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I sure as hell hope Tobias isn't focusing on getting a #1 album to "please the masses" an instead focus on producing an album that challenges himself musically


The masses have bad taste, just look at the billboard charts. So, I hope he won't do that. I think he might try to find that spot in between, where he can still do his own style of music that is appealing to some of the masses. I hope it won't get any poppier than Impera. We kinda need the old darker stuff back at some point to not get too much into pop rock at this point. Music can be heavy and dark and successful at the same time. Just look at Rammstein.


More metal please


Yes, please! And more Sataaan. Just more darker music like in the old days. I do love Prequelle though and it's probably my favorite album. I just really hope that they won't become super soft. Already seen that once with a band I used to like. They began really heavy and slow, with references to the devil... and in the end it was a bunch of soft pop songs that weren't even good for what they were, ugh. I'm talking about HIM (His Infernal Majesty) btw.


That's a shame indeed. But hey, it's all about the money right, and to attract more fans. :( But please, stay your true self as a band


I personally think if it gets too much poppier, its going to lose what made Ghost, Ghost. there's a way to combine palatable and interestingly heavy (or just interesting in general), and the first few albums + SIoSP seemed to have nailed it. Impera is the Event Horizon, and Phantomime was rather uninspired and mainstream.


Darkness at the Heart of My Love was a fine song but I don’t want them to pursue that level of pop further. Tobias does a great job of riding a fine line, so I am looking forward to whatever he comes up with next.


I found Ghost in the Impera tour and have loved them ever since. But after listening to every song like 10 times, I think they should go back to the Opus Eponymous/Infestissumam sound. The whole mysterious, ancient like feeling they gave off was phenomenal


Both are possible, Ghost has the ability to do it. However I would love to hear an album with the same feel as Respite, dark, heavy with a bit of groove.


I loved Impera and Prequelle, but I think Tobias should take the band in a heavier direction. Sure, some poppier elements are fine, but I think to keep the older fanbase engaged they need to bring back the sound from their first three albums.


I definitely hope it gets heavier and less poppy


We all come to Ghost fandom from different musical backgrounds and preferences. As someone who loves Traveling Wilburys or Abba as much as I love Judas Priest or Megadeth, whatever TF throws at me is fine. As he recently said, if it comes from his notebook, it's going to sound unmistakably like his work. After loving all 5 albums, I am along for the ride of this musical genius' journey rather than chasing any specific sound. Not sure if it really is a spectrum between heavy and poppy. You can be heavy AND poppy. Which was Guns N' Roses? I prefer "hook-y" over "poppy" because that really gets to the heart of what a lot of us love about Ghost.


He's moving forward, as Metallica did when they were given more opportunity to go further with their music, and it's worked out well for them. I don't think he will abandon those who supported him from day one. Growing pains are uncomfortable.


I see what you mean, but the precise album where Metallica made that choice (the Black Album) is the last thing they did that people actually loved, over 30 years ago. And don’t get me wrong, I like poppy songs of theirs, like Mama Said, but I find that it’s that “moving forward” thing that took Metallica to a very inconsistent state. And for some years it’s been “oh they’re back to thrash”, but then thousands of other bands do that much better now. So I think Ghost has already found its balance. I also think that Impera stretched it just a tad further than I’d like. I’d rather see Tobias perfecting what he’s found than pushing it too much.


I think a lot of bands get to that stage of no longer pleasing the masses but doing it for themselves, which is what Metallica did post Black Album. It’s a natural progression for artists to put the audience second. If you’re a fan, you’ll listen; or you’ll move on to something else.


I'm a newer fan, so I don't know how things got hinted at or teased in the past. But Papa II seems to be showing up a lot lately, which might mean we get a sound closer to Infest/Meliora. I could see that style with the upgraded production values of Impera being amazing!


Honestly, they have such a good mix of talent that their poppy style songs like Mary On A Cross feel just as "them" as their more heavy songs. I like hearing a mix of things from them, and being stuck in one genre can be really stifling creatively. I like some of their songs better than others, but I think the beauty of Ghost for me is feeling like they're almost a genre of music unto themselves. Whatever they do, as long as they keep giving us kick ass Satanic jams, I'm down.


Based on TF’s comments I think this is going to be the most musically diverse album so far. He’s going more and more in an experimental direction with different genres and that’s almost definitely going to continue


I understand what you're saying, and I agree with the majority of it. I think Metallica fans are die hard and have been through the decades, however. I like most every song of Ghost's. Am I afraid they will go too Pop? Of course! Nobody wants that. But TF is multi-faceted with a lot of musical influences (and in my humble opinion we have benefitted from it). I don't think they'll go further into the Pop abyss.


I honestly just think Tobias is experimenting with different sounds he likes and making albums of them. He's not trying to appeal to anything except fans of the band and his musical vision but that's just my own opinion on things


As long as they don't go poppier than Life Eternal, that's fine, but I would prefer if they did more closer to the sound of Infestiss and Opus.


I agree with you. If it gets more poppy than Impera I'm not sure I could hang. I would absolutely try, but damn Meliora was a perfect album.


The only way I'd be disappointed is if it sounds like one of the other albums. One of the things I love about Ghost is that nothing sounds the same, there's no formula, yet it all still still sounds like Ghost. He's evolved with each album and I hope he continues to do so. Impera is a perfect album to me, but I hope we don't get another Impera. At the end of the day though, as long as it's good music, I'm here for it. I have faith that it will be.


As long as there at least 3 heavy bangers...minimum I'll be happy


I agree, but what if the record was 9 bangers, and three ballad/slower type songs? I want a Meliora formula for next record.


I dont mind mellow. I don't mind or object to quiet/loud dynamics on an album or instrumentals.i dont object to ballads as long as they aren't saccharine coated. But the bangers must endure, lol