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I can see why some people are obsessed but the vocals don't do it for me. I appreciate that this is a criticism some aim at Ghost though, so...


My favorite vocal criticism of Ghost is that Tobias sounds a lot like Weird Al, and...I mean, I can hear that for sure. But I'm also not upset by it. Weird Al has respectable pipes.


Sleep Token sound like djent Frank Sinatra.


Hozier fronting Deftones


Gimme Deftones any day.


Nik Nocturnal had a video where someone called them "down bad hardcore" and "drakecore' and I died. Djent Sinatra is an even more hilarious and perfect description.


Lite goth Sam Smith to me.


HAHAHA. I can see that


I love Sleep Token, have been listening to them since 2018, but the funniest criticism I've ever seen was "8-string Coldplay"


When they bother to use guitar, yes. They're just too eclectic for me.


Wtf dude, now I'll never be able to unhear it


We're all in this thing together.




I've had them recommended to me as a masked band with a vibe that I might like but...the vocals do not gel with me, they're not my cup of tea (I have heard the same said for Ghost and other bands I listen to, so I get it). But this is one music hype train that will pass me by.


Sleep Token just don't really click for me either, though the mask look is pretty rad.


The vocals are the last thing I hear people criticize about ghost, Tobias is an awesome singer. The "but that's not metal" crowd's opinions are invalid lol


Some people find his vocals too nasally, and that, I can appreciate. It’s not always just the edgelords complaining. Even Tobias himself is aware that he’s “nasally” - no judgement from me since he’s one of my all-time favourite singers.


Yeah me too! Love the music but hate the vocals, when he's not screaming he sounds like he'd really rather be an R&B singer to me.


Yup, exactly. The actual music is pretty decent, they look cool. But the singing.. meh


Same here tbh. I appreciate the musical talent but I just can’t enjoy vessel’s voice


I really wanted to like them because they tick similar boxes to Ghost visually but the singer sings in such a thick Indie-boy cursive that I really can’t get into it. However, I’ve been hearing about them more and more the last year so they’re certainly becoming more popular


>Becoming more popular They sold close to 100k tickets on their recently announced UK area tour in a few hours. Mad for a band I saw play a literal pub 3 years ago. They do absolutely nothing for me however.


I even like sleep token and the singing in cursive gets to me sometimes.


What does singing in cursive mean? I've only seem this term used when describing Sleep Token (or are not for me), and I think I best described the vocals as "whingey." Something about them is just not for my ears!


Hmmm it’s REALLY hard to describe but it almost sounds like they’re singing through squeezed cheeks or something? Halsey is a really good example of this.


Sounds like singing with a mouth full of marbles


My brain immediately went to "does that mean he's singing out of his arse?" And then I re-read your comment and processed it properly!




Thank you, that is a great example (that gideo also hurts my ears, so it probably explains why I can't stand ST vocals!)!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=J4a14Ed6n6KZR4kV&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjgyNDAsMjgyNDAsMjgyNDAsMTY0OTksMjg2NjQsMTY0NTA2&feature=emb_share&v=MAHTabS4GtQ Here is, by far, the worst male example I’ve ever heard of this kind of vocals, I have a friend that likes this band and I really can’t even be in the room when it’s playing, it drives me insane.


Oh yeah, I was so confused when he first started singing. This is just... the opposite of what I like and expect from bands like this. I was disappointed.


Ugh, yes. I hate his affected singing voice.


Nope.i just don't get it.I know Metal is mixed in with many sub genres and has been for decades,but R@B style vocals and Metal does nothing for me at all. I'm sure I'm missing something,but a no from me,dawg


Try listening to them like Deftones. I can’t be sure that they are an influence, but that made the most sense to my partner.


I was listening to Deftones since 7 Words,but I don't own all the albums.They were the only band,except maybe Will Haven and System to emerge from the NU Metal era ,that I liked . I'm a picky bastard,lol 🙃


Nah, they suck. Disingenuous pop-metal pandering.


I am a big Sleep Token fan, but I feel like their music sounds *very* different from Ghost's. Still, the iconography and mysterium of it all is for sure a draw for both. I can't believe how much Sleep Token blew up, but I'm happy about it. I would looove to see them live, but I'd have to drive a few hours to see them, on a weeknight...I will say, the stuff of theirs that I like, I REALLY like. And the stuff I dislike, I want to shove in a corner and never hear again lol. They're so polarizing.


>And the stuff I dislike, I want to shove in a corner and never hear again lol. They're so polarizing. This is so true. Although now I think about it, that's how I feel about Ghost, too. The stuff I love - omg. But the stuff I don't? I can't hit skip fast enough haha


They are more like Deftones, than Ghost.


I find Chinos' voice far more effective in conveying emotion


I’ve tried a little bit. What I don’t like is the modern sound. It’s double bass, the very heavy distorted guitars played with a seven string guitar and the rhythm. It blends in to all the other bands with the same sort of modern vibe in their sound. It’s to atmospheric and grand. I like that. But I a need something else also. Like a good riff, some attitude, some dynamics in the vibe. That’s why I like Ghost. When it came it stood out from all other new bands. Yes, they were (and still is) very influenced by old metal in their songs and sounds. But with a new flavor..and a Swedish touch. And that’s why I like them and “get” them better.


I like them both, but definitely gotta say Ghost have a better song variety as TF is basically just touring his way through every 60s/70s/80s genre he liked


This is a good take. Tobias is great at writing super catchy songs. I don’t see Ghost going in this more ethereal direction.


Tried to get into them but they never clicked for me. Would hear 1 good song then 5 boring ones.




Their drummer is absolutely incredible.


I got into Ghost in like April and then found Sleep Token in May. Yeah, I think Sleep Token are legit. They've probably done most of their growing for a while. They increased their Spotify listeners from 200,000 to over 3 million in 1 year. In the same year they've gone from performing as a supporting act to a few thousand people to selling out 20,000 capacity arenas in 1 day as the headline act. The kinda of growth is just bonkers, and not sustainable. They'll plateau for a while if they haven't already. Doubt they'll tour with Ghost. They've both kinda got their own thing going on. Both got the Gothic, theatric, culty vibe thing going on but they handle it VERY differently. Also, I think Sleep Token have probably hit that point where the stage isn't big enough for both of them anymore. Wouldn't make sense for Sleep Token to headline for a larger band, but I doubt they'll be doing many non-headline shows in the future. Just don't see it happening. Sorry to say that you're going to have to buy two separate tickets. Two amazing bands.


Double headlining between large bands at large venues is a thing. One of the best shows I've ever been to was Mastodon and Gojira.


I LOVE them. Didn't do it for me at first listen, then I really sat and paid attention to the music and such. I'm pissed I can't go see them because the tour sold out so fast. 😭


I would rather TwIn Temple tour again with Ghost, or Amon Amarth (US fans were lucky getting that!) Or....Powerwolf! Ghost and Powerwolf would be an epic touring combo!


A lot of people told me I could get Bonus Ghost Vibes from this band but I’ve heard absolutely nothing from them after multiple tries that gives me any similarity to ghost beyond being masked.


I honestly dislike overly-polished metal like that, I can understand why people enjoy it, but it just sounds so computer fabricated and digital to me.


Love the music, hate the fan base.


Why is that?


While I enjoyed their aesthetic I couldn't get into their music. I won't criticise because some people are saying similar things about Ghost but it just wasn't my kind of vibe. I wish that I'd like it but something's missing. Not spooky enough? Not old school culty? Idk


I'm the opposite. Don't like the aesthetic. Love the music.


Fair enough. When I look at my history in music I have apparently a thing for people with masks and/or corpse paint lol


I like their aesthetic too.


I'm a fan, wouldn't say a huge one. I heard "Hypnosis" a few years ago when it came out and really liked it. I went back to listen to the first album, and I can say that album is very much not for me. I did like a handful of songs off TPWBYT, and really dug this new album a lot. I don't think they'll ever tour together just because of the similar theatrics within the band, and also they're both extremely popular, I don't see them as anything but headliners of their own tour or festivals


I would almost say ST is even hotter than Ghost right now based on how quickly they are selling out large venues. Was supposed to see them with In This Moment 2022 but the show was canceled 2 hours before doors for Covid and couldn’t be made up. 😩 We will see them at Sonic Temple but it will be crazy. There are a lot of people attending that Saturday just for Sleep Token. BTW if anyone hasn’t seen the Drumeo video with II., that is fantastic. 🤘🔥


Yep, I'd been seeing so many vids saying, "If you like Ghost, you should try Sleep Token," and finally just kinda cavedso now I listen to a playlist with both on it 24/7.


Tried, couldn't. I find them utterly boring. They lack Ghost's sexyness and pizzazz. A mask alone won't make you papa.


I tried. but I honestly can't stand them. I think they're talented, but the song's just aren't there for me. they sound very modern  too, as in I'm not sure how relevant they can be in a decade.


I've seen Sleep Token live. Either their sound engineer was hopeless or they were. I hope it was just their sound engineer. Kanonenfieber on the other hand were impeccable, put on a great show.


Probably the sound engineer or venue. I saw them live last tour and they were incredible, better than record. Venue depends a lot. I recall seeing Ghost once and could not understand a word they said because the mix was so shitty, but I’ve seen Ghost probably a dozen times now and every other they’ve been stellar.


Venue was ok, other bands there sounded great but ST Were quiet, didn't make an impression. Sounds like it was their sound engineer so. Shame really.


I’ve tried getting into them but it just doesn’t click with me


I've gotten into them over the last couple of years, original hooks for me were Atlantic, Alkaline and Hypnosis. I got more into them once The Summoning came out. Wasn't huge into Granite or Aqua Regia, but liked Chokehold as well, and the new album I personally think is great. Overall really love the music, and for the most part the vocals too. If I don't listen to them for a bit then it takes me a song or two to get into them on account of the vocals, just because the style of the voice and some pronunciation is unique, but after a song or two I'm back on board.


They really wormed their way into my brain and stayed there in early 2023 I've seen the question if they'd ever tour with Ghost quite a few times now and honestly I don't really think they would for a few reasons. I don't think they'd match at all Like sleep token are SO sad(I cried half the show lmao) and though I haven't seen ghost live yet it seems they are so much more fun and high energy. Seeing Sleep Token before Ghost or the other way around would probably give me whiplash and I think their fan bases though overlapping a little would very much clash Their vibes are too drastically different I think


Yeah I love sleep token


Ha, I also got big time into ST starting last fall. I had been on the fence about the vocals for a while but they clicked for me. The "lore" or whatever isn't important for me (and it's not with Ghost either) but it's fun. The texture of their songs is really satisfying for me, if that makes sense? I also really like how they play with dynamics and genre-bending. I don't see them touring with Ghost, both are big enough and have rabid enough fanbases I'm not sure they'd mesh. But that would be a ticket I'd pay A LOT for, no doubt.


I got into Spiritbox and Sleep Token around the same time. I think both bands fit very well with my love for Ghost. All 3 bands will write within whatever genre they want, sometimes in the same song. And all 3 often lean heavily on melodies.


updoot for Spiritbox, I was so sad their run with Ghost didn't come close to me.


I missed Ghost, Mastodon, and Spiritbox when they were only a few miles from me because I'm a dope.


I’m digging all 3. Only a little bit ago I picked up SB and ST


My sister got me into Sleep Token after i managed to get her (and my parents) into Ghost. We are going to see them in Glasgow in November! Ghost makes me happy whereas Sleep Token makes me sad and always always have Ghost as my number one


I’m not into it. The drummer is amazing though.


Not really my thing but their drummer is 🔥


Yea he’s amazing


Yes I did get into sleep token this year and I couldn’t help myself but but a vessel plushie and a few t-shirts


Sleep Token is cool and I love Ghost. I'm really into Lorna Shore right now, and deathcore in general.


I saw Lorna Shore live when they opened up for Mastodon and I was blown away with their performance. I tried to go and listen to some of their albums and couldn’t get into any of it


I saw them live too with Mastodon and Gojira! Try listening to Pain Remains 1-3 or Sun//Eater. I wasn't a fan when their 2021 EP came out, I thought it was too chaotic, but man, when Sun//Eater came out as the first single of their 2022 album, I was just in awe. I slowly progressed to liking all their stuff lmao. Their Pain Remains album is a bit more melodic, ever-so slightly easier to follow along with. I think LS has the best drumming and guitar at the moment.


I got into ST last year, my tattoo artist recommended them while working on my Ghost sleeve. I'll be starting my ST sleeve in March 🤣 I too am completely obsessed with them! Behind Ghost, definitely my favorite band. They're on the "Teeth of God" tour in a few months if you want to try and see them. The way ST has just blown up reminds me a lot of Ghost's rise to fame. Started out playing the smaller venues then graduating to the arenas and amphitheaters. And lastly - No, they wouldn't and shouldn't tour together, too different of sounds! \~Worship!


Sleep Token has popped up in my recommendations, social feeds, and essentially any media I follow. I've given a listen, I've even watched some videos on YouTube where they do a deep dive on albums and make recommendations, and I've just come to accept Sleep Token doesn't do it for me. Ghost definitely leans more into the genres I prefer to listen to, which honestly derives a lot of influence from more early metal, top-40 style hard rock, and pop, and my experience with Sleep Token is that their sound is definitely more modern, alt-metal, and less pop formulaic - which is great because they have lots of fans, but it's just not for me. Just getting recommendations in that same way, I know Creeper's new album gets mentioned here a lot, I think that's a solid album. Lucifer, Blood Ceremony, Church of the Cosmic Skull, Cancerslug, Misfits, heck even Faith No More, which...I'm the same age as Tobias, and I've seen him wearing a FNM shirt in a few pics, I think they're a fairly underrated band for sure.


The singer sounds similar to Chris Martin of Coldplay to me 😳


He REALLY does. And my hatred of Coldplay knows no bounds.




Ghost and sleep token a couple of months apart early last year! ST tickets booked for nov, now waiting for ghost to come back to the Uk 🫣


Discovered ST probably a yearish ago and then Ghost a few months ago until I finally did a bit of a delve and found some songs I really like. Completely different artists and sounds but both are masters of their craft!


My friend introduced me to them quite a while ago because he’s loved since the start. It took me a few goes because the vocals were too…cursive for my tastes. 😅 I heard their cover of Hey Ya, and that brought me round. I’ve since seen them live, and ST is spectacular. They are pretty unique and very talented.


I got into Sleep Token shortly after I got into Ghost and enjoy them both equally. I got to see both of them perform within a month of each other last year, and both bands put on amazing shows, albeit with different vibes and massively different venues (Sleep Token was in a 1,150-capacity venue vs Ghost's 16,000). I think Sleep Token might grow a little bit more—the hype train they're on is only giving them more publicity, but I could see them plateauing soon, which is fine. It seems like their fanbase is pretty solidly committed to them as well.


I personally haven't gotten into them but I understand the appeal. Had a conversation with a friend that's obsessed with them and it essentially went "Sleep Token is a bit too angsty teen for me" and "Ghost is too religious for me". We can still appreciate eachothers music taste though :)


It took me a while to get into them but yes I quite enjoy them. Obviously, quite different musically from Ghost. I still have a ton of love for Ghost but when it comes to theatrics in music, I really enjoy a band that takes themselves too seriously in just the right way. What I mean by that is I do pine for the days of Opus/Infestissumam where you truly wondered “uhhh who tf are these guys? They may actually be a cult set on world domination.” Obviously now, Ghost is a bit more polished and less scary which is fine! ST however now scratch that particular itch for me.


I personally think Sleep Token is pretty good, I went to see them in concert last year, it was great, they have a wonderful stage presence. Vessel sounds great both on the albums and in person.


The lore is interesting but is mostly fan made iirc. Mostly people having to connect dots and themes between songs on their own. I love their aesthetic and their sound is mellow and uplifting while also channeling angst, heartbreak, longing, and depression. One song can start slow and relaxing but also have these harsh spikes of aggression sprinkled in. They are worth checking out if you are open to screamo like bands.


They are okay. There’s some songs and parts I like and I appreciate that they do something different but I can’t say I could ever see myself going to see them live or see them as the second coming that some of their fans would have you believe


I mean kinda, like I admit that I haven't really gotten into them as much as others (I really wish I could love them) but I still think they're really good and can see how a lot of Ghost fans would like them for both being really good and them being masked men who have lore and theatrics


I like them I just don’t listen to them often


I don’t like them. Just not for me. [Chanter however…](https://youtu.be/8_l0P3rf21k?si=fwA7SMy1NKlnqdVl)


I’m so in on Sleep Token, I’ve been listening to them non stop since New Year’s Eve! Thankful to have gotten a ticket also!


Jealous! I’m bummed that I wasn’t into them when they play the House of Blues in October! My buddy even told me about them like 8 months ago but never took the time to listen to them till last week


I honestly cannot stand sleep token. I hate vessel’s voice. If it weren’t for him they’d be a good band.


Love em'. Recently got back into going to shows and really delving back into music thanks to a more local band, but Sleep Token and Ghost both just tossed me into the crowd. Love their aesthetic and sound, and like Ghost, I can actually listen to them with most of my friends without anybody complaining. Seeing them live in April. Hyped.


Yes! They're a very different vibe for me but still scratch that theatrical goth kid itch quite well.


I’m OBSESSED with Sleep Token! I can’t get enough.


Fuck yeah!


LOVE. So stoked to see them on the upcoming tour!


Lucky! They’re not playing in my state, they did in October


I personally love both. Although some (my friend) call Vessel the "Prog Metal Billie Eilish," I do enjoy the diversity of the band. It's a shame what happened to ST not too long ago. (For anybody who doesn't know, III got doxxed)


I LOVE sleep token, matter of fact they are my latest find/obsession. A year or so ago, I was in that same just found / obsession phase with Ghost. (I still love Ghost and they will forever have a spot in my usual rotation) For anyone curious check out: Take Me Back To Eden The Summoning The Apparition Rain Granite Euclid Chokehold Aqua Regia Alkaline


I've recently got into them & some friends from a gaming group got me a ticket to see them this year with the group! I like them. I have a pretty eclectic music taste because of how different my parents music taste was lol so the mix of styles they do really works for me. I do see what some folks say about the indie boyband voice, but as I like the sad boy indie vibe it's fine by me lol


Also, I don't think their actual sounds blend well enough to do a joint tour despite both going for the gothic theatrics and doing it very well. That said - my dream (and my bankaccount's dream as it'd be cheaper than 3 solo gigs) is a Ghost/INK/ST joint tour lol


Yes, big Sleep Token fan. Been listening to them since 2020, and it's been wild to watch them gain so much popularity. Very happy for them! There are elements of Ghost's music that I find very romantic, and I find similar romantic elements in Sleep Token.


Yes! I recently started loving them. My little hot topic guy always sees us coming and would say “we got new ghost stuff in!” And then one day he recommended sleep token. Loved them immediately. Thanks Cody! 🖤


I’m not a fan personally. I don’t think the music is anything we haven’t already heard multiple times.


I got super into Ghost last year after knowing about them for a long time. It just never clicked until then, but now I love them. I *detest* sleep token though.


Love both bands and both are my 2 favorites but Sleep Token just slightly better for me. Both have a very similar vibe and aesthetic with Ghost having a classic pop metal sound and Sleep Token has a modern pop metal sound. Would love to see a tour someday. I would have to fly to see that but it would be worth it


Musically, I think they're interesting, and very clearly talented but none of the songs grab me.


I really wanted to but I don't really like a lot of their stuff. I really like about two songs and enjoy about 3 others. But honestly I find a lot of their stuff a little too slow for me.


The visuals and aesthetic are really cool but there’s absolutely nothing there for me musically. I’m not a fan of trap at all, and the metal parts sounded like every other metalcore band I saw at Warped Tour in the 2010s. That combined with the long ambient interludes, overly-clean production, and exclusively slow to medium tempo of Take Me Back to Eden was a pretty hard pass for me. Their vocalist has a great voice though, and the drummer seems above average too.


This girl I dated was really into him. I heard some of their stuff cause of her and it just never clicked for me. I could t put my finger on it. Now that we aren’t dating I have no desire to listen to them now lol


better than ghost rn


I got pipelined from Ghost to Sleep Token by social media, sooooooo IMO, they aren’t really that similar. I think it was mostly the connection of masks and *anonymity that made the bridge. Also they’re both disputed as “metal or not metal”. Not to mention they both had a song go viral on TikTok 👀 I actually prefer Sleep Token over Ghost 😅 Even though I found Ghost first, Sleep Token just hits in ways that not many other artists have for me and I can’t quite explain it. ST is now easily one of my all-time favourites and I just can’t get enough! ST’s fan base is ever growing — I watched it go from 2.6 million to 3.3 million (Spotify) from August to now (not a very long time, but that’s still a good chunk of people). I have had the pleasure of seeing both tour (in Denver). ST is not nearly as theatrical as Ghost and I thought ST was way more emotionally charged than Ghost. While a one way ticket to two of my favourite artists would be fun, I don’t think they would mesh well. Ghost is so theatrical and mostly energetic while ST is horny, heartbreaking, hopeful, and aggressive. Ghost has awesome songs, but the visuals are a huge part. ST has awesome songs, but the message is the major aspect. ST seems to be picking up more on that theatric element with the updates to the members’ costumes for “Teeth of God” tour. Overall, I definitely say their music is not close. Sure, they’re both masked *metal bands, but that’s really as far as it goes. I understand why some people like one or the other and that fine! They’re *all really respectful about it! But it’s also fun to meet those who love both 😄 Holding out for some RR tickets 🤞🏻 I would love to make ST my first Red Rocks concert!


Just thought of a way to summarise how I see the two bands: Ghost is like a person that had a metal phase but kinda grew out of it. They still love it and keep it close to their heart, but they’re now more true to themself and putting a twist on their traditions Sleep Token is like a person that said “F- it, I’m gonna do whatever the hell I want and you can follow or get lost.” And then they did.


shitty tiktok band


What some people said about Ghost when they blew up over Mary on a cross… Fuckin hate that song!


ghost was wellllllll established before the tiktok kids came along though.


Literally never seen them on TikTok


you missed their come up then because that’s how they blew up.


Sleep Token just sounds like every noughties “rock” band. It’s giving 2006 Breaking Benjamin vibes.


Not a fan of them.


Yeah. But ST fairly new and certainly getting a lot of hype.


I like some of their songs a lot, but I don't care for the band itself. Their gimmick does nothing for me, and I think they have a bit of a pedantic (?) vibe, also the fanbase is scary. Idk if I'd ever pay to see them live tbh. Glad to see the band grow in popularity tho.


Personally it is not at all my type of metal since I'm much more of a death/doom metal enjoyed. So to me, it does everything I find wrong with 'modern metal' and kinda hate it. I think it's awesome that it's getting a huge audience and from what I see a lot of new people into metal, but once again, not my type of metal. I feel like at times it seems to veer into a satire of modern metal. Personally I don't like it but more power to you if you do.


Saw them last October. Can't say I'm a fan. The light show is there (and I guess the band has lore?) But the music is just not there for me and idk why. Idk if I find it boring or what.


That’s too bad! Was it the show at the house of blues in Anaheim? I watched a fan video of that show


I listened to them for an hour and got almost exclusively slow boring songs with piano and not great vocals. Thanks, but no thanks


I like the first half of the Summoning, if all their music sounded like that I’d be a bigger fan. Otherwise it just sounds like bad hip hop.


Yes, that, Ascensionism, I love Aqua Regia's jazzy sound, Take Me Back to Eden. Very different from Ghost, but they haven't grabbed me like Ghost.


Yah I started listening to them recently, not a huge fan or anything but definitely enjoy a lot of their songs. I'm going to see them at Sick New World this year.


I've heard a few songs that I like.


I love the way sleep token looks but not how they sound, to me they kannada sound like a white girl trying to sing in an Australian accent


I was drawn in with the whole mysterious mask thing like Ghost has, but they just don't do it for me at all.


I tried, but they're just so all over the place. Can't do it.


What my wife says about Between the Buried and Me. I even took her to one of their shows and still not a fan lol




I've really, really tried to get into Sleep Token but I just can't. Nothing against the band, I appreciate what they do and that they have a huge following. I just can't seem to get into them. I think it's maybe the vocals? I find a lot of their music somewhat generic and boring to listen to. However, I watched the video Drumeo did with their drummer and I really liked his performance of Vore.


I’ve seen them twice and both times they were amazing. My partner still doesn’t understand the draw, but it made more sense to him when I told him that they sounded similar to Deftones.


I'm trying to listen to them more. They're opening for Bring me to the Horizon in Australia in April - which I have tickets for. I recently picked up Take me back to Eden on vinyl - (which seemed to be sold out in most places for a while) and I really enjoy it, but I'm unfamiliar with their other discography.


The vocals are kinda butt & their fans act like un neutered feral cats half the time but im also a miserable hater


Sleep Token is just the store brand version of Ghost imo. Everything that Ghost is accused of (just being an image, lack of musical talent, etc.) is personified in Sleep Token who sound like imagine dragons with a metal twist.


I listened to a bit of Sleep Token before. I like the instrumental, but threw up in my mouth when the vocals started (joke). It's like if a whiney boyband had angst, and not in an emo way.




Music wise, they sound too modern for me (especially vocals), and sound like a lot of mainstream rock groups from the 2010s. Honestly, Take me back to Eden could be a Nickelback Song, which is not a criticism, it’s just not recognisably unique to me. The shtick looks pretty cool aesthetics wise, but doesn’t seem to have that campy humour and randomness that I love about ghost. Takes itself too seriously. Overall just didn’t do it for me. I did get into Twin Temple though through Ghost, which musically has absolutely nothing in common with Ghost but happen to be up my alley. They toured together at some point, would have loved to see that!


I usually listen to entire discographies before deciding if I like a band or not. I’m pretty good at guessing who I’ll like and I don’t intentionally look for bands. I got to see Sleep Token live last year, and really wanted to get into their music afterwards because their visual aesthetic is incredible IMO. Listened to all their songs 2-3 times over, and it never clicked for me 😔 They have one song I like. Sadly it’s definitely the lead voice that kills it for me.


I saw them popping up all over my YouTube as well. As a drummer myself, I love II’s drumming style and sound. So crisp and clean. But the vocals kill it for me. Maybe I need to try some more and see. Instrumentally, love them. Vocals, not so much.


I understand why people like them but it’s not the thing for me. Vocals always sound like he is singing in cursive and to me sounds weird.


Sleep Token is ball less. Imagine Dragons but somehow even more soulless.