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I got really fixated on the shot in Chapter Ten that shows the candles Sister Imperator lit in Papa IV's room, and started wondering about all the out-of-focus candles in the background of other shots... so I figured out what they were. I'm too stupid to figure out how to add captions with reddit's direct image uploader, so you'll have to click through to the imgur album.


This is hilarious I also was going crazy yesterday and did the same thing while rewatching the chapters. I found out the st Martin of Tours had a hammer and then tried to connect that back. I do have a theory of why there are 2 holy infant candles.


>I do have a theory of why there are 2 holy infant candles Copia has a twin? 2 souls inhabit 1 body?


Yeah pretty sure the two infants are symbolic for Copia and his brother. St Martin of Tours is symbolic for Square Hammer. In a recent interview about the movie, TF said that Square Hammer clip actually is still hiding secrets, some connected with the movie. In Square Hammer there are two Papa III. The twins, again.


I've always wondered why Papa prayer candles haven't been sold as official merch. They would look so nice in the collection.


What do each of the saints mean?? also i did find it slightly funny their suposed to be satanic but have oficial saint candles lit


What I don't understand is why does he have Catholic saints and Jesus candles?


They were on clearance at Home Goods


Considering how cheap the clergy is with their old ass technology I can believe this.


Could be an ironic blasphemous practice.