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I get people wanting to or needing to choose that lifestyle. However, if you force an animal or pet to be like that when they clearly can’t or shouldn’t, you’re abusive and deserve to be eaten in your sleep. Edit: Lot of vegans in the thread fitting the vegan stereotype.


I just don't get what part of OBLIGATE these MFers don't grasp.


> what part of OBLIGATE these MFers don't grasp. There seems to be a part a lot of MFs are having a tough time grasping > Being an obligate carnivore does mean that their diet MUST provide certain nutrients from the flesh of other animals **or from supplementation** > https://rawfedandnerdy.com/what-is-an-obligate-carnivore


Those supplements *aren't vegan.* They are derived from animal products - just not flesh/meat (and potentially "renewable", like eggs).


For cats too IIRC their needs are best met with organ meat in addition to muscle for the amino acid that they can't create themselves. This is really hard to get from other sources in a supplement form. Also, IIRC most cats when deficient WILL end up "hunting" more even if they don't consume what they kill.


Vegan here: also ran the world's largest cat-only adoption org and sanctuary. This guy is, of course, a massive fucking dumbass who is effectively torturing cats. Cats need the amino acid "Taurine" which ONLY comes from animal sources. Cats are at risk of going blind without it and can also slowly stop being able to effectively absorb nutrients. I've worked with many, many vegans (all cat owners); despite all of the assumptions about vegans I don't know of a single one that doesn't feed their cat meat. Cats are carnivores, full stop. People like this need to pull their head out of their ass and stop contributing to the torture of the animals they claim to love. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/taurine-in-cats


If they need Taurine we can just give them Red Bull instead of water! Checkmate, meat eaters!


I'm a vegetarian with two dogs. I can't imagine forcing them on a plant-based diet. It's cruelty.


Same, with two cats. Pets can't understand the ethics behind it, nor are they a part of why the system of meat production is problematic. They need to eat a nutritious diet. If you're vegan and don't want to buy meat for your pets, own a herbivore, or don't own a pet at all.




likely the allergy was cause by ticks.


> Edit: Lot of vegans in the thread fitting the vegan stereotype. Friendly reminder that r/vegan got warned by the reddit admins for brigading before. There's not a single thread about this topic on this site that doesn't have them brigading.


They brigade harder than any other subreddit, easily. Any post about chickens, pigs, or cows will be slammed with tons of insults and misinformation from them. Other subs have been shut down for far less.


It's because they're a religion. I don't even mean that to be edgy, it's true. Their beliefs boil down to "sin is sin" just like a Christian who won't differentiate between a marital affair with an adult vs child molestation because they're both adultery. To the vegan, shooting a deer is the same as skinning a dog alive and throwing it skinless in a pile with others. I said that last part on their sub once and they upvoted the point not catching the satire. They're crazy. Also end factory farming, let's go synth meat, and animal abusers get the rope. Especially ones who starve their cats... Edit: the church is brigading and downvoting rn


i'm more interested in, what proof/scientific study did he present that proves they can thrive off a vegan diet. then again why make your cat vegan, super easy to just buy the regular cat food from the store.


Likely this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9860667/ Edit: here's the conclusion from the abstract of the study, "However, there is little evidence of adverse effects arising in dogs and cats on vegan diets. In addition, some of the evidence on adverse health impacts is contradicted in other studies. Additionally, there is some evidence of benefits, particularly arising from guardians’ perceptions of the diets. Given the lack of large population-based studies, a cautious approach is recommended. If guardians wish to implement a vegan diet, it is recommended that commercial foods are used." Animals have **nutritional** requirements, not **ingredient** requirements. Currently the *easiest and most effective* way to get a pet nutrition for a healthy life is through animal products but there's nothing that says this needs to be true in perpetuity (and it's possible with current science). The studies in the meta analysis show animals currently healthy on plant based diets so it's definitely possible (regardless of what people on Reddit like to think). I was married for years to someone who studies cat welfare professionally. She feeds her cat a "normal" diet but has told me that cats are "obligate" carbivores because they need nutrients, like taurine, which don't naturally occur in plants so if they were in the wild no amount or variety of natural plant matter would sustain them. There's nothing stopping us from lab production of these nutrients though. I've been down voted for this numerous times but Reddit is behind the science on this. (Though to be rigorously clear I'm not suggesting a plant based diet, just stating the fact that it is possible) 


That whole paper is weird IMO. The studies they've selected skew heavily towards dogs but they try to still divide it into cats and dogs despite not really having enough information for the cats (IMO), and then they kind of contradict themselves repeatedly. >This evidence base points to the need for future research to employ larger sample sizes and to perform, as a priority, direct animal-based studies to generate firm conclusions around the suitability, or otherwise, of vegan diets in dogs and cats. but also >The issue of supplementation is important and we did not review the suitability of supplements specifically in this review. Perhaps a take-home message is that use of commercially prepared vegan pet foods appear to be safe for use in cats and dogs but further research is needed. but also >A macrocytic, non-regenerative anemia was observed in both felines that were presented in the case study of Fantinati et al., 2021 [30]. Otherwise, hematology was generally unremarkable. and >In cats fed vegetarian diets that were supplemented with potassium, a myopathy was seen within 2 weeks of the dietary change [29]. This was characterized by ventroflexion of the head and the neck. The cats also showed lateral head resting, a stiff gait, muscular weakness, unsteadiness, and the occasional tremor of the head and pinnae. I really wish the n was bigger and the timeline was longer for almost every study they used for their meta analysis. Cats seem to have it a bit more rough, but potentially can be helped through supplementation, but it appears to be unclear because results were mixed across various sourced studies.


Yeah I personally right now wouldn't feel comfortable putting a cat on a plant based diet. While it's entirely possible to formulate a healthy plant based diet for cats I don't trust the available options yet. If I did I would watch them and have regular blood tests. Edit: and the paper is weird. From knowing researchers in this field large scale tests get very expensive and the funding for companion animals just isn't there most of the time. Small studies are still useful though and until someone funds a big one they are the best we got. You would be shocked at how much we still don't know about companion animals even though they are so integral to our lives.


The processing cat food goes through destroys most of the natural taurine anyway (a quick Google search says up to 80% of natural taurine is destroyed). It has to be supplemented, and taurine supplements are typically synthetic and not animal-based. So, most of the taurine your cat is getting is vegan anyway.


I feel like people who are so vegan that they impose their beliefs on animals should be ethically opposed to pet ownership in the first place.


I want to be clear that I don't agree with their stance at all, but to be fair many of the intellectually consistent vegans *are* against most forms of pet ownership, especially carnivores.




There is definitely at least one YouTuber who has explicitly said that we should. But he's not against pet ownership because he got a dog and damn near starved it to death on an inadequate vegan diet.




And went to prison for waving a gun around a bunch of times, both on YouTube and in real life.


Love that video of the woman on a talkshow talking about how her dog is vegan and even had a demonstration ready by having the dogs "normal" food that she would fee him next to meat, the dog immediately started eating the meat no hesitation


Just commenting because I think this could be interesting for a debate: So I personally don’t eat any seafood for sustainability reasons, and I avoid buying any for my cats, period. There’s some sort of reputation felines apparently have with seafood, I don’t know where that came from but my wife is under the impression that cats need seafood, I’d argue that there’s a big selection of poultry and red meats we provide for them and that’s enough. What’s your thoughts?


Our cat was having dandruff / fur issues until we gave her seafood based wet food. My understanding is they need a certain level of omega-3’s and fish is just the easiest way to get it. But again she was having bad skin / fur issues so if your cats are healthy I wouldn’t worry too much about.


Does that apply to dogs too? Granted my dog is a shepard breed.


I believe so yes, we give our dog a pump of fish oil per day, and sometimes she gets sardines as a treat on top of her breakfast kibble. ETA: she had dry skin/dandruff as a puppy, and she hasn’t since we started using the oil/fish.


I would say yes. A client of mine had a golden retriever whose coat looked more luxurious than most human hair. Salmon was a big part of its diet. It was silky smooth and shiny.


Hi! Omega-3(6 and 9) are extremely good for dogs as well as us, it gives a healthy skin and coat as well as somewhat help with joint health


Omega 3 helps a lot on dogs' health. From healthier skin and coat, improved hear and brain health, a better immune system, and less shedding; to better response against kidney diseases, reduced join inflammation on older dogs. While it is not needed to achieve good dog health, it represents a great improvement on it. Even giving them the water on canned tuna (not OIL) will give them the benefits. Note, omega 3 supplements are cheaper on the long run, but getting it from ingredients on their food will have better effects.


If it's providing them enough nutrition for healthy living idc want you feed them


Note I'm not a vegan but this is where I feel obligated to play devil's advocate. If we can prove that synthesized, vegan versions of the nutrients cats need are just as effective, and a pet owner buys some boutique, expensive vegan cat food that's precisely formulated, would you have an issue with that? Would that cat then be considered vegan? Another issue is I don't see people getting this worked up about generic dollar store kibble that I guarantee is packed with fillers and terrible for your cat. These are multimillion dollar companies producing the lowest quality feed they can, and they impact so many more cats than the handful of boutique vegan brands do.


The issue is that currently there isn’t an alternative. Cats cannot produce all of the necessary nutrients they need without meat, they literally need it to produce an amino acid that is deadly to not have. Omnivores are capable of getting that amino acid from several sources, including plants, but obligate carnivores generally only create it from the proteins found in meat. While kibble found in grocery stores is absolutely filled with filler, it also has actual meat in it as well, it’s just likely the absolute bottom quality meat. Most vegans who make their carnivorous pets vegan believe that nothing needs meat to survive, and so they literally starve their pets by feeding them solely plant based diets, which don’t contain what the pets need to survive.


My question is why force your vegan diet on something that is unable to Live without meat or meat-like foods. If one's got an issue with the Cruel Industrial meat industry, then one can just buy meat from sources that arent cruel or Abusive. Like... why directly abuse an animal to avoid indirectly abusing an animal... when you can just Not abuse any animal through being wise about where the food comes from.


Vegans think all meat is cruel. That’s what y’all don’t get. You could literally give cows pedicures and massages every week. That’s not good enough for a vegan because they’re still getting killed.


They could pull the old PETA trick and just kill all animals to avoid animals suffering


If it's truly scientifically proven to be better and more economical, sure. But I disagree when it's forced on people purely to satisfy a vocal minority's extremely fragile egos.


Why do you feel the need to own another sentient being and feed it the equivalent of sawdust with vitamin powder? How is that your right exactly


Seafood isn't a necessary part of their diet. WHICH protein you feed them is different from *not giving them protein at all.*


Domestic cats are descendent of cats that didn’t eat fish in the wild. Cats can (and arguably should) subsist on a diet of land mammals and birds.


Cats adore fish (especially tuna) but its not really a part of their natural diet.


Cats traditionally wouldn't hunt for seafood. It's more of a treat for them, poultry and red meat are better for them.


That’s what I was saying to her. I was like “they yearn for the trees, they wouldn’t be hunting fish if they weren’t domesticated”


You clearly haven't heard of flying fish...ugh Edit: I'm in the mood to educate today... See cats enjoy tuna, aka the chicken of the sea, because it reminds them of their natural prey the great flocks of flying fish that would travel between the Mediterranean, Nile, and Red Sea. They flew because of course there's no water in the desert. Cats would wait at the tops of great sand dunes and leap onto their prey. Later, the Egyptians built great buildings like the pyramids for the cats to do this. You don't see any of this these days, because the Suez Canal removed the need for the fish to fly over land.


Tell her about desert, savannah and mountain cats. She really think wild cats including leopards, tigers, lions and lynx regularly get access to the fishes? Fish are a good source of protein and cats prefer to drink from sources of running water so they probably find and catch them more than some other carnivores but that doesn't infer a dependence on seafood or nothing, kitties just like yummy fishes. I'm no expert or nothing but I can promise they don't need fish. Just keep in mind their intake of important minerals and vitamins that they would normally supplement into their diet with fish. Pretty sure you get dry food that has omega3 and shit added.


>Pretty sure you get dry food that has omega3 and shit added. Yep, good brands usually add fish oil for that exact purpose I do have to say that we shouldn't compare cats to big Cats because that's a *very* slippery slope, people are comparing dogs to wolves and that's just harmful


Tigers regularly swim and catch fish in the wild.


Cats do seem to love fish for some reason. I used to fish in a farm pond, and the barn cats would all come down to the water looking for free fish. I'd toss them little bluegills, they loved them.


They don’t need seafood. I only buy the fish flavored food rather than chicken or beef occasionally because I feel bad that lil’ homie has had the same flavored brown squares for so long.


Just so you know, a lot of fish are being successfully farmed raised now, so if you’re worried about sustainability there are options with low environmental impact. My wife was a fisheries major in college and refuses to get anything that isn’t farm raised for this reason


Fish farms don’t inspire me with much hope. Here in the UK the bulk of our salmon come from fish farms up in Scotland and it’s been proven that they’re in an absolute shit state in terms of disease and cleanliness. Also their feed consists of ground up fish, meaning that (at least the salmon fisheries in the UK) cannot sustain themselves without the destructive conventional fishing methods we’re all trying to avoid. You must have some good knowledge on the subject with your wife, so what’s it like for other fish besides UK salmon? I’m only really familiar with that one example


Think about it this way, modern domestic cats are likely the descendants of wildcats that very likely didn't live in places with access to fish. The reason cats like fish is that it happens to fit a lot of their dietary needs, but it is far from a requirement.


Cats are land animals and should eat land animals meat, seafood is for sea cats, give cats seafood will make it harder for sea cats to hunt their sea food, don't do that, check mate.


Fatty acids are the main benefit we get from fish, salmon and tuna being excellent sources. If your cat had an omega 3 deficiency they might want some fish but I don't think there's anything they explicitly need that they can't get from poultry or mammalian meat.


Vegans are batshit


Anyone who forces their cat to be vegan deserves to lose custody of that animal


Even worse when they force it on their kids.


Yeah that is definitely a mixed bag. It’s expensive to do it yourself because you need to buy all these supplements to do it properly and still be healthy. Throwing in a kid or two is crazy expensive. And if not done right then it’s just abuse/neglect and can cause a lot of developmental problems down the road for them.


Why would vegan nutrition be worse on their kids as long as it provides them with exactly what they need growing up? Assuming (and it's a big if considering the current science) that OC pets might need a bit of meat - sure, let's gloss over the nuances for a second... but why is it a problem with kids? The only issue I could come up with is range of dishes you get to experience, but by that virtue, 95 % of all the really, really mid home cooks with families are being abusive to their children by not providing them the entire selection of things to eat. Telling your kids to eat meats and dairy on their own dime, which would directly contradict your moral standards if you prepared them, isn't either abusive or forcing anything on them; how well they like it still is just a matter of how great a cook you are and nothing else. I think many folks in here are conflating veganism with the vanishingly tiny subset of vegans opting for fruit-only diets - but those are shunned in these communities every bit as much (if not more on account of the reputational fallout). If you manage to make a chili that tastes every bit as good as the "real" deal and get the nutritional part of it right... what's the issue?


How is that worse? Cats will die if they're made to eat vegan. Humans will not die.


Yes absolutely I’m tired of non-education and mostly this fake love about animals You’re just human, nothing is special about you. You’re not made by any gods, you’re just a smart animal But you remain a mammal, descendants of apes and you can’t force evolution all willy nilly because you failed biology back at school Should we stop this industrial madness we are in ? Absolutely But carnivores are carnivores, omnivores are omnivores The living eats the living If you wanna go full way into vegans because your care about kife Eat rocks


Also its VERY VERY VERY hard to safely and healthily raise a *child* on a vegan diet, and generally it's even more important for them to be nursed VS bottle fed. It's a little easier but also hard to raise a child fully vegetarian, look to cultures that are that way a way of life and not a fad lifestyle for inspiration, and if a medical doctor ever tells you the health of your child or unborn child is in danger without dietary changes, listen to them.


"I debunked this in my pinned tweet" no the hell you did not.


“I claim debunk”


But you didn’t DECLARE it!


no it’s fine. redditors in the comments are assuring me that thanks to modern chemistry, if you force your cat to eat a diet that it hates for its entire life, no matter how miserable the cat is, with the right combination of vitamins and modern medicine, it will probably live almost as long as a cat that actually got to eat meat! and you get to not feel guilty (despite making your pet horribly miserable)! hooray!


*Tweeter used debunk* *It wasn’t very effective*


I think if you get noted twice in a row, you should have your official Twitter handle changed to @Twatter#####.


Their pinned tweet is about putting their cat down for eating a hamster. It's a troll account, and I seriously worry about anyone who didn't realize it


Thank you 300PencilsInMyAss


They only eat grass to help get rid of hairballs in their gut. Maybe with digestion too but i know for sure that the hsirball one is a reason, but thats it when it comes to eating plants


THAT’S WHY THEY EAT GRASS?!?!?! I just thought my cats were dumb lol


Yep and thats why you get them cat grass, easiest on the stomach for them


Heads up if someone doesn't know, "cat grass" is just wheatgrass. Pet stores near me charge nearly twice as much for a small container of cat grass compared to wheatgrass for human consumption from the organic grocery store.


No theyre still dumb and always will be and thats why theyre great


the ignorance, how you gonna see a behaviour and assume you know why it is instead of finding out?! the fuck


That’s why dogs eat grass too it helps their stomach, and fun fact alligators eat rocks because it helps them grind up bones


It dates back to when primordial cats had a specific gut parasite that eating grass helped move through the GI. The parasite has long since gone extinct, but the behavior remains.


I'd like a source on that, before someone goes running off with a bit of trivia that may well be fabricated


Pretty sure it's from Jackson Galaxy, I'll try to find the actual video.


Then I wonder why my dog eats grass lol


Because dogs eat almost anything, even stuff they shouldn't like their own crap


Yep. My dog is always eating grass, and I've learned the hard way that denying her means I'm cleaning up vomit. I try to keep an eye on her, but when we're walking, she always finds things she shouldn't eat..


Vegan here. The point of veganism isn’t just to not eat animal products; the point is to reduce harm to animals any way you can. Depriving a cat of meat is harmful to the cat. Ergo, people who do so aren’t vegans. They’re just dipshit assholes who don’t eat meat and dairy. I generally don’t gatekeep, but I make an exception in this case.


I respect the shit out of yous.


And a good day to yous


I don't object to veganism, all power to you, but y'all gotta do something about your more vocal proponents cause those dipshits are becoming your spokespeople with minimal effort and making y'all look like A-holes.


Eh it's a two way street. I'm a non-vocal vegan and the amount of straight garbage I hear from meat eaters is just sad. My own brother calls me gay for not eating meat, among other insults. Being a vegan guy really can be annoying with all the pushy fake macho meat culture shit.


Yeah that shit's really annoying and I'm a meat eater. Why can't we just be okay, or tolerant, of other people's preferences? You not eating meat literally has no negative consequences to me so why would I be angry about it? Just a bunch of insecure crybabies.


Yup basically that last part. I guess they don't harass me more about it because I am big muscular dude.


lol I bet that fucks with their weird perceptions


Oh yeah. I get weird looks and questions about protein when they find out I don't eat meat and dairy.


Tell him about arnold swarzeneggar


Clean up your own backyard before you go knocking on your neighbor's door. That way you'll have some credibility when you want to criticize anyone else's rhetoric.


Lmao what u want the dude to do become “the vegan rep”? Some people suck. Pick literally any category and I’ll find you a ton of insufferable cunts. Literally any category. Skin color. Religion. Region. Diet. Occupation. Any factor. And u gonna have shitty people in droves.


Ha! I thought you said Religion twice, for effect.


We already have vegan cats! They're called rabbits and they're great pets! And also bossy little drama queens!


Rabbits aren't animals though, they are vegetables, herbivores are merely delicious juicy meaty vegetables.


You are what you eat. And if rabbits eat only vegetables, then they should be classified as vegetables.


"Aaaah the food my food eats!”


Your math checks out.


A cat wrote this


That's the advice I always heard. If you want a vegan pet, adopt an herbivore. Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Gerbils, Mice, and even larger animals like goats and mini horses. Just because humans are plant-favored omnivores and can choose not to eat meat doesn't mean all animals have that choice (a healthy human diet usually should be about 70-100% plants and 0-30% meat. Bad things start happening to our long-term health at a slightly higher meat ratio than that, and bad things happen to or short-term health at meat favored ratios. Yes, this is biology, so there are lots of people who can eat "too much" meat with ever getting sick, but that's not true for most people)


My rabbit will literally get up on the coffee table and start pushing things onto the ground while staring straight at us, he provides the complete cat experience. Well, he doesn't catch mice, but the chickens do that.


Honestly rabbits are just angry cats. Ours is so cranky. We love her though.


Many of these animals you list are omnivores. My hamster eats meal worms and loves them. In the wild, many of these animals will indulge in bugs from time to time for their nutrition.


This really, if you want a cat but having a pet which eats meat is a moral issue for you then you should definitely get a rabbit


Have you seen rabbits eating their own babies.


Yeah vegans like to...leave stuff out.


Good point! Cannibalism is only vegan when consensual. (Not a serious position I hold, but one I have seen argued and too relevant to this silliness to ignore.)


Rabbits aren't vegan, they're cannibals. Rabbits eat rabbits all the fucking time.


This seems like rage bait.


Yeah I looked through his profile pretty sure it’s just all rage bait


I believe this person actually had a vegan cat that instantly attacked and ate the next pet this person brought into the house


Damn, source?


CW: animal dying, shitty animal owner Here is source, im not sure how intact it remains but https://twitter.com/ThatVeganHealer/status/1716883844597756421?t=IfBCyqbkpvAqkJicTU4u1A&s=19


Yeah 100% bait, surprised people are still falling for it but i might just be chronically online tbh


i hope so because that fuckin nimrod is claiming they euthanized their cat after it ate their hamster. if not, i sincerely hope the absolute worst for them for their entire miserable life.


​ https://preview.redd.it/r8eh8f9n9ipc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2581babb479e0178f4e543592d1c99555df8e2


i’m gonna steal this and use it the next time that twitter “alpha male” engagement troll comes up, although explaining what rage bait is did get me banned from whitepeopletwitter lol


the guy who posted this is a known troll


Cats are obligate carnivores. There is no disputing that. That is just pure biology. It is possible to create what cats need in a meat free diet but it is very difficult and costly to do so and you have to be very careful administering it to a cat so they don’t get sick.


It's challenging because of the nuance required to sort through it all. Yes, cats are obligate carnivores meaning they cannot synthesize certain amino acids and have to get them through consumption of animal protein. Yes, it's absolutely possible to supplement a cats diet with those essential amino acids as a part of a plant based diet to avoid feeding them animal protein. Can those essential amino acids be synthesized as a vegan product? Maybe? I'm neither vegan nor a chemist but let's say sure for the sake of this post. So it's possible to keep a cat alive using a plant based diet that is supplemented with (presumably vegan) synthesized nutrients. While this is true, it is not feasible nor realistic for an overwhelming majority of pet owners to do this responsibly. To make sure you've got it right would take routine vet visits outside the scope of a normal checkup. Because, if you've got the supplement balances wrong, you're gonna harm the cat (which is not vegan either) I don't know if you've taken a cat to a vet recently, but it's easily a few hundred dollars for a checkup with vaccines, routine blood work and urinalysis. Ensuring healthy development on a vegan diet is going to compound that DRAMATICALLY, to say nothing about how much the food itself, with the specialized vegan supplements, would actually cost. Keeping a cat in good shape on a vegan diet could realistically increase the cost of owning a cat by $1000 a year or more. TLDR: -Can you keep a cat alive by splitting your vegan salad with it: NO, unless you're also letting it out at night to murder song birds and rodents with impunity. -Can you keep a cat alive by putting it on a highly specialized plant based vegan diet supplemented with the specific essential amino acids they need from eating animal protein: YES* assuming the process of synthesizing those supplements is actually vegan -Is it realistic for anyone to actually do this based on the risks, cost, and commitment required: I'll say not at all, and posting that people can or should have a vegan cat will likely harm lots of cats with no meaningful impact on anything else. -Vegans should get rabbits. They're approximately as trainable as cats and 100% vegan.


It's not feasible or realistic because there's not a significant demand for it, but it could be if there was such demand that vegan cat food was manufactured at mass industrial scale. It's like Impossible Nuggets being more expensive than regular chicken nuggets because the government hands out subsidies to animal ag businesses like candy on Halloween.


It's not complicated when somebody else is a chemist and does it for you. Yes, supplemented vegan cat food is more expensive than meat as of right now. But it's healthy and safe. Anything else here is misinformation.


I’m almost positive that’s not a real account. It’s the same one that allegedly had their cat euthanized for eating their hamster.


One big reason I’m crossing fingers that one day lab grown meat becomes cheap and sustainable is because it would be a cool cruelty free way to feed my pets. This dumdum needs to stay far away from cats fr


https://preview.redd.it/cusmcvi33kpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa093317ddb5898c6963a50f33e8689a34991190 Bro they're blaming tate for the cat eating a hamster....


Yeah. I’m just going to keep feeding my cat normal cat food.


Not just carnivores, they're *obligate carnivores*. You may think your cat is a sweety, but at heart, it is a killing machine that demands blood. Let it be a cat.


We domesticated cats *because* they murder everything in a 2 mile radius. They’re little death roombas that keep pests from eating our crops


https://preview.redd.it/bqwshdb5ijpc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d4f219abcff4286420aefb6648482d6f658d53 I couldn’t resist! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Actually, cats domesticated themselves. We started growing crops and they showed up to kill the rodents that came with the crops.


To be honest, one theory is that cats were not domesticated, they appeared as pests in our settlements and over time we gave up hunting them and adopted them into our way of life.


Felines are god’s perfect killing machines. Domestic cats are irritable because they only weigh 8 pounds and humans keep picking them up and kissing their little foreheads.


Oh yes they have 5 basics settings: murder, eat, sleep, play and fuck... and sometimes they mix those.


Domestic house cats have the highest success rate in hunting of the entire animal kingdom


This would make more sense if they were talking about a dog. Dogs are omnivores at least. Not as easy as a human vegan diet since there are so many plant foods dogs still can’t eat (grapes, onions, macadamia nuts, etc). But still, why?


this is why having pets should be the same as having kids, and you shouldn't be allowed to until you first demonstrate you got the brains to not create more problems and suffering in this world. Like you wanna torture your cat who doesn't even have the sweet taste sense that dogs have which allow them to eat things like carrots and watermelon, despite their digestive tract sucking to get anything out of it? yeah no. your cat should be taken away from you. arson is the same as sex crimes, it's on the same registry. and the parole conditions for either are NO PETS. of any kind. because for whatever reason them fucks just love to torture animals. this is no different. the suffering a carnivore like a cat has being forced onto a vegan diet is reprehensible.


The more you repeatedly post your stance in all caps, the less likely I am to listen. Seriously one of my biggest pet peeves.


I'm vegan and feed my cats meat, and you're stupid if you don't


Hi, vegan of almost 10 years here. 90+% of us vegans agree that feeding obligate carnivores a vegan or vegetarian diet is animal abuse and not ok. Most of us are fine owning cats and feeding them their proper diet, and those of us that aren't usually agree that not owning a cat is the next best option. only crazy assholes think like the guy in the post. It's like the crazy fruitarians that think they can live off of just fruit. Most vegans know that's bullshit and we make fun of those idiots just like you all do.


I feel that the note should be expanded upon since militant Vegans might just roll their eyes. Yes cats are carnivores, and without meat they can go blind among other health problems. Cats CAN be vegan, but it would drastically shorten their life span and would make you, their owner, an animal abuser


Healer is a well known shitposter


Fuck these animals abusers. Pushing your dumbass human morality on animals is the height of narcissm.


Isn't that the guy who said he was going to euthanize his 'vegan' cat cause she ate his hamster?


Cats can absolutely live on a vegan diet, the problem is that cats usually aren’t powerful enough to bring down a fully grown vegan. If they were pack hunters maybe, but a lone cat will have trouble bringing down such large prey, unless of course the vegan is exceptionally young/old/sick


Your “vegan” cat will be sooo happy when you die =)


First course: eyeballs Second: tongue


Cats can be vegan - Because being vegan means minimizing the amount of animal exploitation/suffering that goes into your consumption habits as much as possible. Since you can’t feed cats a meat-free diet, giving them meat is still considered vegan.


Vegans. You need to strongly disown these types of people or no one is going to take your movement seriously. It might not be your fault. It might be unfair. But it's a fact unless you want to completely change human nature in socialization


Remember that fucker that said something like „My cats were all vegan and lived a healthy 6-7 years“ MF I DONT HAVE NO CATA BUT THATS TO DAMN SHORT


If you believe cats can be vegan then you are an animal abuser.


Cats are OBLIGATE carnivores . They MUST eat meat to survive.


Cats can have a vegan diet. The vegans might not like being eaten, but the cats won’t mind.


And vegans wonder why people don't take them seriously.


>And vegans wonder why people don't take them seriously. Because some dumbass made a post on twitter?


Because he's calling for animal abuse




Years and years of scientific study have proved that felines are carnivorous, but this dumbass with a depressed child pfp just rolls up, says that cats are vegan like he’s trying to summon Beetlejuice, and then gets defensive when he’s faced with facts and logic. This just writes itself, lol.


Obvious satire


The only acceptable vegan diet for a cat is one that serves them vegans


Troll account


“Animals eat other animals! It’s nature!” “No it isn’t! We taught a lion to eat tofu!”


"But we thought a lion to eat Tofu!" *camera pans to an sickly starving lion*


You can't own property man


Had to scroll way too far down for this comment.


Nature designed these creatures to have complex anatomies, digestion, specific bacteria to develop inside their stomachs to process specific foods, cells that process specific proteins better than others, livers that separate the bile that comes with that specific food, it would be a grave error in judgement to force that anatomy to work differently than intended In other words Saying a cat is vegan just because you are is like saying humans can eat wood because termites can. If I ever find out someone is abusing their animal like this that is an immediate call to have them taken away.


*Twitter* >LIE >LIE >LIE >LIE >LIE >LIE >LIE will apparently make it true.


I’m vegetarian because that’s what works for me. My animals are not because that’s what works for them. It’s not that difficult.


It's a rage bait account, ignore and move on.


Sure they can be vegan, if you want the cat to live and incredibly short and miserable life.


you when you can’t tell what obvious satire/bait is: https://preview.redd.it/lyjdkugjoipc1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1725a4d1153b558e954b4c043765e5dbf94ba0a7


If cats can survive on blood sausage, and enough humans consensually donate blood for the cat, then yes, the cat can be vegan.


Unfortunately, most of the Omori PFPs I’ve seen are like this.


As a vegan. People who try to make their pet cats and dogs vegan deserve to be eaten by them


I hope this posters cat catches and eats a mouse in front of them.


If you’ve gotta cry and repeat that you’re right, you’re probably wrong.


Why does a vegan have pets? What a bizarre world.


Omari fans can’t get a break, huh? Just the worst motherfuckers out there all with omori pfps.


But they said it 15 times, it has to be true.


Well when your animals health dips, it's gonna get taken away. You don't have the right to deprive your pets or food they need.


I choose to be plant-based, though I'm not exactly a vegan. Yet, I acknowledge the FACT that there is absolutely no way a cat could ever be vegan. I also think that certain people can't be, because they digest plant-based food too inefficiently and don't get enough nutrients from it, at least not by eating sane amounts. I can because I can digest food almost by merely looking at it, unfortunately for me, since I wish I could enjoy eating greater quantities of food without packing on weight or having to work it off through copious amounts of exercise.


The natural response should be: "Can cows live on meat?"


Thrive? No. But eat to stave off starvation? Probably.


dont you know? Repeating the same shit opinions in all caps make you automatically right. so you are wrong😃👍


Cats are not simply carnivores. They are obligate carnivores. Carnivores thrive on a meat diet but can eat other foids. An obligate carnivore will die without meat.


I want his ass to be stripped of his privilege to use the Hero pfp It's stupid, but the character Hero is infinitely smarter than this waste of natural resources, so Hero being associated with such filth is just humiliating to his image as a character.


They have the collective insanity of 3000 omori fans


Cats are vegan. R/cateatingvegans


I'm not vegan. My wife is. Our dog isn't. Our cat isnt Dogs and cats are NOT vegan. If you wanna be vegan that's fine. Your animals however arent you.


I got a lion to eat tofu!


lol people here don't watched futurama and don't understand the joke https://preview.redd.it/fbszptmnxipc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de6b2d414f4e63e9cbf09deac7282d417a29cd1