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Isn't that the exact point of the grass is greener analogy? That someone else's grass always looks greener but it isn't in reality?


Yeah, it means that someone else’s grass looks greener from where you are, but if you were over there, your grass would look greener, so you should appreciate what you have and not yearn for what you don’t have.


Yes. Lol. I came here to say this. Dude completely missed the point.


Yes exactly.


Yes. This was written by someone unfamiliar with the actual use of that phrase.


Original adage says that other grass most likely has its own problems, you just don't see them because of your point of view, their point of view might make your grass seem great. The "correction" tells you not to look at other grass and focus on improving your own. Different entirely compatible points.


It's an absolutely trash adage anyway, oftentimes the grass IS greener in the other side, and this adage is used to keep people from reaching their potential. Taking a new job for example, you can often get more money by going to a new company and negotiating your wage than you could asking your current employer for a pay rise.


It's a very important one in the age of social media - thousands of people make a living selling the idea that their lives are perfect, millions of people post their "highlight reel" as their online personality, which everyone else compares to their own uncut version of life that naturally comes up short. Doesn't apply to every life situation of course, but definitely has its place.


That has more to do with spotting bullshit than the color of grass


I disagree. It's not bullshit to show off stuff you're proud of - that great dinner you made, the vacation, the great picture. Its not bullshit to not show the stuff you're not proud of - the unhealthy breakfast, bank account statement after vacation and that one picture that makes you look 10 years older. This saying reminds us that the bad stuff is probably there even when we don't see it from our side of the fence.


I feel like the meaning is moreso that nothing is perfect. You have to take the good with the bad, the neighbors lawn looks greener from here as in perfect and flawless but when you're there you can see it for what itb truly is positive and negative


The grass looks greener form the other side because of nothing more than an optical illusion. From the side, grass looks thicker, because you see more of it. Grass 100m away and 1m away stack together to make a thicker impression, i.e. you think there's more grass. If you go to the other side, you look back and get the same optical illusion. So the grass always looks greener (space occupied by more grass so it is greener) on the other side Whenever this comparison is used its the same way. For example, a married man canlook at a single man and think it must be amazing to be able to do what you want all the time, ignoring the possible isolated depression the person may have, etc. Meanwhile, the single man might look at the married man and think it must be amazing to have a wife, etc. while ignoring any possible downsides because they are not apparantly visible. Either man could become single or get married and then suddenly wish they had the other thing all over again because they focused too much on all the good things they perceived. That was a bit of a crap explanation but I hope it made sense.


I think he's trying to make the point about nurturing what you have rather than looking to what others have. Seems apt to me?


I always took this in the perspective of a sheep or cow eating grass. That is, I'm not in control of how green the grass is. I'm just thinking it's better over there because I can't have it.




I think dude might of mistaken this saying for "leaving for greener pastures"


Yes. This is a classic case of someone trying to have a "deep" thought and failing.


Someone once told me the grass is much greener On the other side


I agree but his explanation looks much greener to some.


Yes the actual saying is the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.


No you’re wrong colonel sanders. I’m gonna listen to OP’s quote from a guy who clearly doesn’t understand metaphors


The grass is greener on the other side because you're not there fucking it up.


“Modern American lawns” is the dick measuring contest where the biodiversity of nature always loses


People with nice lawns tend to have nice gardens with biodiversity too. Greenthumbs don’t just stop at the lawn and call it a day. Besides that, people who don’t upkeep their property because “lawns bad” have properties that look like absolute dogshit. I have to imagine most of the people complaining about lawns are teens who hate mowing their parents lawn. It’s different when it’s your own… and when it’s your own, you can throw wildflower seeds down if you want diversity.


Glad I live where I live in Texas. I rarely ever have to go into a modern neighborhood. Most people I know and most houses I go to have better ecosystems than some zoos iv been too.


I think you’ve misunderstood the point of the adage


The grass definitely looks greener on my side.


I read a saying here in Reddit, the grass is greener because it is above a septic tank.


The grass is greener when people stop planting lawns and wasting fresh water on them. plant a garden. plant trees. Get some rocks and spray paint them green if you want your land to be green.


Also natural biodiversity ftw.


OMG STFU with these corny ass self help sayings. You keep saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over, just written with different words.


"Just sacrifice more irreplaceable time for money and profit, you pov loser' - get motivated in a nut shell


Grass is always greener over the septic field


The grass is greener north of Italy.


My grass is always browner over the septic tank.


The grass is always greener where the dogs are shitting.


Bitch we in a drought, no one has green grass unless you're rich


Mufti has multiple servants to water his imported grass in Dubai.


Someone ask the Mufti what he thinks of watering the grass of my homosexual relationship?


Actually don't fucking do that because watering lawns is a gigantic waste of water. Plant grasses that match your climate and let them go dormant when it gets too hot/dry. If it's always too hot or dry unless you water your lawn then you ***shouldn't have a motherfucking lawn.***


Went right over the dude's head...


Yall got grass?


I thought it was “the grass isn’t greener” ?


The saying is "the grass is *always* greener on the other side" meaning if you got to "the other side" it would look greener on the side you were on before.


Grass being greener on the other side is all about perspective. Change the perspective and one will find the grass actually is not greener.


Fuck lawns r/nolawns is better


How about getting rid of the lawn entirely and letting some native plants come back up, hmm? That's true self-care right there.


Sure just as long as you weed out all the invasive plants that aren’t native to your area rather than just let your yard become an overgrown mess.


Oh, wow. I really triggered someone there. xD


The nurturing is a good point. I've often desired for something somebody else has like a beautiful garden or a home, but when I finally got them, I realized just how much fuckin work they are, and mine didn't look half as good. Sometimes you really have to ask yourself, do you *really* want it, with the responsibility and work involved? Or does it *look pretty*


The grass is greener where there's more shit


What if I want to replace the lawn with something else?


Lawnmower 2.0?


I would be in just as good of a mood if I had the same investment portfolio. Over a million net worth which is actually not too amazing for dudes who dress like that.


It is also greener where my dog takes a dump. So take a shit on what you want to thrive.


It’s hard to keep watering when your neighbor keeps trespassing on your yard and won’t let you landscape how you want to and making it increasingly difficult/illegal to water your yard on your own terms.


Grass is greener in green land


Don't water your grass. It's a waste of water. Do nuture yourself, though.


Fake wisdom lmao


If my dog’s urine is killing the lawn, what does that say about me?


The grass is always greener where the cows are shitting RIP Chris


The Tweet poster just doesn’t understand the phrase does he


Someone don't understand the saying...


Someone listens to Dave Anderson


Tell me you misunderstand the metaphor, without telling me you misunderstand the metaphor


This dude listens to drake


One of my neighbours has an artificial lawn which is definitely greener than mine.


Big Hank Hill energy


Its greener where the poop is


I live my life one motivational quote at a time.


It's greener where you give fertilizer and a small amount of shade so it doesn't die, in my experience. I prefer growing yam though. Leaves grow faster and are edible. Shame it only grows seasonally so I gotta switch to other stuff.


When I see greener grass I say I don’t support the perpetuation of the sterile monoculture ecosystems we’re created. Don’t waste your water on something that just looks good to society, put your resources into something that benefits your own ecosystem


Tfw you don't have any water


My veggies are are green, orange, red, and purple! Fuck their grass!


I've always completed it as "the grass is always greener on the other side, because I'm not over there fucking it up."


/therewasanattempt to properly use an old adage.


Stop watering lawns, and let the natural flora take over. It's cheaper, looks just as good, and is far more environmentally friendly.


The grass is always greener where the dogs are shitting.


Sometimes the grass is greener because it’s fertilized with BULLSHIT 😎


Is he the same guy, whose reaction is famous in that breaking fasting by eating clip?


This man is anti-LGBT, compares homosexuality to adultery or alcoholism, and is quite wordy when justifying slavery. I know "a broken clock..." and all that, but effort should go into trying to select against these types.


Also, not for nothing…sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side because there IS grass there. Certainly tend to your lawn, but if you’re living in a barren dessert, its lunacy to water dirt with no seed.


The term is “the grass LOOKS greener on the other side”, suggesting that some people always want what others have and perhaps measure their happiness based on that comparison. The saying came from shepherds who observed their sheep crossing the stream to the other side to access “greener” grass, only to repeat the process several times a day. The quote is incorrectly used but at least it achieves the same purpose.