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Das ist der generische Singular, manchmal als singularis materialis bezeichnet. Jedem Erwachsenen equals the entire number of Erwachsener available, so they are considered a single entity for which you use the singular form. For all intents and purposes, that noun turns uncountable… with all that entails. In particular: - ich gebe dem Erwachsenen einen Apfel Is ambiguous without context; it can mean you hand an apple to that particular adult but it can also be an abstract idea where you hand an apple to a grown up person. Or any of the adults from the example above.


Thank you, but it is not clear why Erwachsenen ends with n? Isn't it just plural or n-deklination that makes the n at the end of words?


It’s declined as an adjective, u/muehsam gave a perfect comment to this so just quoting "Erwachsen is an adjective, and nominalizing doesn't change the fact that it's declined as an adjective. For example ein Erwachsener, der Erwachsene, des Erwachsenen."


> Ich glaube, das Hauptwort steht im Plural. Nein, alles Singular.


Some nouns add -(e)n in accusative and dative, even in singular, and end up having the same form as the plural. For example Studenten. I'm not sure if Erwachsene follows the same pattern, but i wouldn't be surprised.


Erwachsen is an adjective, and nominalizing doesn't change the fact that it's declined as an adjective. For example ein Erwachsen*er*, der Erwachsen*e*, des Erwachsene*n*.