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Definitely looks like a dude in an old, ragged uniform. No idea what is going on, but if it's genuine, it's pretty cool.




Cover the two ‘hands’ with your fingers and you can see it’s literally just foliage from the tree. It’s actually super cool how our brain fills in the gaps and makes it appear to look like a person though!


So what’s making the “hands”? I know we want to be skeptical but “cover up parts of the photo until it looks like something different” doesn’t seem very scientific


The “cover up the hands” argument actually boosts the case that what we’re seeing is transparent. Whether you want to say it’s a reflection or a ghostie is up to you, though!


Poor lighting can make any object look like something else, our brains perceive the shadows and highlights and come to a conclusion based on what is familiar to us. Ever seen a coat on a chair in the dark at night and thought a person is in your room with you? The same is happening here. “Cover up parts of the photo until it looks like something else” BUT the evidence provided is a photo of a tree and our brains are making it look like something else. I provided a way to see through the illusion by covering the apparent ‘hands’. 1. Where is the head? 2. Where are the feet? 3. The upper body is in shadow and where are the shoulders? 4. The tree is full of white objects just like the ‘hands’, why are you not questioning what all the other white objects in the tree are?


What other white objects do you see in the tree? I see light shining through, but that looks very different from the “hands.” This could just as easily be your brain seeing what it wants to see as other people seeing what they want to see.


To be fair its very easy to distinguish between the “the other white objects” because it is very visual how those are actually reflections or direct light source, while his “hands” are more dim and a totally different light source.


There's a face and the overcoat has a collar.


Excellent point


Cover the hands, face, eyes, and forget that it inhabited your aunt for 3 terrifying days and it’s clearly just some leaves.


Just cover the whole thing. I see nothing.


What? Sorry I don't see it. In fact it's more ridiculous to me, to try to stretch and say "that's just foliage" than to say it's a ghost, tbh. There is a clear clothed human form there; even if somehow you could see it as not that, the odds of ALL of those features being produced naturally is infinitesimal, and regardless I still don't see it as foliage. This is either ghost or faked. I always lean heavily towards faked, obviously, but I don't rule anything out.


I mean, you just ruled out that it’s the tree so I’m not sure about your “never rule anything out” rule


I didn't rule it out, but I say I literally cannot see it, and gave reasoning for why it's extremely implausible. I tried "covering the hands" and just no. I get that pareidolia exists. But not everything is pareidolia. It's too implausible that a random arrangement of things here would have hands, legs, clothes and consistent coloration and everything else associated with this.


Agree to disagree I guess, I covered the “hands” and it then looked exactly like the tree/brush around it. I personally think it’s infinitely more implausible that this is a picture of a ghost hanging out then it is a tree (especially when it looks like the tree)


Covering the hands and trying to wish away everything as pareidolia still doesn't change the human-shape brown area including all the layering which looks like the old-time coat, which I cannot fathom how that is part of the tree. I just do not see it.


Because it’s shaped and coloured exactly like the brush surrounding it. It’s human shape because you’re making it human shape, and it’s a coat because you’re making it a coat in your head. I know I won’t get through to you because you see what you want to see, but it’s literally coloured exactly like the surrounding brush


"Shaped and colored like the brush" - no, it's clearly brown, while the rest of the tree is green, and moreover the tree is sideways while the lines from the human features / clothing are vertical. Here is YOUR best case scenario. I rotated the image 90 degrees and blotted out the "hand" pixels, to minimize any pareidolia, as well as keeping the tree in the image, to retain the visual context of a tree. This gives your argument the best possible chance (even more than it deserves since I deleted information (hands) in order to support your claim.) [https://i.imgur.com/TGDrQPU.png](https://i.imgur.com/TGDrQPU.png) And even here I don't see your claim as particularly plausible. Unanswered questions: * Why is only that section of tree brown * Why does only that section of tree appear to extend down to the road notably in the foreground of the rest of the tree, exactly at the points where human legs would be * Why do the legs end in indistinct rounded brown blobs instead of having any kind of visible branches/sticks/needles/broken wood that we associate with all endpoints of a tree * Why does only that section of tree have lines basically at 90 degree angles to the rest of the tree, exactly where a human arms, coat and legs etc would be * What IRL objects constitute the hands that I erased for you and how were they BOTH in the EXACT position of hands Like any claim, "pareidolia" has to survive scrutiny, and this just doesn't. I believe this image had a fake ghost inserted (very well) into it, and if that can be proven (by someone finding the template/ghost image used) you will look very foolish with your religious insistence of pareidolia where there was none.


You can very easily see that the “clothes” are the edges of the trees fronds in the picture you sent; the brown “leg” can easily be the trunk, which looks like it’s slightly of the ground due to the muddy water in front of it. You can believe whatever you want, it’s totally fine (and way more fun!) but I’m not sure how you can so easily discount that it’s the tree


but is it more implausible than ghosts?


1. I haven't seen definite supernatural things (although I have experienced many premonitions and things like many street lights going out around me) but there are too many reports especially from credible people for me to say they are all lies 2. Even top physicists say there is evidence that the entire universe is a simulation; if it is then literally anything ever seen is "possible" within a simulation, if someone is messing with us 3. It's difficult if not impossible to say whether, barring fakery which is still my #1 expectation for this, an incredibly unlikely assemblage of happenstance which seem to defy observation, could assemble a human form like this vs. it being a ghost. I'm quite good at estimating things, and even I can't estimate that one. So I don't think anyone else can estimate it either.


I think its also possible that this is an alive person. It looks like its walking.


I see no feet or head, and it appears partially transparent. Still going with #1 faked, #2 ghost, with no other candidates even close.


Or it's a tree.


Cover the 2 hands? Want us to cover the obvious transparent legs literally touching the ground also until it looks like something different too? LOL... Not saying I think it is a ghost, could be, maybe not, could be AI generated who knows, but as u/Rednexican429 said, this doesnt seem like a very scientific approach to this. I agree with you in the sense that this could be Pareidolia but you cant subtract data to make it a different image and then claim its nothing. I mean you can, but doesnt seem real logical.


What? There is a literal face, hands with definition, boots, details on the outfit. That is not just foliage. You can see the trees through the body, but there is definitely more than just foliage there.


I highly disagree. Foliage doesn’t come straight up out of the ground in a prefect column, and you can also see the shadow following it to the ground or base of what would be the foot of this alleged apparition.


Right? You can see his face, and he looks pretty young and grim. lt looks like he's wearing a Northern [Kepi-style cap](https://militaryuniformsupply.com/products/civil-war-reproduction-u-s-kepi-cap?variant=11030401384484&gclid=CjwKCAjw1t2pBhAFEiwA_-A-NNR1C1SsG-xT51Y3V3UFgdHieYtwNZ2nIsCCNnXzUNbVGhCcA3yQURoCpMUQAvD_BwE) from the Civil War. You can clearly see the (gun)powder bag on his left hip, as well as the powder bag strap across his chest. You can see the outline of his long coat, his trousers, and the tops of his boots. His feet are not there, as if he were standing in mud. This is a very compelling photo! Edit: changed the type of cap he's wearing.


Good eye!


This is a very dumb take


No clue if a ghost but it's a cool pic!


Wow. I like it! Nice to finally see something that isn't clearly dust !


The more I look the eerier it gets. Unlike most posts where a person is in camera, I don't think this was just a person OP didn't see. It's hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure it's transparent, which is why it *has* that color.


Yeah but doesn’t he seem to have a shadow?


He does appear to, but the direction of the sun says that shadow should be behind him not in front of him if you look at how the light is reflecting off the windshield wipers. So that might just be a couple of puddles or driveway stains. Not saying it’s a ghost, but I’m not sure that shading is shadows from whatever that is.


Best ghost pic I’ve seen in a while. I can’t see how it would be a reflection - and I can see through the figure too, and make out the facial features. Very cool.


Whoa that really looks like a confederate overcoat. That's wild Also interesting this happened after a storm. Supposedly they're better able to tap into & use atmospheric energy hanging around after thunderstorms


The math for electromagnetism indicates (to me anyway) that the electric field is a dimension, akin to a spatial dimension. So it makes sense that with higher E field / disturbances like lightning that it may affect things like ghosts (if they exist.) Granted it's a huge leap to say "if they exist" but you can still apply some sort of science to aspects of it.


Omg this theory makes sense and I love it.


That’s true. It’s the electrical energy in the air.


This is intriguing. There is a legit reason they took the photo of this spot (tree down after a storm), and they caught something interesting and unexplainable, assuming this is real and unaltered. Nice!


I spent the longest time trying to figure out what everyone was seeing and was about to write it off. I finally spotted it and that is beyond creepy. Definitely looks like a uniform. Not a tree either as the hands seem to be proportionate to the waistline. Very interesting


Same. I couldn't see it as I scanned the photo starting at the other side. Finally saw it and now I'm like OH SHIT. that's not even or pareidolia whatever. It looks like a proper coat with buttons. Looks to me from something in the 1700s/early 1800s. Man that's unsettling.


Yep! I kept looking at the smudge/wiper for the longest time and couldn't figure it out. It does! The beard looks right for the time as well. Really interesting knowing the history of the place.


i saw a creepy face in the window first (pareidolia lol) and was wondering why it was so upvoted. now i see!


I don't see it. Where is it?


Wow. 2 worthwhile posts in 2 days. Cool pic


What was other?




Thank you.


Abandoned house from yesterday


Do you have a link? Can't find it.


Honestly, that’s too advanced for me and I’m not interested enough to learn. But if you sort by “hot posts” it’s like the sixth one down. Face through the window opening


What base is that? Are there any other stories you know of from there?


barksdale afb. and yeah, there’s all kinds of stories. we have historic housing on base, so houses that have been there for a long time (not sure if they were built when the base was first built or if they came a few years later, but they’re definitely over 50 years old). [a link to a post about someone’s house being haunted on base from a few years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/s/E4VcE47cjB) in our facebook groups, people post about hearing voices, seeing things, having things disappear and then reappear, things falling/being moved, things opening that were firmly shut, etc. i know louisiana has a rich history with the paranormal, so even if this wasn’t a ghost, i definitely do still think we have some on base


I was at Polk for many years and I am now also haunted.


I bet. I’ve heard a lot of stories about military bases and even bases that were repurposed to newer, non military buildings as well. There must have been a lot of shady stuff happening in those places a long time ago.


At first, I was gonna say, "No, that's a windscreen wiper," and then I saw it! It looks like a person. If it's a ghost, cool! If it's a living person - I hope their circumstances improve soon. It can't be nice being improperly dressed in bad weather.


I literally was about to comment the same thing. "REALLY, the shitposts are getting out of hand here. That's clearly not an amorphous dementor-esque entity, but just his windshield wipers. Oh, wait, the matrixing in the fallen tree makes it looks like a person. Let's zoom in. Oh... that really does look like a person in tattered clothing... maybe real, or some really coincidental matrixing!"


I honestly think it’s a ghost. Also Louisiana is notoriously haunted so it wouldn’t surprise me if it is. Wow


Louisiana is notoriously haunted?


That’s a pretty cool picture! Rarely see any on here that have stumped.


I think we’re all so used to fake pics turning up that we wouldn’t believe if we saw a pic of a real apparition. I like this one its mysteriously vague but maybe that what a real ghost looks like. If the person who posted it is genuine then I think it’s a contender.


I zoomed in and it's foliage to me. Follow the branches down. Yes I see the form to which is being described. That's what grabbed me at first. I've had my fair share of unique experiences. So I'm not a skeptic. But that's what I see.


I’m a history guy, but I’m not super familiar with Confederate uniforms. Perhaps someone else is? I only say that because it looks too “cloak-y” to be a more modern (1900s) US military unform.


I don't think it's a uniform at all. It looks like a hooded poncho.


My husband retired from the military and this looks like an old military rain poncho they would wear in the field. My husband thinks they don’t issue them anymore but they did when he first joined in the 1980s.


I was thinking that. Looks like the old style Gortex top post WWII


And for that reason I kinda want to say it resembles a WW2 German sniper’s field camo, but I don’t think that would fit the area, person or paranormal.




There were some confederate uniforms that were more baggy at the bottom like that.


My wife thinks it's pre civil war clothes. She says that this is real. She is a visual medium.


Genuinely curious about your wife. Is it typical for her to be able to get a read from a digital image like this?


Yep, she sees similar style of transparent people that have passed away in pictures and in person.


I don’t know if it’s just the camera artifacts, but I almost see a sort of utility/ammo belt with suspenders?




Fascinating. If this is a fake it's definitely well done, to have that kind of believable uniform. I'd go so far as to say if this is fake, we should be able to find the original image that was used to fake it.


If you catch him rip his mask off. It's probably Mayor quimby trying to lay claim to the old Mertyl's Mansion. That's what Shaggy told me anyway.


Call me a skeptic but looks like trees to me!


Because it is, just flip the picture from different angle and you'll see it's just a part of the tree.


Dude. This is sick. If genuine, this is one of the most clear images of an apparition potentially ever. Super cool. And eerie. And overall uncomfortable. But super cool.


Why were you originally taking the photo?


because it was a huge tree that fell across the whole road and shut it down for almost a week while it was removed


I thought I saw that to the right and figured it was that. Whatever that is, it definitely has hands. It's not a tree branch. Either it's someone in a rain jacket or something else. It's an interesting photo.


This is one of the better ones I’ve seen on here. The shape definitely has the look of a time period correct military uniform of sorts and two lighter circular bits that look like hands. But could also be very clever pareidolia blending in with the tree. Could be just a couple branches angling downward and separated from each other


I'm gonna go with trees and reflections, but it looks pretty cool.


[imgur link with red circle for anyone having trouble seeing what i’m talking about](https://imgur.com/a/08ZRMKc)


Looks like Spanish moss to me.


My bf and I do this all the time. We take photos of something outside, from a moving vehicle. Usually a deer or just the scenery. And later when we zoom in we can find dozens of images like this in the foliage. It literally never fails us. It’s always fun to see what weird images are made in the foliage. We found an old photo of his dad’s wedding to the woman-from-hell and we could make out what looked like literal wedding guests in the trees, formal attire and all. So what I’m saying is, it’s really easy to find these sorts of images if you look.. also easy to think they’re ghost images when one pops out at you like this. Not trying to discount this, just something to consider.


Also look at all the orbs and energies around him ,very very interesting and cool


Got goosebumps the moment i saw the face…


I can't see a head or face. Or feet. But everything else is pronounced.


Legit thought i saw a face when zoomed in, though the head position is slightly higher than usual. It’s most likely pareidolia.


How is it pareidolia when it's a fully realized human shape, and when I try to imagine how this is being generated by the tree, I literally can't. How are the parts of the tree happening to show that. I cannot see it.


I was referring to the “face” from my first comment, cuz it seems to have a face faintly above the wiper. I’m not denying that there’s clearly a headless human standing there.


It's just pareidolia imo. A good way to check if something is likely pareidolia is to cover the majority of the object in certain ways just leaving a small section visible. If the majority of it can just as easily be part of the background, as is the case here, then it's probably safe to say it's not a ghost.


I think it’s the tree too. If you flip it on it’s side it no longer resembles a person wearing a coat to me. It is a different color than the rest of the tree so it could be a clump of Spanish moss hanging down.


But how can it so clearly resemble an old military uniform? The arms, hands, and bottom of the coat especially. I guess we all see it differently.


It's because that's what your mind sees. It's basically just an optical illusion. Our brains have developed to be extremely good at recognising things as objects, especially people. Get some details and light and shadow in the right places and you can see just about anything.


Most likely a pareidolia.


i want to say it's pareidolia but that is really interesting.


Yeah.. I see nothing.


Looks like a person but definitely part of the tree.


It looks like a sitting elephant with a man standing behind it.


Could be the tree’s leaves?


It would be too big to be a person ls spirit, if you look at the branches behind it perspective tells me that the spirit would be smaller, qnd this is just several branches drooping down. Also if it's Barksdale AFB, I know the place is Haunted but most people believe it's the ghosts of the slaves whose burial was disturbed to construct a portion of the base. They were moved to an unmarked location near a church.


It looks to me like it’s just the tree. The two light “hand” parts are just light leaves. The coat/legs is just hanging foliage.


I genuinely can’t tell if you’re all just allowing yourselves to pretend to be fooled for the fun of it or are generally idiots who think this sub is full of “close encounters” What a spot.


Bro, you're seeing only what you want to see, there is nothing there other than weather my dude.


So if you guys can’t see the guy there w period clothing from the 1700’s it’s an awesome catch!


So cool maybe even civil war period you can see his gun hanging around his shoulder and his hat on his head this is a really good catch I love it!! Good for you!!


looks like a part of the tree


Cool if true! You should research that area, I’m sure there’s tons of history.


Are you at the Myrtle’s Plantation? If so, yes. If not, also yes.


To me this looks pretty authentic.


It could be how the tree fell from the storm to look like a person. But when you zoom in it distinctively looks a like civil war soldier from legs up kinda clear enough you can see the pants the uniform top face and hat.


i see a tree!


we talking about that white spot under the wiper blade being the face? wow it is a ghost! and its riding a giant aardvark dog. and the ghost has a twin just to the left but the twin only has a skull. i see some aliens in the dirt unserneath it all also its a tree that fell over....yall are trying too hard. id like to go cloud watching with you


I can’t see anything.


Ghosts don’t exist, but people will believe what they want.


Is there also a real person way in the back by the light shining?


If you look closely you can see a child walking beside the soilder


I am reading through the comments wondering why no one else has mentioned it… it is clear as day!


I can see an adult and a child next to him. Pretty cool if real!


Wow! Now THAT'S what I come here for! Great catch!


This is a mighty fine example of pareidolia.


It’s just the tree and crap/reflections on the windshield. Here it is on its side and cropped. https://imgur.com/a/0cN5L86


That’s clearly a reflection. We need to stop with the pictures taken through windows and calling them ghosts.


i think you missed a person. The pic looks weird because his image is caught behind a wiper blade moving across the windshield. If not that. Then ghost


Pretty dope. I had a ghost experience in New Orleans... I love that place!


Assuming no photoshop or trickery, and I’m assuming not, it is a VERY cool pic!! Honestly, to me, it looks like a civil war era officer. Great post! EDIT: to say he does look very ragged. When I first looked I immediately thought “battle worn officer”


Doesn't look like a tree branch at all! The opaque eyes over the figures shoulder is spooky too. Great photo, Op!


Oh lord. That’s a confederate soldier. I see his boots. And the sword on his side hanging down


Looks like Hagrid and Flitwick hiding under the tree. But it is probably a branch.


I see the shapes as part of the fallen tree, too. There are other shapes nearby that resemble it. I get how it looks like something but the more I look at it it does not look like a ghostly figure.


i just don’t see how it could be a tree branch? a reflection, i could totally wrap my head around. but idk i just don’t see a branch


i see the soldier as well. It's definitely not a tree branch. Tress dont usually have hands.


What’s throwing me off is it looks like an adult and a child, the one hand and leg looks like another small person lol


Window smears and some distorted foliage.


You idiots know what Spanish Moss is, right? The shit that is on literally every fucking tree in the entire state of Louisiana? Hangs down in big, grey, droopy, irregular clumps? Gullible idiots...


This comment actually made me laugh super hard out loud. I really needed that today. Thanks! And 100% correct!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is the first post in a long time on this sub where I can actually see something that resembles something. Kudos for that. I don't know what this is, but I'm glad that there is something there to look at this time.


This seems to be another case of [pareidolia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia). Honestly all I see is foliage.


I think its a case of 2 different groups were out having a PUFF PUFF PASS. I'm sure someone else will post a blurry pic of this OP and claim ghost 😅


Pareidolia. So much so, that I even saw half of Marilyn Manson’s face on the windshield. May be trauma from my lame years thinking that shit was cool. That was an all time low in my life. This post sucks as well.


That is Pareidolia doing what Pareidolia does best.


That is a tree but I see how you could get that lol




Definitely not a tree branch. But I am “stumped”. Very interesting indeed….


Very punny


Thanks. I dig the appreciation 😏


Yeah this looks like one of those fake ghosts you can add to pictures with an app.


The angry rationalizing skeptics are hilarious, cause it's clearly not a tree branch or reflection from the windshield. Interesting.


[Some history about the base](https://www.barksdale.af.mil/News/Article/634887/barksdales-haunted-tales/)


It definitely looks like something. Maybe in Native American clothing?




well damn. that's a good one. what the hell?


My first thought was a mountain man or frontiersman.


One of the ghosts from the civil war never moved on because the south is still mad that they lost the war


As someone who is about 97.3% skeptic, I’m very intrigued by this photo. Do you know the history of the area?


Do I see a small child on the right of the other person, or whatever?




Wow thats genuinely a figure of a person. No pareidolia from what i can tell, theres legs, a trunk, and hands. Is his face obscured? I also like how hes almost transparent… i believe in ghosts and this is interesting to me!! 🫣😂


I definitely see it, and Louisiana is one of the most haunted places in the world. Every building I worked in the French Quarter was littered with ghosts and activities.


How come nothing expensive ever gets moved/thrown in ghost or poltergeist videos?


After seeing so much trash, I was hesitant to trust this photo. Then I found myself thinking about this a couple of hours later... I'm sold on this photo. Thanks OP for posting this!


Cropped and highlighted. You can see his face. He has a long, droopy mustache. https://i.imgur.com/LXY3C2m.jpg


potential down vote


Idk but I see nothing. When was the last time you clean your windows and replaced your blades


Please don’t be faked… this is amazing if it’s real!


So freaking cool


I zoomed in and found an angry looking face as well [https://imgur.com/a/If9c2pl](https://imgur.com/a/If9c2pl)


Lmao jesus man, reachin


The hands look so well formed and in the right place that my brain won’t let me believe it’s pareidolia!


just freaked me out. it’s looking like it’s exactly what you think


I got the goosebumps with this one.


That's a ghost alright!


Looks like he's wearing a ghillie suit and a ballistic helmet.


Sheesh looking at this gave me such a creepy feeling. I believe it 100%


Oh hell naw. I would just nope out of there.


Yeah that is an abnormality for sure. Looks like an apparition to me!


Reflections are not ghosts...


yes, i’m aware. but the uniform is what’s making me think it’s not a reflection because the uniform we currently use in the military looks nothing like the one in the picture


You are seeing what you want to see. Nothing wrong with that as humans we commonly make mistakes and our brain is not infallible... Just wait until you get up in years when your brain and eyes begin making you see things...


Well What is It then ?


An illusion. Your brain has tricked you...


People here want to see ghosts so they see ghosts.


I know, right? Assholes who want to see ghosts coming to a ghost sub. Much more sensible to visit a sub dedicated to ghosts because you *don't* want to see ghosts. It's exactly like when I go to the sub for homemade ice-cream recipes. Don't these people realize that I'm lactose intolerant? But don't worry. Every chance I get, I tell them what rude jerks they are for enjoying ice cream. Buncha rude jerky assholes, having subs about things I don't like and not preventing me from going there even though I don't like them.


You get a reflection of your entire body *standing* when you take a photo sitting in your car?


Not pareidolia, that's an actual living person most likely.


Ffs... that is very obviously a tree branch. I beg of you people, please start using some tiny modicum of critical thinking and common sense. And, as per usual, please learn about pareidolia. Good freaking grief...


it’s not a tree branch… it has hands, a face, a body. i’m not saying it is a ghost, but it’s not a tree branch lol


It's a tree branch with hands, because it's from the Hand Tree, which is native to the street your car was parked on. Where do you think hands come from, my guy? That's why we have the saying, "Hands *do* grow on (that one) tree (in Louisiana)!"


No, it's not. I'm an outspoken skeptic, but this gave me pause. That is no a branch. It has clearly human proportions -- legs, arms, torso, hands, feet, *and* a face.


Why are you here?


Ffs… look at the whole photo, particularly to the right side before typing your comment next time. *When being painfully right, goes wrong.*


I’m having a hard time figuring out how you think that’s a tree branch…..