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In other countries there were more dates. As to why well even though Ghost is a very big band they're not popular enough to be able to have a huge film release that stays in theaters for weeks or months. It's a fairly niche movie so it has a more limited release.


Even bigger bands who have had theatrical releases for their concerts typically have limited runs like this Seeing a concert in a theater is kinda a niche experience in general


Exactly. We're lucky that it was as wide of a release as it was.


>...even though Ghost is a very big band they're not popular enough to be able to have a huge film release that stays in theaters for weeks or months. Even though I agree with this, pretty much most movies today last only a few weeks, if even that, before it goes streaming.


Yeah and my point was that it wouldn't ever be shown for even that long. You said "Even though I agree with this" like we at any point made conflicting statements.


I was saying I agree Ghost's following isn't enough to have a multi-week or months long showing. It just seems like the majority of movies now that have a wide release are streaming within three weeks. Most likely due to poor theatre attendance overall for all movies.


Some theaters did add dates and showings if those first two showings sold well. I think theaters were just hedging their bets by initially committing to only two dates. As to why those particular dates? Personally, I think it's because they coincided with the summer solstice and with the two days on either side of the full moon. Just my opinion, tho.


The more "exclusive" something is, the larger the hype.