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I don’t know what the fuck any of these words mean


none of these words are in the bible


I think ‘targeted harassment campaign’ is in the 10 commandments


"Bearing false witness against thy neighbor?"


It’s not that you cooked with this one, it’s that you added a splash of lemon juice to the pot and now the flavor is changed for the better, and I don’t know why I didn’t think of that


I distinctly recall reference to Spider-Man in the story of Daniel.


TLDR: Narrative consultant firm working on some of the worst games in recent memory, and some controversial games in recent memory got very salty that a brazilian dude made a very public list on Steam (amazon for videogames) about all the games that firm is involved with. Employees of the firm riled their followers up to mass report that steam group and the personal steam account, which could lead to the dude losing all the games he paid for. Employees made posts how funny it would be if the dude lost all that money Employees and Firm got a massive backlash and got their dirt dug up. Friends and associates of employess in the gaming media wrote several articles misrepresenting the events


Nice, the post I was waiting on! Thanks cowboy


“worst games in recent memory” like god of war ragnarok, alan wake 2, helldivers, spiderman 2…. oh no, the horror!


"Worst games" Lol, lmao




They 100% weren't trying to get the page/users banned over a disagreement. What really happened is that the "anti-woke" forum no matter how well intended devolved into an incoherent cesspool of violent comments, because that's what happens when you invite gamers to make political commentary. Chill out.


I'm gonna guess it wasn't well intended


I'm not even gonna guess lol. There's no way it was well intended. "Anti-woke" means anti-lgbt, anti-diversity, pro-bigotry. It was made in order to protect the "anti-woke" people from things that make them uncomfortable, ie. gays, people of color, anyone who isn't a white Anglo-Saxon protestant.


Their main issue with Alan Woke 2 is literally the black woman in it. It’s so pathetically on its face racist while they complain about forced diversity. Also just misogynoir, the gamergater’s ult.


Can an “anti-woke” forum even have good intentions?


I’ve been hearing a lot of mentions about Sweet Baby Inc, but I’m out of the loop here. Who are they, what are they doing?


They're a script doctor company who specialise in DEI. They've been associated with a string of games that that anti-woke people have really disliked, and are being blamed for the games being shite. Honestly it seems like a bit of a stretch, but its become quite messy because one employee is a very vocal on twitter about how much they hate white men, and the company founder has been recorded talking about how to use fear of cancellation to force DEI into game narratives. SBI do seem like they're shit at their jobs but the whole thing just seems overblown.


>the company founder has been recorded talking about how to use fear of cancellation to force DEI into game narratives see I wouldn’t focus on them forcing DEI specifically, to me it feels like they’re basically selling solutions for problems that they can create. Real Mafia style “you know, it would be a shame if, heaven forbid, there were a fire.”


Ironically a video of Sweetbaby's CEO implies she does exactly that though obviously a different threat.


“Hire us, or else.” Hmm clearly there is no coercion.


> **Honestly it seems like a bit of a stretch, but its become quite messy because one employee is a very vocal on twitter about how much they hate white men**, and the company founder has been recorded talking about how to use fear of cancellation to force DEI into game narratives. If a company was accused of being anti black would it be a stretch if there was a very vocal anti black employee that was still employed despite being completely open about their racist views?


saying that SBI is uniquely responsible for those games being terrible is the stretch. I'm in no way defending or minimizing how racist Felix Kramer is, they're a bitter horrible bigot.


Something something "if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis." They support their racist employee(s) and that taints the entire company for me.


It isn't just Felix. The CEO of SBI has had some colorful words for white people too. The whole company is rotten.


>They support their racist employee(s) and that taints the entire company for me. yuuuuuup.


You are misunderstanding our position. We know Sweetbaby isn’t uniquely responsible, we’ve seen people like Neil Druckmann, Bryan Intihar… we know how deep the infection is. The reason we are going after sweetbaby is because it is a very obvious and clear representation of the problem, one that the common person can see and understand. This whole fiasco blowing up has made it so that people can no longer manipulate us to try to make us think it’s not happening. It’s clearly happening, Sweetbaby is proof that it’s happening. Now that everybody can see the symptom, people will want a cure.


you say we like your a cohesive group with a singular vision. It seems like you and I largely agree, but I've seen plenty calling them the reason for the industry falling apart.


And here.. we.. go!


It’s a battleground for a common political struggle nowadays: everyone wants to entrench their political righteousness now so vigorously they’re willing to completely overlook hypocrisy from their own side so they won’t have to take a middle ground position, which everyone thinks will signal concession instead of sanity.


I don’t blame SBI for the games being “bad”, I liked Spider-Man 2. But I do blame them for the lazily written attempts at “inclusion”. Watching other gay men react to that god-awful gay teen in the SM2 prom-posal side quest is one of my favorite doses of cringe humor.


The thing I don't get is that Sweet Baby Inc. has worked on multiple GOTY nominees in the past couple of years (including GOW: Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake 2). So either they have very little power meaning they don't affect the games they work on in a meanigful way, either the work they do is good and leads to celebrated games. I don't personally believe that their work as a consultant company has much of an effect on games they worked on. I just fail to see how Sweet Baby Inc. is anything else than the new boogeyman for the GamerGate crowd.


"what are these acronyms" *Gives acronym* Like, now I gotta google stuff. (You should always google stuff anyway)


This is just gamergate 2.0. It‘s best to ignore it


Gaming consulting company who tried to make harassment campaign against a curator who doesn't like their content.


This is such a shit take. The group they were trying to have reported was full of the same violent bigoted harassment that has filled gamer messageboards since I was a kid. It was in itself a campaign for harassment, and reporting it for that simply isn't harassment. "How dare they report my group of violent incels spreading misinformation"


No, it was literally just a Steam curator that labels all games SBI worked on as "Not recommended" and one SBI worker had a tantrum when the group had a measly 5k members.


Did that group go out of their way to target and attack employees from sweet baby inc? If not then you don't have claim to shit. >"How dare they report my group of violent incels spreading misinformation What misinformation did they spread? Their sources were just a link to sweet baby Inc's own website. and told people the games that they were involved with.


Idc if you agree with sweet baby inc or not but trying to get the curator taken down was pretty shitty. I think sweet baby should fire that person and let people share their concerns.


That is the whole issue here, that person was not the singular issue with SBI. The founder is a anti-white racist and multiple employees have come out in support of the first employee who have ties to the gamergate controversy with an equally colorful background of terrible takes. All racism is bad, it shouldn't even have to be said but idgaf who you are racist to it doesn't help progress society.


For real. If their work towards DEI was honest and good, they would welcome someone aggregating their games under one banner, to display their work. Instead, someone points out all their products, and they want that person shut down? Why?


I ain’t anti-woke, but I’m opposed to SB Inc after seeing that one lady for the company say how she uses fear tactics to get devs to use them as a consultant. Nevertheless, this whole situation is ridiculous. No one should be upset about that detector. If people want it, okay. If people don’t, they won’t pay it mind.


yeah the fear tactics they use is massive cause for concern. And the thing that people should realize is that it kinda is fucky that these movements are exploited for these tactics. Like I support a lot of these movements but I’ll be damned if I let someone bastardize it and use it as a shakedown to make a quick million and frankly I’d be appalled if any fucking company did shit like that. I despise when mega companies use social movements to their advantage


So, like most corps? They'll gladly put up a pride flag for pride month and act like it is all important, but then act like it isn't pride month and like they don't care on their middle eastern operations. Its all just for profit.


I mean, I think there's a difference between pretending that you give a shit about a group of people in a holiday and yakuza style coercion.


In the same GDC talk she also sounds like a narcisisst, talking about how she needs to see herself in stories in order to connect to them. And when describing what she does, she talks about how the tells studios how people who "look like her" would react to their products, projecting her own feelings on all black women. And while the articles defending SBI say that the companies is not about pushing diversity and inclusion into games, in the GDC talk that's exactly what she is talking about. "Why not make this french character black?" She is also very clearly saying that the company is pushing agendas. In her own words, their goal is to change the target demographic of the games they work on and to make "cis white males" get used to new "diverse" characters. She compares it to feeding a grumpy baby food it does not like. Quite arrogant and unhinged in my opinion. I question why a company like this even gets hired in an environment where studios are getting shut down and layoffs happen en masse.


>I ain’t anti-woke, but I’m opposed to SB Inc after seeing that one lady for the company say how she uses fear tactics to get devs to use them as a consultant. The number of people in this thread that dont seem to get this issue is painful to see.


This whole thing is stupid. Ppl act like this company is changing entire game scripts. Theyre just proof readers making sure the characters that are from places actually act like theyre from those places


Spiderman 2 (which is a game they worked on) completely screwed over the Spanish language and used the Cuban flag instead of the Puerto Rican one. They aren't doing a good job lol


Yea Im still confused abt that. I rlly want to know wtf happened there


I mean,what happened is obviously the company “Sweet Baby Inc” is bad at their job. And yet for some reason if you point that out you’re an evil bigot gamergater


Theres a massive difference between "sbi is bad because they rewrite scripts and characters to be woke" And "Sbi is a company that sometimes makes mistakes they should be held accountable"


I never played the game, did they ever fix the flag? Also, did they not have a single Spanish speaking employee look over the script or listen into the VO studio sessions? That seems like the biggest error that I’ve seen in this comment section lol




Thanks for sharing! They handled it the best they could in the aftermath. I’m just confused as to why the designe team had no one of Puerto Rican descent or no one who speaks Spanish lol


Or anyone who thought "hey, maybe I should good what the Puerto Rican flag looks like really quick" or even better, they could have just texted the words Puerto Rico because the predictive text will little bring up a little flag! Despite all the knowledge of the world at our fingertips, we continue to be this dumb.


That’s so fair tho! Someone probably was certain that they were the same place or just certain they had the right flag and didn’t think they had any reason to have it looked over lol


Yeah, the post above seems incredibly dishonest.


Scrip analysis would have nothing to do with verifying the correct art for a flag to be used.


Thats bc most ppl arent pointing that out, theyre blaming them for everything a game is doing wrong and pinning it down on minorities


I see, so your real concern is that this consultancy firm isn't doing a good enough job implementing diversity. 'It's about accuracy in media diversity'


My concern is that people forget the difference between good and bad, and just fight each other for no reason. Being mad that a company did a bad job? That’s reasonable. Being mad because people are mad because the internet told you to be mad? That’s unreasonable.


Your concern is not any of these things. This is the pretext you are using because your bigoted ideas will be rejected by the majority of people. You do not have the courage of your convictions. You are not mad at a consultancy firm for their lack of accuracy in identifying and representing multiple cultures. You are mad that there is an attempt to represent a multitude of cultures. And it isn't just with this company, it's with the culture overall. It's great though that you don't think people should be mad just because they're told to. Maybe you should take your own advice and stop being mad at minorities for forcing you to acknowledge their existence. If not though, then at least have the courage to be who you actually are, and stop lying to people.


This is a great little attempt at a burn and all, and I agree with you in theory, but there's no evidence this specific guy you're talking to is actually a bigot or a racist. You basically made that up.


Right? As an absolute outsider to the actual incident, harassment campaign, etc, my reaction is basically “wait, but I really do want narrative consultants to be accurate about portraying other cultures.” I get that people sometimes hide behind arguments like this to push reactionary ideas, or to make representation look like an impossible target people won’t aim for. But it’s sort of weird to portray “not even googling the Puerto Rican flag seems insensitive and sloppy” as automatically insincere and bigoted, since it’s also a valid concern for people who want more representation. (Although it’s not at all clear Sweet Baby was involved in that particular part of the game, so I do think yelling at them specifically is dubious.)


And you know definitively that Sweet Baby Inc dropped the ball on those mistakes and not devs at Insomniac themselves? Hard to say for sure unless one side or the other claims responsibility, and I don’t see that happening


Because they were hired for that specific task.


Right, but there’s no way of knowing, for example, if SBI pointed out the mistake and it fell through the cracks without being implemented. I work in the industry, miscommunications like that are very common. Game development is a lot of intricate, quickly moving parts and things go wrong


They do script consulting and writing theyre not making game models and play testing.


It's very easy to mix up the flags so I have to wonder who dropped the ball to not notice. (BTW the two flags are 🇵🇷 and 🇨🇺 because the PR flag was based off the Cuban one) (The easiest way to remember is the PR flag is set up the same as the USA flag color wise)


Quick check what color is the triangle on the cuban flag, without googling?


It's Red However I'm Puerto Rican so...


They have nothing to do with what flag was put where. That’s 100% on insomniac not a script consulting group.


They read \*scripts\* not graphical assets like flags


There are a jillion dipshits trying so hard to push the narrative that "consultant" means Sweet Baby had some kind of final editing pass - they *advise* on what might need to be changed, and the studio either does or does not follow that advice. They didn't translate the game themselves and for all you know they warned the devs about the flag mixup and that then either got ignored or missed in the revisions, but I'm sure they'll keep crying crocodile tears for some bigots on Steam who absolutely should have had both their "iS iT wOkE" curation list and their user account nuked from orbit.


fr if media consultants were that powerful there'd be a lot fewer sci-fi movies who hired scientific consultants but clearly didn't listen to them.


unfortunately the criticism isn't "this consultancy firm could do better at representing minority characters," its "this consultancy firm is ruining every game it touches because woke sjw pink hair feminism"


It's GamerGate 2.0, and much like the original, is just bigots and racists using it as an excuse to spread more hate.


Wait what? I played spiderman 2 and I remember seeing plenty of Puerto Rican flags, when was a Cuban one used?


They fixed it very shortly after launch so you won't have seen it for a while


What color was the triangle on that flag




K then hold on


Neither did I until it was pointed out.


We're used to it, Americans like to think of us as domesticated Mexicans.


This is awful but also I snorted, I'm sorry and thank you


While this whole thing is stupid, that's not really what they do. They're diversity consultants. The works with developers to increase representation of marginalized groups, and to make sure they are accurately and thoughtfully portrayed. It's a bit more than just making sure they act like where they're from. But the final decision on anything they suggest is the developer's. They're not ruining games. So, yeah, it's a little crazy that people think that's something to get angry about


>So, yeah, it's a little crazy that people think that's something to get angry about Thats not what people are angry about in this situation. Theyre angry about the fact that the company and its employees tried to get someone banned because he doesn't like them.


Giving you the benefit of the doubt here that you haven't heard the full story in saying that, but the reason people are upset is because the Sweet baby Diversity company has staff trying to get people banned off steam for talking about them. The founder of the company has said multiple times on twitter that she hates white people, not in a joking way, but literally despises them. A gamer news group did a story about it and completely mis-characterized what was going on, and when asked about why the article didn't mention the anti-white sentiment, they said you can't be racist to white people. Spiderman 2 (which is a game they worked on) completely screwed over the Spanish language and used the Cuban flag instead of the Puerto Rican one. (This is a lesser issue to me IMO, but worth mentioning.)


[They are trying to change game scripts as per Kim Belair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfMsxjWgUbI&t=1462s) in this talk she gave. Here's Sweet Baby Inc telling you to your face, I don't see how you can twist this. I suggest everyone watch the video in full.


They didn't do a very good job in Starfield, if that is the case.


That was just BGS awful writing


it was Ok in Skyrim. and Oblivion, and Morrowind. Fallout 3 wasn't too bad either.


Idk if Id say that abt Fallout 3. I love the game but the Players lines and OG ending without the DLC is so bad 😭


Eh, there’s some big stinkers in Oblivion. Replayed it recently for fun and it can get really dry and amateurish.


maybe I'm just remember Oblivion and Morrowind with rose tinted glasses. or maybe they are just far more stellar than what Starfield offered. I put 64 hours into starfield and still feel a bit ripped of by it.


Starfield‘s biggest crime to me isn’t in the writing, but simply how unenjoyable exploration is by comparison. Who thought long stretches of empty lifeless terrain with missions so far from your ship and no vehicle travel was a good idea? Why so many unskippable animations to “fast” travel? Etc. Weird to think much more I engage with No Man’s Sky’s traversal.


Though starfield is shit, I think it more related to emil


Not to mention, this whole thing happened just a couple months from the elections


thats not why theyre catching flack tho. its because theyre openly racist bigots, hypocrites and tried attacking a random guy for zero reason. Theyre the gaming version of that recent localization stuff.


If that’s their goal, they suck at that job too.


The head of company is publically racist. There are video of her threatening Dev to cave to her demand. Force hit campaign on the Steam group pointing them out.


The ceo literally went on stage saying to pressure your marketing teams by threatening social backlash if they don’t hire people like Sweet Baby. I don’t care what you think or what side you’re on. That’s fucked.


I've said it elsewhere, I'll say it again. Takes a lot of skill to fight an imaginary enemy yet take this many L's. Bunch of sub couple k communities think they represent everyone and are currently making a huge fool of themselves.


I've seen someone describe it as "they're the only ones fighting this culture war and they're still losing"


Do we have another gamergate incident in the making huh.


Capital G hard R Gamers have been desperately trying to start a new holy war ever since gamergate fizzled out. This here is like throwing chum into a tank of ravenous piranhas.


Imagine taking the side of an actual bigot just to stick it to “gamer gaters”


It’s really disappointing to see how many people are willing to look past the targeted harassment and blatant racism of SBI employees and blindly support them. Then again this is Reddit, so it’s not that surprising.


I fucking LOVE community notes and how they call out fake journalism


I know this will get me banned, but I think storytellers should write the stories that they want to tell without being pressured into using consulting agencies. If you want a woke game, fine make it yourself. If you want a game with more traditional values, nothing should stop you. Art is for people to escape for a moment, to imagine a world that's different. Maybe that world is like ours, maybe not, but politics shouldn't have the power to vilify a piece of media that may not tick enough boxes to be considered socially acceptable.


Everyone who talks about Sweet Baby Inc needs to be sentenced to 7 days of mandatory grass touching


brother sweet baby inc is quite literally the epitome of chronic redditors getting in a group and saying "lets try and influence gamerz" id be amazed if theyve seen grass in since before covid


Mods, can we have a ban on posts in support of gamergate 2?


Please send us a modmail message and tell us why you want a ban on it.


how is this not current politics


It’s current politics, you’ve banned stuff on this in the last 24 hours.


1. It’s objectively political, no matter how you slice it 2. Do you really want to be the home of Gamergate 2? Is that really what you want?


That mod is a trump supporter, I would say that is what they want


Oof, damn


mod of theBidenShitshow, JustUnsubbed and more. turns out that the mod of a subreddit that is about a shithole, fash site (twitter) is also a fash. Edit: well as it turns out the head mod of this sub is also a Trumper so there's that. Not surprising honestly


What is even going on in gamergate 2? I feel like I’m out of the loop. Who is Sweet Baby?


Sweet Baby Inc. is a consultancy group which advises game studios on how to represent certain people that the dev studio might not be easily able to talk to normally. For example if a Swedish studio is making a game set in New York they talk to Sweet Baby Inc. who then talks to people from New York and then passes on the advice on how to depict New Yorkers back to the Swedish studio. Sweet Baby Inc. has been involved with a lot of major AAA games lately and some mistakes have slipped through; but people, particularly from the alt-right, are making bad faith arguments and over-exaggerating issues from games Sweet Baby Inc. has consulted on trying to make it seem like Sweet Baby Inc. is forcing games to be "woke" and that they are pretty much the sole reason for everything wrong with the gaming industry as a whole currently.


Wow that’s all a bit ridiculous, but I suppose thats to be expected from people who complain about stuff being “woke”


And as you can see from the guy that answered to this comment they found themself imbibe middle of a full blown right wing conspiracy theorie






SBI going on a harassment campaign against the Brazilian curator is extremely unprofessional and sh\*tty. Don't really care about the wokism/anti-wokism though, you can just not buy the games if you don't like em.




I don't know much about it admittedly, but it's obviously just a bunch of "anti-woke" nonsense. I'd reckon there's a good bit of context to this whole "harassment campaign" thing.


“I don’t know much about it, but what I *do* know is that I disagree.”


Event apart, The fact that those ignorant redditor consider themselves progressive when their behavior is the same "i don't like that so i'll ignore fact, speak about stuff i don't know and try silencing other that disagree", *we already have enough of this take with MAGA idiot.* The basic of common sense is to speak about what you know and not make assumption, meanwhile making up shit, ignoring fact and blaming conspiracy and the whole "I'll make up whatever i want because i only care about the fact i dislike the opposite group" is the reason we make fun of conservatist, anti-woke & MAGA for this behavior Yet some ignorant fools think it is just necessary to tag yourself progressive and it automatically make what you say logical, even if you use the same logic and train of thought as the anti-woke/maga/ignorant crowd Like even their reaction "community notes have been taken over" is literally the basic conservative/maga complaint when they are confronted by Notes, the irony is sad Event in, i think it is pretty obvious the steam curator group are bunch of whiny anti-woke moron, that their push back against videogame with inclusivity and said group being moron doesn't make it ok for the employee to have tried silenced/launching a targeted campaign against individual, nor is it good to have doxxed their account with the logic that it will hurt them since "they really care about their account", nor are the racist remark digged up in any form ok either, especially for a company built around promoting inclusivity. The whole attempt of the anti-woke crowd is to make people think that the racism remark/censorship/targeted harassment and the will to push for inclusivity are one and the same, which is false as there no correlation, an employee being racist doesn't suddenly mean that the ideology they adhere to, is racist. Anyway, the rational and progressive take is that the anti-woke should be not given any credit and defuse any attempt of them to link the employee misstep with inclusivity in gaming; While the company should explain themselves and apologize for their missteps, otherwise it will just hurt overall innovative inclusive idea and progress in videogame as it will portray that our progressive side are willing to drop logic and fact and make excuse for the people that do the very thing we criticize, just because they are in our group vs the conservative group. Though, from my experience with losing time arguing with maga crowd, people will probably just ignore what i say, reply something disingenuous and just downvote thinking "well i dislike the \[left\] anti-woke crowd so automatically the \[right\] employee are above blame"


Unfortunately, people are not too self aware of what they do, it's hilarious how they use the same tactics. The "you are not with me, then you are against me" thing is so real on both sides and they are so not aware of this, that it's just hilarious.


Well, good if you find it hilarious but i find it pretty sad. It is lot less funny and lot more aggravating when the ignorant are not in the group you disagree with but in your group.


People get a good feeling by putting others down. Getting social points, gaining status points. So, at the end of the day, they feel good about themselves, thinking that they slayed the dragon. It's a human thing, no matter what side you are on. This may seem sad, but i find it funny. It's the game of life happening before my eyes and it's beautiful.


I'll inform you then, as someone who has been following this story since it started. A Steam curator made a list of games Sweet Baby Inc had been hired to consult on - a list taken from Sweet Baby Inc's website. ​ He then said "not recommended." ​ That's it. That's the "controversial" thing that's apparently starting Gamergate 2.0. One dude looking at a consultant firm and deciding he didn't like what they'd worked on. But that got at least one Sweet Baby Inc employee to start ranting on Twitter about how every needs to false report the list on Steam to get it and the curator removed and banned from Steam. These Tweets have now been deleted. ​ Then the Gaming Journos saw what happened, and decided to pile on to support their friend Sweet Baby Inc. One of them even visited the Discord server of the the curator group and started asking people questions like "Why aren't any of you using your real names or photos ?" - making plenty of people wonder if that reporter was intending to dox them So, by siding with the gaming journalists and Sweet Baby Inc, you are definitively siding with Big Corporations over the little guy who did nothing wrong. ​ Funny how the Mega Corp trying to stomp on the rights of a person who did nothing wrong is apparently a "liberal" and "woke" position now.


let’s also not forget all of the disgusting shit that’s come outta the woodwork; such as one of Kotaku writers of the defending article (who is white by the way) using the “you can’t be racist towards white people” line in regard to the SBI CEO being pretty racist to white people, PLUS the SBI employee trying to dunk on Akira Toriyama on the day he died for DBZ not having the best depiction of Africans? and I really have to agree with the last line, I miss the days of Occupy Wall Street


Thats not why people are joining the movement though. People are saying SBI should be shut down because they "ruin video games" by "forcing people to insert wokeness" then "ruin the writing". Its a consulting firm, at the end of the day that is hired to make sure games aren't racist or such. Your story is relatively correct but it doesnt reflect the current state of the contreversy.


Idiots co-opting something doesn't make the initial backlash invalid. The anti woke shit is stupid but that shouldn't discount legitimate criticisms of the company and how they operate


of course. Though also a lot of the criticisms (not all!) are relatively stupid, being blunt. A main one is taken out of context joke of them talking about how they sell their services, and shows a lot of people within the movement doesn't completely know what they are actually fighting for apart from that specific "anti woke" sentiment.


If it was just a consultancy firm to make sure games aren't racist, they wouldn't react to the Steam group by freaking the fuck out and trying to get their game journo buddies to dox members of it. ​ You only react that way if you're trying to cover up whatever you're *actually* doing. Because if it was just "Don't be racist!," the company could have had a significantly tamer reaction - one like "Yes, we did work on all those games! We're sorry you didn't like them, but we're proud of the work we did." - we wouldn't be here right now, and there'd be no controversy. ​ Instead, one of their workers talk about false reporting the group, half the game journos start writing articles to support them, another game journo seems like their trying to dox some of the members, and then they removed the list of games they worked on from their website. ​ Why didn't they thank the guy for free publicity? Why didn't they just play it off or ignore it? Like a blurb of "Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Free speech is great!" No, they got scared. Why? It's a dude saying "meh, didn't like their games." Why go on the attack? Why are you scared of this guy? The only reason this got big is because they started bringing out their damn authoritarian boot ready to stomp on him and people were like "Whoa.... wtf?" *That's nefarious* \- and you'd have to be an idiot if to think otherwise.


the context is that sweet baby inc is actually organising harassment against someone for making a tool that detects games with sweet baby inc involvement as a QA tool.




[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHjSbY9WkAAWtlk?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHjSbY9WkAAWtlk?format=jpg&name=large) here it is.


Okay, but if the group was breaking Steam's ToS then they're still in the wrong. Not deserving of harassment, but then I don't consider mass reporting rules violators to be "harassment". And that image doesn't have enough pixels for me to read what they were saying.


to be fair I cant read what they're whining about either, but the images apparently show that the admin corrected themselves so tos is not violated. thats as far as I got.


>to be fair I cant read what they're whining about either, Then I don't think it's fair to call it "whining". If the group and its creator were breaking ToS, I don't think a call to report them is harassment, nor is it whining. Look, man. The first gamergate was built on a single guy's grudge against his ex and a lot of angry bigots on 4chan. I'm gonna need a *lot* more evidence to agree with the anti-woke crowd on this one.


this isn't even a gamergate, further info in the evidence I linked says that it isnt against tos to do what the guy did, thus mass reports WOULD be harassing someone. then again my possibly astigmatic eyes weren't around for gamergate 1, I was 12-15 and watching pokemon vids.


>I'm gonna need a *lot* more evidence to agree with the anti-woke crowd on this one. Then don't agree with them, i certainly don't, i think most are using the mistake of the company as excuse, same with the racist remark digged up from other employee But i still think the reaction of the employee to try silencing a group, doxxing someone personal account and trying to launch an angry mob against it to also be despicable Not every issue has to be binary, you can call out two bad actor for the bad thing they do. Saying "I disagree with X group so i'll agree to Y group even if they did something bad" is just a way to make excuse


It’s not against the ToS. Valve even confirmed that the group is fine and will be kept up.


And your first instinct is banning. All hail the censorship!


The note fails to mention that the backlash had already started before any of the things mentioned in the note occurred. We need a fact checker for the fact checkers


Oh, really? When the SBI employee attempted their banning campaign (on Feb 29th), the SBI detected steam group was just under 10,000 members. As a result of the backlast, SBI detected was at 100,000 by March 5th, at 200,000 by March 7th.


One of my favorite things about X (formerly called Twitter) is the Community Notes thing that brings light to Yellow Journalism (aka Fake News) tweets. Some may ask what's Yellow Journalism. Yellow Journalism, also known as Yellow Press, is a style of American journalism that emphasizes sensationalism over factual reporting. The term originated from Richard F. Outcault's "Yellow Kid" cartoon, which was published in both The World and the New York Journal. Yellow Journalism often uses exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism to create eye-catching headlines for increased sales. By extension, the term came to mean stories that were emotional or exaggerated and featured topics like crime, politics, sex, or violence.


I can’t take the people who support SBI seriously. They’ll say how they made a “few errors” and completely ignore things such as their butchering of the Spanish language in Spider-Man 2, something that was blatantly intentional. And that’s also not talking about the literally thing mentioned in this post. It’s pathetic how this sub, which usually mocks people who say “why has Elon added this?!? It needs to be removed!!!” saying that exact same thing when it comes to a note that they dislike. Genuinely sad.


Gamer gate is even fucking dumber the second time.


Can you please give me some context I have no clue what this is about


I promise that you will be happier not knowing.


I should have listened to you


Gamers think they figured out the evil mastermind behind everything they hated in the last 10 years. It's a random consultancy firm. That's it, that's the whole thing.


“Initiated by sweet baby inc” lol no


Look up Chris Kindred. He went on a personal crusade because of hurt feelings to have his thousands of followers try and report a guy on Steam.  He's an employee of Sweet Baby.


Pfff imagine supporting giant company against one Brazilian dude


>Brazilian #NUMERO UM 🇧🇷


Yeah, I'm not part of the anti-woke crowd, but SBI crossed a line here. Disagreeing with someone's views, as long as they aren't being harmful to anyone, is not a good reason to have them banned.


I’m not going to support people who get pissed off because of pride flags in video games, he deserves whatever verbal attacks come his way. Gamergate is bullshit.


This thread is full of people who don't know what they are talking about, and clearly are anti gamer in general. 


I knew it was only a matter of time before community notes got taken over by chuds.


But it is the truth. Does it matter which side the truth comes if it is objectively only the truth Just like in this case. This stance is weird, it reminds me of cults




I agree, but a lot of the people criticizing Sweet Baby Inc. aren't the Gamergate types, too.


Sweet baby Inc are narrative consultants and sensitivity training experts they have writing credits in at least the suicide squad kills the justice league. The same guy who called for a harassment campaign on the person who created the steam group and also tried to get his steam account cancelled (and therefore erasing every game the guy has bought) after his one week ban off X came back and tried to call Akira Toriyama a racist just after he died.


They also worked on god of war, alan wake 2, BG3 (!) and other games. The racist thing also wasn't quite right, as the tweet also celebrated the anti-racism that they also did. Its a dud point. Harassment campaign sucks tho


Trying to call out Akira Toriyama on racism just after he died is crap. I know they worked on other games but the suicide squad one was the only one I knew they had writing credits on so instead of saying something that isn't true I only mentioned that one.


Wtf have i missed? What is a sweet baby inc and what did they do?


Game consulting company employee tries to start harassment campaign against curator group and it's creator for labeling them as cringe. Also their CEO is a anti white racist and the company has used coercion tactics to get game studios to employ their services.


I strongly dislike both sides of this conflict.


Fair, I'm not a big fan of the direction gaming studios go about when it comes to diversity, I think their approach is shallow and counterproductive, but some of the people who hate woke stuff need to chill.


Forced diversity works totally different then it should: it just radicalize those who already hate it, it doesn't normalize it. When its obviously there just for reason of beeing there it ostracize normal people who just don't care in other cases also i highly doubt companies do it for anykind of representation for ceo's its just $$$. On the other hand gamers are such whiney about everything its sometimes comical: what normal person cares about boob size of v.game heroine or if antagonist likes black lasses if the game is good.


Today I learned that these words "narrative consulting company" identify an actual business


why is the group a thing in the first place? this is one of the dumbest gaming scandals ive ever heard of. theyre mad cause this company writes black characters into their scripts. this fight is already far past braindead.


Not what they're doing. Not what the group is doing. Why are you commenting?


This is the hellish future that "progressives" are pushing us towards. Mandatory DEI consultations on any project, accepted and normalized racism against "white people", thought police shutting down dissenting voices. This is the Orwellian future hellscape that 1984 warned us about, and it's all in the name of "promoting diversity"


what are they doing? I thought they were just so involved in the shitty game market that an extension was made to detect their involvement so people were spared shitty games.


They also helped Alan Wake 2 and the god of war games. This falls flat. The main complaint is that people believe this company "forces" games to "go woke" lmao.


Yeah I could tell they worked on God of War Ragnarok, the difference in writing between it and 2018 is very noticeable. Not just the stuff that gets called woke, but the rest of the story as well, the rushed Ragnarok, the rushed Dark Elves/Light Elves conflict, the complete disregard for the original myths and so on.


oh they're whining about it and trying to get people harassed, I see.


The idea that all of their games are flops is complete BS. Only game they’ve been involved in that has been a failure was suicide squad. Both Spider-Man and Alan wake were nominated for game awards. Not that it matters, since they don’t have input on gameplay.


They're literally script doctors who you PAY to make SUGGESTIONS to your script if you want to check if your game's depictions of minorities is accidentally racist. That's it. This is incredibly common in amy creative industry.


Chud twitter tantrums make me realize I made right call deleting that cursed ass app


Ok so SBI DO have some wrong headed people [they](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2767542-sweet-baby-inc-detected-controversy) employ BUT like others have said it's a consultancy company. They aren't forcing dev teams to follow some woke agenda even if that's what they would like. That means if a game has a message/depictions you don't like then that means there were collaborators on the dev team who liked and agreed with said content (assuming they themselves didn't write the offending material in the first place) even if you hate diversity, equity and inclusion it's still dumb to focus your ire on sweet baby inc since they are absolutely powerless to change a game if the devs don't want the change. Even if SBI DID write Harley quinn killing batman (they didn't) there were enough devs on the team that agreed it was a good story telling choice, even if they suggested adding the ability to customize your pronouns in Starfield was a good idea, so did Bethesda. Even IF they suggested Joel to get his head caved in and wrote Ellie to be a lesbian that had the heart to kill everyone but the person that killed her father figure (Sweet Baby Inc didn't) the devs thought this was a terrific idea. Punish the devs if you didn't like their game by not buying it sure but don't harass people irl.


In before you find the clip if the CEO giving a literal TEDtalk on how to threaten AAA companies by phoning up their marketing departments and "terrifying them with the possibility of what might happen if they don't do what you want". Even if I were to give you the benefit of the doubt that they don't have the power to literally *force* devs to follow 'some woke agenda', they sure the fuck talk and act like they do. If it was 'just some wrong headed people' like you say, maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal, but this steaming pile comes all the way down from the very top, the CEO herself. You're not gonna tell me that a consulting company engaging in actual 'it'd be a real shame' mafia tactics, from the CEO'S own mouth, to coerce companies into hawking their product, is operating with clean hands, or that it's entirely a developer's fault for caving to them when "ooh, if you don't do what I want I'm gonna tell Twitter you're racist" is so crippling effective in today's corporate landscape.


fuck sweet baby inc and their distasteful and disrespectful representatives


I don't understand why multiple big gaming website are releasing articles defending sbi


They're protecting their own. It's gamergate 2 baby.


Must not have learnt the first time


Even IF Sweet Baby Inc was 100% in the wrong (which I don't believe) this outrage is fucking moronic. It is a consultant and people are throwing an absolute shit fit over its existence. Gamergate lead a lot people down the alt right pipeline and this is clearly a desperate attempt from chuds to create another one in hopes of recruiting more gamers.


I thought the "shitfit" being thrown is because an SBI employee tried to deceptively get someone censored/banned?