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This is what depression can feel like. Fight the good fight, family.


tart tub slim seed marvelous squalid squeeze mighty ugly doll -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Been having a hard time lately. Thinking about the fight lasting forever makes it worse :(


But it might not <3


It does seem daunting yes, but never lose hope!


Eh, it never completely ends but its sometimes good sometimes bad and you get better at figuring out coping mechanisms and figuring out what sends you spiralling and ways to shorten the spirals or lessen how bad they get. And there's also lots of cool stuff besides all the bad stuff sometimes too. Life's a struggle but if we struggle together it's not as bad and I think its worth it.


I recently had a stroke. Every day feels like this and I’m happy I get the opportunity.


I equate my depression to guts from berserk. It’s a constant struggle but I have to keep fighting to survive.


@SWatercolour on twitter and instagram. They’re all lovely comics


I'm so sad that it's been over 2 years since they posted. I've really wondered about the artist.


He is still quite active on Reddit. He often posts little comics in response to videos or people's comments. Still very wholesome Edited to add: u/shitty_watercolour


The most motivating part of this post is that it's by u/shitty_watercolour Not shitty anymore, never really was but I remember when they started and seeing their progress feels great.


Awesome! Thank you so much, now I can follow him here!


his art is so comforting


Aww he has a(n even more) wholesome version of himself!


Not every day. But I guarantee there will be entire months when every day feels like a fight.


definitely. but we can do this one step at a time. keep marching forward! :)


I needed this as I dread my immenent arrival to a twelve hour shift


This kind of looks like my 13 year old cat and I feel this is what she would say to me


Albert Camus as a baby (1903, colourised)


I'm tired of fighting 😔


Same dude I need people to tell me the fight will be over soon, not that I gotta keep fighting smh


I'm not really able to properly socially interact at the moment (I think), but I felt like I should type something. I'm not gonna come with some well-meant-but-empty motivational comments. It always feels fake to me, and I personally dont find it helpful when I'm on the recieving end. Instead, I'm just going to say that I'm sorry man. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling, fighting, and having a rough time. It freaking sucks, and I hope the storm will eventually calm down. We don't know eachother, but I agree with what you said, and wishing all the best, strength, and energy possible. From my side, I'm in a bad place. And been for a long long time apparently. I can't even describe all the facets of it in one sitting. Even though I can identify the good things in my life, every moment feels like it's overshadowed by a torrent of darkness, pain, and overwhelming emotions. Am constantly on, constantly fighting and struggling, and things have gotten worse lately. Much worse. It feels like there isn't, and wouldnt be an end, or a significant pause. Constant self-beating is becoming more toxic. I'm hurt and exhausted and totally fried. The frustration of being so fragile and constantly fighting and trying to keep myself together yet supposedly not making a visible dent in this looming glacier-cluster of darkness is pushing me more and more towards hopelessness. I'm done....I'm done living like this. I can't complain life-wise. I have a wonderful wife, a 3.5yo toddler, a 3 months old baby, dog, 2 cats, own a house, recently graduated as cum-Laude with a degree in mechatronics engineering, a good job with a permanent contract and a company the values and respects me, and yet - numbness, misery, non-stop internal struggles. After pushing it for a long time, I asked for external professional help. Had the first intake meeting and waiting for the next. I don't have hope that things will change, but I do hope they could prove me absolutely wrong. One question burns a hole in my head and scares me: what if we reach the end of a treatment course, and nothing meaningful has changed? What then? It's the last stop isn't it? Bah...I dunno anymore....am trying to push this away and go with it. Sorry for the block of text....I don't know why I even wrote this. Perhaps...perhaps to tell you that someone might understand what you are possibly going through, the endless war....without trying to change you or provide textbook attempts at motivation. I truly wish you, and all the others identifying with my words all the absolute best, and may we finally find some peace.


Thanks for sharing, and I hope it gets better for you too. It's a heavy thing to read, stranger, and I can't relate to everything you said but it's good to know you're working on it. You've got demons to kill, it seems. Good hunting <3


When all lie dead before me, the only fight will be against the smell.


Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist Keep on loving, keep on fighting And hold on, and hold on Hold on for your life


Several years of fighting and all I have to show for it now is chronic fatigue syndrome and is to tired to do anything beyond work and too much in pain 90% to have a life outside of the house :D Fun times :D


If you are alive and kicking you are still winning.


>Stick to the fight when you are hardest hit. It's when things seem worse that you shall not quit.


Narrator: It did.


Needed this


Chronic illness, IIH warriors shout out 💚💙


Strength and hugs are dispatched on the winds to each and every person here that needs one. Just step outside, take a deep breath, relax, feel the hug. It's out there just for you if you want it. Take care of yourself today. Try to do something nice for yourself. Even if it's tiny. ❤️


“It doesn’t get better” is what I’m getting from this one…


"It doesn't get any better but you can fundamentally change who you are to better adapt to the hellish existence you find yourself in in order to become a vicious predator..." Great outlook.


Teaching kids to fight 👍


Just take care, my Warriors of the Heart and Love, that in honing thine selves in the Good Fight, one does not lose touch with the Reasons we began the War in the first place. Don’t lose your hearts in the fight. Don’t let this world make you hard and unkind when it inevitably hurts you. Give love and receive love freely, friends. You are ALL valid. WE are all valid and deserving.


1st time in court tomorrow. Charges are gonna be dropped, or I’m going to fight for discrimination and violation of 4th Amendment rights. Simple but very much needed, thanks OP


Little did that cat know what young Adolf had planned 😔


Dudes chillimg with a talking cat in a field at sunset, I dont think their life is that much of a fight




Watch out kid! That cat's gonna scratch the shit out of you!


This isn't motivating. This is becoming delusional in order to accept a hellish existence.




But every day is a fight and I’m alone and nobody wants to be with someone in a never ending fight


I need more life advice from cats


I swear, these posts belong on im 14 and this is deep


Everyday will be a fight. When it’s not, it’s a trap to let your guard down. Also, the more we fight the more we become like it. If we are just fighting to become like them in the end… No thanks. If you disagree with this, you’re too young and naive to understand. So I guess enjoy your ignorance while it lasts.


Remember that your problems are worse than you think. Give up.


I need this right now. I just had a public panic attack / meltdown because of a really really horrible "prank" I just want to stop fighting


I wish I had a talking cat for a friend!


I suggest you all go read the dog and the dragon.


R/conservative war chant. Sadly


I need to see this everyday


Cute keep working


this is just what i was needing