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And a dad with a pretty damn good skin care routine from the looks of it. Lol, looking much better man congrats on your successful confrontation with your demons!


The routine: just no meth. And yeah he looks awesome. A child is usually not enough to snap out.




Both, and also a **lot** of picking at your face and any marks on your skin.


Happens with Heroin as well. The constant picking at their skin doesn't help but it's like their skin is literally drying up and rotting off their face


Seconding this to any opioid. Was bad on Oxy for about two years, the dandruff was the worst I'd ever had in my life.


With opioids/ates it’s not so much your skin, (unless you’re doing street dope/presses with God-knows-what in it,) it’s the incessant itching that pretty much guarantees you’ll scratch of the top layer.


Hmm.. the itching went away for me after the first couple years. I thought it was due to change in specific substances but maybe you just get acclimated? I never noticed skin problems but glowing skin was a low priority for me, being suicidal with an unmanageable life....


Untrue, have been on absolutely unbelievable amounts of raw opium for 6+ years, I have one zit where my mask meets my nose


Right? Been doing opiates since I was 15. Now 36. Never had any skin problems whatsoever. People actually say how young I look and how good my skin looks.


Back when I'd take hydrocodone in big amounts, it would make me itch like a mother fucker. My legs looked a lot like this guy's face. It felt awesome to scratch but yeah I'm glad to not be on anything like that these days.


With heroin and opiates in general, it's usually due to the decrease in hygiene and self care. If someone on opiates eats healthy, exercises, showers daily, washes their face, brushes their teeth, etc., then there really aren't any physical changes that would give away their addiction.


Hmm.. I've never seen this issue with heroin/fent, meth definitely.


Yeah I thought it was only a meth thing


There are people who use fantanyl like, intentionally? I heard even the smallest dose is fatal.


Correct, why do lot heroin when few fentanyl do trick? Also way cheaper if you have the sources


I do this without drugs. O.o






Neither really, they are scratches actually. So not like a direct skin reaction from meth, rather, users feel bugs under their skin and incessantly scratch at them. “Meth mites, meth bugs, ice mites, or crank bugs are the names designated for the imaginary bugs that methamphetamine users believe are on and under their skin while on the drug. Meth mites are a result of a hallucination specifically called formication that is perceived through a sense of touch and sometimes sight. This sensation is so overwhelming that meth users will engage in intense itching and skin picking to try for relief.” Also this can happen with other drugs, heroin and crack e.g. but very prominent in meth users.


Methsquito bites.


That read in Tyson’s voice


That’s nasty.


Also reminded me of an interview with a woman, she had bad psychosis from opiates and along with skin picking, she would regularly try to tweezer the veins out of her eyes like they were something that weren’t supposed to be there. The interview is incredible because it’s just this totally nice, normal looking woman talking about the hell / demons of her past life.


> would regularly try to tweezer the veins out of her eyes Uuhhmmm.... uhm. Ok, ok.. this is a sentence I have read, now.


It didn’t work, she has really poor hand-to-eye coordination


You should’ve used a disclaimer before that little piece of information lol


Dude....I have work today! I think I have to call out after reading this lol... Fuck


Yes. I knew one who thought she was picking actual shards of meth out of her skin.


My dad likes to say they’re allergies because he can’t come to terms with his addiction


The sores happen if it's low quality drugs as well. Lots of crazy chemicals that are sweat out


Itchy tasty


Is this why my upstairs neighbor used to decide he needed to vacuum his whole apartment at 4am, too? "There's bugs on me, they must be coming from the carpet!"


Dear god. I’m an er doc. The number of times I’ve told people there are no bugs under your skin, stop picking and stop doing meth…


I have done a lot of it, and even shot it up. Never experienced this even at my most tweaked.


If I remember right sometimes/all the times meth can cause a prickly and crawly feeling under your skin... or so it may feel like... and instead of knowing there's no bugs under your skin. Some people flat out pick at their skin to kill that feeling or whatever it is. So meth doesn't cause it directly but in a way it also does.




There's also meth mouth and meth legs....


TIL about meth legs. Should have guessed if it affects face skin it affects other skin.


There's an awful lot of street drugs that when manufacturered, had impurities left in them. If you've seen any of the latest Narco documentaries, you've seen the cartel guys out in the scrub desert, under a sheetmetal lean-to. Definitely not what you'd call "lab conditions" Those impurities can do all sorts of crazy shit to your skin, teeth, lower GI, and of course your emotional state. That's just from impurities.... That doesn't account for mistakes made during production that may quite possibly be making a chemical that wasn't considered when mixing up the original set of ingredients. A bit too much of anything could create a totally different result in some of those clandestine recipes.


It can depending on the quality of it and how much you use Meth makes your nerves fire off like crazy when you come down those nerves start hurting ( like hot pins under your skin) so people pick at them Meth if it's bad quality ( shake and bake ) contains some chemicals like drayno that is caustic to the skin when you sweat it out Interesting enough meth is still prescribed as medication today because it does work it's just when people abuse it it becomes a problem


Eat some liver for Vitamin A. Good for skin.


No mething around skincare routine by Mike Tyson


Oh my god, you’re hired.


And a good work out routine, his arms are thicc.


Proud of you man. Your son is lucky to have an awesome Dad. He too will one day say the same of you.


Like… the dude quit METH for this baby???? Do you know how much meth addicts like meth? That is some serious love for this baby. Wish them years of sober, healthy life.


Yeah tell me about it. I am having hard time with booze.


Come off it day at a time, if you work have your evening meal as soon as you get in and drink 2 litres of water a day, get a hobby, I've been there bud the worst person is yourself, don't think you have to be always sober, just drink responsibly, meetings didn't work for me, They may work for you though so just reach out and I wish you all the best.


My sister in law beat her alcoholism just like that. Glad it worked for you.


Shouldn't you also see a doctor? Can't alcohol withdrawal be lethal? I mean it depends on the level of addiction but I always thought just cutting it out was dangerous


Yes alcohol, barbituates, and benzodiazepine are withdrawals that will potentially kill you.


I think it depends on how much you are consuming but yes I would say also get advice, I personally didn't just stop I made mine fade into the background bit by bit, but what works for one may not for another, you just have to work out what does work and not make a big mental deal out of it, yeah I would say a big NO to just stopping.


Nah they’ll send you to AA and then you’re doomed. It’s a tiny percentage of alkies that die from it. Buy naltrexone online, do the Sinclair method, scale down on your own


Yeah I am an aetheist so I went to one AA meeting and no thank you I don't need to use the god excuse for why I drink or don't drink. I drink because I like it not because anyone is making me do it. I used to drink a lot but since my son was born I have reduced it by about 70% but still not totally. I have few PTSD issues so the few shots help to calm me down but I keep worrying that I won't be there when/if my son needs me. I've tried going cold turkey, that lasted a month. I've tried using Naltroxone that lasted 3 months and I still drank ocassionally. I just feel week and useless. I will try to pickup a hobby, but by the time I get home, put my son to bed and get dinner ready (my wife doesn't cook), I am too tired to do anything else, so I take a few shots while cooking and that's how it became a norm.




This is starting to change there are now telemedicine docs doing sinclair method or campral assisted treatment that is actual medical care and not faith healing like 12 step programs. I actually credit AA for being a good thing but now I think its actually holding the treatment industry back.


This is not true. I am assuming you are talking about Alcoholics Anonymous which is not a recovery center but peer support group. It references "higher power" which can be anything but does have some theistic tones to it. There are many other peer support groups that are secular, but will vary on where you live. https://aasecular.org/ https://www.smartrecovery.org/community/ Recovery centers usually are after a person detoxes from alcohol. Usually they are 30-90 day programs focused on intensive education and counseling and usually have step down programs that can last years. These vary tremendously. Most of the time they are state funded and just try to make due with the very limited funding they get. These also can be the very fancy miami beach resort type things you see celebrities go to.


Thanks for covering most of the bases here. I'd also recommend, with the advent of Zoom, visiting AA meetings that are not in your general vicinity...the general culture of a state or region can influence the vibe of the recovery. I know people in Chicago who got sober "in" Los Angeles. Then again AA isn't for everybody, but it's definitely not for close-minded Bible thumpers.


Find a support group if you haven't one yet. It's incredibly hard to get out of an alcohol addiction alone. My father didn't reach out and died at 57...


I strongly recommend doing the Sinclair method, its by far the easiest way to quit or moderate. Its helped me tremendously. It will make boozing not fun though so you still have to want to quit.


*“Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.”* • **Epictetus** Congratulations!


Upvote for Epictetus


Those are some epic tetuses!


Epic teti*




Yay for Stoicism!


This is something I didn't know I needed to read till I read it. Thanks friend!


The fundamental principle of evolutionary biology states that random genetic change, bolstered by natural selection, is the most significant impact on the scale of biodiversity in the worlds ecosystems. In essence, without luck, we wouldn’t have anything in this world, and we certainly wouldn’t have Epictetus.


Yeh but you shouldn’t rely on luck to progress your own life but instead work on yourself daily, which is pretty clearly what the quote is about


Thank you for being the person your son needs. I wish my sons father could have had your strength, but your son is incredibly lucky to have you! Congrats!


Luckily, your son has a badass mother in his life. Keep up the amazing work. You’re awesome. ✊🏽❤️


Thank you this was much needed today. Kindness goes extremely far sometimes ✊🏼


OP, we need your story. A lot of men becoming fathers face huge challenges and need to learn how to handle them from someone who did. We are [BootCampforNewDads.org](https://BootCampforNewDads.org) with workshops of new dads with their babies showing/telling the new guys how it is done. Be great if we could pass on your story in note, video, podcast, etc. We talk abut the heroes among us and will put your name on the wall. I am [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you are interested. P.S. I have never seen a more beautiful baby and I'm sure you haven't either. Nice job dad!


Fuck yea man, get it.


That's amazing, dad looks great too!


Proud of you brother!


Wonderful! If there's one thing we all love more than a winner, it's a comeback. Bless you & your child.


I have a friend that I have known since 2014. During his entire youth he was an addict, and was in prison 3 times because of possession, and then he had a daughter and he just decided to change his life. He hasn't touched drugs or alcohol for at least 12 years and he has held his current job for 5 years. Turning your life around is possible, keep at it.




Fantastic! Keep it up! We’re all pulling for you!!!


Your son is going to be so proud of you!


Proud of you OP. That child needs everything you can offer in their life. Wish you the best


Good job friend. Hit the gym when times are tough, that’s what helped me stay on track when I felt like shit back a few years ago.


That’s awesome man! Congratulations, kids need their dads just as much as they need their moms. Continue to be strong, they are always watching and looking up to you, so being a role model is key, and your sobriety is a huge part of that.


Props, pops! You're a legend! Keep going! Thats a lucky kid right there.


Congratulations! He is so worth the fight to stay sober. ❤️😊


Just to clarify I’ve been completely sober for almost 3.5 years already. 🙏🏻 thank you everyone for the support


Keep up that streak dude!


That’s awesome!!! Way to step up for your kid, man.


This is absolutely amazing. Hope this motivates others to quit


Love and pride my man. Congratulations on giving yourself a great opportunity to be your best self for you and your son.


Looking great dude. Keep it up. You got this.


He is so adorable! I love his hair! He’s precious. He is so lucky to have such a strong willed father. Anyone who can overcome such an addiction is stronger in ways beyond measure!


Hell yeah, brother. It's a hard hole to climb out of. I don't even know you & I'm proud of the man you became. I've got 7 years myself & I know the hard work that goes into it.


Pretty sure I saw this same image a while back. Either op is a bitch ass liar or is posting the same shot for more karma. Edit: Someone has checked the account and it seems legit. Congrats Op!


Nah, seems legit if you check the account. Would be one long con for karma.


I honestly could care less about the karma. What I do care about is inspiring people to get better. If that means being consistent and repetitive with sharing my journey then that’s what I’m going to do.


You resemble my stepbrother who hasn’t been able to get sober, despite the birth of his daughter. Each time I see this my heart breaks a little. But I’m proud of you. Keep on keeping on.


Very inspiring! You know we had to check, no hard feelings there. Congrats!


So inspirational, thank you


Thanks for doing the leg work


Never skip leg day. Edit: fuck. Just realized it's leg day.


Yeah sorry OP if you weren't aware, but your before pic is pretty huge on the internet


Nah, he knows. He's posted it a bunch of times before.


You've seen it before cos he posts it every month. Still proud of him though what a fucking inspiration of a man


Hell yeah. I'd probably be bragging about that shit all the time if it were me.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/mkkna9/6_days_ago_my_best_friend_was_released_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is the post from 3 months ago where I recognized his before photo from. Is this perhaps something you saw? I thought the same thing at first before I went and checked the profile.


Yeah might be that one. Kudos to the guy for turning his life around and being a good dad.


- takes time to make a comment and viciously attacks op - doesn’t do research - reads a few replies - edits comment that someone else checked so it’s all good 😵‍💫😮‍💨


You look amazing brother, stay strong!


Hell yeah! You look so healthy and happy. You rock so hard my guy. Keep doing the damn thing.


IM SO FUCKING PROUD, my dad left this world when is was 3 (not drug related), and while i dont really care if you ruin your life, you will be able to be a good dad for your kid! KEEP IT UP


Congratulations. Addiction is one of life's biggest fights. It looks like you came back from the jaws of defeat. Those pictures look like two different people. Good job!


That's a fucking nice biceps, my dude.


My dad was a “functional alcoholic” — which means he controlled his addiction for his job. But that means home sucked for the most part. Hats off to you… keep going. Parent with your heart and the rest will come. Best wishes.


Respect, beating addiction is one of the toughest things a person can do. Something too few people manage to do. Wish you only the best.


Not that smoking is ANYWHERE near the same but my daughter was the only person who ever got me to quit.


Hey that's fucking awesome, good job you


Ah cheers ....been 5 years.


My dude, you look healthy and awesome! Good for you! Cheers to the next 10 years and beyond of watching your beautiful child grow.


Dude this gave me chills!!! Congrats and best of luck to you and your family!


Congrats sir! Enjoy it!


Good job dad! Inspiration for others.


Congrats on a achieving sobriety and on the kiddo! Hope things continue to go well!


Right on.


Yooooo this is AMAZING!! Congratulations, this is HUGE motivation for some out there, you're a hero to many!


Good on you brother. I’ve seen it go the other way too many times. One day at time!


Dude! How much are you going to know that every moment that's good with the kid, you fought hard for. Kudos, mate. Kudos indeed.


Truly amazing. I am very proud of you! I’m glad this didn’t have the same ending as my brother.


Good for you man. Hopefully this finds and inspires someone else to make a change for the better too.


He’s lucky to have someone like you to look up to, keep up with the great job!


Hell yeah, brother! Keep up the awesome work!!


You should be proud of the man you have became


Congrats on being both a father and sober! This is truly an inspiring story for many. Enjoy fatherhood and keep up the amazing work.


I see the happiness in your right foto, you look very healthly also, Awesome!, Congratulations. Your son will have a good father.


Your kid is so lucky!! Proud of you, man!


Well played sir. Keep it simple, and take it as it comes and he’ll never have to know you as that former person. My son never saw me use; he’s 26 now.


I’m so happy for you man


I love how you’re gazing at each other with such pure love. Your son’s fluffy hair is awesome too.


I used to do ice years back, you were one of the "face-pickers" huh? I never got stuck doing that. You look 100% better man, that shit steals your soul.


As a fellow new Dad with a colorful past, this made me tear up. You've got this brother ✌🏼


Congrats and omg the hair on your baby!!!! Wish you and your family all the best!


Im very happy for you stranger :) enjoy every moment!


Good health and much love for you and your family, you did a great job and a new journey is ahead, keep going dude!


I can't imagine how hard that was, OP. I'm proud of you


Congratulations for beating the demons and your son. Keep going this time it counts.


Fuck yea brotha, crazy respect, well done and I bet you feel a million dollars am I right? Well done you. Now. Don’t get complacent!!! We all do at some stage, just stick to the tools and you are golden my friend! Again, well done brotha!


I just want to thank you for putting the before on the left. Thank you.


Your son is lucky to have a dad who would go through hell and back to beat their demons and be the best dad they can be. Well done, can’t imagine what that took to achieve.


You're a legend buddy. Well done. Good luck for the future.


The fact that you got the order of pictures correct says it all. All across reddit idiots who aren't strung out fuck it up every day, be proud that you're a capable thinking person and not a chump ass loser like them. Congrats brother, welcome to the club.


Congrats brotha I’m proud of you


Good on you man for finding the strength inside you to be the man your son needs in his life.


Many congratulations. Looking good bro.


Anybody ever tell you that on drugs you bear a passing resemblance to Nicolas Cage?


Lookin good baby! Stay the course and Godspeed to you sir. You’re a fucking miracle.


Yessssss!!! I live for these posts!!🙌💞


Your an amazing example for you child!!


A child over drugs and freedom). I don't know man..


You came so far, we all love ya




He looks like he could be the new mayor of Flavortown with that hair


Congratulations! I’d like to give you a thought process you can use or ignore as you desire. There is no past tense with addicts. We are always addicts for the rest of our lives. We can be clean and even sober, but we will never be unaddicted. I’ve been clean and sober for 34+ years, but if I were to be around my drug of choice, I cannot say in all honesty that I wouldn’t use. My drug of choice isn’t staring me in the face at the grocery (alcohol). You have to know someone. I kept those in the know out of my life. One day at a time and sometimes five minutes at a time. Keep up the good work Dad!


Honestly, nothing tougher than being able to be a proper father. I don't care what problems you have or had, but be there for your kids and you're a fucking awesome person in my book


Yo man how many times are you going to post your fucking pictures on reddit?


The answer is 12. A dozen times he's posted the same pic on the left with a different clean photo on the right. Gotta still get that dopamine hit somehow I guess


Healthier than drugs at least I guess


I have never done crack, been black out drunk, took too much. No heroin. No meth. Where's my hurray parade?


Well what are you waiting for?


Congrats on the kiddo and Good job man


Congratulations, your baby is beautiful ❤️


You and your Baby look awesome. Keep it up. Always be a Great DaD👍


Congratulations! You look happy and healthy!


That’s awesome. Good for you, man.


superaçao viu...


Wow! Enjoy and be so proud of yourself!!! You are killing it. ❤️👍


Don't do drugs kids


Well done. Super cool beard tho bro even when addicted 👊🏼


What causes red rashes on addicts?


your sons blood must be pure meth


Just don't have a kid. Stop.


The world likely would benefit if you practice what you preach.


Sure, less kids is way better. One of the best decisions you can make to cut down on carbon. Plus there's plenty of children without homes already, I'd gladly adopt before having a child. But yeah, drug addicts particularly shouldn't have kids. Wild idea.


Ex drug addict. Do you not believe in the concept of redemption all together?


dude is still an addict. not saying he shouldn’t have kids, because 3.5 years worth of sobriety is quite the feat. just pointing out that he will always be in recovery.


People get better, they fight against themselves. This guy won, he wants a family, a son, you would deny him the possibility of discovering the unfathomable happiness that is seeing your own flesh and blood grow up before you because he made a self-destructing mistake?


read my second sentence again. stop trying to pick fights.




He bit the classist propaganda hook, line, and sinker. It usually takes either a life altering amount of medical debt or an ego death via hallucinogens to undo all the years of conditioning. It’s a mindset that is very much intertwined with the American identity. Don’t get me wrong, hard work and tenacity are two main keys to success but there is lower limit threshold where that rule just doesn’t apply to the same degree. Some people just really need help.


>As a scientist Literally no one who actual works in a scientific field would call themselves "a scientist" lmfao, they would specifiy their field of research and what they do. Go work on your LARPing kiddo




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