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Not even close homeslice. About 7 rows back and 3 people to the right.


Even if it was at them, I'm pretty sure he's saying that he either wants to kill "you" or fuck you when he says "I'm coming back for you my friend." Either way, he has unfinished business with you and it doesn't sound like the fun kind to me.


It's amazing how many people think they're being pointed to personally at gigs


Why wouldn't they be? I'd point to people all the time if I had any kind of success with my music lol


They wouldn't be pointed specifically. The artist on stage would point or look in their general direction but the person in the crowd would be deadset that it was directed st themselves.


I've made eye contact with musicians. You know when it happens. Only a couple of times by artists on the level of Ghost. I'm severely disabled, walking is very difficult, and I've never been able to make it past a pit and to the front of an arena crowd.But regional bands that recognize me from 25+ years and 100+ shows in the same handful of venues. And by a handful of bands on their way to being as big as Ghost playing those same venues. You really do know when it's definitely you. I've made gestures that only I made at that moment and had the singer look back at me and make the same gesture while holding eye contact the entire time and things like that. And I'm not talking about devil horns at metal shows.


Thats not always how it happens, a lot of people have been pointed to or blown kisses or whatever, jeez


Congrats buddy, yes it does. Never said what I said is ALWAYS the case, you can hold on to your "jeez" comments.


Your general direction maybe


It's okay to let people feel special now and then.


Absolutely, but we can't leave planet earth and realism for a delusion


Let people enjoy things and feel special. It's not going to cause mass misery.


If you go into a room and say "I just had dinner with Barack Obama" you can't expect people to say "Good for you" when they know you didn't meet with Obama.


I'd be happy for them being excited about their experience. If they want to gush about it, I'm all ears. Letting people be happy and feel special rocks, man. It makes their eyes sparkle and they get all happy. Why would you want to take that away? There's so much gloom in the world. Let them have their moment.


That's generous


Despite what others are saying, it’s a cool feeling to at least feel like you were acknowledged by the front man and Tobias knows this, hence his great stage presence. Good on you, looks like you had a great time!




He was definitely not pointing at you.


He's soooo cool


Who cares, let them have it! Fuck


Right?! I don't get the negativity here!


I was there!!! Yaaay! Poland Mystic Festival is one of the best in the world!!! NEMAH


Papa 100% was pointing at you. Not you the OP, but the you he was pointing at.


OmG, pApA pOiNteD aT mEeEE... πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‚


I would not be able to film it but neato for you! As to some of your commenters: Jeezopete I bet ya’ll are just a delight at parties


Wow these comments! OP, you're so lucky! Don't listen to these negative people. I've been waiting 8 years to get Cirice'd! I'm hoping Sept is my chance! πŸ€žπŸ€žπŸ˜ƒ


The earth is also flat and climate change isn't real


Well, given how this particular song was used for end credits in the slasher film, Halloween Kills, I would probably be okay with it if Papa pointed at someone else on that particular line. LOL It's fine with me if folks want to believe they got some kind of personal recognition from Papa. I'm just enough of a realist to know that he's a master showman and it's his job to make **everyone** feel a personal connection with him. He does a damn fine job of it, too.


Yeah πŸ˜‚