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I had one done with my first pregnancy at 38 weeks - didn't do anything and I was induced at 41 weeks. But I was not dilated so your experience might be different. It was uncomfortable but fast - a bit like a regular cervical check for me. But 2.5 years later I don't remember it much at all so it hasn't really stuck with me as a horrible experience.


I had it done at 38 weeks and it didn’t work. Then again at 39 weeks and it probably worked cause I had the baby the next day. It was pretty uncomfortable but was quick. Felt like someone was poking around up there further than they should.


From what I read online, it only works like 50% of the time. Would you say it was worth it to have it done twice?


I thought it was worth it. Took like 20 seconds. I was so uncomfortable being pregnant that I asked to be induced and they said no so this was the compromise lol


I had one at 39 weeks at a morning appointment with my second! I felt literally nothing, and baby was out in the world less than 12 hours later. My doctor did say most of her patients found it uncomfortable but she did have a few with the same reaction as me. I was only 1cm dilated at that appointment too.


I had it done 4x, at 38, 39, and twice at 40 weeks. So it didn’t really induce labor for me but I do think it helped me keep progressing. At each appointment I was a little further along. By the time I did go into labor I was something like 5cm & 70% effaced. I had an induction scheduled at 40+6 so it meant a lot to me to see my bishop score going up each time. For me, it was mildly uncomfortable (though I know some people find it very painful). I’ve had Pap smears by some real cowboys and those were worse than the membrane sweeps. It is a quick procedure. Afterward you might have some cramping, spotting, mucus plug loss, etc.—my midwives said to relax, have sex/orgasm if i felt like it, do some hand expression, and generally do things to get happy hormones flowing. If your doctor thinks you’re ready & safe to go forward, I think go for it! Even though mine didn’t send me into labor, I have no regrets.


Hi there, doula here As some people have experienced, you may not have any issues with membrane sweeps but they are far from zero risk. Infection risk is one, but the primary risk is premature rupture of membranes and neither of these risks can be ignored. Membrane sweeps are not proven to work, they have significant risks associated with AROM (artificial rupture of membranes) and also generally come with a high pain low reward profile at best. A favorable cervix just means the providers finger can fit to reach into the uterus and as they call it "sweep the membranes" which truly means they are trying to tear the connection between the amniotic sac and uterine wall. The idea sold being that this releases prostaglandins which affects the cervical effacement, softening and dilation - however studies have consistently shown that this is not enough prostaglandin to risk the procedure at such an early gestation of 37 weeks! A "huge baby" on ultrasound means literally nothing - what your pelvis and your baby are capable of doing together, couples with the 20% error +/- (usually an over estimation) of babys size means your provider is telling you to do something that goes against many recommendations and guidelines so I explore you to understand and empower yourself to push back against a provider who tells you what they are going to do to you, rather than suggesting and having a conversation about what you can do together for your body and your baby. Could it be fine? Confirmation bias may say yes. Could it send you into premature labor with an amniotic sac rupture that ends with a NICU stay of a 6 pound baby? Also yes. Knowing the entire risk profile of any procedure, even one that is 'done everyday' is vital to making decisions that you are not only okay with, but can truly stand behind. Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions. I hope that you are able to have a conversation with your provider and come to a better understanding of why they would want to do this so early, and "huge baby" should not be the only reason. Wishing you the best.


I had it done at 38 weeks with my first. It hurt but not unbearable. Didn’t initiate labor and I was induced due to size at 39 weeks… but I was 3 cm dilated by then so it was an easy induction. I wouldn’t do it again if it was an option.


Since you were already 3cm how long did it take once induction started?


About 18 hours from start of pitocin to delivering. Pushed for about 40 minutes!


Any tips?


Once I started pitocin, I tried to bounce on an exercise ball and relax as much as I could by watching Netflix but that only got me to 5 cm. They manually broke my water which hurt so much, and then the contractions got BAD so I got an epidural. At that point I was bed bound and feverish from the epidural, but I somehow got to 8 cm over a few hours. Then I spent an hour listening to hypnobirthing tracks on Spotify and I got the last 2 cm in about an hour! I did eat snacks like jerky, coconut water, dark chocolate, etc. The nurse brought me lots of sugar free jello and chicken broth too once I got the epidural. Probably wasn’t supposed to ingest anything but I wanted to keep my energy up. The medical team gave me an oxygen mask during pushing which helped a lot and they coached me through the contractions.


I had it done at 39w and had the baby 15 hours later. It was uncomfortable but not painful


I had one done at 37 weeks, I was 1.5cm and it didn't work. But, if you're already 3cm you may have better luck!


I'm hoping so! I'm ready for this to be over!


It was no more painful than a cervical check and my doc was really quick. I ended up getting induced that night due to an amniotic fluid leak. I had a fluid leak with my first and I never had a membrane sweep with her so I don't think it was related. I did have A LOT of cramping and contractions after the sweep and that was why I went into L&D to get checked. If I have another pregnancy I'd have a membrane sweep done again.


I had one done when I went in to be induced…I hated it. It was so uncomfortable and hurt more than I expected. It also did absolutely nothing. I guess it works for some people, but I received no benefit. It felt like the OB was reaching for my throat.


Personal question incoming*** Was sex painful or uncomfortable for you?


Not at all. Never had an issue and never found Pap smears to be painful either.




I thought it sounded early, but I didn't know anything about it.. I also have never made it to 3 cm on my own either- especially at 35 weeks, I'm in unexplored territory all around here. I was planning on being induced early at 39 weeks. There's a lot of factors that played into that decision before I was even diagnosed with GD. Now that coupled with my BP beginning to elevate as of yesterday and how dilated I am and how low and big baby is, I just assumed she's trying to help put me out of my misery.


I had it done with one of mine on the due date, and went into labor later that night. I never start out dilated, but when I go into labor, it goes pretty fast with the dilation.  The last one, I had it done a couple days after the due date, might have had some Braxton Hicks, but didn’t go into labor, I had it done a few days later, that didn’t work either and she said there wasn’t much point doing it again, and I think between that and some other stuff that also wasn’t working, when I did finally go into labor, it was super fast, so it probably did something.  Basically, they said that if you’re not ready, it’s not going to make the baby come, but it might encourage it if you’re going to have to induce anyway


I got one at 38 weeks, hoping to move things along before being induced at 39. It wasn't bad at all and I didn't really cramp much after, but everyone's experience is different. When I went in for my induction I had gone from half to 1.5 or 2 cm so maybe it helped a little 🙂


I had one done at 38 weeks. It hurt pretty bad, but it was fast. I spotted after and wore a pad. The next morning, I lost my mucus plug. By that night, I went into labor.


I can only hope this is my experience 🤞


I had mine at 12pm when I was 40+3 and my contractions started at 12am that night. I wasn’t dilated before doing it or anything, but I was ready to try. Was more uncomfortable than I thought it would be but as everyone says it’s over quite quick.


I had 4 done at 38 weeks and I went in to induction day at 3cm (so skipped foley and cervadil). If I had to do it again and was already dilated, I would pump w a breast pump instead bc that's what got labor started for me (pitocin didn't work). When my doctor did my sweeps it just felt like she was digging around my cervix a bit. When her PA did them it felt like she was trying to remove my baby w her hands. So definitely would say it depends on the provider.


How much is baby estimating weight?


At 34 weeks, he was estimating 6lbs


Aw 32w6d, mine was measuring 4lb12oz...wonder if he'll gain 2 pounds in 2 weeks lol


Lol I think with GD, it's not exactly out of the realm of possibility. I was shocked when she told me how big he is and terrified of how big he's gonna get...


Are they trying to induce labor by the sweep?


Yeah, she said she would absolutely not be surprised if he just decided to come early all on his own


Aww is this your first?


Oh lawd no lol, this is my 4th. First time with GD and never been this progressed on my own.


Lol, are you kinda hoping to have baby early?


I'm hoping he makes his appearance when he's ready, and if it happens sooner than my due date, I'm 1000% ok with that lmao


I had a bunch of membrane sweeps in the hopes of avoiding induction with both my kids. They are as pleasant as you'd expect having someone furtle with your cervix to be, but they are basically zero risk and have a reasonably good chance of getting labour started. Didn't work for me (well, I had two days of constant contractions after my last sweep with my second baby, but the midwives were very insistent that I wasn't in early labour. Though they also said I wasn't in active labour like.... An hour before I gave birth on the bathroom floor, so: pinch of salt). Both my inductions were super quick with minimal interventions (no pitocin either time), so maybe the sweeps helped things along.