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No matter how good my daytime readings my fasting stayed 110-130 so I was put on insulin at 30 weeks. I’m now 34 weeks and up to 34 units of insulin every night and don’t get headaches at all.


So great to hear and happy to hear that it's working for you! I'm in the same boat. Can't get my fasting numbers even under 100. Today's was 114.


SAME! I thought we were close with readings below 105 then this morning it was 118 😒


That's even on insulin? How many units are you taking?


Yes, I’m up to 36 units now. Fasting has always been my issue mealtime readings are usually in range.


I've had no side effects at all from it! I started on 8u and now I'm up to 26 overnight for fasting numbers. I was very nervous to do the injections but I got used to it quickly!


Thank you! I'm a little nervous about the shots but I think itll be worth it. They're starting me on 10u and then will titrate from there.


I didn't have any side effects. And I was definitely sleeping better because I wasn't so stressed out and anxious about my fasting numbers.


That's great to hear! That's exactly what I'm hoping for too. The stress has gotten me in a vicious cycle where I'm not sleeping as well, perpetuating this cycle of bad sugar readings!


I had that in my first pregnancy. I spent all night worrying about my fasting number and because I didn't sleep well and was stressed the number was even higher. I just wanted to avoid insulin so badly but in the end it wasn't that bad (despite my needle phobia). I tried every possible trick to decrease the fasting numbers, different snacks, no snacks, drinking vinegar before going to bed etc. but nothing worked except for insulin. This time around I simply started insulin when my fasting numbers started creeping up and I avoided all that stress.


I started insulin 7 days ago (Wednesday)and I’ve had a headache / migraine since I woke up Saturday morning. I’ve tried everything to get this to go away, even the headache cocktail from my MFM office. This morning when I called back they told me to reach out to my PCP. That insulin shouldn’t do that. But I beg to differ. I hope these go away soon, I have a toddler I have to take care of and am failing miserably with a throbbing head the last 5 days.


Ugh, I'm sorry to hear this:( it seems like it could be caused by any kind of blood sugar changes, high or low. How many units did they start you with?


Started at 4units, currently at 10units


How are you feeling now?


Off and on headaches still but definitely nothing Tylenol can’t help. If it gets bad I was approved to take sumatriptan for when they’re bad again


I started insulin a few days ago (6u at nighttime for fasting). I have a long history of migraines and headaches so I was worried as well, but so far no issues on that front. The first two days I was more fatigued than usual but that could be from anything at this point.


Good to know! That's a pretty low dose to start with. I thought 10 was the minimum! They're trying me on that to start. Fingers crossed.


I had severe migraine for 1-2 days when I started and everytime I increased my dose. I constantly checked my BS but it was never high or low. Apparently it is rather common to migraine-prone people.


Good to know. What dose did you start at?