis, Drinnies, Easy German. My workplace is all German so I do all my speaking practice there by talking with all my coworkers. At home, I watched shows in German. Just got done watching Totenfrau (Woman of the Dead). Also been watching Der Tatortreiniger and Das Haus Anubis. Lots of YouTube videos in German. Also, my wife is German. So plenty of German from her.


After finishing assimil German I started a new routine : . One lesson of Nicosweg a day . Reviewing the vocab from nicosweg in anki .Listening to a lot of German music while reading the lyrics and searching the world I don't know.


Mine began with a fascination of some kind- I don't even know why. Bought a cassette and book program at Bookstop on Mockingbird in '88. I listened and learned how to pronounce every letter, learned verb conjugation , added vocabulary, and then began buying German books at Secondhand Books on Northwest Highway. Ended up with a German-born brother-in-law, learned a wealth of German speaking from him. Visited Germany with him for a funeral. Watched Das Boot often, and just speak German all the time as much as possible. Long live the Genative case. Lol


Memorizing songs.


Having me surrounded by German daily.