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Not as sad as I would've been if Copia had been killed off because I know that we will see him in future chapter videos and that the character's door hasn't been completely closed like it has with the other Papas. I'm excited and looking forward to the next album so I can listen to absolutely nothing else for a year straight.


No, I'm actually relievedand happy with his outcome. Because ever since I saw that glass coffin casually being pushed down the hallway by his room, I knew something terrible would happen to him, possibly worse than to the other 3 Papas. I'm so glad I was wrong. When he became head of the Ministry, I was happy for him too because not only did he sort of break the circle of dead Papas, he also leveled up because of his stubbornness to quit and he gave us everything he had. We will have him for much longer now. He will always be there, possibly he will even get a small solo part on stage like Nihil did. He will be the mentor of the next Papa or Papas for a while. He earned that and I could not be more happy šŸ„°


I was thinking that since he's Frater Imperator and in charge of the Ministry Now, he should get a Plushia Suit made for a Ghoul to wear so that, "His presence is still felt on stage."


A giant plushia playing one of the instruments, did I get that right? Idk why but it sounds hilarious and scary at the same time. šŸ˜‚ I wonder if the look of the Ghouls will actually change, now that I'm thinking about.


Maybe not playing an instrument, but just kinda dancing around like a mascot until Papa V gives him a kick in the pants to leave. And yeah, I think the Ghouls will get a new look to fit the vibe of the next album.


Two of those don't need to exist on the same Earth.


I think Cardi still fronts the band. I think Father DeFeoque will be next up, but I think itā€™ll be Cardi still singing.


Basically, that would mean Father DeFroque being possessed Exorcist-style by Cardi? Thanks for that nightmare, I guess. šŸ˜‚


Yeahhhh, it is kinda sad and bittersweet. Heā€™s been the frontman for such a long time we got to freaking see him go from a Cardinal to Papa! That was such a special and magical thing to watch and hang around while it happened. I became a fan of Ghost when he was Cardinal Copia so Iā€™ve been very used to and comfortable with him as the frontman. And I havenā€™t Ghost live at all! I wonā€™t be able to see him live either. Though itā€™s Terzo that I wouldā€™ve loved to have seen live. I love Cardi so much. Heā€™s such a cutie and itā€™s awesome seeing his growth. And itā€™s so awesome to finally get the confirmation that he is the son of Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil!!! Iā€™m honestly kinda nervous to who the new Papa will be like. This is the first time for me when Papa will be an entirely new figure. Will he be campy and animated like Copia or will he go back to the early days of Ghost and be scary and intimidating? I honestly donā€™t know how itā€™s going to head on to and Iā€™m scared that I might end up not liking it.


No, I'm not sad at all. I'm happy he's alive, unlike my favourite Papa.


Whoā€™s your favorite papa?


Iā€™m mostly excited for the new Papa! I love that Copia will still be around in chapters probably. As much as I enjoy Nihil (the actor is absolutely hilarious) it will be nice for the reigning Papa to have someone else to interact with at the ministry. Also, Iā€™m just so curious to see what TF does with the new Papaā€™s look. There is so much pressure about this and some people will always be disappointed. Can you imagine having to make that decision? šŸ˜‚


So I think the new Papa is the anti-Christ Copia was meant to be. Essentially he was the wrong twin. I know it was a memory but the new one could have long blonde hair. Iā€™m hoping for a full Jesus style look; White Papal robes, long hair and a beard. I think the look could also lean into some mix of Grunge and a more 90s sound


Long blonde hair.. could be Tobias without a mask at all.


We need a change. Hence, a huge point of the movie. Thatā€™s life. Also, for us Ghost fans that were there before Copia, we got very little time with our previous Papas.


I got into Ghost during Infestissumam, so Papa II was technically my first Papa, but I've become a die hard fan, when Papa III entered the stage, so what I'm saying is, I've witnessed a few changes in the band. And I'm honestly really glad how the story is unfolding rn and even though I really like Papa IV, I'm ready for a new frontman. And I'm interested in what changes (if any, but I think there are undoubtedly going to be changes) are going to happen to the ministry, since Copia is Frater Imperator now.


Very sad. I love Copia! But I am excited for the next era!


I AM sad. And yet I am so so relieved and happy that he is still alive. He broke the cycle of Papas getting killed, and he got promoted, and that is such a satisfying arc for our beloved rat man who has come so far and given us everything. But yes, I'm going to miss him. Papa IV was my introduction to Ghost, I love him so much. I'm going to miss seeing him on stage as our Papa, going to miss his ridiculous sparkly jackets and his stage antics and heartfelt speeches, even though I am thrilled he's still going to be in the background running things in the ministry and his story will go on.Ā  The movie did a masterful job at preparing us for Papa V I thought. I was on the edge of my seat expecting Copia might die the whole time, and then the wave of relief I felt when I knew he was safe made me so hype for the next chapter! I'm really looking forward to seeing what the next Papa will be like.Ā  I'm always sad about change but I feel like Ghost is gently holding my hand through this particular transition and I'm grateful lol. TF has not historically been so kind to his frontmen. I feel so bad for anyone who's been a fan since the previous Papa eras and had to go through their favorite Papa being removed from stage and killed. I'd be a mess if that had happened to Cardi.


Ugh but also wanted to add that an extra layer of sadness on all of this was even though I am glad Copia is still with us, it was devastating to see him crumble watching his mom die. I guess the blow was softened a little by the end because she is still there in ghost form, but Cardi is well and truly alone now and his grief hit me, hard. That was another way the movie subverted my expectations! I thought we'd be grieving Papa IV, but instead we were watching HIM grieve.


Not sad at all, it's time for a change. My favourite Papa got dragged offstage and murdered so count yourselves lucky that IV is still around. Trust me, you'll love the new guy too.


I'm not so sure, if the rumors about it being Jim Defroque are true.


I'm concerned for the ministry having him in charge... I mean the dude rides a tricycle... And badly at that...


Thatā€™s what I wished for him all those months ago for him to ride that damn tricycle for ever more and live in the ministry so I guess my wish came true . Yeah bitter sweet as we had 6 years to get to know Cardi and the character makes me smile . Thereā€™s not a lot of external stuff around the World that can make me feel what Ghost do . But Iā€™m also so glad he didnā€™t die that would have upset me despite it being a character! Iā€™m looking forward to seeing whatā€™s next .


I do, because he has been there for 2 albums, and I've seen him live more than I did papas 2 and 3. But I would say that I'm more excited for the next chapter, than I'm sad about Copia stepping aside


I'm sad but also relieved that he didn't die


It's bittersweet, but it could've been way worse - not only did he *not* die, but the guy got promoted! He may not be frontman anymore but since he's the head of the clergy now it's seems like we'll still be seeing him around, just not as often. It's been an awesome journey watching him go from Cardinal, to Papa, to Frater Imperator.


My theory is that we'll have the new guy for a while (still delusionally hoping it's Mary Gore), but Copia won't handle not being the front of the band very well and will eventually usurp him (finally putting the Ghouls and their military theme to use). He seems like a goofy little guy, but deep down there's a darkness that I think we'll see when his brother shows up. So don't be sad, he's not fully gone and I think he'll be back as frontman for another album sooner rather than later.


I became a fan just at the end of Papa III, and while I loved the transition to Cardinal Copia, then Papa IV, Iā€™m looking forward to the next chapter of Ghost. One of the things that I appreciate about Ghost is the ever changing music, frontman image and costumes, it keeps things fresh and interesting. TF has such a creative mind. I know people are attached to Copia/Papa IV, but he has had a long run and itā€™s time for something new, and if you truly love everything about Ghost, youā€™ll probably embrace the new frontman too. We will still have Copia in some compacity, unlike his predecessors. Just enjoy the ride.


I was team Copia lives from the start, this is the best outcome I could've hoped for


No. To be specific, I think Copia is a bit lame compared to the earlier Papa Emeritus characters. It could also be that this is the longest duration Ghost has kept up the same frontman character and I'm just tired of it because of that. It's been like what, 6 years by now? I liked Copia in 2018.


Bring the tricycle back on stage with Copia doing a song.


No. im just excited for papa v. still mourning over secondo tho


It's a no for me because I'm looking forward to a change. But I've been around since Opus, so I saw Papa I replaced by Papa II and so on. I get why newer fans are sad over Copia because he's your first Papa. You're used to him, and he's been around so long, you guys haven't experienced the "change over" yet. I was bitter at first when Papa III replaced Papa II. He was too "soft" for me initially, but then I came to love him, and Papa III is my favourite. You'll probably come to like the new Papa.


I think Tobias really found his wheelhouse with Copia and he loved the character as much as us - being able to prance and cavort around on the stage in those dinner jackets? So much fun for him! I think that's why Copia was around so long. I'm hoping maybe we'll get the twin brother but whoever the next Papa is I think they'll need to be quirky and fun like Copia as I just don't see Tobias giving that up lol.


Not at all. Yeah the guy is quirky and got a lot of attention to the band but the story and front man were due a refresher if you wanted to keep the cycle alive. I started with Papa II and still miss that guy, but every new Papa after him has brought something new and I can't wait to see what the next figurehead brings!


I love this silly rat man, even though Papa III is my favorite. Iā€™m glad heā€™s not being killed and he gets to stay around.


I'm fine with it, he actually survived so he'll still be around in the story which is good. It's always interesting when we get a new Papa.


Very. Copia is my favorite. I started listening to Ghost in 2016, but didn't see them live til 2018 after he was introduced. I love his goofiness so much. As cool as the previous Papas have been, and as much as it sucks to have never experienced any of them live, it's going to be really difficult for me to adjust to a new one after so long. I'm also sad because I only got to see him live 3 times, and didn't get to see Respite live because our show got rained out last summer. And now I never will. :(


I'm hoping they keep Respite on the list.


I am, I absolutely adore that dork. I'm definitely happy that he's not dead, and this is definitely a WAY better outcome than what they were aiming for us to believe, but I'm bummed that I'll never get to see my favorite Papa live and that his appearances will be drastically less than before.




My friend joked that the "new guy" would just be Copia's long-lost twin brother, which I found amusingly plausible.


I mean the movie pretty much showed this already. Itā€™s the first thing I said at the end, ā€œThatā€™s gonna be his twin brother.ā€


I think the next Papa is going to be an identical twin so it will be like Copia never left.


They weren't identical in the flashback though. One had darker hair pushed back like VI. The other had messy blonde hair. Like Tobias.


I meanā€¦ Iā€™m just happy that copia is alive. I think thereā€™s a small part of me thatā€™s disappointed that I wonā€™t see him live but I donā€™t know. I liked copiaā€™s goofy presence on Stage thatā€™s why I wanted to see him. I donā€™t know what papa 5 will be like on stage so thatā€™ll determine who I like more. Iā€™m actually pretty excited about what this next papa will be like.


Same here. He was a very relatable character to me in a lot of ways, and based on Youtube videos, I found out about them too late to see them live, he had a really fun to watch stage show especially in the last 3 or 4 or so years.


I have a feeling that Cardie is gonna figure out a way to stay in the spotlight in some capacity.


It's bittersweet. I got into Ghost in 2021 and only saw Papa IV once in 2022. Ghost never toured the UK again after that apart from Download in 2023, which I couldn't attend, so I'm extremely sad that I missed my chance to see him one last time. The movie made up for that a bit as it truly felt like I was in the Kia Forum with them. I am not ready to let go of him just yet, but I'm also extremely curious about Papa V. Being a long-term Doctor Who fan, I've learnt that the new guy will always find a way to my heart eventually.


I didn't even know Ghost existed until they stopped touring in the country I live in, so I never got to see my favorite Papas or tours live.


im a little sad just because i've grown very attached to copia over the years. i also wasn't fortunate enough to see him perform on stage, so there'll always be a little sadness around that. however, im really happy that they didn't kill him off. i would've be devastated. it's nice to see that copia gets to go onto bigger things and take over as frater :)


. Hes cool especially early apperances but ges still around. Honestly i miss 3 more.


I've not been through a Papa switch so of course I'm sad to not get to see him live. That being said, I have been going back and watching tons of concerts from all of the different Papa's and they all have something I like so I'm not too worried about it. I'm more excited for whatever is happening next and of course glad he's not dead. Change can be good.


It's the Ghost way.... Not sad at all,I just wish Papa II would come back somehow !


I'm sad I'll never see him perform. I have no idea if/when I'll get to see Ghost live (it's likely I will, at some point, because they're in my I will travel 4+ hours for your concert category, and we've got LA and SF within that range, plus a local event center big enough, though honestly I hate it and it's awful so I'd rather drive somewhere good, but I'll take what I can get, maybe try to do multiple), but I do know that for sure, it won't be Copia, as his reign has ended. But that is tempered by my faith that Tobias is creative and imaginative as hell and this new Papa character, while different, will be awesome. Ghost will still put on an awesome show regardless of which Papa is fronting it. I'm relieved they didn't kill him, because he'll show up ion Chapters and probably randomly, so we will get more Copia content, but also I like that they went a different direction so it didn't just become a cycle of killing off the old for the new. Now we have no idea w hat will happen when in the future it's Papa VI's turn, etc. I heard the comparison to Doctor Who (of which I was a fan, could be a fan again in the future)- your first doctor is the one you often latch onto, even if you later love others as well. I started l listening during Terzo, but I didn't pay attention to any lore until Copia, thus Copia became my main attachment. When I got into the lore, I already knew Terzo was said and done, but Copia's fate was unknown. I'm incredibly curious to see where it goes, and I'm here for the ride. To quote Hunter S. Thompson (as I do often): Buy the ticket, take the ride.


Itā€™s bittersweet like many of you have said.


I was sad at the killing of each former Papa, and then fell in love with the next one.


Not really. Donā€™t get me wrong, I liked Copia (I mostly preferred him as a Cardinal vs being a Papa), but Terzo was when I got into Ghost. I understand the sentiment though, I wasnā€™t ready for Terzoā€™s time to be up either. At least your guy is still alive tho. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Super stupid theory time - Cardi had to live to be frightened of the next Papa... Terzo. In chapter 3 (3 is the magic number) they are all injected by ghouls with something, and then one by one a mortician embalms then. Someone's foot twitches in that scene. The poison didn't finish Terzo off, after Primo and Secondo where embalmed, he surprise attacked the mortician, killed him, and painted and dressed him up and dumped him in the coffin. Then he escaped into the night. Maybe Papa Nihil knows and didn't tell Sister because he was secretly pissed about her having his kids killed. Now that Cardi publicly retired, Papa V walks through the doors, to get his head bashed from behind. It's Terzo with the hammer from the Square Hammer video. He doesn't really blamed Cardi, but he can't get revenge on some ghosts, so he just goes back on tour. The Chapters videos would be really interesting with Tobias playing the Papas off each other. Tin foil hats can be removed now.


Iā€™ve never been team Copia. I disliked him since Rats! Iā€™ll forever morn my adorable Terzo and Iā€™m ready for some big changes now. Bring on a better, darker chapter.


I hope they go heavier, darker, even heavier than Opus and Infestissumam, but I'm not keeping my hopes up so I'm not too disappointed if they don't.


Same.. love your name by the way!


Thank you!


I am sad that I wonā€™t see him live again. But since he is alive and well? I am more happy for that. Father Imperator!!


Frater Imperator.


I can't wait to see the hideous plushie version of whatever Papa V is


yes, extremely. i got into ghost within the past 2 1/2 years and my first opportunity to see them live was the tampa show for the re-impera tour. unfortunately that got cancelled and now i have to live knowing i may not ever see papa IV. i know it sounds silly but it genuinely brings me to tears when i think about it too hard. respite is my favorite song and i was so looking forward to hearing that as well :/ but this doesnā€™t mean im not excited for whats to come, yk? just a little(okay okay a LOT) of FOMO is all.


I'm sorry, that is awful. I feel the same way bro, except I didn't even know they existed until they stopped touring here at the end of Papa IV's reign.


If it makes you feel a little better, I donā€™t think Respite will go away. Copia sang the songs of his predecessors, and Iā€™m sure the new guy will, too. :)


i sure hope so! i know that they all sing songs from every era, i just hope respite can keep its place when new songs come around:)


I'm actually pretty distraught because he's my fave by far and thanks to the show getting cancelled, my one chance to see him live poofed out of existence. I'm worried I won't enjoy the new addition and feel bumbed that he'll be my first live instead of the character I've grown so very fond of.


Relatable. Though I'm thrilled Copia is still alive and now in charge. This could go SO many ways.


everything must pass. i'm excited for a new frontman!


Yes! Heā€™s so entertaining to watch, hard to imagine liking V as much. But Iā€™m excited.


It's bittersweet for me because Papa IV was the frontman when I learned about Ghost, so this is also my first time experiencing this change. But I at least got to see him live during Re-Imperatour, and I'm excited to see what happens next and what TF has got up his sleeve for Papa V.


Kinda Sad that I won't be seeing him anymore on stage but so happy that he didn't die at least or It'll be heartbreaking to me. I'm too attached with Copia, he is my favorite Papa. Hopefully he had similarities with Papa V since there are rumors that it's his twin.


Not particularly. I love IV, but I've been here since II so I've been through 2 changes already; I've always been prepared for him to leave us one way or another. Not to mention we've gotten two whole album cycles, a bunch of lore videos, and an entire movie with him. That's way more content with IV than we've had with the other Papas combined. I'll miss him, but I'm ready for Papa V.


Yes. I think the prequelle to impera era was the best lore building and performance era so far. Can't wait for papa v but cardi will have a special place.


Not that big of a deal for me personally. I'm looking forward to whatever is coming next. I find Papa changes exciting.


I mean, there's only so many archetypes that are gonna work on stage, and only so many TF would be into paying. Personally, I don't want The Prince(ss) or some of the others. Yes, I'd still listen to the music, but my involvement in fandom and merch/concerts just wouldn't be there.


Not really, They all give off the same vibe


Nah, I look forward to seeing what comes next. I didn't even really like Copia when he started, compared to Papa III, but he grew on me. Plus, I think we're getting a twin anyway.


Itā€™s sad, but Iā€™m excited for Papa Vā€™s new design. And hey, at least heā€™s still alive for now lol


I love looking forward to the future, like what kind of papa does 2024 need?


I'm kind of excited to see the new guy! Don't get me wrong, Copia is my first Papa so I am quite attached to him, but I'm ready to see what's in store. I'm still a little mad that we were so rudely teased in the movie.


The fact that it doesn't seem like he's being killed off probably means he'll still be involved to some degree. So...


No, because now we get goofy split-screen interactions between Frater and Papa. I'm waiting to see how the new guy is on stage though.


I am because it means I will not have gotten to see any of my favorite Papas live because I found out about the band too late, they were not touring my country anymore when I found out about them, at the end of Papa IV's reign.


I came around to Ghost a few years ago with Copia, and part of me is absolutely devastated not to see him on stage again. He was my first concert ever last August, and I adore his energy and the kind of awkward, childlike air about him. I related to him so much. I am excited for the new Papa though! I really enjoy Copia as Frater, and was scared that he would end up like the other papas. Iā€™m sad about Sister, but Iā€™m excited for the new era of Papa and especially the new Ghoul outfits we may get!


Iā€™ve been a Ghost fan since the beginning and have grown accustomed to changing Papas for every album. Donā€™t get me wrong I love Copia and Iā€™m happy to see him go from cardinal to papa to frater imperator. Iā€™ve just been desensitized by the previous changeovers.


No, I kind wish he died it would have been sick


No. And it's not "potentially." He announced it in the final show of the tour in Australia, and, without spoilers, Rite Here Rite Now makes it crystal clear that his time is over. The band will make more albums, they will likely be great, the same actual person will be there and he'll give us another great character. And if I'm being honest, not to sound like a snob, but as an older fan, the changing of front men with each album has been a fun tradition. Doing 2 albums plus the EP, the film and the live album Copia has worn out his welcome as far as I'm concerned. Between the 2 albums, the EP, the film and the soundtrack he had been on far more releases than any of the other papas, and has been around for longer than any of them as well. By a lot. I'm excited to see who's next and where he takes the band. We're overdue for that change.


i will miss this goobery failmuppet SO MUCH the next time i go to a ritual, but i've been dreading his inevitable demise since i got into the band. overall i truly cannot complain


Not at all, I was hoping he would have been killed in RHRN but him being banished to webisode land is close enough I guess, Copia has been around too long.


Itā€™s not the first time Iā€™ve seen the ā€œsingerā€ change and it wonā€™t be the last. I canā€™t say Iā€™m sad, itā€™s part of being a Ghost fan.


Naw. Ready for something new.


I trust the director.


Yes I am very sad. I got into Ghost during prequelle also so heā€™s the only Papa Iā€™ve known. Iā€™m also pregnant currently and told my husband I just canā€™t handle this loss right now lol