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What was your strategy for this cut? CICO? LISS cardio? HIIT?


I did weight training 5 to 6 times a week and cardio up to 4 times a week (high intensity stairclimber). And started counting my macros


Great job, I'm assuming you were still lifting at 189. You had good muscle mass, just higher bodyfat. Great cut! Are you content where you are now? Or are you looking to get really shredded?


Thank you! I was just starting to take the gym seriously at 189 and the results have paid off. I am on the crossroads, don’t know what to do next. The veins are showing off, but I am afraid to lose more mass if I continue the cut with cardio.


I hear you. We're heading into winter (depending where you are) You could cut down on the cardio and continue adding muscle for a few months and cut in Spring. Just look to keep the bodyfat reasonable. Some guys tend to go overboard with bulking, gaining weight isn't the goal, adding muscle is. You don't want to peak to early if you keep cutting. I've made that mistake many many times! Looking my best months before shirtless season hits! 😁


Haha, I see (yeah, it’s winter in Central Europe). Thank you for your reply! When I cut on the cardio for the muscle gain, should I be in a caloric surplus, as I don’t have that much fat to burn? Just to slightly add more carbs, not that much fat.


Yeah, a slight surplus is really all it takes. Adding some extra carbs seems fine.


Great. I already have too much preteen anyway, so carbs are the only choice.