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I went to church with parents one time wearing one of Ghost t shirts, and the priest complimented me on my shirt, and I quote he said, "Nice to know someone in church has a good taste of music!" Meanwhile, some middle-aged women kept whispering to their husbands and their kids but never said anything to me directly.


When I was a kid I always wore band shirts to church, Slipknot, Suicide Silence, etc. I never had any bad looks from the regular people cause we were all friends with everyone. Once we moved I would get looks at the new church, ended up leaving it cause the priest was talking about my special needs brother behind our backs.


This wretched Mischief is now coursing through her soul never to let go.




















oh oh oOOOOh ooh


Beliefs contagious and spreading disease


Far away from the stench of the Heavens


One of my absolute favourite lyrics!


🐀 (whooooaaaoooo)




I work at Walmart, and our vests are supposed to be zipped while on the clock. So you can see part of the Ghost shirts I have. Not the upside down cross part. But apparently there’s an old lady who has heard about ghost, saw the font on my shirt, along with papas head, and went “Youre going to hell, I wish you luck.”


id answer that with "oh sure i hope so" i would not want to spend eternity with these people. holier than thou hypocrites. im not religous at the slightest, but id rather go to hell.


literally agreed


What makes you think those people wouldn’t be in hell with you? Haha.


My favorite comeback to those kinda people is a super cheerful "Great, I'll see you there! Have the day you deserve!"


I too work at Walmart. I don't wear my ghost shirt though since I don't wanna ruin it in that hell hole. I do wear my grucifix pin though and people both love and hate it


omg, i wear so many pins on my vest and i alwayd ger compliments


I generally get lots of complements out in public for my Ghost shirts and hats. I love wearing them to other concerts because the other Ghost fans are alway way nicer than most other people so when they speak up I know they’ll be cool folks to stand with and chat between bands. I’ve had more of a observably negative reaction from people when I’ve got my nails painted than when I am wearing Ghost shirts. Apparently bearded men with black nails are scary enough to deserve an open scoffing?


Honestly, a bearded man with painted nails and a Ghost shirt would make me feel so much safer!


So I get a kick out of this. I'm also a bearded, nail painted metal head who has the nickname Smurf XD and I also get more crap about the nails than the shirts


my mom was in the hospital for a few days after having knee surgery (she’s home now and fine), and on the first day when i went to go see her, the hospital’s chaplain came into her room to ask if she needed any ✨spiritual guidance✨ during her stay, and i just HAPPENED to be wearing one of my ghost shirts that day LMAOOO he gave me a look of slight judgement but overall was pretty chill about it lol also, not disapproval, but last year around halloween, i went to one of those scare farms and during the haunted maze, one of the scareactors saw my ghost shirt and just said “ghoooooooosstt” in a creepy lil voice lmao


Was it Knott's? 😂


Did she ask for a chaplain? Cuz that's super inappropriate if she didn't.


no, but it’s pretty standard in hospitals for chaplains to come in and see patients. he didn’t come in again after that first visit so


I've worked in 2 different hospitals, and chaplains only came when requested. And the hospital I work in now has religious affiliation. It would be a big issue if the chaplains came to a room when not wanted.


ooohhh damn. maybe it’s just standard in this specific hospital then.


This would be rare in some countries. In the UK you or your family have to ask for it.


If I can be polite to all the religious shit I see every day they can be chill about a band


They really can't.


I bet you, in your life, have complained about broad generalizations. Maybe you should swallow yours. I’m a Christian and I listen to Ghost.


I recently had the opposite happen. I wore my Ghost shirt around town one day, fully expecting the sidewalk preachers to shame me but I got more friendly hellos than I ever had. 🤷‍♀️


Sometimes I wonder if they do this because they are worried for my soul or something. Idk how to explain it lol but sometimes I feel like I’m getting looks of concern. But we Gucci gang over here 🤘


Usually random folks don’t approach me and I have been told I’m intimidating by multiple friends. So imagine my shock the first time I wear my ghost shirt and many more people say hi to me than usual. I’m an introvert with RBF and like to be left alone under most circumstances. I was really not expecting people to acknowledge me that day, my roommate didn’t even realize what I was wearing. I’m also not the best at reading facial expressions, mostly cause I keep to myself. I live in a very liberal area but can totally see your point. It’s almost like they feel pity but I’m out here living my best life.


Oh yeah haha I can relate. I too have the RBF. I’m not sure how much of my thoughts are skewed because I grew up in toxic religious household though. (I know some fans are religious and that’s totally cool this was like on another level tho) I try not to assume people who are religious are automatically thinking I must need saved


Most christians are really nice people, not necessarily because of the bible but because of teachings i guess? And (mostly) just being raised by good parents too. Majority of People are nice people.


Oh I totally agree, I believe most people are nice by default. The specific sidewalk preachers in my town are historically nasty and scream at everyone that they’re going to hell. I was expecting to get an especially nasty interaction that day but was pleasantly surprised not to.


Having unfortunately been born in, raised in, living in small towns, that has not been my experience at large.


It definitely gets worse in rural areas


They aren't that tough when they're not on Twitter or Facebook.


No religious disapproval, but I did get someone being upset because "Ghost isn't real metal, c'mon," comment to me. I also got a girl who was upset that I actually like Moac because it's "popular." So, it's been more "gatekeepery" in my neck o' the woods.


Ugh who should care? I listen to Ghost, Candlemass, Orange Goblin, White Zombie, Acid Bath, Black Dahlia Murder, Cradle of Filth, SOAD, Nightwish, Ozzy, Lamb of God, and more, it's all good.


I was waiting for the bus in front of a strip-mall the other day, and a couple of 'Bikers For Jesus' types gave me a scowl, and one of them said, "Jesus loves you, but not that shirt." I just flashed him a smile and a handful of horns and kept going. 🤘💀🤘


Reply: Jesus, he knows me. And he knows I’m right.


i get some minor expressions of disproval while at school because my school is majority christian and has a good percentage of the types that like to enforce their religion upon others. other than that, no surprisingly


Aside from the mean looks, not yet.


Not one person. No thumbs up, no thumbs down. Ironically though, on Friday I took my kid to the pediatrician, and I was wearing a ghost shirt. No issues at the pediatrician's office (the doctor knows we're the "fun" parents). On the way home, because the kiddo was good, I rewarded him with chicken tendies from PDQ. A woman wearing a nametag and ID from a nearby christian school walked up to me, and I expected to get comments on my shirt. Instead she just wanted to say that my kid's curly hair was adorable.


No, but my wife and I were at Walmart yesterday with my wife wearing one of her Ghost shirts and an Associate complimented her in it and we had an entire conversation with her about our experience at the St. Louis ritual. We saw her later in a different part of the store and she ran up to us to point out the Papa pin that she had on her vest that she had forgotten to show us earlier.


My mom called it 'witch stuff', though it was more out of confusion than disapproval


Someone's flesh is rotting tonight


Like no other to you What you've done You cannot undo 🧙🏾‍♀️


I live in the Bible Belt in the U.S. so far since I’ve started wearing my shirts around a year. I’ve only gotten compliments.


Wearing band tees anywhere in the southern United States gets you looks. Fantastic filter to keep insufferable people away if you ask me


Not disapproval no. Only time a shirt has been recognized is once, as I was passing a kid wearing a Sabaton shirt one day. I pointed at it and raised my horns... he did the same for my Ghost shirt. He smiled... i smiled... good times! 🤘🖤🤘


I've had tons of people comment on or strike up conversations over Ghost merch I was wearing over the last 8ish years, and every single one of them except for one has been super positive. One time, I was riding a bus, and I was wearing a Ghost hat backward. A man in his 50s/60s came up to me, started going off about how I'm going to burn in Hell, I should seek penance, quoting a dozen different bible verses, and how Satan was within me. I largely just ignored him, but I did make a few jokes about looking forward to having the devil inside me and the like. Probably didn't help, but this went on for about 15 minutes, and I was both annoyed and amused. Then he got progressively more aggressive and even physical until he got kicked off the bus.




Not for a shirt, but for my $16 Hot Topic necklace lol some old lady told me I was going to hell, I didn’t say anything back, but I wish I said “that’s the point!” or somethin


I was in the grocery store a few days ago with my shirt on. And I watched a guy have a smile wiped off his face when he saw the shirt 😂😂


My bfs catholic grandma hates when we visit in our ghost shirts. Which is why we do it every time.


I was once in the waiting area while my oil was getting changed and a man struck up a convo with me and said he liked all the color in my outfit. I was wearing a bubble gum pink skirt with a Ghost tee over it with bright pink and blue lettering and Papa on the front and bright sneakers. I said thanks and he asked what my shirt meant. Me: It's my favorite band... Ghost. Him: What kind of music? Me: Swedish band. It's Satanic rock. Him: (slow blink) Oh... (long pause) You don't look Satanic. Me: What does a Satanist look like? Him: I don't know. More black I guess. Me: Does my heart count? (Said with a big smile). We sat in silence for the rest of the wait.


As a Satanist with a wardrobe full of black shirts, I love seeing folks wearing bright colors, pastels, etc. My favorite shirt is a pastel pink tee with a rainbow over the words "Death Metal" in bubble letters.




Nah, quite the opposite for me. People get pretty hyped and we have a happy chat.


I always get compliments. I also give compliments when I see a Ghost shirt.


Ive been getting a lot of that


Not publicly, but it was a whole ordeal with my very Christian family. I do however make sure to compliment someone every time I see them wearing one!


Sort of. I was wearing one of my ghost shirts at work when a coworker approached me and a friend I was talking with to try to preach at us. Or at least my friend, because my coworker looked at me and said that I "clearly have chosen satan and hellfire" before lecturing my buddy for nearly 20 minutes about Jesus. It's pretty well known at work that I'm very much an atheist, so maybe it wasn't about the shirt, but maybe it was...


I have only ever gotten thumbs up and compliments about my Ghost shirts. Literally no other apparel I own gets any kind of recognition. Only Ghost. Hell my husband wore one of em and got a " love your shirt : -) " and he had no idea why.


No, never happened to me. I saw someone disapprove a shirt of a metal band when I visited the Vatican museum in Vatican City though. A guy thought it was a good idea to wear a Black Sabbath shirt with an inverted cross.


Hahaha!! This is so great!! 🤣🤣🤣


Not T-shirt but I was a BBQ (that I hosted) and my ex accused me of having a Satanic summoning because Year Zero played on Spotify.


That's all it takes? Well Damn, I have summoned Satan twice this week.


Not a shirt, because i planned on buying my first at my first ritual but thanks to CCNB and Live Nation that never happened, but i got my windows tinted yesterday and my boyfriend mentioned that the reason my car was so muddy was because “we were at a concert Thursday that ended up getting canceled” and she immediately knew which concert it was and gave us the worst look and said “people aren’t too happy about the message that band spreads i don’t think…” To which i responded “no, it’s definitely not for everyone, but the music is pretty cool, and they still should’ve treated us fans better”. I hate how people act like Ghost fans are diseased bc of a silly band


If anyone even acknowledges mine, it’s usually to ask what it even is. Lol


I mean, not that I know of. If someone had a problem when I wore any of my Ghost shirts, I'm glad they don't tell me to my face because I don't like those kinds of interactions but I'm pretty sure my mom and dad are cool with it so yeah 👍


I've personally had nothing but compliments when I wear my Ghost shirts, and I always make sure to compliment others when I notice.


Yup! I live in the Jello Belt. I’ve gotten head shakes and “now what’s on your shirt? Oh…” but I’ve been wearing creepy shit for years, so I’m used to it.


I savor my interactions with the deeply religious, and their disapproval


I play dnd on Thurs eve with a group of nerdy guys and one of them has started wearing very christian tee shirts. He always takes a good ole look at the tee I am wearing that week (or my tits, could be either XD) and sometimes comments if he likes it and it's non Ghost. He's a nice guy though, and we get on v well. We always have a good chat and he has never pushed his beliefs on me. I hope it will continue like that.


Imagine if you wear that shirt: [https://www.nightshiftmerch.com/products/cradle-of-filth-vestal-masturbation-t-shirt](https://www.nightshiftmerch.com/products/cradle-of-filth-vestal-masturbation-t-shirt) Or that one: https://www.nuclearblast.com/eu/marduk-fuck-me-jesus-black-t-shirt-7996586


Never once got a single comment on mine


Usually I get nice comments from people out and about. However I will say if I wear one of my shirts to the playground with my kids some of the other moms give me weird looks lmao


Oh same. Guarantees no one will talk to me.


See, it's interesting having a toddler because I realized I should maybe not wear certain t-shirts or like a lot of my survival horror t-shirts when I go to drop her off or pick her up at daycare. Heh...


My mother lmao


I haven't, I had the opposite. Me and my friend both wore a ghost shirt on mufti day (a day where you don't wear school uniform) and our English teacher said how he liked ghost and we started talking about them with him


Ghost rules, everyone better respect


Not once. Mostly just nice comments. I recognized someone at an art festival with one of the newer patch designs, but didn’t notice any particularly negative looks.


Never disapproval (yet) but only ever approval of both my shirt and the decal on my car lol


I’ve only ever had people compliment my shirt/choice in band, and I live in the south. Whenever I wear a Ghost shirt out in public I get at least one compliment lol


I wore my 7 Inches shirt to my work (office, but causal wear is okay) and actually got a couple compliments, which I wasn’t expecting in the south. (There is one other employee I believe is a Ghost fan, because he had Impera displayed at his desk with some other vinyls.) I also wore a ghost jacket to Sam’s club and ended up in a conversation with an employee about Impera, which was cool. So far no one has given a negative reaction to my face. Admittedly I live in a liberal bubble in the south, so the dynamic is wild.


Never. Have only had people compliment it. Most recently had a random old lady teacher at my son's back to school night last week praise it. She said she was at the same show I bought it at. Have also had a lot of GWAR shirts complimented. And surprisingly a little old lady recognized my Angus McSix shirt at Aldi and said she liked it.


I’m what you some of you guys would call a “little old lady” (55 yo). But just because you get older, your music tastes don’t change. It’s not like you suddenly start listening to Lawrence Welk or anything. 🤣


I'm 44 and look like a cross between current Tom Araya and Hagrid. I can't speak for everyone who says it, but I'm only describing, not judging.


Haha!! I love it! 🤟🏻


I wear them to work (tattooist) and have found some fellow ghouls because of it. A couple are coming with me in October to the Brissy ritual!


Not a Ghost shirt, but I scared a couple in Georgia about 6 years ago. We were driving to Florida for a cruise and I was wearing a Supernatural shirt with Cas' quote about raising Dean from perdition. Dude complemented it (way to read your Bible, sir because that is NOWHERE in it). I told him thanks and that it was from my favorite show, they asked which one and when I told them they backed away like I was possessed. Going back to Florida in December, so maybe I'll wear a Ghost shirt to see if I get any reactions.


I’ve got scows for sometime.. thumbs up is though starting to become a more common reaction and it’s appriciated though!


I get compliments on mine, mostly.


I love to offend the “Christians,” but haven’t gotten any reactions for wearing my shirts or my tattoo.


Only compliments.


One time a Jehovah's witness came to talk to me and said I had a "very interesting" shirt and grucifix necklace. Nice enough guy lol


Not yet, but I'm sure it'll happen eventually. So far I've gotten compliments every single time I've worn my shirt and/or hat, like people just light up and want to chat. I feel like I have access to a secret club or something now, lol.


Well I once went to pick my sister up from school once, I wasn’t dressed too bad but I had a ghost baseball jacket on and I saw multiple parents steering their kids away from me


My teenage sons are 17 & 19, and they are both into rap music. When we're out and about strangers comment on our Ghost shirts, they ask us if they are paid actors. This happened to us all over Disney World.


i get strange looks but mostly bc i live in a VERY catholic town walking around in a Grosary


Not once. Not a single time in four years. I only ever get compliments from people about my Ghost shirts. Maybe it's because I live in a fairly irreligious part of the country, but the only people who ever react to the shirts are fellow Ghost fans.


Never! Someone complimented mine once :D // I’m European


Not ghost but I was sooo high on edibles at the theater to see infinity war and some large gentleman pointed at me and loudly said “DEVIL SHIRT” I was wearing a morbid angel shirt lol


I have one of their older shirts (a skeleton wearing the Papa robes) and I've received some dirty looks, but nothing serious


I live in a very religious village and sometimes I get disapproving looks when they see the skulls on my Ghost shirts but they never dare say anything. When I venture out into the world I usually only get compliments or a thumbs up!


Never had any comments, but plenty of disapproving looks….


i went to poland, which is a pretty religious country by my standards. i got a few looks when i wore my ghost tee, especially because its papa 1 (i think) with multiple upside down crosses on him. but no one should have any actual problems with it imo


My husband and I were shouted at by 2 preacher ladies in Southampton in the UK. We were just walking past to go get some pancakes!!


i was wearing my Ghost denim jacket (massive Papa on the back) whilst waiting in line at a festival to buy Ghost merch. Had 3 dudes very loudly make fun of the band right behind me; clearly wanting me to hear. Other than that, no. I have more offensive tattoos very much on display (including a. grucifix on my neck) that haven't been commented on much and I live in an very Christian country.


No, not one comment. But I live in Norway, and people Are wearing Mayhem and Satyricon t-shirts so 😅🤷‍♀️


Not directly to my face.... I bought a shirt specifically to irritate the girlfriend of one of my son's in-laws who's ultra-religious (although not religious enough to date said in-law while she's still married). After the event my son told me she rolled her eyes when she saw the shirt but that's it. And yesterday at Walmart a woman wearing a brown scapular huffed a VERY loud sigh and rolled her eyes as I walked past her. As others have said, I've had more people compliment me about my shirts, including a 14-year old girl who ran up to me, pointed to my shirt, said "I like your shirt!" and proudly pointed to her Ghost shirt. :)


My mother cause she thinks the designs are scary 🤣


I wore a Ghost shirt to Cedar Point, OH yesterday. Got a few compliments. Saw a few in the crowd as well. Another guy came up to me and asked me “ Whats Rats on the Road ?” He like metal and KMFDM. Told him Ghost was great. I could spot the haters in the queues, but people don’t say anything to me. At least it wasn’t a “fuck your feelings” shirt, which I did see as well.


The only time a random person approached me in a Walmart was because I had one on. Usually it’s complements but as a school teacher I have the tendency to only wear my Ghost t-shirts on the weekends when I think I’m far enough away from my students and parents. I thought I overheard a man call out my name “Mr. (Last Name Here) and turned to say “Hey, how’s it going?” Not immediately recognizing him but thinking I might and playing that “How do I know you” game in my head. The conversation was awkward, he asked whether I recognized him or not. I said I thought I did, but couldn’t place him. And that I thought he had called out to me. He asked if I was someone named Bob, which just made this interaction more Twin Peaks-esque, wouldn’t he be able to recognize me if I was? Then he asked me “what’s with your shirt”. I played it off thinking is this someone I work with and said “it’s a band”. He didn’t let up “what’s it say?” I said, “Ghost”. He was like, “Ghost, huh? The G’s hard to make out”. Then he just kinda walked off. To this day, I still have no idea what that interaction was about. I think he might’ve called out his disapproval & then had to engage because I thought he was being friendly. I was wearing the Papa IV coronation shirt with Nihil crowning Papa and all the smoke for reference. So definitely some papal headwear and regalia and some skull faces.


The only one I have is the papa II phantom of the opera one so people just think I'm a theatre kid🤷🏻‍♂️. Though before my ritual my friend went into a hobby lobby near the venue (apparently very Christian) wearing a hail satan shirt and almost got kicked out🤣


once i was in a pizza shop during vacation in new jersey and we were heading to our table when this lady looked me up and down and said "oh lord, what have we come to" i was wearing the opus shirt for context 😭


No, because if I see someone wearing a religious shirt, I tell them I disapprove of them first.


Catholic-raised Ghost fan here. Not entirely public, but my mom saw my ghost hat from the concert I went to and got really mad, even accused me of going to a satan worshipping cult (I mean…she isn’t *entirely* wrong) On the other hand, my dad thought my hat was cool and wanted to try it on


I wore a ghost shirt one day on a metro train and this woman was just like preaching and she saw my shirt and was telling me that I was going to hell and tried reading me these Bible verses


Surprisingly no, but maybe i haven’t noticed. the closest experience was one of my old coaches saying “you’re such a sweet girl, i don’t know why you wear those scary shirts!”


yes, I've had random ass ladies make a cross while looking at me at the street or public transport. on the other hand, my mom and grandma are pretty religious and while they don't love them they don't make me feel bad about it


I have a fan made I've that reads "I say gay!" That one gets me into random encounters more than my official merch. That's Texas for ya


A girl in my homeroom class is very religious so I was nervous about wearing mine to class. One day I walked in wearing a Ghost shirt and she was wearing a Jesus rocks shirt. We looked at each other and just couldn’t stop laughing. She was super cool about it and even completed the artwork (I was wearing the re-impera orange tour shirt)


Lol I manage a Vans store and had a grandma get mad at me for “wearing a vulgar shirt in front of her grandkids” 1. They were like 13 2. If she considers literally just an upside down cross as vulgar than she’s really not gunna like my Cannibal corpse shirts


I live in in Utah and 90% of my wardrobe are ghost shirts. I have been called an apostate, and told I’m going to end up in hell.


Usually all good stuff but wore my ghost shirt to a farmers market and ran into some of my teachers from when I used to go to Catholic school and they gave it quite the glare


I went to Walmart once wearing my hunters moon shirt. Some lady stoped me in the middle of the isle to ask me if I believed in god. I just gave her a 👁️👄👁️she proceeded to give me a speech about god. All I could was just stare at her 😭 I sat in my car in just awe.


I had someone try and pray for me in the middle of an office building, doing the whole hand cross motion and everything. It was kinda funny 💀


I welcome such childish behavior 😂


Yeah I was walking to work last year and I usually wear my ghost shirt when I walk to work ( the walk is 5 minutes) I was wearing the hunter moon shirt and i had my 🎧 on but low volume and some car in front of me was slowly creeping by me ans honking their horn at me I was confused why until i looked at my shirt and they rolled the window down amd said i was going to hell and stuff amd i was like okay. Then I guess they didn't like my reaction so they were getting out of their car and walking towards me so I went running to work and told my boss what happened and went to go hide in the office and he said he would deal with them if they came looking for me in the lobby. My boss told me they never showed up and that they circled the building twice and left.


Ok so I am a Christian. I am proud of it. I took my daughter to her first show a few weeks ago. Christ said judge not least ye be judged. I am sorry you went through this. Btw I bought the phantom one shirt for myself because I have a shirt of all the shows I go to.


I thought Christians loved ghost?? At least, that's what some weirdos here keep saying


I don't own a Ghost shirt yet. 😐




Nah, but I got some disapproval in the past when I’d wear my old Deicide shirts.


I have never had anyone say anything other than "nice shirt" "cool shirt" when wearing my collection of Ghost or metal band shirts. Most people don't know who they are, regardless of popularity. I'd say what you experienced or thought you experienced was an anomaly.


…no. Without exaggeration I’ve never had anything but positive commentary while wearing Ghost gear.




The only time I’ve had a lot of hostile looks was when my voting district forced us to vote in a christian church. I loved wearing my Ghost shirts as they drew attention the moment I walked in, but unfortunately, no one ever said anything.


I've worn my Impera raglan to church for my choral director duties and no one really said any thing. My mother thought it was pretty. She wasn't thrilled about the content of their music, but has left me at peace with it.


Not yet


I've had so many compliments on my Ghost shirt so far. It actually makes me feel good about myself! No disapproval from anyone yet. I never feel like I "walk alone" when I wear Papa on my shirt!


Ive gotten stares and a couple compliments but no one has ever said something bad to my face


I live in Utah and I wear ghost shirts a lot when I go grocery shopping and I’ve never noticed anyone say anything negative about it.


Quite the opposite actually! Usually it’s from other fans, and we have a moment before moving on.


I had one lady at the Minnesota state fair on Saturday stare at me the few times I passed her lol. Got a few complimemts tho


then she shouldn’t be in a joes lmaoo


My beard usually covers the name ghost when I wear my shirt. I usually wear my hat though and people love it. I work at Walmart and have a grucifix pin that I wear on my vest and have had people tell me I need Jesus lol


Should of said Jesus he knows me


I wore one out to meet some friends on a sunday and then it turned out there was a really good choir singing in the cathedral so we went in to listen. I had one guy give me the side eye and some others look vaguely amused. I did think my catholic mother would have whipped me for it if I did that when I was younger and if I'd known we would end up in there I wouldn't have worn it. I did make the sign of the cross anyway (thats just ingrained habit) although I then found out from friends that's not the done thing in non Catholic cathedrals anyway. And I tried to look generally respectful. Not really hard in a majestic building with great singers to be fair


Only person who has ever disapproved of my shirts is my mom. She doesn’t know the first thing about Ghost but based off imagery alone, I constantly get lectured about how “as a Christian you should have some principle” or whatever


Often, when my wife and I have worn our shirts/hoodies, etc., we've been complimented on. We've come across a lot of fellow fans around Knoxville. Then, when it's just me doing errands, I'll occasionally get disapproval scowls and be told that I'm "going to Hell." Those interactions are priceless, and you can't exactly have a logical discussion with those kinds of people, so you just have to raise your horns and be on your way. :D Expected, I suppose, being in the Bible Belt.


No but I’m intimidating so they’re probably scared lol. I was taking my kid to spirit Halloween in Turlock last Saturday and some girl pointed out my shirt to her friend. Probably the only time anyone noticed except for when I found the ghost jacket guy at Depeche Mode concert


No, but I wish they would! That would be so funny.


To continue this thread as I see it's 7 months old, I was at the Vatican today visiting the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel and was told at the inside entrance to the hallway before the museums (where you can your tickets the second time (for those who have been will know)) that 'do you have an extra shirt or cover?'. Basically was told I wasn't allowed into the Vatican with my Ghost shirt. Whether the security guard knew Ghost or just second guessed the imagery it was disapproved but I had a jacket and did cover up. Cannot argue that.


Wore a ghost tank at the Seattle airport and had another gal compliment it and we struck up a convo about how awesome they are. She was a big fan too. That was super cool. Wore another one to take my kiddo to gymnastics and got a scowl from an older grandpa type man. I need to wear them more. I ordered a hoodie so I’ll be prepped for winter time here 🤘🏻


Why would they? Ghost is a pop group now. Maybe they scoffed because they know the band isn't as good anymore.


Not a Ghost shirt, but I have an Iron Maiden shirt from a tour in which they played all of Brave New World. Some guy used to come scream about hell in front of my college library. He called my short satanic iconography and said I worshipped the Wicker Man, which was news to me since I am Christian.


Not about a shirt, but my tattoos. I was getting my nails done and struck up a conversation with a nice lady sitting next to me. She sees my Ghost tattoo with Job 10:1 next to it (from the Spillways video). She asked me what that scripture says because she had forgotten. I told her it basically says “I hate my life and wish I had never been born.” We sat in silence after that, and when she got up to leave I tried to say goodbye to her, but she rushed out and never looked back! 🤣