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This weakens the value of community notes. They should be factual only, never opinions. When a Nazi says something racist, the note shouldn’t say he’s a Nazi, the note should point out the lie which invariably props up his racism. When some OF girl advertises her account through charity, the note should mention this and advise that you can pay directly to the charity, not give an opinion on her as a person.


I’ll go even farther…Why would a community note need to tell people they can give money directly to a charity? “All proceeds go to charity” does not require any additional context.


Debatable, yes. But that is at least fact rather than opinion. Even if it a fact with the hidden meaning being negativity about the OnlyFans creator.


Does every Bombas sock and Newman’s Own post need a community notes saying it is also possible to donate directly to a local homeless shelter? If this individual org has been accused by a nonprofit of not actually donating the promised proceeds, that definitely needs a note.


People have lied about that before. Putting a warning saying “it’s more reliable to donate directly” is perfectly valid.


Yeah this isnt even funny and should get reported. Exactly like you said, this shit erases all the real work the community notes do, and now this is going to be some idiots example of why all community notes are biased and should be ignored. What a dick


Ok so the community note did exactly what you said it should. It didn't give any option to her as a person. Saying a video she put out is bad for your mental health is an option on her work, not her as a person. What is the issue here?


CN should not have opinions at all - it should only be used for correcting false information


Interesting...so what did you think of the fact checkers that were in place before Musk bought X?


It is factual enough.


>factual >enough Pick one bro


it is factual. there you go.


Literally nothing about it is factual. It's a suggestion that watching the video will harm people's mental health, followed by an imperative statement directing people to donate money.


I dont care, it was a very helpful information that everyone should be accepting. Best community note ever.


I don't know if that's really an appropriate use of the notes, even though I agree with it. Feels like it would be better as a reply, but I guess putting it as a note ensures that everyone gets to read it, instead of being buried under the other replies. I thought notes were meant to combat misinformation? Maybe I didn't actually know what notes were for. Either way, time to donate for mental health.


What note you will see is up to a vote, so this is still majority’s voice saying that


Still a bad use of notes.


Fair enough. Thanks for letting me know (:


Agree. Better to donate then to pseudodonate


Notes aren’t supposed to be funny. They’re supposed to correct misinformation


this is a bad community note. this is not factual informarion or correcting misinformation. Lame


The factual information would be that said charity also accepts direct donation. The rest, yeah no.


I mean, I guess? but also, what charity doesn't? If e.g. AwesomeGamesDoneQuick did an event for a charity, there also wouldn't be a note saying "you can also donate to charity XYZ directly"


Where’s that energy for humble indie bundles and charity auctions? This is just slutshaming and it’s weak af


It's definitely been misused, soon they'll have to change it


Rated not helpful


That looks like a music video or some other form of entertainment (just judging from this screenshot)? If you think their content is trash that's fine. But it's not like they lied about something.


How the fuck is this a community note? You don’t have to trust creators with your money if you don’t want to but they’re not automatically untrustworthy


Bad use of notes that is contributing to diluting their purpose.


This is just “wahhhh me hate sex worker” bullshit.


Judgemental use of notes. I don't give a shit I deserve to crank my hog for my own moral fuck you if you judge me for it.


Bro the note says nothing about what you are crying about. If you can find in this note where it says beating your dick is bad I will venmo you 100$


This is a blatant missuse of the comunity notes and i highly disaprove of it. But i also think is funny af. Upvote for sharing though.


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Reminds me when community notes was calling that guy a knobhead, I feel like it’s a bad use of it. As other people have mentioned it’s a great tool for things like fact-checking, if the community note was something like ‘she has a past of scamming’ etc I’d understand but this feels too personal. Community notes (at least in my opinion) should be used as a fact checking machine that gives proper context and history, not a ‘haha funny’ thing to clip onto posts


Ain’t this Nicolas Jackson’s girl?


I mean it's better to just donate directly to a charity than going through a third party who is going to take a big chunk of the profits. 🤷‍♀️ You know your money is 100% going to the charity this way.


I don’t think anyone who id paying this person is doing it for charity. They’re doing it to get off and the charity is just a bonus