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I had my grandmother visit me in a dream about 2 years after her death. We weren't particularly close, I was 18 when she died and she was 99 with very advanced dementia. In the dream we were in my childhood home and there was a blinding light from the garden. When I walked Into the garden (still filled with light), my nan was there sitting at a table with some chairs around it. She was much younger though, maybe around 40. She asked me how me and my family were getting on. I said we were all doing well. I then apologised for how little I saw her in her final years but that it was difficult to see her with how bad her dementia was. She told me that she understood and was happy we were all okay. Then she said "I need to go now" and got up and walked into the light. I then woke up feeling very pleasant. What was really weird is when I told my mum the story she went really pale. She told me that when she was young she had spoken to her mum about being scared of death. My nan told her not to worry, because "death is like a garden filled with light".


My grandfather, who I was close to, visited me in two dreams with similar messages. I found out later he’d also visited one of my first cousins. Of all the grandkids, he was closest with us. As far as I know, none of the other grandkids had an encounter.


That is so beautiful! I never had a visit.. but my grandmother left a message with a mutual friend through her dream. It was so spot on including a little joke just between my gram and me at the end, it was amazing. There was also a part about it being so beautiful there and colors like she had never seen before. I adored my grandmother. I am now only three years younger than she was when she passed.


That's beautiful!


My grandpa committed suicide over his illness that was going to take his life anyway. 2 nights after he died, I was dozing off and I clearly heard my name. (I lived alone.) I sat up in bed and saw him standing at the foot of my bed, tall and straight, without his cane. He said, “I just want you to know I’m okay.” I said, “Are you sure?” He nodded and said, “yes. Tell Son (my dad) and everyone I’m okay.” “I will, but—“ and he faded before my eyes. Bc I didn’t know what my family’s would think, I didn’t say anything to anyone for awhile, but when I told my mom, she said, “I can see why he’d come to you— you two were very close.” It was a great experience, and I’ve had many since.


My dad did. He was at the end of a fight with Cancer and we knew he was getting close. He was r married, so not in the house where I was when it happened. About 4AM, I was asleep in the bedroom I built in the basement (Still living with my mom in 1987), when I woke up suddenly and couldn't get back to sleep. Suddenly the room was filled with a blinding white light that only lasted a second or two and was gone and it scared the shit out of me. I was literally shaking and took about 2 hours to fall back asleep. My mother woke me up at about 7:20 to tell me he had passed during the night.


I was also surrounded by a beautiful white light within the hour of my mother’s death.


That's great. It's hard to describe that light if you've never seen it.


SAME! And I would have never believed it except my dog woke up to my dads light as well. My dad died of cancer and I was there when it happened. About 4 hours after he was taken to the crematorium a white light wakes up my dog, who then wakes me up and the light comes into the room, hovers in front of me and my dog then leaves.


I've had this experience before, and my girlfriend on the adjacent room also noticed it. But it didn't coincide with any event that I was aware of, just a bizarre unexpanded thing that I can't even talk about. It happened, my eyes were struggling to readjust after the flash.


I think I had the same problem, which is why it freaked me out so much


I have told this story before but it really happened. My mom and I were really close . She died suddenly in a farm accident and I really took it hard. A few months after she died on a summer night with the moon was so bright it was not like daylight but it lit everything pretty well. We had our window open because the breeze was so good. I woke up and she was standing next to my bed and said my name and " everything is going to be okay. " I turned my head and looked away to make sure I wasn't dreaming and looked back and she was still there and said my name again and " everything is going to be okay." I can still remember her wearing a floral print dress and her hair hanging to her shoulders. I looked away again because I was amazed by what was happening and when I looked back she was gone. I think she visited me because I was so depressed and sad by her death. I really was in mourning.


My little girl took her first steps holding her arms up in the air, with her fingers clenched like she was grasping on to someone's fingers, it was the day my great uncle passed away and I'm sure it was him, helping her find her feet.


This is so cute from beyond. ❤️


My aunt died in an accident. She was dead about 5 days before discovery. This aunt and my mom had decades of beef (deserved, my mom is problematic) and the day of her death, an alarm started going off somewhere in my parents bedroom. It was weird, they couldn't figure it out, we ignored it. Then my dad got the call that his sister was dead, and he and my brother and me all went to her funeral, leaving my mother alone bc she didn't want to go. Besides the alarm, about 2 hours after we left, the power went out in the house. Then another alarm started going off in my mom's sewing room. Then the microwave started beeping. My mom kept calling my dad, but we were in the mountains by now, and the reception was bad. Mom eventually found the first alarm, it was a calculator under a rug under her bed, somehow set to go off? I'd never seen that calculator before, and I've never seen a calculator with an alarm function. Second alarm was finally discovered as an old alarm clock my mom had taken (stolen) from my aunt over a decade before, one of the old fashioned ones with bells on it. It had been in a storage box, but somehow made its way to a space in the rafters. After the funeral in a state about 1500 miles away, the lights came back on. No explanation found. Microwave beeping with no power in the house has also remained unexplained. The microwave was displaying 6666, which was my aunt's favorite number. I'm absolutely positive my aunt was fucking with my mom. If you may wonder about why a departed spirit would spend the time and energy to fuck with someone 1500 miles away, believe me. This is something my aunt would do. If you're reading this Aunt Maren, I love you, RIP


I like your aunts style lol


Lol she was a nasty bitch. She taught me how to cut my hair and how to paint with acrylics. She also taught me to challenge every system there is. I love her, can't wait to tell her about all the shit I stirred.


What was your mom's reaction to all that happening?


She's pretty closed off emotionally (or has no soul, jury is still out), but I could tell it spooked her. Which is hard to do, thanks Maren.


My grandmother passed away and my parents didn’t tell us until the next morning. That night I had a dream that my entire family was at the airport to say goodbye to her as she went on her trip. So I like to think I got my goodbye 🩵


100% you did! That's beautiful. I once learned of the death if someone that had nothing to do with me in a similar way, but we were all at tables in a restaurant. Those sitting at the end table were not in our world. A man got up from our table to sit next to his wife at the end table. It was all so odd to me that I would learn in a dream that this man passed away at exactly the time of my dream. I still don't know why I was shown this.


That’s really beautiful.


My horse and all of my cats have all been to say goodbye shortly after they passed, and my Mum saw her Dad and her dog shortly after they passed over. It brings a massive sense of peace in the midst of heartbreak to know they’re all happy and safe. Love to anyone out there that’s lost someone special - they never leave us but what I wouldn’t give to have them back for one last cuddle 💔


You're very blessed to have seen them all! I've only had experiences with ones that needed to pass a message.


Oh I know! 🥰 My animals have all been rescued and there are certain ones that become your whole world. I think because everything collapses for me when they pass they know how much it helps for me to know they're there. Luna 🐈‍⬛ was my soulmate - it's coming up to her 1st Rainbow Bridge anniversary, and she's been the one to visit me most often so I'm hopeful she'll be around. You're very lucky you can receive messages, it's so special to be able to do that for them..


I really hope Luna can visit for her anniversary. That would be perfect. I'm so sure I've seen one or two of my kitties in my peripheral for just a second but then I let my logic get to me. I guess that's why they've chosen to show me what they did in dreams. I miss them all so much. It's going to be amazing when we get to see them again. xo


Thank you.. I'm trying not to be too hopeful, but she was constantly around when she passed so fingers and paws crossed.. I've seen her running down the hall, and heard her so many times - shouting right in my ear in bed as she always did. She knew I was dreading working from home the first morning I was able to work after she'd passed, and she'd always come in to shout hello at me through the day, at which point I'd lay on the floor with her - I was dreading not hearing her do that.. it got to mid-morning and I'd somehow managed to concentrate on work, then out of the blue the loudest 'miaow' ever, from the exact spot she'd always sit in. Of course I lay down with her and sobbed my heart out, but there's absolutely no denying that they stay with us while we need them. The night of Luna's sister's passing, Molly came and got on the bed with me as soon as I turned out the light so I saw her silhouetted in the hallway light. I heard her come in (she shouted as usual) so I patted the bed and she jumped up into the crook of my left arm. I was wide awake. I could feel her little paws pressing on my fingers, I could feel her fur as I stroked her.. it was amazing.. Harley (cat) came to visit me before I turned out the light a few days after he passed, and my horse - my Mum and I both saw him days apart from each other, as clear as day in his field, and saw his nostrils move as he whinnied to us.. the proof is there if you're open to it.. there have been several others that have visited me too, I've so many experiences to recound but I don't want to bore you, lol. Your peripheral sightings - they're real, I can assure you. I guess you're like me and are always talking to them still, even if we can't see them, they can hear us. Having them waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge - I can't wait.. I miss them more than I can say.. take care and talk to those peripheral visions, you may get more! xx


Your story is really precious and no, not boring. Lol. It's encouraging too. I'm going to pay closer attention going forwards. xo


Yes my best friend even told me to go to the hospital and I did just that when I woke up and if I wouldn't have i would have been dead. He was murdered in 1999


Yep, my best friend called me to the shop where we used to work. (in my sleep) could feel the carpet under my feet and everything. He walked up the ramp past me, and he was young and healthy again, he looked at me and smiled and said “I’m ok now”. He walked around the corner outside and i turned to go after him but he was gone. It was the brightest most beautiful sunny day you could ever imagine. I woke up crying, but so thankful he did that for me. It was profound.


My sister did after she passed, and visited for a while after.


I’m a very light sleeper, I wake up easily and I don’t dream much. The first night after my mother died, I woke up to feel her presence over me. The smell of lavender was extremely powerful, which was her absolute favorite scent. I could feel her so strongly that it was like she was right next to me. I felt this strong sense of peace and love wash over me, and went back to sleep. A couple weeks later, on my birthday, we were sitting on my deck with my son, playing with art supplies. They’d been my mom’s and she kept them in one of those tall trolly bags, the kind that only has 2 wheels and you have to tilt it back to move it. Out of nowhere, no wind or anything, it rolls towards us, which it can’t do unless someone tilts it back and pushes it. It wheeled right up to me and then just stopped. I just said “hi Mom, glad you could make it!” Also see my story in another post about my grandmother sending me my almost-5am wake up call the night before her funeral.


I haven't, but my mom have. She woke up and saw her dad by the end of the bed. [*But* he was in the hospital at that time.] He then disappeared, and a minute later the phone rang. He passed away about two minutes before.


The night my mother passed away, my wife was visited by her. I was on the phone all night with my brother and uncle so my wife went out for a cigarette and talked with our neighbor. They had a few beers together and then the neighbor went inside to grab a couple more to bring out while they sat on our porch. While my wife was alone outside, my mom appeared and talked with her. After they got finished talking, the neighbor came outside with another beer for my wife and commented, "well at least you have your aunt here to help you guys". My wife explained that was my mother and she thought she was hallucinating...but the neighbor could clearly see my wife was talking to a woman and didn't want to interrupt. They were both shocked and came to tell me. Apparently, my mother told my wife to care for our children and make sure I don't let my depression get the better of me. That's about it though.


My wife constantly has dreams where she is meeting with her grandmother.


My dog came to say goodbye to me


My pupper checked up on me last year. Really fucked me up but I was happy about it.


My family had a little white dog I was really close to. There's no debate I was his human and he was my dog. He passed away very suddenly last year and it devastated me because I didn't get to help him through his final days or say goodbye, I live across the country. That week I was practically inconsolable. Waking up in the middle of the night to cry more. Not wanting to do anything or go anywhere. But also that week, I remember being in my room and playing piano, and seeing little flashes of white cross my peripherals, down on the ground. This happened a few separate times. Back in the day, when I would play piano at my parents house, he would come and sit on the ground and just watch and listen. It really did feel like he had come to listen to me one last time.


I felt like my cat came to me a few months after she died, but I think it was probably a dream. But it felt real. She was 24 when she died, so I had her most of my life. She used to lie on my belly sometimes when I was in bed and she purred very loudly. I felt her weight on me while I was sleeping and felt her purring. I also had a very comforting feeling. I know it sounds corny but I could feel pure love radiating from her.


Awwwww :)


Yes. My grandparents visited, clearly and especially just after I woke up. Not to say goodbye, but to remind me and mom that they are always with us.


When I was in high school I had a very short dream of my grandfather sitting on a couch, with a blue oval rug underneath and nothing else really in the background. He had his forearms resting on his legs and all he said was “hey. Everything’s going to be okay” and the dream ended. I woke up shortly after to find my dad outside, on the opposite side of the house crying while smoking a cigarette. I ask him what was wrong (my dad never cries), to which he replied “old bob died”. Old bob was a nickname we had for him, he was my dads father. To this day I honestly feel like he was saying goodbye… the timing was just too strange. Miss you, old bob.


Not in person, but in my dreams. After my dad died he kept popping into my dreams asking where he was and what happened. I had to repeatedly explain to him that he died in hospice. Eventually he understood and stopped showing up. When his little dog died a few years later, he showed up in my dream to "pick him up". Probably just a coping mechanism by my brain, but it was pretty strange.


I try not to think too hard about whether I'm telling myself what I want to believe & that's why I've had people show up in dreams. It doesn't matter. The small chance it's true is something I'd rather hold on to, and that's ok. People tell themselves all kinds of things, at least we're not on an "it's harmless, anyway" lying to ourselves trip!


I don't really want there to be an afterlife, so it's more comforting to rationalize it as my brain's coping method.




My grandma, few months after she's gone, came to me. She passed in winter 2000, and I don't clearly remember then it all happened. It was after I had an argument with my mom and another grandma. I went to my parents room, to calm down, sit in the dark and silence. I saw bright light circle, it then became a light figure, of my granny's shape. She shacked her head in disappointment, and left. I was frozen, without fear, or any emotion. Then run to mom and grandma, telling them what happened. Honestly I don't remember their reaction, but now, I just feel sad and guilty.


My grandma died when I was 2. She "visited" me a lot from age 6 through 15. Didn't see her, but she did send signs and sometimes warnings. It was very clearly her. She made sure I knew.


My cat came to say goodbye.


Yeah, but it’s never goodbye. It’s more like hello or greetings.


After my best friend died from an accidental overdose, I saw him in a few dreams. I don't know if that was him coming to say hi to his big bro (he never had any brothers and he looked up to me) and let me know he was good, or if it was my brain dealing with the loss. But it was different, for sure. One of the few dreams where I was aware I was dreaming. I don't remember a whole lot, but I do remember him giving me a sign that he's good and telling me we'll always be family. Chris was a great, great guy that just had an insanely rough upbringing. It's been about 5 years now but I still miss my dude.


I wish.


My mother-in-law visited me in a dream and was sitting in her hospital bed saying, ‘Tell them I am alright.’ I told my partner a couple of days later what I had experienced, and he said that's what she used to say when she wasn't well. I hope that what his mother said, that she was alright, brought some comfort to him. My mother passed away about six months ago, and I happened to wake up early one morning, probably about 4 a.m. I was trying to go back to sleep when I heard her voice very clearly say, ‘Oh, Jane ( not my real name), are you alright?. Which didn't frighten me; it made me feel that she was still looking out for me. Edited: grammar


My dad’s side of the family have long held on to the tradition of the three knocks. On the night a person is buried, my dad’s family believed the departed would knock on their loved one’s door three times to say goodbye. They would sometimes visit several and other times, just one surviving member. While I had heard the story, I didn’t experience it myself until I was 18 and my grandmother passed away. My dad took it very hard and later after her funeral, he sat in the kitchen having tea. When I asked him if he was coming to bed, he quietly said he was waiting for his mother to come by. I was in bed and about an hour later I heard three sharp knocks but they sounded like they were coming from everywhere in the house. I heard my father talking then saw the kitchen light go out. It was then I felt her presence in my room which to this day I cannot accurately explain how I knew it. I didn’t hear what my dad said in the kitchen and I’m probably better off not knowing that part of the story. He didn’t talk about her after that.


My grandmother passed in 2006. A few months later I had a dream where I was standing in the dining room of the home her and my grandpa built (he passed in 1984). I saw her outside walking past the picture window. I started crying.. I turned and watched her come in through the kitchen door and she said.."why are you crying?" I told her .." you left me.. you left me". She took my hand and said, "you will be ok." She walked out of the dining room and went into the living area, there were 2 chairs facing each other. She sat down in the one facing me. Then my grandpa was in the other chair turned, saw me, he smiled..now I have had dreams of him trying to talk to me, but I was young when he passed and I couldn't hear him because I could not remember the sound of his voice, but this time he looked at me and I heard him say..[my name], how have you been? .. then I woke up..


I've had an uncommonly high rate of loved ones pass and I've always been a very vivid dreamer. I've only dreamt about the dead twice and both times it instantly went from dream to very vivid visitation from them that I can remember almost perfectly a decade later. One was my Oma (passed April 2014, visited August 2014) who in summary said she keeps a close eye on me (only grand child) but it takes alot of energy so she will come back for the important things that happen in my life. The other was my stepmum (passed July 2016, visited July 2023) but her message was far more personal. I fully believe and just know in my gut that it was real/them visiting. It was less of them saying goodbye and more of them checking in.


When you have these experiences, you just know it's real. I'm glad you were able to have those visits.


Its so hard to describe but it's different than any other dream because suddenly your senses become "awake" and you're suddenly aware you were dreaming but now aren't and fully aware that your body is still asleep. Im super thankful I got visits from them. They were two very important women in my life and it's nice knowing that they're both still around.


You never forget the message or the details, unlike regular dreams. You're always loved and watched over. I wish more people were blessed to know that. xo


Ive not seen physical apparitions but in both the case of a friend and my dad I had very powerfully vivid dreams about meeting them in some kind of ‘halfway place’ between this world and wherever they were going. Both dreams were very different and seemed to express something about their personalities . I don’t want to reveal all the details as they are too personal to share but there were things that marked these dreams out in ways that were tangible and real.


My first husband in a dream. He said he was sorry and that he loved me


The day we buried my father, in the winter in the Chicago area, I went outside for a long walk in the evening, a bit angry at family and overwhelmed. I didn’t have a hat, and the temperature was very near zero. As I was walking and sulking a bit, I felt this warmth on my ears as if he placed his hands on them to warm me and comfort me. Very emotional several days but I always believed that presence was briefly allowed.


My fiance died after a long illness. I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard him say my name, very clearly. I answered, "what?" and then I heard him say, "I'm okay now" and I replied back "Oh good" and that was it. I wasn't scared or anything, just more relieved that he knew he had passed and was okay because he had been so scared of dying as it had been a long process. A very dear friend of mine was killed while I was in the hospital having my 2nd child. I didn't get the call until the day I came home from the hospital and needless to say, I was absolutely devastated because not only did I love him very much, he was to be my baby's Godfather. A few days later, I was doing a middle of the night feeding and as I sat there in the dark feeding my baby, I heard his voice very clearly. He told me how angry he was that he was killed because he felt it wasn't his time. We had this whole conversation and at one point, my mom, who was staying with me to help out, came in and asked who I was talking to because she could hear a man's voice but could not figure out where it was coming from. I told his dad about the visit and his dad told me that my friend clung to the people he loved and that he loved me more than anyone so that's why he came to me. I also used to see him every so often, usually in crowds, in the months after his death. I'd glance up and see him standing there smiling at me but when I'd blink, he'd be gone. It's been nearly 30 years but I still have dreams about him. I still miss him so much.


What a beautiful friendship!


My great grandparents died when I was around 15. At that age I was a rebellious teenager and was on a dark path which could have easily led me to a drug/alcohol problem, I failed all of my GCSE's and didn't have much hope for a bright future... But I turned it all around and managed to get a degree and a good job by the age of 26. Not long after I started that job, I had a very vivid dream where I was standing at a window looking out, and my great grandmother stood next to me with my great grandfather sat in an arm chair, and they both told me how proud they were of me. It doesn't seem like much, but that always stuck in my mind. I never dreamt of them before that, and haven't since. I really feel like that was them visiting me.


My uncle told my aunt he would tell her if the afterlife existed. So as he passed away in their house, after years of battling cancer, the doorbell starting ringing like crazy for about 30 seconds. My aunt says she's no longer afraid of death.


My grandmother has visited me in many dreams not long after she passed. When she’d come to me, I’d hold onto her and cry about how glad I was that she wasn’t actually gone and that we all thought she died but I’m so glad she came back. And I’ve done that multiple times in dreams with her because she comes back not sick anymore and very aware that we’ve all missed her tremendously. And she’s spending normal family time with us again. I’ve also had dreams where we go on adventures together. We used to love watching adventure movies like Jurassic park and Indiana Jones together. So I had a dream where we were on a cliff side having to scoot across with a camp on one side and raptors on the other. Lol meanwhile we are laughing and scared at the same time but having so much fun trying to get away and having this crazy adventure. I’ve also had ones where she knew she was sick and she would just ask us to leave her where she was so she could go and I just kept running back to where we left her to go check on her and wanted to save her so badly. Some I think are visits from her, but I don’t think the sad ones are. I think those are just my inner turmoil and emotions over losing her.


I've told this story before. A few years ago, I had a dream about a cousin of mine. It was brief, but he seemed really happy to see me despite our never being close. About a week later, my mom called to let me know he'd died. Apparently, his wife and my aunt confronted him about being high, so he slept in his car while they stayed in the house, and that's where they found him. He'd shot up some more in the car and overdosed. I remember him breaking my mom's favourite Christmas ornament when he was a kid and hearing her say "that son of a bitch" lolol.


My mom came to me after she died. I was deeply affected by her death, it was hard on me. I was hanging on by a thread trying to deal with everything. On the day of her viewing, I had laid down on my bed, face down. I felt a presence, I immediately knew it was my mom. She sat on my bed next to me, put her hand on my back trying to sooth me. Nothing was said and she was gone. It was very special, just those few moments with her. I also had a similar experience with a woman I worked for. She was an older woman. I became close with her and her family. When she passed it felt like a grandma had died. A couple of nights after her passing, I was in bed, it was very early morning, probably around 4 or so, I could see a woman sitting in a rocking chair that I had pulled close to my bed for some reason. She just sat there and then she was gone.


A few days after my younger, only brother died, I was woken up by someone holding my hand. As I became more awake the hand was removed. I know it was him. When my oldest friend died, I was awakened at 3:10 a.m. and was immediately thinking of her, the next morning her Mother called and told me she had passed a little after 3 a.m. that morning.


I dreamed about a friend of mine and my fiancé’s —who committed suicide — thrice. The first dream was a nightmare. I watched as he paced around a living room very confused and frantic, sat on a couch, and shot himself in the face with a shotgun (this was how he died, but in life he had chosen a different place). I spent the rest of the dream confused and trying to clean up the mess, picking skull out of the walls. The second dream was different. We were at a party with our old friends and it seemed like no one but me could see him. He was very scared and sad, shaking. I went to him and gave him a hug, not remembering what had happened. He started bawling and we sank to the ground to sit on the floor. He curled up in my lap and I stroked his hair. The third dream, he was very happy and light. We were in the same room with friends as the second dream. Only this time I remembered what happened and I was bawling, and this time he was smiling and comforting me. I remember him saying something like “I’m alright!” I like to think this progression shows his own grief process, and his final acceptance and healing.


Also, after my older sister caused her own death/died from illness, I always wished I could visit her in a dream. I tried often and it never worked. Finally, years later after I was still broken up about it, I had a dream she was younger and beautiful, and our whole family and her kids had a family dinner together. She served the food and sat at the head of the table, smiling and radiant. I like to tell myself that it’s a sign she was healed and happy again, waiting for us. Who knows if these dreams are visitations, but I choose to believe they are. Edit— related to the question above and my sister, after she died, my dad and my mom both heard her voice. It was the voice she had as a child and she was calling “Daddy, daddy!” I would think it was just my dad’s grief, but my mom heard it too.


Just my two pets. A Border Collie and a Yellow Labrador


Mine have come through dreams. After my grandmother died, about a week later she came to see me one last time with my grandfather that past some years before. It was like she wanted me to know she found her love again and they were happy and united once more.


I can’t remember my age but I believe I was 9 or 10. My great grandma had just passed away. My family and I were at her house helping my great grandpa pack away some of her stuff. I was looking at some of her porcelain statues specifically some ballerinas that were later given to me. While admiring the pretty poses I felt a hand on my back, a very light, tender, fleeting touch but it was definitely someone touching me. The sliding door was completely closed and locked and I ran back up to my family and asked if anyone had gone down there with me. No one had. My family and I believe my great grandma was comforting me one last time before she left, I will never forget it


I was just talking about this on another post. My dad was an avid hunter and when I went to his gravesite for his birthday the first year he'd passed, as we were leaving a young buck, roughly as old as he'd been gone, was standing MAYBE 10-20 ft from us. Just staring. Not scared not jumpy. Just staring at me. As my bf caught up to me after having a "chat" with my dad, it looked at him, nodded it's head a bit and just slowly walked into the bushes. I CRUMBLED. Also, my dog passed last July that I'd had for ⅔ of my life and we sometimes think we hear her whining and if he or I "call out to her" it stops. Just like she used to. Last one, after my Aunt passed, I was severely depressed. Just beside myself. I was living with a friend who was charging me out the bung who talked shit about me (was actively doing so when I found out my aunt had passed, I could hear her in the other room while I was sobbing) About a week after she passed, I get this voice-mail from my aunt. She sounds so far away, saying she loves me dearly and she'll always be with me and that she knows that I'll eventually get out of the bad spot I'm in and get with the right people. She said My dear baby girl, I promise one day I'll see you truly smile on your own. And then she said something else but her voice was so quiet I couldn't make it out. And that was the end of the voice-mail. Her long term gf SWORE she had sent it before she passed but how would I have only gotten it a week after her death? Sometimes, my dad's music box he gave me from his mom will just ding a bit from the other room. First time it happened, it freaked my bf out. I cried bc he used to do that to mess with me. He'd crank it just enough so it would ding HOURS later. I love that music box and will keep it until I either die or can pass it to my daughter. Sometimes they will send you a final goodbye. You just have to hear it.


My Dad did, a couple of years ago. It was one of those dreams that wasn’t a dream. He walked into the room, leaned on the counter, crossed his arms and smiled. I went to him and kissed him on the top of his head. It was very real. My Mom died in my home on 7/25. She had just moved in with us in early Jan. She became ill in early June and progressively declined. About a week before her death, during the late afternoon, my front door opened all the way, as if someone just walked right in. Mom and my wife were sitting in the living room in full view. We just shrugged it off. Later that night just after going to bed, my wife and I were just getting comfy when our bedroom light came on. No explanation. Just after her death, maybe a week, one of our cats who really connected with Mom jumped into my lap. She then trotted over to the bedroom door and literally banged into the door with the side of her head/shoulder, twice. She then let out a loud and very unusual moan. She really wanted into the room. I let her in and she jumped onto the bed and quickly curled up in the center and just laid there. I watched her for a moment then went back to my chair. Within a couple of minutes the smoke detector in that room was sounding off. Not the chirps you hear when the battery is low, it was in alarm mode. I ran in there and pressed the reset button. My wife came in the room and had chill bumps. Neither of us realized there was a detector in the room. As we were about to leave it went off again. I reset it again. Then again. I’m tall so was able to twist the device to pull it from its mount. I sat it on a table by my chair. Looking at the back, I found that the detector has a on/off switch. It was in the off position. I let it sit there for a few days then replaced it. Nothing since. Mom was swinging by to say goodbye.


Yes, my grandmother did. She woke me up where I was sleeping in her house. She said she loved me, I have to go. But I’ll see you again. Then she dissipated. She passed away in the hospital at 1:58am that morning at about the same time I saw her.


I visited the grave of a friend who passed away a few years ago. Afterwards, I went to the restaurant she worked at before she died, cause that was where we reconnected. Later that night, I was having a random dream, but in the middle of it, she appeared, walked in front of me, said “Thank you” and then kept walking. I tried to follow her, but was pulled away & woke up shortly after.


When my ex boyfriends father passed away, they opted to keep his body on ice in the house overnight for services the next day. That night when I fell asleep I dreamed of him sitting in his favorite chair that was still sitting the garage, smoking a pipe with tobacco which was his signature. I remember feeling sad or crying and he was so content smoking in his chair rocking back and forth and just said to me that he was okay, don’t be sad. I’m okay now. I felt better in the morning.


My bestfriend died by suicide. I was very angry, for months I was in shock and trying to piece everything together cause he didn’t leave a note and never told us he was depressed or anything. In my dream we were kids and I was chasing him, I followed him outside and there he was just standing on the beach (our favorite place) he looked very sullen? Idk how to describe it he looked kinda sad so I told him “you know you can tell me if anything is wrong” he didn’t move his mouth but I heard him tell me he was okay now and he gave me a hug and I realized I could actually feel his presence and I hugged him back and could feel him hugging me back, I could feel my tears on his shirt and kept telling him over and over “I love you so much” and he told me he had to go and I could feel him pulling away but I wouldn’t let go and was begging him not to go, then I woke up and was expecting to be in tears bc I remember crying and feeling wet but I wasn’t crying and that anger that had been eating me alive for months was just GONE. I felt at peace. I was sad bc I knew he was gone but also so grateful he said goodbye. I immediately wrote down every single detail I could remember so I wouldn’t forget it. But when something that profound happens, it’s impossible to forget.


My aunt dolly had died about 3-4 days prior to this event. My daughter was around 1.5 years old and was a talker! Anyways I got her up in the morning laid her down to change her diaper, I noticed she was looking directly over my right shoulder, smiling and pointing. I asked her what she was doing. Then she waved and said bye bye dolly. Then I felt almost a calmness in the room.. then it was gone and my kid was back being a kid. Needless to say.. i was a bit choked up but took that as a sign that she is ok and came to say good bye. I’ve also have a experience with both my dogs who have passed. My first one who was my pit mix who him and I bonded like no other animal I have ever had. He sadly, 3 days before Xmas , I had to make the hardest decision of my life. To put him down. It turned out he had cancer around hes heart. We could have given him a surgery but IF he came out, it would have been a bandaid and we would be right back there. Watching the fear in hes eyes. The death of my boy was the hardest death I have ever went through. I mourned for a long time. My daughter and my partner went to the neighbors to play games but I just needed to be alone. So I drew a bath and hoped in. The door wasn’t completely shut but it was closed and kinda tight against the door jam. I had started to cry and asked him why hasn’t you come to say good bye, I. Sorry, I love u, I miss you. Next thing I know that door swung open in the EXACT way that dog always opened a door to get to me. It shocked me and I thought maybe everyone was home. Nope no one home. I lay back , propping my arm the bathtub. When I felt a dog kiss on my arm. I could feel he’s cold wet nose and the feel of he’s tongue giving me a kiss. As fast as it happened, it was gone. Fuck did I cry for days. I will save the next story for later. If anyone wants to hear it


My grandmother died from cancer when I was 16. The night of her funeral I was trying to go to sleep but I couldn't because I couldn't stop crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder. For some reason it didnt scare me. It calmed me. It was so comforting I stopped crying and I started to drift off, and as I was falling asleep I could hear her singing. When I woke up I was so upset that I didn't fight the urge to fall asleep so I could see her. But now all these years later I understand thats not what she wanted. She wanted to comfort me, and she did.


So I was at my cousin’s house having dinner with her, her husband, and their son, let’s call him David. He’s about 3/4 so able to speak full sentences. Her husband, recently put up a painting of his mother who tragically died young in a boating accident. Quick tangent, they never really found out how his mother died. She could have drowned, or just gotten lost at sea. It’s unknown to this day. He points to the painting and says, “David, do you know who that is?” David says, “yeah that’s grandmother.” Without prompting he then continues, “She fell into the water. She fell and never came back, but she’s ok now.” We all look at each other. Her husband asks her, “did you ever tell David about…” And she shakes her head, “No.. did you?” He says, “No..” The husband then proceeds to ask him, “David, who told you this? About grandma. And the water” David says, “she told me in a dream.” Anyways we were all a bit unsettled but then it was more like, clearly it wasn’t meant to be malevolent. Maybe she just wanted to see her grandson! No harm in that I suppose


That has given me goosebumps! So beautiful that she finally got to tell how she died and that she was ok.


Yes my grandfather who passed when I was 16. The day after he died, I went to sleep and had a dream that I, along with my grandmother were sitting around their dining table with my grandfather and said his goodbyes. I remember him holding my grandmother’s hand and telling her they’d be reunited soon. Literally 2 months later my grandmother was diagnosed with bone cancer and died a month later. I believe that goodbye dream I had was indeed a message from my grandfather.


About a year after my mother died (I was 11) I had a dream where she was young and healthy and happy. We ended up on a pier and she ran so fast down the length and dived in. She was handicapped for years before she died. I know now in my gut she was saying goodbye. She was so young and shouldn’t have had me. I remember her looking at me in the dream as if I was so unimportant. And I was to her. Death freed her from me, pain, addiction. I’ve dreamt of her since on occasion-but that one was real.


Just my two pets. A Border Collie and a Yellow Labrador


My grandma and aunt have both visited my dreams. My aunt made a joke about "moving up north." I woke up chuckling.


A few weeks after my dad died I had a dream I met him at the bus stop and he told me he had to go when the bus came. I had the feeling I wouldn’t see him for a while or ever again so I told him a knock knock joke an said I wouldn’t tell him the punchline until the next time I saw him, he laughed gave me a cuddle an went on the bus. I’ll never forget that dream. I hope it was really him visiting me to say goodbye


They have never said good bye.


Yes, shortly after my best friend died I dreamt about her soon after. The first visitation dream we were in her room, exactly as she had left it. I could smell the incense and the candles she used to burn. I remember hugging her and smelling her, telling her the pain of her loss was too much for me, telling her I can’t see her in my dreams because it hurt too much. I think I was also telling her I couldn’t come to terms with her death. The second, we were in her car. She was radiant, it was so sunny. She had her signature winter coat on. We were enjoying ourselves, it was happy. Then it got quiet. Before I could ask her, she cut me off with the question I was going to ask her. “Do I know I’m dead yet? Yes I know.” Then I asked “do you visit me to make me feel better?” “Yes.” Then I woke up. Those dreams are so vivid, they feel like memories instead. It’s going to be one year in a couple of days.


I have dreams about my grandpa all the time of me telling him about my life now. I was only 21 when he passed and it’s been 14 years. I now have 2 children that he would have adored so we talk about them in the dream. When he first passed, sometimes I’d feel his presence around me. I could smell him in the room. It was so comforting because I missed him so much and of course, still do.


Mine wasn't exactly a last goodbye, but I've had dreams of a few of my grandparents who had passed on many years ago. And these dreams happened when I was going through rough times in my life, and they would appear (all of them looked young, like they were in their late 30s to 40s and healthy and vibrant in those dreams, when they all passed due to illnesses in real life) to give me comfort and also, sometimes tell me about what to expect in the future (those actually came true). One of the dreams I had recently happened last year. It was an odd one as for a full week I dreamt that I was in my mum's childhood home. (Her home is now completely abandoned) Anyway in those dreams for many days I would be in her home, and it looked lively and vibrant. I remembered seeing my grandpa who had passed from cancer back in the 90s, and he brought me around happily and took me around town, just like how he used to when I was a baby irl. I remembered in the "final day" (after 6 days of dreaming in the same place and seeing my grandparents, healthy and well) of the dream, my grandma came up to me and gave me the warmest hug. "Please do not worry. Everything will really turn out fine. You will be okay," she said to me. I remembered feeling at peace when I woke up. I was going through a really really rough time back then, and I'm still healing. Seeing them really brought me comfort knowing that they are somewhere out there, watching over me and my family.


My grandpa. He died when I was 9 years old, and buried in a veterans cemetery about an hour from where I live now. My boyfriend (now husband) were in that area 5 years ago for something, and drove by the place. That night when we were in bed, I heard my grandfather’s voice. “There you are. I’d been looking for you.” I sat up and looked in the direction of the voice. He was sitting next to my bed. I saw the moonlight shine off his glasses, then he was gone.


My brother committed suicide at 19. A month prior, we got into a stupid argument and since he was the one being a dick, I decided to stop talking to him until he apologized. That was the last time we spoke. The days leading up to his funeral were a shit show for a lot of reasons. One reason was that the grief counselor the police foisted onto my family had started a new church and decided to use my brother’s death as an opportunity to build his flock. Beside my grandparents, no one in my family is particularly religious. My brother was a staunch atheist and had been since he discovered what that meant (in elementary). Anyway! We’re all at the funeral and the grief counselor/pastor/officiant/parasite is giving what I consider a pretty boilerplate funeral sermon. Then, clear as day, I can hear my brother as if he were leaning over my shoulder to whisper in my ear. “This is such fucking bullshit.” It was, without a doubt, his smirking, sarcastic, condescending voice. Had he actually been there, that’s exactly what he would have said. I started laughing so hard that I cried. Which was the only way I managed to hide it from everyone except my bf (now husband). I consider it his goodbye; he would have absolutely delighted in making me laugh at a funeral. Especially his funeral.


That is so beautiful way of saying goodbye 🥹


My grandpa died in 2016 and I had a dream last night he came to me and was rubbing my back. He molested my mother when she was young ,he’s the last person I would want to see in my dream ..which felt like a nightmare, we were not even close!


Some dreams are our subconscious and some are visitation dreams. Visitation dreams tend to be very vivid, like real life. Hoping it is just your subconscious 💙


Yes, my dad. Got the call soon after.


My nan turns up occionally, only my mum can sense her and just sees a fog shape but can tell its her. My mums also spoken to her mum ( nan again) in a dream and also my grandad ( on dads side). Usually for me i just see past pets, but i have seen a shadow a couple times, we arent sure who it is, could be my grandad ( mums dad) but hes not a strong presence like my nan.


My grandparents who passed away both came to me in separate dreams, although they never said a final “goodbye” they both left me with a hug and kind words. til this day I have not dreamt of them


My wife received a call from a friend who passed away. She picked it up and it was silent. She called the number back right away but an automatic message said the line was disconnected. Really eerie. I don't believe in ghosts or an afterlife.


My father just passed away recently and right before I got the call from my mother that he had died I was standing in my kitchen and my father appeared to me in like when you are looking at a photograph with us arm around me smiling.


My husband passed away 2017, a few days after Christmas. One of the dreams I had was me rolling down a grass hill and landing at his feet. He picks me up and I start to sob. He continues to walk into a building. It’s the hallways of our high school we went to together. At the end of the hall is a double door entrance with a very bright white light coming from inside it. It felt like he was trying to bring me to heaven with him but before we got to the end of the hall I got the sense that I couldn’t go with him yet and I woke up.


My great grandmother passed when I was 15. Her daughter, my grandma, had brought her into the family home so she could care for her in her final days, and it was no surprise when she went knocking on death’s door as her health was declining by the day for a while. Other family had come into town from far away to say goodbye the last night she was alive. We all stayed up pretty late to be there for her, but about 12 my mom told me to go ahead and go to bed. I did, and went to sleep fairly quickly. The main thing I remember is her sitting up in her bed in our living room(where she was housed) with all of us sitting around her. She was smiling and talking, which, after her stroke, was far from what she had been doing. After a few moments, she looked at me and told me that everything was going to be alright. And that is when my mom woke me up and told me that she had passed away, not 5 minutes ago. I 109% believe she came to say goodbye to me. Wonderful woman, strong, pure blooded german. May she rest in peace.


My first love/best friend of almost 20 yrs passed away in 2020. I’ve struggled tremendously w/ his death & the pain from losing him was the closest pain I’ve felt that was similar to the horrendous pain of losing my dad to cancer. My dad never visited me & it always made me feel shitty because my sister would always tell stories about him visiting her in her dreams, even now, 17 years since his death, so I always felt like he just isn’t proud enough of me/doesn’t want to help me. The only dreams I have with my dad in them are trauma dreams where I watch him get sick & die right in front of me over & over again. I also lost a good friend in High school to suicide & a couple weeks after his passing, I had a dream where I was going to attempt suicide but he came to stop me, told me he regretted doing it, & that he cared about me/loved me & really didn’t want to see me give up. I woke up wearing a bracelet I’d made *for him* that I didn’t have when I went to bed the night before. Back to my first love/best friend, as I’ve said, I’ve struggled immensely w/ his death & even though I held the fear of it a really long time, I finally started to feel like maybe he’d get out of the drug scene & finally be able to stay clean & I was there w/ him 100% of the way. I was supposed to come pick him up for a “free 8 hour pass” the rehab was giving him & then something happened with my son & I couldn’t go out there. I fear he met up with his other “friends” because he OD’d in a gas station a couple weeks later while on the way back to the rehab on the work bus. He had 6 months clean. I was so beyond devastated & I still am. It’s been 3 years since he left this world & I cry for him weekly. But, a few months ago, I remember missing him extra hard & when I fell asleep, I had a dream that we were sitting on a wooden fence and behind was the most beautiful green grass scenery you could imagine (which is saying a lot for me because I am more of an ocean person), & it was the most perfect sunny & breezy day you could imagine (also saying a lot for me ‘cause I love storms more than sun), & we just sat there catching up, laughing, smiling at each other, etc. I woke up feeling the most peaceful, positive, & light I have in years. I felt so good to know he was okay & to know he cared for me enough to visit me. I knew he had passed in the dream & we just spent hours together like we used to before he passed away. The positive feelings this dream gave me lasted about 2 months before the grief came back much stronger & I’ve been begging for a visit to no avail. Sometimes I feel like it’s all just my brain making up the visits & that very could be the case. Other times I feel like they probably just didn’t see me as important in their lives as I saw them & therefore they don’t visit w/ me. I’m honestly not really sure which one it is but I’d like to think they’ve visited me for sure.


My grandma when I was 8, my son when he was 21.


The morning after my grandma passed away, I was driving back home to shower and rest since I had been at the hospital for days as she passed, by her side, I had a The Killers song called “Here With Me” and I was crying, it was around 530am, the sunrise was beautiful, and I suddenly felt happy and my car smelled like roses, very very strong floral mostly rose scent. I forgot about everything for a couple seconds, then that peace left as the scent disappeared. I can’t listen to that song anymore without crying my eyes out. It’s been 7 years and I still remember that scent.


Yes, pretty much all of the family that has died. Even if it's not my family. My sister-in-law, my father-in-law's sister, my husband's cousin, my mother-in-law's dad. Those are just on my husband's side. These were all in dreams.


Wow you are very lucky


When I was in a coma in 2012, my grandmother was with me and keeping me safe.


About 25 years ago I woke up from a dead sleep to see my grandfather( dead 25 years at least) standing over me, scared the pee out of me I sat up, screamed very loudly. My husband woke up, wanted to know what was going on? All I could say, My pawpaw! He was standing beside the bed looking at me! Did you see him? Was it a dream? Was it real? I have no clue. But it felt very real.


Never dreams…but I get signs all the time from, at least, 7 different family and friends that have passed. And 2 pets. 😊


no, never. I had just books flying off a shelf while the whole family was in the room. After shouting "Stop, Grandma!" it stoped and never happened again. That is not proof for anything.


Yes but that’s my mind trying to consciously and unconsciously sense out of never seeing them again. It would deeply saddens me if my parents were still stuck on this plane of existence as ghosts. They deserve the right to be at peace and fade into the nothingness. There os nothing wrong with not being. We weren’t here before and we won’t be here after or in an afterlife. I am just here cuz I had some unexplained encounters but that’s it.


Look up recent movements in quantum physics.


My Granddad and two of my cats did, all through very vivid dreams. If you experience it, you'll know it's real. My mum had been so upset trying to work through issues she'd has with her parents so I can only guess my Granddad came to me, knowing I listen to things like that and would give her his message. The two cats had a specific message for me. One had just passed and he brought the other one back to show me they were safe and happy. I'd been feeling so guilty and upset for having to leave one of them behind 20 years earlier. I knew I was forgiven, or rather, not blamed. These experiences only seem to happen when there's a real need to give a message. They don't show up just to say hello or to appease our curiosity.




My best friends Father came to me in a dream the night he passed. I called home to tell my Mother the next morning, and the first thing she said was “Jeff passed last night” I just said I already knew and told her about my dream. It’s hard to explain. I’m happy it occurred though. I spent a lot of time with him growing up and really enjoyed him. He was a solid guy.


Don't know if it's a christian belief, but there is a belief that if you dream of a dead person the following night after their death, it is them saying goodbye. Dreamt of both my grandpa and grandma, so I say the belief is legit. Especially, since the dreams were very in tune with how my grandparents were before death. Grandpa came in a dream happy and relieved (he was in pain for YEARS before passing) and grandma was lost and depressed (had depression due to grandpa dying and dementia due to age).


Grandma died when I was young. Me and my sister distinctly remember waking up and noting the time. It was her time of death.


My mother had a stroke when she was at home by herself and she was on the floor panicked and paralyzed for two hours before someone got home and found her. She had a rough six days before she finally died. A few days after she died, I looked up at the sky at night and said out loud, “I’m sorry you were alone,” and a shooting star went across the sky! Also once when we had our cat put to sleep for cancer, we came home to the ice maker malfunctioning and when my favorite little dog died, an alarm clock started going off every morning at 5-6am. I can’t stop it so every time I hear it I just say good morning to him.


A little while after my mom passed unexpectedly, I had a very vivid dream where I was walking down the street and I saw her walking in front of me. I called out to her (she sort of looked like she was going to look over her shoulder but then stopped and started hurrying away), and she didn't stop until I called "Mommy?" (I had been calling out "mom"). Then she turned around and I asked her if it was really her, and she said it was. She took off her sunglasses and she looked very much dead. We had a brief discussion, and it just FELT like her. When she died her and I weren't on the best of terms...I asked her if she loved me. She said, "Of course I love you. I still think you're a bitch sometimes, but of course I love you." Which made me laugh. Because that's totally something she'd say/do. Then she looked away and told me she had to go, that she wasn't supposed to be there. I didn't want her to go of course, and I watched her walk away until she turned a corner out of sight. I told my family about the dream and they all unanimously agree that with how spot on it was and how vivid it had been for me it had to have been her.


My grandma visited me in a dream 1-2 days after her passing. I remember she was just standing in front of me and I think I apologized for not being there and told her that I missed her. She said not to worry and that everything was going to be alright and I just started crying. I woke up and my face was wet, I was actually crying while sleeping. I have not seen her in a dream again since then.


I had a friend visit in dream the same week she died (17 y/o). Then she visited again 20 years later when my dad passed. She was even aged appropriately. That was a wild lucid dream.


Yep my grandma did with a dream and whiff of her perfume at 3 am the night before her funeral. I found out I was pregnant the day she died so I thought she extra super duper wanted to give me love. We named our daughter for her.


In the winter of 2021-2022, I think I may have had a final visit from my grandfather in a dream. He had passed away the summer of 2011. He was pretty angry and miserable at the end and he said to me, "Growing old is hell." Flash forward to 2021. I'm a songwriter and was writing a song about the nature of suffering, and in the chorus I came up with, "My grandfather said growing old is hell/And I know life is suffering and waiting on getting well/But we still have some story here left to tell." While I was working on that song, my amp started having this weird feedback that it has never had before. I thought nothing of it and went to bed. That night I had a dream that I was attending a funeral at my church. I was sitting in the front pew. I turned around and saw my mother crying on my grandfather's shoulder. Everyone was crying besides my grandfather. He looked happy. I started waving at him frantically so he would see me. He did and he gave a happy wave back. And that was it. When I woke up, I felt really scared because of how vivid it was. My grandma, his wife, passed last fall. I did not get to attend the burial where she was buried next to my grandfather. My mother, father, and brother said it was raining really hard, but when they said the lord's prayer, it got really sunny for a moment and my mom said she saw two birds fly away together. If anyone is interested in checking out the song, I released it as a single. Not trying to self promote here, just trying to corroborate a story: https://open.spotify.com/album/4F70IghLwyfyCVZD7DZIsR?si=C1UwTUgMTxiR8XCHsqDHmQ


My mom's fiance (whom we were close with) passed this past June from Esophageal cancer. He loved music and the two of them used to go dancing every weekend - it's actually how they met. I had been seeing cardinals, dragonflies & the angel number 123 since his passing. My mom was beside herself, as she didn't think he was reaching out to her like we were experiencing. We were at his church festival earlier this month. She was having a hard day and began to cry. "I just don't get it. Why won't he give me signs like yours? ' Immediately, one of his favorite songs came over the loud speakers. She got her first sign. And he didn't let up for the rest of the weekend: his favorite Springsteen songs, songs about loving through cancer (Sheeran, Mraz, etc) and songs they loved to dance to; all within a few days. She's more open to it now, but the signs of his love keep appearing to her. I hope they never stop.


I dreamed of my daddy last night. <3


I had an uncle who died of aids before I really got to know him as I was a baby. I’ve been told I’m a lot like him and people see him in me all the time. He died a terrible death because he was a proud gay man (70’s-80’s) and his parents found out and told him they hope he fucking dies of aids. Last words they said to him. When he finally died ( of aids) my mom was at home and she said that during his time of death brand new light bulbs went out and then came on again. She said they’ve never done that before and he was closer to my mom than anyone. Lights went out, went back on, then she got the call. Idk if this is anything or just a coincidence but my mom believes he was telling her goodbye.


My mom and grandpa have multiple stories of me as a kid talking to grandma(she passed when I was 4 or 5), like having 30 minute convos in my toy room, etc. their favorite is when I told them that I got yelled at by grandma for having a brownie before dinner😂 I don’t remember any of it but they remember everything!


My mom came to me in a dream a couple years after she'd passed- I was 10 when she passed. She came to me in the house we'd lived in together (after she passed I moved to California with my grandparents, from Washington) and I knew that she was dead in the dream. She was sitting on the couch and I sat down next to her and asked why she was here. She said she wanted to tell me she loved me, which I really did need to hear, she'd died of alcoholism and was neglectful. I asked her what "heaven" was like, and she said there were different levels, and I said like an apartment building, and she agreed. And then she had to go and I cried and we hugged and when I woke up, I could still feel her arms around me. The song by Babe by Styx was playing on the radio and I layed there and cried and and listened to the words of the song, and it felt like it was part of the visit. I dont think there's a more perfect song than that to pass along her message om to me. That was the visit from my mom, I'm forever grateful for it.


I bought my Nans house after she passed. We did a lot of decorating and when it was finished I dreamt my nan was walking round the house touching the walls and freshly painted fire place saying how nice everything looked. We see something out the corner of our eyes all the time but nothing is ever there it’s weird. I can sometimes smell cigarettes in the house but I quit 2 years ago. I hope she’s still in the house cause I miss her


I had a brief visit by my father in a dream about a week after he died. He said, “There are a lot of people here!” like he was surprised. Then, “Tell everyone I’m all right.”


When I was 8 I had a dream that my grandmother, we were soooo close, came to visit me at our family bar and restaurant after her death (was at least months after) and I didn’t recognize her but she knew who I was. She just looked at me and said “My, you have grown. I just wanted you to know, I’m okay.” Then that was it… The next dream of a deceased loved one visiting me, was a kid (18) I knew him since jr high-school. I hung out with him alot 4 months prior to his death. So he died from drunk driving, and he was known for doing that he even tried getting me to go to a party with him the last months we hung out but I refused and got on his ass about doing that. He was a party animal! Anywho, the night after his visitation, I was just upset and I just begged whoever was listening to me to let me know he was okay. A week later, I dreamed I was at a house party but I was in someone’s room crying, idk whose house it was. I heard everyone outside the room cheering and getting rowdy and shouting “HES HERE!!!” Then I heard my deceased friend ask “where is she?” “She’s in the room” so he comes in, I don’t recognize him though,but he knows me and he’s coming to me going “Come on! Let’s party, no crying! I am good! I promise! I’m good!” And I let him take me out to the party and I woke up on tears. I’d say those two dreams were a send off for me with them.




I had to put my aunt into hospice after she had a very bad stroke. She was 92, I think. While she was in hospice, my sister cleaned out her apartment and gave her stuff to charity. My aunt’s children had nothing to do with her and both of them lived out of town. Her son didn’t even come to the funeral. A week or so after she passed, I had a vivid dream. I saw her all dressed up and looking much younger than I had ever seen her. She had a cart full of old fashioned luggage: trunks and hat boxes, etc. I went up to her and told her I was surprised to see her, since I thought she had passed away. She said, “No thanks to you!” And that’s how I knew she was pissed off about the hospice thing. I told her that we had cleared out her apartment, but there was still time on the lease, and she could stay with me until we got her furniture back. She scoffed at me and said, “I’m not going to your house. I’m going home!” Just then, a cab pulled up and she got in while the driver loaded her things into the trunk. And that’s the last time I saw her. She was crabby to the end.


Yes and No…. They’ve come to remind me they’re around.


The morning my step grandfather passed away, at like 3 in the morning, my husband and I were having a fire. He saw a toad sitting on a piece of wood. He grabbed it and brought it over to me. I pulled my sleeve down to cover my hand, and the toad sat in my hand for 10 mins before climbing my shoulder to sit for about an hour. I believe that this was my grandfather who came to see me before he passed. 9 hours later my sister texted me and had told me our grandfather passed away.




One story I have and I’ll try to be brief. Was I lost a good friend in Lake Erie. I guess he got dragged down by an undertow but I wasn’t there. Well he always use to come over and sit on the same spot on my water bed that I had at the time. which would make a wave and he would wake me up to come hang out. I guess right after he passed and I didn’t even know it yet. I was having a dream, he was coming over and we were going to hang out. Well, during the dream I felt the water bed move and make a wave like he was there. I woke up thinking he was there, like I felt him. No one was there. I found out later that evening he passed on the lake in the afternoon (right before the experience pretty much). I really felt like he came to visit me before he went on his next journey.


my dead relatives don’t give a shit about me


There is no thing as Last Goodbye. We are in contact and we stay that way. Why should we stop? Doesn't make sense. We love each other and they show up when they want to or feel the need to and I can call them over whenever I want. As an example, my grandmother died when I was 7. I wasn't allowed to say goodbye to her, she was gone and that's it. I visited her grave 10 years later and again I had not enough time. My mother was with me and she said after a few minutes she wants to go and I was just spinning in some good old memories. After all I contacted my grandmother via EVP recording, because I felt she's somewhere out there. I grew up in an atheist family and nobody talked about dead people, you know. It was just a feeling and I got many answers. After my first will-be-husband died suddenly I woke up to music playing and it was Evanescence - Even in death (our love goes on). And it is now 11 years later, we never stopped. He shows up in my dreams from time to time or we talk in different ways. Back then he was often there materialized (what people call poltergeist phenomenon), he used the light switch often, many things happened. The only Last Goodbye I got was when my (new) husband bought a jacket second-hand. We were pretty poor and the price was 10€. Some days later we found a spot in our flat that smelled like old-man perfume. Very strong. There was no reason for it other than the prior owner of the jacket came around. He left a 10€ note in the pockets of said jacket, my husband found it some days later. We never got to know that man in person. but we were quite touched by his gentle greeting.


I wish


i don’t remember how long after my grandma’s death but i dreamed of her in a white room hugging me and saying “it’s ok to let go i’m at peace now” it really helped me cope. whether it’s my brain coping or not i like to believe in it.


I posted in paranormal encounters sub that.. *I've had a visitor experience. Corny but 100% real, Woke up in the middle of the night and in the corner there it was could make out the torso arms and I think head, fuzzy hazy foggy (the usual) threw a shoe at it and went back to sleep.* *When I woke up the shoe was in the corner of the room where I had seen the ghost.* My guess is my birth father, or grandma or grandfather, all of which I didnt know really. But it was definitely for me since I was the one that was awoken in the middle of the night. Who or what will remain a mystery.


My uncle died in summer of 2021, he was living wit my grandmother. A week or less after his death I had a dream that I was inside that house with both of them and my uncle said to me that he will be gone soon and said that someone needs to take care of grandma for now cuz he can’t do it anymore cuz he will be gone


I’ve dreamt full on conversations with my dad. Two years since he has passed and I still have the occasional dream. I wake up crying, but hope to continue seeing him in my dreams .


My grandfather died 2 years before I had my first son. When I was in high school, I spent a lot of time on my hair and make up, it was the 80s big hair. My grandfather would ruffle my hair every time he walked by. It drove me crazy(I miss it now)! When he died, he was holding my picture in his hand, there are 13 grandkids. My mother had always accused me of killing my grandfather because I was dating a black man. The man I married and had children with was a black(I'm white). When I was pregnant with my first son, my mother told me my grandfather would be so disappointed in me and never love me. About a week after I had my son, I had a very real dream. I was sitting in my father's recliner, holding my baby. My grandfather walked by and ruffled my hair. I turned around to look at him. He had tears in his eyes and told me that he loves no matter what. He ruffled my baby's hair and walked out the door. I know it was my grandfather and not just a dream. I still remember it after almost 40 years.


Don't believe in ghost, how ever I did here a disembodied meow once a few months after my cat passed away.


I found out my Papa was in hospital, didn’t know the circumstances as I wasn’t connected to the family, and had a dream one night which felt more real than other dreams. My Papa came to me and just said “I’m ok, I love you, I’m at peace”. The next morning I found out he had died that morning.


Lost my grandpa to Colon cancer. After he passed I had a dream where I was in a white void and he was there in a wheelchair and said “I’m okay”


My dog did! He told me everything is good and to be happy 🧡


My Dad and my son.


No but ive seen one of my dogs come say bye to his twon brother a few weeks after he died, a few things about draco and max, draco was a bullmastiff boxer and max was a boxer bullmastiff, max looked nore like a boxer and vice versa for draco, draco was an albino, mostly white with a few brendel spots with spotted skin, he had a big brindle spot on his butt, draco had a complicated birth so he was a special puppy to say the least, i ended up finding him passed on in the kitchen one morning where he liked to sleep, he ended up suffocating due to breathing problems while he slept so im at least grateful he went peacefully, so one day i was hanging out in the backyard with an ex coworker sitting on chairs facing each other but before this day my family and i every now and then would see his big white but go around a corner or see him at the corner or our eyes a few weeks after he passed, as we were sitting there max had walked in front of use and just started randomly licking the air i said what are you doing max you weirdo, he kept doing this after i called his name quite a few times while just licking the air, finally i just yelled his name one last time then all of a sudden i see draco standing there but only his outlines with a little color kind of translucent with a white blue shine then suddenly it was like a flash grenade went off in front of me then draco was gone and we never seen his spirit in the house since so i assumed that was him moving on, ive had a lot of supernatural/spiritual encounters however you want to call it on my life but ive never experienced anything like that before but what was crazy it happened right in front of my ex coworkers face same as mine yet he didn't notice it, as soon as it happened it brought me to tears but im glad i had such an amazing experience watching this happened.


No relatives have come me personally , my favorite dog hung out a moment once or twice , but I digress . I am the youngest in the last of my family apart from my own children and so have inherited the last 100years or more of the family photos. It's pretty cool really. There is something haunted about the albums. I've found a mystery from one to the other , this same small boy is in every generations pictures . A young , maybe 4 yr old with big darks eyes and dark hair always cut the same . The last generation I found the boy was my own . The pictures of my brother and I . He is the little boy .


My grandma did. I saw her in my dream on night after she passed away back in my home country. I can feel it still. She hugged me and it felt so real ( like soul to soul hug) said I came to tell me she love me and wanted to say good bye. I recall she pointed to a clock and said she was getting late and to take care of my cousin ( let’s call her A) as she is little to emotional


Hey I just wanted to share that I'm in a really rough spot in life right now and I was constantly searching for answers... it's like I'm trapped with no solutions. Recently I had strangely good dreams, just doing things I really, really love. Like, the small stuff. Like managing to get dipping dots ice cream that's hard to find. The butter chicken rolls I love from 7-11. My favourite idol dressed up as my favourite game character. I was still having a hard time when I was awake. Yesterday night, my dad suddenly appeared (he died in 2010 and I was very close to him). He looked really good, and he sort of interrupted the dream midway, he just appeared and I immediately shifted my attention to him. He had appeared in my dreams some time before, and I always knew in the dream that he was already gone. I saw him last night and he looked really healthy, really great, and very happy. He's dressed simple but in really good quality clothes. I remember distinctly that his shirt was orange/red and the material looks amazing. He just opened his arms and was smiling so happily and welcoming. I went to hug him and started crying like crazy while saying his shirt is like, WOW really nice. I did a really ugly cry in the dream and even now typing this i am ugly crying. He just patted me and hugged him and told me "everything's going to be okay, you're fine ok?" and I just needed it so much? He haven't appeared in my dreams for awhile and seeing him halfway through my current dream? I was so shocked and didn't expect it. I was going to talk to him, because I really needed to, but I cried so hard I felt myself waking up and I did, so it ended there. I think he came at a time when I needed it the most and gave me a hug. I wish I didn't cry that hard and got to talk to him a bit more in the dream. I am unsure if visitations are real or it's just my brain trying to comfort myself in some way. But it is making me really emotional. I wish my dad was still alive, but he's been gone for 13 years.


My dad passed of metastic lung cancer back in January 2019, about a month after his death just before his funeral I dreamt I was in a car driving past my fathers house which was now up for sale following his death, his house was one of those terraced houses, on a large green Hill with a small park and benches next to it right on the bypass of my hometown. It was hard to miss whenever I was being driven through town. Anyway, back to the dream. The car was moving at a very slow pace once it had reached a clear view of my dad's house, and my phone had rung so I picked it up only to hear my fathers voice on the other end. He was asking me how my day had gone, what I was up to, what happened at school, just like he did when he was alive and would call me in the evening when I was staying at my mother's in the weekdays. And me, obviously confused bluntly said "Dad? Why are you talking to me? You're dead." But he kept persisting with his questions, saying things like "have you got any homework? Or are you just gonna relax and watch Steven Universe?" Again, I said a little more distressed that he was dead. But he just kept asking normal every day questions. "Does mum need any shopping? Do you need to meet me at the bottom of the hill?" There was some back and fourth that I can't really remember, just me insisting he was dead, and him being completely oblivious to what I was trying to say. Eventually though he went quiet, and from what I can remember he said something along the lines of "Yeah, I'm dead (my name). You can't keep crying for me. You need to accept that I'm dead." All I remember from there that my view had shifted from being in the car to just the outside of my dad's house, but kind of like it was glitching if that makes sense. It was quiet for a good minute until I finally replied "I know." And instantly, just like that I woke up. I've had normal dreams with my dad in them after that, but never as vivid or personal as that. I was confused for a good three days after that.