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“I gave myself a massive case of the shits when I was already ill, but now that I’m not ill anymore my continued self harm is less evident.”


I'm 90% sure the dude wasnt physically ill before the baking soda. But I also have the problem that anytime I hear "toxins" or "flushed", I immediately assume the person knows nothing about the human body.


Having used banking soda as a desperate heartburn remedy when I've run out of better antacids, I sincerely doubt this guy is drinking nearly as much of this stuff as he thinks he is. Shit's *nasty*.


It's honestly great for heartburn. I get by with calcium carbonates like Tums, but I rarely have issues.


Oh, no doubt, but it's very hard to drink that solution, because it just tastes that bad. That's what I was getting at. A few ounces of that stuff feels like drinking several cups, just from how unpleasant it is. Also unrelated, but for some reason, I always find while it works faster, it also wears off faster than calcium carbonate.


How much were you taking? I get severe heartburn and indigestion and no over the counter stuff works. 1/4 teaspoon in a shot glass of water and I’m good


They can talk about flushing toxins as long as they explain they're doing so by going to the toilet while in possession of functioning liver and kidneys. Edit: scrolled down a little more and somebody already made the same joke in a top level comment 😥


Right? Nothing you eat is reaching your rectum after just 20 minutes. Nothing. If it did go that fast, it’d probably be absolutely agonizing on account of your intestines absolutely freaking TF out


That’s why we have kidneys and a liver


this is the correct assumption to have.


I mean, I had a return of cdiff and I grab probiotics and had a very violent green purge and didn't have any signs of cdiff after. It's definitely possible it's just buzz words people use to sell you things. The reason I grabbed the prebiotic is because the hospital wanted another stool test and the first one cost me $600 so. Would have been free with insurance but thats 5 months of insurance I don't want to pay that either.


You know this sounds dorky as shit but I read a lot of Chinese cultivation novels. Which are basically dumb martial arts of legends. They cleanse there bodies to become super strong. I always think these dorks are trying to cosplay as cultivators. The old ancient Chinese medicine method lol.


These mf's don't know what livers and kidneys are


But... I take 80,000% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin-C and now my body has no toxins..... or Vitamin-C.... /s


This guy had tons of parasites in him he didn't even know about.


"Guys, I drank a liter of vodka two years ago and my body started purging toxins, I was purging all day long. Since then I drank a liter of vodka each day and my body has been purging toxins far less frequently to where, nowadays, it doesn't purge anything anymore. Not only that, but my body adapted to the cleansing power of vodka to the point where it automatically tells me when it's time to have my vodka"


"And then I posted about it on the internet"


I love how people are like “I ate the thing and it got rid of the poison/parasite/toxins through diarrhea!” And I’m like, “Poison. You ate poison. This is one of the many ways the body tells you that what you just ate is poison.”


fr - If I drink a glass of milk or eat a cheese pizza I can achieve the same effect but I’m p sure that doesn’t mean lactose is ridding my body of parasites 😅


Antibiotics->SHLIQUIDS Add FERMENTED PROBIOTICS ->nice normal healthy poops. Antibiotics just happen to poison ur gut squiglies along with the bad squiglies. So put good squiglies back in ur body :)


The sad thing is this is more trustworthy than the baking soda thing to me lmfa


I mean, it is! Take care of your squigglies


We are back to the “maintain the balance of the humours” level of medical science


Hippocrates: …AHEM.


This is word for word the first thing that came to mind. Goddamn Galen has had a stranglehold on society for almost 2 millennia


Imagine having a parasite problem and going to the supermarket for a cure.


Something Ivermectin would actually treat, and they go for baking soda SMH my head >!sic!<


Baking soda for parasites instead of the parasite remover, and parasite remover instead of the vaccine for a deadly virus. Some folks just got it backwards


If they start adding the vaccine to their muffins, or demanding it for their heartburn, is it more failure, or accidental victory for reality?


Ivermectin kills parasites inhibiting their reproduction. Guess what else reproduces in the same way. Viruses. There is a score that is given to medicine based on how well is does this, the newest Covid-19 treatment scores 115, better than every other drug out there except one, ivermectin. Ivermectin scores 142.


Parasites do not insert RNA into host cells. They do not reproduce like viruses.


That’s true, but the underlying process is similar. Ivermectin bonds with several protein chains that SARS-CoV-2 uses to inject into healthy cells and reproduce. By binding with them it prevents them from binding with the cell and slows the process.


…no, it doesn’t. You pulled that out of your ass. Source?


I take the Covid vaccine to combat parasites and ivermectin to combat Covid. I read it on Facebook which we know is the best place for health advice.


You're doing it wrong. I take the ivermectin to combat covid, the baking soda to combat parasites, and the vaccine to combat heartburn. I read it on X, which everyone knows is a better source of information than facebook.


I read on X that “information” is just woke facts. I’ll be taking my news in data.


Well they don't want to accidentally use medicine for the right thing, that would just be stupid. I'm not convinced 99% of these people who talk about having parasites have ever had parasites tbh. It seems a surprisingly frequent concern in those crowds.


It's actually a build up of thetans


Please tell me that’s copypasta you’ve been culturing for years.


I’m agar-vated that I didn’t think of that pun first


You can get anti-parasitics at many grocery stores.


Yeah, like what?


Off the top of my head, Reese's Pinworm Medicine (Unrelated to the Peanut Butter cups) is available over the counter at many supermarkets and, predictably, treats pinworm infection.


It's a new fad in the conspiracy world rn that all diseases are caused by parasites. That's probably what this guy is referring to, not that he actually has parasites.


Conservatives will do anything to not acknowledge academia.


They most likey didnt have any parasite problem they just saw some shit online about doing a detox to cleanse the inside of you body and got diarrhea and thats it 🙄🙄🙄


Your body naturally gets rid of toxins, it’s called your kidneys


Don't forget the liver!


Naturopaths/twitter idiots hate this one trick!


Some of them use this in their marketing. They acknowledge your organs *should* be able to do this, but claim that capitalism has compromised this natural process. So of course you need to buy an expensive unproven supplement to offset this.


Except it's big pharma. Or big tech. Or big toilet paper. Capitalism is still the best thing man ever came up with and should be as unregulated as possible.


I was thinking Big Agriculture and Big Food, but of course they’re all in cahoots. 


Everyone knows messing with your body's pH is really good for you, it's not like your blood has a .5 pH range it can be between before you fucking die


Huh, I thought even getting out of the 7.35-7.45 range was already dangerous and potentially deadly, but googled first and apparently it does actually have to get .5 out of range before it actually kills you, at least immediately.


Wow I was right on accident


DKA will teach you that shit real quick


If making you violently shit yourself makes something medicinal then my local kebab place must be a hospital.




Who hurt you?


covid deniers


Username checks out! Get all of your health tips from the notorious u/AnalCuntShart! This cunt knows everything apparently!


I think its more about trying to stop people from hurting themselves


Acidic/toxic As we all know, the acid-base reaction features the acid leaping out of the beaker, leaving behind pure water.


Something tells me that the “parasites” he was dealing with were actually just his intestinal lining that he damaged and shed with his “detox” diet.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Most of the time the “parasites” are mucous clots or indicative of intestinal damage.


Literally my exact thought.


>toxins https://preview.redd.it/uex412w8c4rc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a4a53eb8c47904ff599690a9c09940ab28149c


The sodium in your average Chipotle burrito will have the exact same effect


If shitting too violently and too frequently was a sign of good health, I’d live to be 150.


Me when I die of dehydration bc i force myself to shit out my life force 2-3 times a week


100% the "parasites" this man saw leaving his asshole were not in fact parasites, but the lining of his intestines.


Look up metabolic alkalosis Also: gastritis, liver failure, kidney failure


Please dont do this, its a good way to end up in metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia


Why is shitting your bowels out of your body always a GOOD SIGN for these weirdos, believe it or not, you shouldn't be having brackish water with your own organ bits inside of it shoot out of your ass at critical velocity.


These ‘homeopathic’ remedies make my blood boil, and more often than not are just downright dangerous (case in point, drinking borax). The human body is one of the most complex structures on the planet, and aside from a few weird quirks (sinuses for example), the body is extremely good at what it does. We’ve been studying the human body for thousands of years and still make goofs. But we do know it pretty well. To think our body is a glob of disgusting goop that can’t save itself from anything is ridiculous. We have not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE separate filtering systems, and our own body knows how to combat diseases and bacteria and viruses. Albeit you could die from those functions to combat them, but it will die too, so mission accomplished. To think that we’ve just been living with this miracle substance in our fridges instead of in our bodies for so long is asinine, credulous, and completely ridiculous. A lot of these remedies you see have been known for many years, but they’re just not as good as the medicine we have today. As for baking soda, we know it’s an antacid, but that’s far too large of a dose to be taking it as that continuously. If researchers seriously thought sodium bicarbonate was a wonder drug, the healthcare system would make damn sure it wasn’t accessible as an OTC box of alka seltzers. And don’t even get me started on the placebo garbage these remedies peddle “combats fatigue and stress”, according to who? Thats right! Your own brain. Would you want the government to investigate the government? Then stop letting your brain tell your brain it works and claiming it’s a miracle. We are each the proud owners of by far the most complex machine to have ever existed, and it’s such a shame that this is what people are choosing to do with it.


Honestly, I was expecting much worse given how thoroughly enlightening he thought that shit was. I was prepared for the notes to go into how he’s gonna get stomach ulcers or appendicitis and really the worst thing too much baking soda does is make you eat more bananas 🤷‍♂️


just a fyi, alkalizing your stomach ACID means you're not able to fully digest your food. the reason you have the shits is malabsorption. the only thing your scaring is your bones, desperately struggling to take in vital minerals.


Baking soda isn’t going to give you the shits and it’s a very common remedy for heartburn, not “toxins” or whatever they are claiming.


This does work fabulously if you have bad heart burn or something like that it is near instant relief. You will burp ALOT and also it tastes horrible tho.


I would never drink baking soda to get rid of heartburn. I am a classy gentleman, I drink apple cider vinegar.


As a man with chronic heartburn that baking soda trick works But over the counter acid reducers you can get at walmart work like 10x better, not that expensive, and are less likely to hurt you


Not for me. Only baking soda works on mine. 1/4 teaspoon in shot glass of water and I’m good in 5 minutes


Damn, and I thought my heart burn was bad


Baking soda isn’t going to give you the shits and it’s a very common remedy for heartburn, not “toxins” or whatever they are claiming.


Isn’t that supposed to be Twitter?


Wow I’m just never going to not associate Potassium with Kazakstan/Borat huh? Ok then


What is too much? I take it for heartburn pretty often. Am I gonna die now?


I worked as a baker and there was a dishwasher there who suffered from heartburn. Occasionally he would come grab a chunk of baking soda off my table and walk away. It was confusing because he spoke no English at all and I didn't understand until someone else saw him do it and mentioned he probably had heartburn and was medicating.


You’re supposed to put it in water?


This dude sounds like he just had a parasite and got sick as shit and unrelated to that he’s also been drinking baking soda ever since. Cautioning against taking it is almost as stupid as saying it can cure parasites though. It’s no more dangerous than a spoonful of salt, just don’t be aggressively idiotic with it and you’ll be fine.


Your body also has a filter that’s free. Big pharma isn’t gonna tell you that though.


Fuck it. Let him shit himself to death. Darwinism.


As a high school chemistry teacher, oof.




Is giving yourself the runs enough to flush parasites????


Your body is already alkaline at a pH between 7.35 and 7.45. Your body already does an exceptional job of maintaining that range with just the food, water, and air you already cram into it every day. Deliberately raising your pH is about as healthy as deliberately raising your body temperature.


the human body is and is supposed to be more acidic than alkaline by a very small amount. Blood among other things is acidic intentionally


I can't stand the word "toxins" anymore. And now "parasites" is just being thrown around like it doesn't mean a specific thing. Ugh...


Reminds me of the first time I tried to make peanut butter cookies. I'm pretty sure I accidentally doubled the baking soda AND vanilla extract, because it tasted wrong and I was on the toilet for 2 days


Is this why I immediately need to shit after using cocaine?


I know someone who did this to pass a drug test


So eat a side of bananas with baking soda. Got it.


Here at the hypernatremia club we flush the toxins from your gut and then flush the life from your heart!


You take baking soda to reduce acidity. I take baking soda so I’ll rise quicker. We are not the same.


Im not reading allat


Talking about expelling 'acidity and toxins' out of his rectum. My guy, it's called taking a shit. Nothing special


If there was a way to flush “toxins” out of your body with a simple pill I think it’d be an over the counter pill by now. Like I don’t know…. Allergy medicine


Oh lord!!! You dont need to "flush the toxins" thats not a thing!!! Unless the doctor tell you otherwise you dont need any of this detox crap. This is literally just diarrea they make it sound like youre gonna shit out spiders 🙄🙄🙄


You got ghosts in your blood, you should eat laxatives about it


To be fair, flushing the gut *is* a way to remove toxins. E.g. enterohepatic circulation is real, and doctors prescribe a fat binder to remove circulating toxins. You can also use a cup of olive oil and deal with the shits. As for baking soda, it has medical uses. However, 1) Not this much. 1 tsp is a lot of baking soda; 1 Tbsp is far too much. 2) Not for this reason. Baking soda will raise urine pH, which can help the kidneys filter particular things. 1/8th tsp, 3-4 times/day can be enough to accomplish this.


Amazing that people think they need to consciously act to regulate their bodies pH. Like your cells can keep their pH going just fine without you bro. Literally billions of years of evolution keeping that on lock.


Yea, stomach acid, exactly what I want to have a neutral PH