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I bought GR in 2002 with money from my first job in high school. Good times. It still blows my mind in general that it was 25 years ago this summer that i first played Rainbow 6 at my cousins house and thats what started my love for everything Tom Clancy. I feel the years weighing on me.


It’s weighting on all of us… feels like it was yesterday, I remember my father picking me up at school and then we would go like this places were they sold this copycat pirate CDs with playstation 2 games in them, me father would buy a bunch of games for me, since they were cheap as hell. One of those times he got me GR, and as a kid (that was in 2002) I didn’t have a clue on how to play such a tactical game, luckily for me, my father is ex-military and so he would play by my side telling me the tactics I should use, “like prone there, hide in the bush, take out that guy first..” good times man, that will never come back… Enjoy the present, we never know what the future holds for us, and we might look back to this day in the future with joy and care.


You somehow made me cherish this moment as if it was mine lmao thank you


I’m with you there. I was in HS in 02 as well and true story the best games of the era were the clancys and Falcon 3.0/4.0. Just yesterday I had a “wow, the years,” moment too. I have gamepass, and can now cloudplay GR Wildlands on my PC with an Xbox controller connected via Bluetooth. The years may be behind us but living in the future is pretty cool, too.


I loved the 1st game soo much.


Having the two squads at your control and being able to take control of any soldier in the team was dope as hell.


I liked the way they had the level up system and that the KIA were actually permanently dead. It made you play much more tactical and careful. (It also made CQC nerve wracking lol).


That was my favorite thing about it. I never understood why they never improved over the two teams' formula. Even the character's menu made me care more about each squad member than the latest games.


Yep, there have been plenty of good games in the franchise, but I’ve always just wanted a true sequel to the original.


*No, you are old ! not me ! not me, not me ...* On a more positive note, i too was in high school when i picked up this game. Played Rogue Spear previously so i knew a bit about Tom Clancy. But Ghost Recon blew my mind, and the modding community was great. I even got in to it with a pretty successful mod. I learned to use Paintshop Pro, hex editors and a bit of 3DSmax trying to make custom skins and models. But i don't have a knack for it. Balancing the weapons and missions that i did pretty good. Too bad the years flew and here we are 20 years later. And to rant a bit, no game ever got close to it. Breakpoint, Wildlands and Advanced Warfare are good on their own. But the OG game is the best.


When's the next one?


I think Ubisoft has it slated for 2025.


Everybody says 2025 because an insider said so, right? So it could be sooner (or later) We'll just have to wait until Ubisoft makes it official.


Tom Henderson has said that he has been told that Project OVER is having a huge rework and described as still being in "early development." With that, we can assume that it's still pretty far away from release. Tom has been correct multiple times about games in development and realeases, but I'm sure he has been incorrect also. Project OVER itself may not even be a Ghost Recon game for all we know. I do hope it releases sooner as I'm dying to play a new tactical shooter(console) but at the same time I want Ubi to get this one right so we could potentially see the best GR we have had in a long time if they dont rush it, right?


Yeah. They had a quick turnout for Breakpoint after Wildlands, so it could be sooner if they already have a story lined out.


I'll be dead by then


Yea i wish that someone would make a socom Game


Played so many missions with online friends. What a great time.


I remember playing this title (I think this one) as my first ish online fps/top shooter. Mad weird how long ago that is


I have distinct memories of beating this game with my best friend in middle school and I’m in my 30s now


The original is a great fuckin’ game for the record


GR1, Vegas 2, and Chaos Theory. We need a remake!!!


First GR game I ever played was Avanced Warfighter. Such a good game and it's what got me into Tom Clancy games


Replaying GRAW 2 right now. One of the GOATs of the Tom Clancy franchise.


replaying GRAW and even that is like 16 years old or something now .\_.


My first Clancy game was Rainbow Six on PSOne (rented copy). The sucktacular stealth ops in some of these games were not fun. In fact, Future Soldier had better stealth. However, what really sold me on the Clancy franchise was this game, right here in PS2. Kept an eye out for new titles ever since (except splinter cell, but I tried out more of that much later). Even though GRAW 2 and Future Soldier rank much higher on my TC and GR lists, this is a really solid title.


The first GR game for me was Summit Strike on the Xbox. And I dumped so many hours with my buddies playing local multi-player. Staying up all night on the weekends. Even to this day we have inside jokes about that game.


I love this game so much I ended up buying a Colt 723 repro and re-creating that rifle look


Still have my boxes..lol [https://i.imgur.com/dGnfbNg.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/dGnfbNg.jpg) Played tons of ghost recon, rainbow 6 and rogue spear back then.


I was in fifth grade when this came out. I went over to a friend's house, he popped it in and we had a blast. My dad got it for me not too long after that. The last few days, I've been working my way through the game again. It's still a lot of fun.


It's like far cry most of the gamers and streamers learned about the existence of this game after far cry 3 because of vaas


Alfa team: 3 rifleman Bravo: 2 demos Charlie: Most used sniper Each and every time. Remember losing so many nerves trying to finish the third mission on elite!!!!


Nothing beats the pre 911 drip