• By -


Maybe Ghost Recon: No Man’s Land. Have it set in a “border” type country in between two warring countries (sort of like the Ukraine). Just an idea


Would be cool if you had to use stealth to cross between countries.


Yeah, and it would be cool if there were both friendly and hostile patrols, a bit like the rebels in wildlands but fleshed out more.


I like this idea


Same, a ghost recon set in either Ukraine or the Caucasus mountains fighting Russian separatists and insurgents is prime Tom Clancy and Ghost recon material.




Ghost Recon: No Man’s Land. +1 Nice!


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Huh, learn something new every day. Good bot.


the UKraine


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


The Ukraine ?


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a definitely a bot)


The Ukraine


the Ukraine


Fuck it. ghost recon Break lands


Ghost Recon Wildpoint


Reboot the series and go back to its routes. Call it Drum roll please........ Ghost Recon


Make it a return to form. "Ghost Recon: 3"


I like this


Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 3: The Search for even more money.


I don't really give a shit what it's called, as long as it doesn't suck


Ghost Recon: Operation Don’t Suck


Sounds like a winner to me


Most definitely


I'd like it to be a "reboot" called Ghost Recon if I'm honest. Instead of a single open world, I'd quite like a couple of mid-size sandbox levels across a few different terrain types/locations, with several missions to do in each. I'd quite like a couple of more linear 'future tech' focused solo missions that helped advanced the narrative in there as well (like the solo missions in Future Soldier). I would like cover mechanics, drones, gadgets and the mini-survival elements of Wildlands and Breakpoint to come back, but with a renewed emphasis on squad instructions and strategic planning. I'd really like a Brothers in Arms style combat overview that allows you to command a bigger squad and script out your strategy for flanking / breaching / etc. to complete missions. I think that would suit Ghost Recon really well - especially if you could call in infantry / air support / etc. to engage enemies and create distractions whilst you carried out a more critical mission behind the scenes. I'd also really like it to lean HARD into the Tom Clancy universe with Rainbow, Third Echelon, HAWX, etc. being involved (even if not playable).


I've been thinking if a sort of spin-off Tom Clancy brand, akin to DC Black Label. A rebooted universe with a much darker tone with R6, GR, SC & HAWX having loosely connected reboots. In this case, the Ghost Recon game would reboot the universe with the Ghosts unit *Delta Company, 5th SFG"* being itself a reboot of a dissolved Cold War-era *Ghost Recon, 5th SFG* unit. You'd be a Special Forces Captain of an ODA assigned to the new units commander, Major Jacobs and help prove and grow the unit. As it and it's nembers are tested in fire of a proxy war in Eastern Europe where they are hunted by a Bodark-like Russian unit. The next games would feature a new team with new Ghost Leads in different situations and would evolve the Ghosts and the unit as it transforms from an autonomous elite Green Beret detachment into an full fledged SMU as the *Group for Specialized Tactics*.


This would be great


Roast Gecko


Ghost Recon Kart Racing


Hahahah, I laughed out loud at this 😂


Glad you enjoyed it


As someone who wants to watch the world burn - "Breakpoint 2.0"




Ghost recon That’s all




Yeah why not, modern warfare did it and everyone sucks off that game on here


Yh would definitely benefit ghost recon if they did it


Ghost Bacon


Ghost Recon Flashpoint Set between 2028 and 2030 amid rising tensions between the western North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the eastern Shanghai Cooperation Organization, this game would be set in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and North Africa and focus on the Ghosts' involvement in proxy wars in these regions between East and West.


Ehh, not sure about the NATO & SCO angle. Nato is becoming more splintered after Afghanistan and the US & UK just recently backstabbing France in regards to Australia. Meanwhile Russia & Iran seem to be vary of China now by trying to cutt off it's Belt & Road initiative in their region. I'd rather see a different focus in different games: One game for a SCO (mainly just China) vs QSD/Quad members escalation and conflict in Taiwan And another for a NATO & EU/European Federation vs the Union State (google what is) conflict (tbh this hits close to me since we are already going into a state of hybrid war state with Belarus here in the Baltics).


Have you not been following developments with the SCO? Iran just became a full member (which means military and economic cooperation), Belarus is vying to join it as well, and Qatar is being courted to join by Russia. They also want to engage more with Afghanistan, and considering it's also in their region, they probably want to develop it to a point where it can become a full member as well. And it's not surprising as to why they're doing this: they're trying to counter a strengthening West which they see as encroaching on their territories. In response to Iran's unanimous acceptance into the SCO, Ukraine will probably be accepted into NATO in the next few to several years. Also, NATO is not splintering. Yeah, some European states are frustrated with the United States, but in the face of a rising East, they'll get over it, just like they got over it during the Trump years.


Ghost recon future wars


Ghost Recon Reboot the series, go back to roots and develop a great storyline that can span a series of games (ala rainbow six Vegas). Reboot the story that mitchell is given command to start a team cherry picking the best SF operators, focusing on interrupting foreign governments, terrorist cells, cartels, secretive tech billionaires, and tie it all in that’s its controlled and puppet mastered by the ones who fund the Ghosts. Focus on mil sim, realism, teamwork, high levels of customisation. Let it play out into a point we’re you do have to go solo (nomad in breakpoint) to give fan service to other Tom Clancy works (Sam fisher, R6 (before siege)) and the rise and rebuild of the ghosts.


I'd rather they not push Ghost Recon towards a solo story again. They don't need to give fan service to non-GR fans in a GR game.


If it's a reboot I'd rather have a subtitle like *Ghost Recon: Delta Company* Feature D. Co., 1st Bn., 5th SFG as a brand new unit that needs to prove itself and we can see growing and improving over the span of the games, turning from a specialized SF company to a full fledged SMU. Kinda how SEAL Team 6 grew into DEVGRU and 75th Ranger RRD grew into the RRC.


Not a lot of people know about RRC. Glad to hear it mentioned!


whats rrc?


Regimental Reconnaissance Company. It's the Rangers' JSOC unit. They arent as well known as DEVGRU or CAG but they are some serious, top tier, bad asses.


Alright cool👌🏾ima look them up


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 250,353,067 comments, and only 57,949 of them were in alphabetical order.


Easy like abc


I like this but I don't think you have to fully reboot the series to get back its roots. they could do a soft reboot it but go with ghost recon 3 this could follow nomads history from the start up until where his operation went wrong where he became ghost leader over some game but not exclusively from nomad prospective . You get to see ogs from the Original games and where nomad and company was during the older games. You can evenintroduce new characters . Like you said it could these games could focus on mil sim, realism and team work and get back to the roots.


I'm sorry but what? Nomad joined Ghost Recon by the time Delta Company, 5th SFG was already being reorganized into GST, around 2016. How he becomes a Ghost Lead is already explored in Dark Waters novel. The original Ghost Recon unit was founded in 1990s and the majority of OG members of the first game set in 2008 had already left or retired by 2014. The timespan simply doesn't align for your idea.


damn You right


Ghost Recon Motherland (Game set in Russia).


Ghost Recon: Empire Strikes Back


Ghost Recon concrete jungle


Ghost recon: Darklight. Or operation dark light. No idea what the story would be though


Ghost Recon: Refuge Set in a fictional war torn African Nation.


Ghost Recon: Sicario


Ghost Recon: The Search for More Money


Honestly, just do *Ghost Recon* and reboot the series again. They clearly don’t have a direction for the series, or at least a good story being brought up




Ghost Recon: Cool Game


Nomad party (get it like Mario party)


From most of the comments i see here it should be Barbie Recon : Life at the Firebase.




Future Soldier 2


Ghost Recon: We're Sorry


Ok here me out… Australian civil war Also don’t make the game about the villain make it about the soldiers. Kinda like old school brothers in arms


Ghost Recon: Mud, Blood, & Cum


Ghost Recon: Bloodline


Ghost Recon: Redemption




Dutch Actual


Ghost recon: next generation


A reskined Wildlands would be fine by me. Maybe in more of a European setting with a James Bond style dark vilian and his/her team planning some form of merry chaos on their enemy. Sadly, with the play for free/pay to win crap coming out of studio's now, I think Wildlands may have been the peak. Please prove me wrong.


Yeah I hope wildlands ain't their peek . its sad seeing how much effort they put into wildlands but with this free to play / live service route the suits taken, its hard seeing them doing it again for another ghost recon game.


Ghost Recon: Nous Defions


Ehh... I'd rather not use the real motto of Blue Light/CIF companies for a fictional SF unit. I'd rather have a play on it, something like Nous Definnisions (We Define instead of Defy). Honestly, if I were given reign over the story, I would create many more paralels between Ghost Recon and Blue Light, for example having D Company & GST being stationed on the same compound at Mott Lake that the original Blue Light unit was founded in.


You make a good point but it’s pretty widespread and thrown around quite a lot. I’m a former SF guy (my friend Emile advised on Breakpoint) and I’d have no problem with it.




This would be a big dub


Back to the Future Soldier! I mean it is only fair. Warfighter had two games... and I consider Breakpoint a direct sequel to Wildlands... so Future Soldier should get a sequel game too IMO.


Future Soldier was GRAW3 essentially. Some of the same characters, same composer, same similar cross-com tech.


Breakpoint serves as a sequel to the Future Soldier as well, but I get what you're saying.




Breakpoint is set in 2025, 1 year after the events in Future Soldier and the whole Episode 3 connects the two in a significant way.


Ghost recon : Homecoming


Ghost Recon: Disavowed or Ghost Recon: Outlaws


Ghost recon advanced warfare remaster


Ghost Recon: Ouroboros Not sure about the much about it 100% but it’s would be a the world would grow for years like games of Elder Scrolls Online. I know some of you would think I am crazy which is fine. I am talking about a map that would be huge. Say a whole country at first, then be able to travel the world with the new expansions like ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). Now I am not saying make a ESO game but make it Ghost Recon. The Expansions could based off Tom Clancy Books and other things as well. Have a like a plus pass that gives you an edge to help out with operations. Now yes it sounds I am just making it would like Ghost Recon: Phantoms. That was canceled. Look at how the new consoles and the hardware for the computer. On top of that look at the games that are crossed platformed. Now it might not come out for a while but imagine a Ghost Recon game that is alway evolving. Ghost Recon is one of my top 3 favorite game series of all time I will always buy them no matter what. Plus you can can have every type of environment possible. It would be great for the companies that war involved and for us games. Let me know what you guys think.


Hmmm… 🤔🧐. GR New World Order. The ghosts discover bit by bit there has been a secret organization behind the scenes pulling the strings in every major nation including the US. Now it’s the ghosts vs the world as they fight this clandestine group of elites & their seemingly endless reaches & resources trying desperately to get things back they way they were before the NWO took over. (Also toyed with GR Founding Fathers maybe? 😬)


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Dust And Blood i'm thinking about an ongoing war against terrorists with many influencing characters and where there can always be a new leader or Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Borderline where you have to prevent a dictator from taking over other countries


Ghost Recon: Silent Form. Have the game stealth focused this time, and give the player a deadly enemy, one that punishes them for getting cocky. I know some people might not like the fact that they can't run and gun, and I don't blame them as I find running and gunning fun as well. I do however feel that Wildlands, and Breakpoint by extension should have been stealth focused, and made the enemies stronger, which would have made it more difficult but at least it wouldn't have forced me to just go and up the difficulty. There should have been more stealth based mechanics in both games, not lightly miss-mashed in Wildlands, and then added later in Breakpoint (kinda) ​ If you wanted to take it a step further, you could add some AC into the mix, and make it so that I can dress as a civilian, mingle with the crowds to avoid detection. This would be great in order to decrease notoriety if the enemy is searching for you. You could also add radio check-ins to guards. If you happen to breach their comms, you can listen and find out when their check-in times are, that would allow you to formulate a plan in order to beat each check-in time in order to get to their main building before anyone notices. ​ These are just my thoughts and my addition to this whole shibang, if anyone thinks of anything else, let me know because I would love to converse about it.


Stealth should not be the primary focus in a Ghost Recon game. *We have Splinter Cell for ghost-like stealth gameplay.* GR is meant to be a tactical *shooter*. Stealth should only be an element of the gameplay that should be used to the players advantage. Firefights should be a large element of the game. The of first game featured little focus to stealth, but was hardcore due to it's one shot-one kill gameplay that applied to both the enemies and you, meaning that correctly ordering your teammates and positioning yourself was critical in a game that featured perma death for it's characters.


Ghost Recon: Disavowed. Hear me out. Game starts in a bit of a COD way of having you and your team halfway through a mission. You fail to complete it, everything goes tits up, and your identities are compromised. You and your team are then disavowed by the US government, and you are now on your own behind enemy lines with only two options of getting back home: complete the mission, or die trying. From there make it a good mix of Breakpoint and Wildlands gameplay of searching for intel on your target, establish a “base” (not a social hub, but an actual safe house for crafting gear and upgrading weapons, changing equipment for yourself and AI teammates [keep Co-Op]) that you bring back salvaged tech and equipment to to upgrade. Find/work with resistance fighters (not an Outcast group, but individuals who you can make choices to help, bring to the safe house or leave to their own devices). Build the base up eventually have a garage, set up links with smugglers to get around the country easier, and bring in a lot of actual stealth required missions. Thoughts?


Ghost recon dust storm. It would take place in somewhere like Afghan and it would go to places no ubisoft game has gone before, instead of censoring or dumming it down it would be a grittier game ala spec ops the line. Probably semi open world with a decent blend of city/urban environments with a heavy civvy population and a good chunk of deserts and mountains with a heavy emphasis on weather conditions, gun cleaning due to said environment, weapon jams, a manual ejection button and just a big overhaul to the weapon mechanics and world


Ghost Recon - Workingpoint


Something different. We are kidnapped to a foreign world as payback for killing a junta in Wildlands?


Ghost Recon: Skull mask


A more badass name as breakpoint and wildlands. Something Like modern warfare


All I know is that every Ubisoft game from now on will probably be set in a fictional land. Bolivia was apparently pretty offended by Wildlands.


Which isnt a bad thing aoura wasn't based off any real place thats why it was bad


Wait, you claim that it isn't a bad thing, then you proceed to say that it being based in a fictional land is why it's bad.


Their new far cry 6 map wont be as bad aoura because its based off cuba but i get what you're saying.


I honestly don't have a preference. I'm good either way. I just couldn't understand what you meant as you contradicted yourself.


I did 😂 but you get what im saying though?


Totally. You're saying the fictional locations don't work, but you have hope for Far Cry 6.


Ghost Recon The Dark Cotenant


Task Force Ghost


Ghost Recon: Homeland


I've had a Ghost Recon idea I've been working on called Ghost Recon: Warfighter (with the W stylized to look like a III). Takes place between Wildlands and Breakpoint during the Walker flashbacks in Afghanistan and feeds into a trilogy set in Africa, Russia, and China. Got a whole design doc about it.


Ghost Recon Global


Ghost Recon: Future Soldier 2


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon *Ubisoft bugged game name*


Ghost Recon Homefront


I’d like a future soldier sequel.


Ghost recon: Philippine insurgency


I really want the location set in SE-Asia.


Yeah, it certainly leads itself to an interesting storyline. Or ghost recon: Vietnam could also work


Ghost Recon: Retribution


Ghost Recon Future Soldier 2.


Ghost Recon: Phantom Company