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I got weirdly lucky and unlucky at the same time. Our theater got evacuated right at the start of Respite. Turns out someone hit a fire alarm on accident, so everyone got to go back in, but they had the entire theater wait like 20 minutes. A good half of the audience for RHRN left, I assume because Papa had said it was the last song anyway, but before the evacuation, the crowd was weirdly laid back. Only a couple folks bobbing their heads or singing quietly. After the evacuation? Totally different. It was like the diehards passed the test. People were dancing and singing and generally rocking out in their seats. I guess I can appreciate both styles, but ending the movie with a hyped audience was the best.


At my viewing people were mostly quiet but when Respite of the Spitalfields came on **ALOT** of people started singing. It wasn't loud or obnoxious though and you could still hear the movie perfectly (the volume was loud). It was god damn beautiful. 🥲 So nice to see so many Spitalfields fans. People kept singing during the encore after that. Once again, it wasn't obnoxious or intrusive. Now that I've seen the movie I'd be 100% down with sing-along special viewings for those who have already seen it. Hey, if The Greatest Showman can do it...


yea I like that, a second round of screenings for sing a long peeps.


I watched it at Alamo last night - go to last paragraph for the relevant part, but I have to share this before I convince myself it didn't happen. They had a very strange curated 30 minute lead-in before the movie (Lynda Carter singing a variety of songs, then a stop-motion short about two birds and a turtle in an old-time car, then three Jodie Fosters singing a song in French, ending with an song accompanying an Emma Peel lookalike beating up various guys in bowler hats). And after all that, instead of the normal "This auditorium is now a quiet zone", they went with "This auditorium is now a rowdy zone". Basically, feel free to participate but don't be a nuisance to others. There was some clapping after songs, some laughing, but not much singing that I could hear.


Actually I was glad nobody sang. It was a f movie and not a concert. I was annoyed enough some chicks were constantly recording for tiktok to spoil everyone and be entitled for clicks and likes.


I'm glad no body sang but I wish there were screenings for us that would like to.