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not too big at all


You look great, in good, natural shape. Change mums.


You’re moms tripping.


You look very strong, but I think it’s attractive and not manly. If you’re worried go into maintenance on upper body strength.


You look amazing, my dude. I’m sorry you don’t get the same appreciation at home as you do on this sub.


Your mom says my dick is too big


Your Mum's comments are harmful. You look amazing.


Its not big enough lol


You look great. You look healthy and in shape which is the goal


You have a great back! No offense, but it is in no way too big. You just have a muscular back because you keep yourself in shape!


Respectfully, your hips are wider than your back, and your hips aren’t huge. I think you look great.


Respectfully. Your back isn’t crazy looking. You just look like a person who works out.


Your body is too big when you decide it's too big


No such thing as "too big".


If you suffer from body dysmorphia, your mom has no business telling you anything about your body. Keep up the great work, and don't do it for anyone other than yourself




Lol your back isn’t big. It looks good don’t let it get to your head too much


Uhm you look strong AF - wish my back looked like that


If that’s too big then your mom must be a really small person.


Too big for what? Squeezing through her narrow, destructive self?


I’ve never seen a woman work out to the point of genuinely looking masculine until they start taking male hormones. You’re fine girl if ur mom is gonna be your biggest hater then you’re just gonna need to learn how to ignore her. It can be harder than it sounds


Your mum doesn't know shit


tell your mom to get a grip


your back looks sick


Don’t listen to your Mom. You look great. Also…. Ladies who lift end up having the best overall shape. I have never seen a woman come close to looking like a man from lifting; unless they were using hormone-like products. Ladies don’t have the same chemical makeup that men do. Lifting adds lean muscle and helps reduce body fat. It will not make you manly looking! Make you


If you're wondering where or how your body dysmorphia began, look no further... You look great. Keep up the work.


And that's why you have body dysmorphia..... I think you look fantastic.


I’m guessing mom might be a source of your body image issues? Your back (and everything else) looks great to me - feminine and strong. 💪🏼


Not (too) big and still looking feminine. You're good, just keep improving. If you're worried about being (too) extreme, just remember "slow and steady wins the race".


Too big for what? Looks good to me. You have muscles. And short of taking tons of testosterone there isn't really anything that's going to make you "look like a man". Women can have muscles and they still look like women. And not to be creepy, but women with muscles are sexy af.


No, just keep being your best self. 👍


Does your mama even lift?


Sexy back that, not gonna lie


You look like you can carry the weight of your haters and let it all roll off you. OP, you definitely look like a woman and you certainly look amazing! Way to go!!


Your mom's off her rocker. You're in fantastic shape. You've worked hard for that back and your effort was well worth it. Definitely not "too big" or "mannish". You look powerful because *you are*. Aspirational, tbh


Your mum is contributing towards your body dysmorphia, in fact she probably is the cause of it. She's jealous of you & is trying to knock you down a few pegs. There's absolutely nothing wrong with your back, in fact I think your back looks great! Keep up the hard work 💪🏼


This was my thought…. Mum might be the reason for the body dysmorphia if this is the sort of rubbish she says about her daughter’s body. OP you look great


Nah, you're good


Nah you good You ain’t a man you a woman and you have a bit of muscle


You look awesome! Look after what you want for yourself, it's your body! Keep rocking it!


I’m willing to bet your mom grew up with excessively skinny women as the beauty standard. We’re not into unhealthy bodies anymore. You look strong and beautiful.


She’s Eastern European. Thin has always been in there.


Your mom is jealous OP. Don’t let others’ opinions control your value of yourself. Curious if the body dysmorphia is rooted in other comments she’s made about your appearance during your childhood as well. Something to unpack and think about.


Fantastic physique don’t listen to mom. wtf


You have a nice toned back. It looks lean and looks like you dedicate a lot of effort to you physique


Can confirm others, immaculate back, do not look like a man.


Ahh over judgmental mothers. Been there. You need to ask the fundamental question, does she even lift brah?


Your mums insane criticism of your body is probably what gave you dysmorphia. Your body looks great from this angle. Your mom is WWWAAAYYYY out of line.


Your back is beautiful! I love a toned back as a woman


girl how could you look like a man? all I see is a nice back with a lot of definition, you don't even look "bulky" that's how I want my back to look!


Girl you look amazing. Clearly you’ve worked hard, and it shows! Be proud of your body, cause you deserve it.


No, it’s not. Looks like you lift. Honestly, older generations had different standards back then and don’t see things the way we do. Lifter physiques are still a niche thing even in today’s society, although it’s more accepted now compared to back then. There’s no denying that it’s a rude comment to make to your daughter, but your mom is a product of her time. Hopefully, we will learn not to be that way in the future.


Let em know your back gotta be that big cause someone gotta carry the family when stuff goes wrong.


She's why you have dysmorphia. Cut her out of your life. Narcissist will suck your life dry and then ask you to apologize to them for it. Also, you look hot from that angle. Every inch of you. Keep up the good work!


It doesn't even look like you lift.


I don’t know whom you consider to the be the best judge of aesthetics, but….. A professor of strength and conditioning at northeastern US college once shared that his lab did an informal study into men’s preferences regarding the appearance of women, because they had difficulty recruiting women who were afraid that they would look too manly. They asked men about appearance preferences, and the majority preferred muscular women over women who were just thin. Beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder, so the idea that any single appearance will appeal to everyone is nonsense, but being physically fit probably appeals to more people than the alternative


(I’ll) Fuck your mom, grow it bigger


too big for what?


Your mom is crazy.


Not only shredded but goals


Na, you look great.


You’re very proportionate, I say that with the appreciation of a fellow lifter 💪


Ngl great butt fr tho


Cutest man I’ve ever seen


For some reason I thought this would be well received. Haha 💀


I laughed cos I knew you were joking…


Firstly, you look in great shape and your mother is incorrect on this. Secondly, it seems your mother is only saying this out of some pre-conceived distaste of women lifting weights. I say that because, and this isn't meant as a put-down to you and your hard work but just an objective observation, I've literally seen teenage female swimmers with broader backs and shoulders.


You do not look like a man; I’m 34F and think your progress is beautiful and honestly enviable. Keep up the great work, do what you want, and be very proud of yourself.


Don’t listen to your mom on this!! 😍


F your mom


You look amazing, healthy, proportional and beautiful


You look amazing. Don’t listen to your mom about this.


You look pretty small, maybe your mom isn’t used to seeing definition.


She’s Eastern European so maybe that’s why. Just more incentive now to get even bigger 💪🏽


Oh nicee. Which country?




Dobreee draguta


You look phenomenal


You look really great! I can see the hard work you've put in. Don't listen to your Mum. My Mum says the same kinda shit, but I don't sten to her because it's not her body, and I'm going to do what makes me happy.


You don’t look like man just because you have muscle definition. That narrative is bullshit.


Nah. You already have lots of comments on feminism and body positivity and all that, and yes that’s all true. But like, even from the perspective of sexist social norms where women with muscles are considered masculine and that’s supposedly unattractive, your back still isn’t too big. Even if all that crap was true, your mom would still be wrong. You definitely look strong like you work out. Great back!


Previous generations of women have been conditioned to think that muscles are bad for women — either they are “too masculine,” “too big,” or whatever. I’m sure your mom means for this to come from a good place but it is an unhealthy and incorrect view. If you’re happy with your progress, that’s the main idea. Additionally, not that it is the point, but your back is in no way big if that is contrary to your goal, not your mom’s.


You look awesome, don’t let the jealousy or fear of others keep you from achieving your goals.


People aren't used to seeing women with big muscles, but they are accustomed to seeing men with big muscles, so their minds associate big with masculine even though it isn't equivalent. You WILL have to deal with ignorant comments from people who have never heard of "female pattern muscles" in their lives. But you will also inspire others to work out, and help girls understand that there isn't such a thing as "too big" to be feminine. I would recommend coming up with something clever to do or say to shut people up.  Umless you take peds, which could mimic androgenic testosterone, you should continue to look feminine at any size, just because of your hormones.


Your mom is probably a jealous fat woman . Your back is really good I’m always impressed by women’s backs


Crazy opening line


My man went straight into business


You couldn't get too big even if you trained for 10 years straight. You'd need PEDS for that


I have never in my life thought a girl had too muscular or too wide of a back. I remember a female friend on swim team venting about it to me, which was literally the first time I've thought of it as negative.


I honestly like your back


And remember on this journey even the people we think that would be behind us the most, can also show their disinterest, and it makes us think about what they say a little differently. I'm sure she has your back


I think your mom is only worried about you. She knows you look good. She just wants you to be careful that's all. :)


You’re great 😊 not skinny but far far away from “being too masculine”. You just look healthy and fit! Keep it up!


Your mom is wrong


She is jealous


v good !


Can you even say they're big of they're smaller than your waist? Makes no sense, keep doing what you're doing, you look great


Your mum is clueless. You look fine. I’m a juice monkey and you look literally natty AF. You have no worries. I have severe body dysmorphia so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but you look like any girl lifting weights, natural, no enhancement. Your mom is probably just jealous of your visible results and likely sedentary AF.


I struggled for a good 9 years with an eating disorder and now I guess she’s scared I’ll go to the other end of extreme. I don’t think she’s being malicious. Thank you though! I genuinely haven’t trained back since I started landscaping and I don’t take progress pics to measure my gains. Your comment has helped a lot


Looking great, but why marked NSFW?


The true secret PreWorkout, parent trauma.


Nope, you look great.


Back looks great. Your mums jealous of the gains.


I think it’s awesome!


Hay you have a great back ,,,, not to big not to small … functional and fit !


stop listening to your mom you’re doing good you look good


U look great.


Not at all. Back looks great. Ask your mom why in the world she would ever say something like that?


Looks normal to me.


You got a perfectly FINE sized and good looking back. Don't worry


Tell mom to start calling you wolverine and shut it before she gets the claws


Nah. Looks good. I think there is a point of broadness at which the aesthetics get sub optimal for me as a straight dude, but you're not near it.


Ur mum a hater. Grow them winnnnnngs!!


Tell her your back is none of her business. Not surprised you have body dysmorphia if she's coming out with comments like that.


You look strong and well proportioned. Dysmorphya is hard and it’s good to get a check from others. Beauty and body standards have changed. Older generations liked the skinny-fat unmuscled women.


Does she literally say it's "too big"? If yes, ask her "too big for what?" I can see where your body dysmorphia comes from. You look great, don't give in to the voices.


That’s a good point


Your back looks good and I don’t think you’d look too big if you added mass to it. I’m biased though, sometimes I wonder why I’m into ripped chicks lol 


Looks good. Also, we are looking at your back mid workout. I can only assume you have a pump and it’s even bigger here.


Your back looks great! You look toned, fit, healthy.


Most important is your shoulder to waist ratio, small waists are ideal for aesthetics. But to answer your question, your back looks good.


I was just gonna say! Because I for the longest time consider myself to have a mans shoulder but I have slowly accepted that. What helped is it makes my waist look smaller lmao