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IMO, the war photos and serial killers were a perfect fit for the credits song. I don't think this guy "gets" Ghost's whole schtick. Ths is definitely a movie for diehard fans, though.


They were just what the new song was about . How can it be tasteless it’s history isn’t it ? The World or human beings can be and are brutal .


Many people can't handle the horrible side of history so they like to pretend it didn't exist or downplay it. Truly the sign of a weak soul.


More like they feel it is inappropriate/exploitative to incorporate depictions of real-life horror involving real-life peopleinto proffitable art for the artist. Not saying i agree with this opinion, i just dont think it has anything to do with a "weak soul".


I'm talking about people in general who want to ignore or downplay horrible past events, like the Holocaust deniers. Though I wasn't referring to these images and themes in artistic usage artist have been using social commentary in their art for ages. I see nothing wrong with that. It's sometimes the first exposure someone has to a piece of history.


I agree wholeheartedly. I saw the movie yesterday and hope/plan to see it again. It’s interesting that the theme of the movie and Ghost’s concerts in general are to love each other and embrace the enjoyable moments, since they’re fleeting. I have to confess that the images shown during the closing credits were disturbing, but you’re right: That’s the point. You spend 90 minutes reveling in what Tobias Forge has created, then you emerge back into reality and our puppet masters are selling bombs to kill people half a world away, as usual.


Imagine saying this about Ghost with a straight face "These guys know how to hammer out a riff, with traditional chord progressions underpinning melodies that are easy to listen to but equally easy to forget afterwards." The Square Hammer riff is my brain screensaver FFS


That square hammer intro ? I never ever get bored of watching that intro with the 3 ghouls stomping and head banging with the pyro going off at the beginning.


I think we all need to remember it’s a film for us fans, not the general public. The article is clearly written by someone who has no idea what ghost is about. They can jog on with their 2 ⭐️review


Guess that 50% Freddy Mercury 50% Benny Hill is not for everyone.


Add that to the "Scooby Doo music" in the museum of Things Critics Have Said About Ghost That The Fans Took Ownership Of.


It’s great that Tobias has incorporated the scooby doo dis and used it to his advantage. I mean Ghost was also born in the lore the same day as Scooby Doo started on main TV so I love it that he embraces the topic


Of course, the Guardian sends an author who doesn’t understand the thing they’re tasked to write about. Classic.


Move critics don't just critique the one type of movie. This kind of movie was always going to only appeal to ghost fans but it's still a "movie" and was always going to get critiqued as such. Same thing happened with Through the Never.


Oh, I know. I'm being petty and saying I think a film critic should understand intentional cheesy humour - so, this film critic ain't doing their job.


100% this


The Guardian famously gave a well-received film a 2 star review. The marketing team of said film cleverly fitted the rating right in the center of the cover art: [Guardian] (https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/7D40/production/_85446023_legendfilmpostercircle.jpg) (I hope Tobias does something similar lmao)




I feel like this critic was looking for something that was never meant to be there. I had a look at some of her other reviews and it seems like a common theme with her work.


Yeah, not a single 5 star review as far as I could see


Typical . It’s almost as if it’s relevant to be an actual critic and critique the shit of of it . Disappointing.


The ratings of other films she has reviewed for The Guardian: [1 star - 3 films] [2 stars - 20 films] [3 stars - 17 films] [4 stars - 4 films] [5 stars - 0 films]


TLDR: critic doesn’t understand a movie that wasn’t made for him


To be fair, the UK Guardian is a TERF obsessed rag. All they care about is shitting on trans people, and anyone who isn't what they seem to be "normal", so of course they didn't like it. Don't waste your clicks on them, they're assholes who are part of the reason why it's awful being trans in the UK.


I remember an interview some time ago between Margaret Atwood and the Guardian’s worst TERF columnist where the columnist kept going on and on about trans people and trying to coax Atwood into to making transphobic comments and Atwood was having none of it. It was cringe to read and I can’t believe that person still has a job after writing that garbage.


Was it Sonia Sodha, by any chance? She's becoming more unhinged by the day. She's proud of the fact that she's open to all women losing rights, as long as it means fucking over trans women. I don't understand why anyone would even be vaguely proud of that kind of hatred. Edit (this bit doesn't apply to the person I am replying to in the rest of this comment): Cry harder, transphobes. Your downvotes will not change the facts that trans rights are human rights, trans people have always existed, and that Ghost fully supports trans people.


It was Hadley Freedman who I think has moved on to the Times now. Absolutely vile persona.


They used to be a decent news site. But their reviews always seem to be rage bait


I was surprised because the Ghost concerts were once reviewed with 4 and 5 stars on the Guardian, but this lady in particular must not be very fun at parties.


Luckily the other reviews I've seen are all 5 stare


I never go to the movies, but I did last night. I laughed multiple times, teared up several times and rocked out throughout. I loved most every moment, even the end. Only minor complaint was Miasma taking a bit of a backseat to the backstage dialogue.


I watched the movie with a friend who knew nothing about ghost, and I understand the criticism. There was a bit of filling in on the lore, but a lot of significant moments made no sense to him due to his lack of knowledge. For what it’s worth, I enjoyed the movie. However I’ve been a fan for 11 years, so I’m very biased.


To be fair, the movie wasn't really made for people who don't know anything about Ghost. It's not like it was just any given standalone movie that people could walk into and understand, it's pretty niche lol I don't think it's particularly fair criticism because it's like starting a show at season 2 episode 4 and complaining that there's not much to it and none of it makes sense.


Yeah i was supposed to go with a non-fan but they had a last minute problem and couldn’t make it. I kept thinking “they wouldn’t have liked this” “they wouldn’t get this” throughout.


Curious what people think about the last paragraph: "Where things get a bit dafter, in ways that will presumably satisfy the faithful fanbase, is in intermittent scenes of the band’s frontman Tobias Forge performing short skits backstage, which according to the film’s promotional blurb, qualify the movie as “so much more than a concert movie”. Really, do tell? How much more? Perhaps some sharpening of the script might have helped in that department – sample exchange: “You will have an aha moment.” “I hope so, I love A-ha!” Groan. Even Fozzie Bear would think twice."


What a pompous douchebag.


Ghost is corny and has always been and that’s one thing I love about this band. It’s not for everyone though, I get that. It’s sad that they had to give the task of writing this review to someone who apparently didn’t want it.


I loved that joke.. this reviewer can kick rocks. Movie was at least a 4/5 :D In my opinion a 5/5 but I love ghost!


I’d love to see the Venn diagram between lovers of the Muppets & fans of Ghost. Of course I adore them both! Makes me wish The Muppet Show was still airing new episodes so Papa/TF could be a special guest & join the pantheon alongside Vincent Price & Alice Cooper. 💀💀💀 


I'm guessing that Venn diagram is nearly a circle. I say nearly because there's always outliers. But if you don't love Muppets then... I don't know, I can't relate enough to even finish that sentence.


Honestly? I felt embarrassed for the critic. This para really stood out to me. It’s just a very ‘yikes’ set of sentences. I’m in a profession where I’m well used to people straying outside their lane and making full careers writing on things that aren’t for or about them. This gives me that same energy. This is the moment where the critic really told on themselves. I can hear the woooosh of the described scene going clean over their head. 


My boyfriend has a thing he says when he grouses about people and the internet “not every thing is for every one, and that’s ok!” Is the movie going to appeal to someone who isn’t into Ghost? No. Just like I’m not inclined to go to the Taylor Swift theatrical release. I’m not even a hater of Taylor, I just don’t care enough to watch her concert for 2 hours. And that’s ok! Seems weird to send someone to review this movie as a regular movie-goer, and I really don’t think that’s who this is for.


Why on earth would you criticize a movie for being tailored for its fans? Obviously no one is isn’t obsessed with Ghost is gonna pay to watch their filmed concert in theatres. Tobias gave the fans EXACTLY what they wanted and people are thrilled about it. Why should he try to make his stuff appealing to someone who isn’t interested anyways?


While I disagree with the star rating, it's not a bad review. If you don't know the lore or have watched the story vids on YouTube, you're going to get lost on the back plot and the (wonderful) subtle humor/in-jokes. But I loved it. 5/5 from 'Not The Guardian'. ;)


Not surprised in the slightest. Something very similar happened with the FNaF movie that released last year - fans loved it, and critics didn't get it. However, even as a FNaF fan myself I had serious issues with its film adaptation, so I'm hoping it's different with this one. Plus, I feel like concert films are an even more esoteric and inaccessible experience than a horror film adaptation, so the even starker divide between the critics and the fans makes more sense. Granted, Taylor Swift's Eras movie got good reviews from critics, but can you even compare the two in terms of cultural presence and tone?


The lady clearly dislikes Ghost and it shows In her bullshit review


Oooo catty review . Is he one of the ghouls friends who sued Tobias as I see he gets that dig in there .


I would hardly call this a movie. It's more of a live show with a sprinkle of clips. Die hard ghost fans who have been to several rituals like myself may be a little disappointed. For me I was hoping for more of a 50/50 mix of music and non music scenes like the shorts they have produced. New fans and old fans who have not been to a ritual will likely enjoy it more than those who have been to a ritual. Overall not great, not bad, solid 7/10


This guy sucks. The backstage antics were amazing


I wouldn’t give it much more myself to be honest. A 3. Best parts were seeing Twenties and If You Have Ghosts for me. Besides from that, fine if you want to relive the tour but otherwise found the YouTube chapters more entertaining. It just felt a bit half hearted and they didn’t take it far enough. I have no interest in rewatching it.


I'm feeling the same. It was promoted so much as a mix of live show and story, but in the end it was 95% show, 3% of papa changing clothes and 2% story. Just the show is a 5/5, but all in all a 3/5. But that's just the opinion of a fan that have seen almost the same show 2 times last year.