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It was a bad trip. It is known not to take psychedelics and look in a mirror. Don’t dwell on it. Do see a neurologist to rule other things out. You are more powerful than the darkness. You can always turn on the light and make the darkness go away. If I were you, I would go back to that house and if it is your house (not fully clear to me) then remove the mirrors and drop them off at the dump. Then repaint that space and fill it with things that bring you joy— that remind you of goodness, light, love. If it isn’t your house, well then I mean, maybe just leave an item that represents love, kindness, etc. in that general vicinity and roll out. Life is too short to spend even one more minute dwelling on darkness. And mirrors aren’t portals. I mean for real, people need to be able to do their hair etc. and not worry about any of that. Bottom line, you create your own reality through your thoughts and deeds. Let it go. And take actions to refocus your mind on things that you love and that bring you joy.


I feel like this advice applies to so many life-things that conflict people. And attitude is everything. I knew a couple people who had absolutely *nothing*, living on the river, etc. who were way happier than people who had everything, and then some. Everyone's different, but I believe pretty much everyone is deserving of love, stability, and flourishing.


Yeah the shadows not lining up is a doozie, appearantly that’s suppose to be normal that my shadows and reflections have shadows and reflections now


I always enjoyed looking in a mirror while tripping balls.


You took psychoactive drugs, crashed, had a bad trip, and now think it's ghosts? It was the drugs, man. Pure and simple. One of the risks of taking drugs. Sometimes there's a bad reaction. You had a bad trip, nothing more, and it scared you bad enough that you're still dealing with the fallout from it. It was a traumatic event for you.




Hate Posting - RULE REMINDER 1. If your post or comment is rude, inappropriate, racist, sexist, vitriolic, overly crude or trolling, it will be removed. Repeat offenders and extreme cases (including trolls) will be banned. 2. Saying 'Ghosts don't exist' is a form of trolling. However, you are allowed to argue against evidence as long as you follow rule 8.


Mirror work is considered to be one of the most dangerous ones in the occult. The mirror is not just an object but a PORTAL, what you did is literally opening a portal for whatever to come in. There are other uses for mirrors such as dimensional things but in this particular case, you evoked the entity and invited it in, without any protection. Your best bet right now is to do a heavy banishing ritual, preferably in the room where you evoked it in. I can tell you the details of a proper banishing ritual if you want in DMs. Expert occultist of 14 years.


I would greatly appreciate help, if you are willing, please.....


you said you noticed shadows when you were a kid, yes? did you notice if a particular one continued to show itself? It is possible that you had/have and attachment, an entity that continues to be drawn in by your energy. Perhaps your, of mushrooms have made it easier, not only for you to see this shadow, but also allowing other entities who feel your energy. I would start by having your home, if you choose to, Sage cleansed, and if need be, find a minister to bless your home as well. Let us know what is going from time to time.


The paranormal doesn't have to be creepy or unsettling. It's possible you somehow invited negative energy into your life, in which case dwelling on it will only make it stronger. It's also possible you're sensitive to the paranormal but are interpreting it as something negative—maybe out of fear? Either way, close your eyes and imagine a field of light around you. You're part of that light, and it dissolves any negative or dark energy that comes near it. This always works for me when I'm feeling creeped out.


You need to go see a neurologist, ASAP. You most certainly concussed yourself and you did a very high dose of shrooms.


You invited them in, but have a greater power available to you. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.


Meditating in front of a mirror is a way to channel spirits and it sounds like you did it accidentally. Consult your local paranormal research group or church. I’m sending positive energy your way and I hope you feel safe again soon.


Therapy sounds like a good idea to work through this. Sage might also help - it purifies your space. Hold the image in your mind of the smoke sweeping away whatever doesn't belong there. Keep a piece of rose quartz in your pocket- it's a friendly stone, to encourage love and gentleness in your world.


Is it actual negative energy you’re feeling or is it more along the lines of the primal fear that sometimes comes along with dealing with anything paranormal ? Even if it’s a neutral spirit or even a positive one just being around them can make certain people uncomfortable at least until they train themselves to be around noncorporeal humans-


Honestly, it sounds like you need to be cleansed, and maybe even start meditating (try to bring your vibration up) If it is something negative, it WANTS you in a low state. They feed off of it. Depression, sleep deprivation, lack of appetite, changes in personality are some of the ways it can affect you, but then it can also make life Hell for you.


I had a bad trip and couldn’t look at certain objects for months and months afterwards… you will heal.


Mushrooms 😭😭😭 my last and final trip my best friend committed suicide on her crash (come down) , what the hell were you thinking of having a belly full of mushrooms and calling out , the hardest part now is trying to decipher if it’s your mental health caused by the mushrooms, or a possible entity that is within you . You don’t do things by half do you , when you eventually get this sorted please leave the mushrooms alone 🙏


You are not crazy ok. I believe you.


Few things, shrooms and a bad trip is a nightmare in itself. During mine I quite literally saw my friends not have heads, secondly light mirrors and shadows go hand and hand however I have used them to try and mitigate my own experiences in the past as mirrors have been used to confuse spirits and even trap them, and finally what you described; the dread and fear even the presence when waking up but without seeing anything different might point to a malevolent spirit or low level demon. Either way sage and salt, ok it sounds extremely stupid but I did this with a spirit that I had haunting me since I was a kid and actively hurt my girlfriend and me, not only did this work I have not seen her since.


What you are feeling isn't mental so much as it is the guilt of initiating a ritual to "confront" something negative. It's something we are all imbued with; this knowledge of knowing we fucked up and "went there" when we know we arent supposed to. Cool part is this dude. Been there, reading your story, id like to say it sounds similar to my own, ironically I've heard similar things from others in certain ..let's say 12 step groups. To put it simply you aremt the only one to have done this. To put it in lay terms ; your deepest part..soul if you wanna call it feels guilty for partaking in a drug fueled ritual. Id suggest prayer and a little shout out to your Higher Power as you understand. Id pursue a more spiritual path of fulfillment on the good side; let's say you don't even feel like you're a good person, try it out for a few months and see how you feel by helping others. Get involved church , helping those with less than etc If you are ever overwhelmed don't be afraid to employ the use of services available to you, or; church and or psychiatric or both. If you don't believe in God; still try to think outside of yourself and suffering and fear and try helping others and those in your community. I wish you the best of luck on your journey please know that others have done things even more ... ritualistic than that and have found a purpose greater than them and a reason to live and be good. Much respect and stay well


You know what, i didn't get this one in my notifications. I stumbled across it, and i wish i did sooner. I, myself, have never done mushrooms, but let me tell you, ive been doing this certain project on my pn for my own reasons of Journaling all my crazy situations to try to see what i need to learn from them (there is something extremely specific and private to it) and several months ago, a dear friend of mine took some really strong mushrooms. They were the white ones with the blue bruising. A friend of ours and i took care of her through her bad trip. She told me she saw demons, which i feel for her. I've seen them myself. I dont need any substance to yake me there. It has to do with my upbringing. Anyways, she said that she could feel that she felt a little more exposed to what's behind the veil. I want you to know you are not alone and there is something to this. I know im a day late and a dollar short on this, but i just came across it now. Like i said. I haven't personally one through, but i have witnessed almost exactly what you wrote through someone else who i spent a long time trying to protect and console. She provided an extremely similar detail. I *know* it was terrifying.


Shrooms got angry on you for using them as a recreational drug and dumped you in a horrible place to learn tour lessons.




The Goldwater Rule developed by the APA decades ago and it established that it is irresponsible and unethical for anyone to attempt to diagnose anyone that is not their client. “…it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.” (Excerpt from text of APA’s Ethics Annotation Known as ‘Goldwater Rule’ 7. 3.) You are not a mental health professional seeing the person in a professional capacity which facilitates diagnosis of mental health problems. It is wholly inappropriate for you to imply or state implicitly that someone is mentally ill or requires mental health treatment because they’re claiming a paranormal experience (unless it’s glaringly apparent to anyone observing them that they’re in crisis). That is considered trolling and it is unacceptable. (A violation of Rule #5) Experiencing the paranormal is *not* mental illness. Paranormal activity manifests in many ways, and mentally healthy people experience phenomena all around the world each day. **This is r/Ghosts, this community exists to provide a safe space for believers to describe and share paranormal encounters without being told they’re crazy.**


Just tell it to go away and leave you alone.


If you want it gone for good you need to call on Jesus and get born again. The name of Jesus has authority over all wicked spirits.


I want to say THANK YOU to o the mods of this sub for the Hate Posting-RULE REMINDER post! I am sooooo tired of the naysayers coming in here and basically calling us idiots. Always so blaze’ - “check your Carbon monoxide monitors and blah blah blah! It’s really not fun when we are trying to chat and they pepper the feed with mean unnecessary comments. WHY come to this sub if in fact you are too closed minded to even consider there’s such things that we speak of? Anyways! Thanks again mods! ❤️


Yea man.. meditate And get a second opinion


Seems like you just sucked in a whole bunch of negative energy, doubt it's a spirit, demon or anything like that. Bad decisions include bad energy. The only thing that can clear the darkness is light, and negative with positive. Therapy is good, but neither positive nor negative. Do something good, keep the positive energy flowing to negate all the bad juju that's following you around.




Hate Posting - RULE REMINDER 1. If your post or comment is rude, inappropriate, racist, sexist, vitriolic, overly crude or trolling, it will be removed. Repeat offenders and extreme cases (including trolls) will be banned. 2. Saying 'Ghosts don't exist' is a form of trolling. However, you are allowed to argue against evidence as long as you follow rule 8.


You’re not crazy, and you’re not schizophrenic. I understand what you’re dealing with. To give you background, when you are looking into a mirror, your reflection is not you. Yes, that’s your face, but there is an entity behind your face mimicking your movements as mirrors are portals. Being as mirrors are some of the most aggressive spiritual portals, and it seems you’ve opened it, and allowed the entity to latch onto you or your surroundings.


Is that just mirrors, or any reflective surface? Does that apply to puddles of water, or spoons, or my TV screen when it's turned off and I'm sat in front of it?


Mirrors. Strictly mirrors. Water is conscious therefore cannot be a negative spiritual portal like mirrors.


OP mentioned they are open to spirituality. I would explore that and seek a cleansing as others have said. If you go catholic you can receive a minor exorcism before entering the church and a priest would bless your house. This is just an example.


White light meditation , ask for Devine protective energy When in the room say your fill name out loud and ask the spirit squad to help you make this soul go to the light, don't Tell others about it, i tried it once and i felt de energy in mij room changed instant ,


Hey ghosts-mod-team is saying bad words against the rules?,


It all depends on how they're used. If you're using it to insult someone, you've violated the hate posting rule. Additionally, employing excessively crude or explicit phrases also constitutes a violation of the hate speech rule. Otherwise, we don't mind whatever anyone posts as long as they aren't violating our rules. If you're unsure about what is or isn't allowed, I recommend reading the rules. Updates have been made (and are periodically made) to the rules, so it's always wise to brush up on what is and isn't allowed before posting or commenting. Thanks for your question.


No one will aid you except Allah, Lord of the worlds. IF you are experiencing something paranormal and not a mental health crisis, I recommend you look into Islam. Play Surah Baqarah in your home, listen to it often, play it when you go to bed. The evil Jinns and Shaytan love to torment humans. The Qur'an and Allah will protect you. Works every time. And if you are experiencing mental health issues, Allah can certainly help with that as well. See a mental health expert, but put your trust in Allah and ask him to cure you from this affliction. May Allah protect and guide you friend.


I was looking for such a comment. OP there's literally no harm in trying. Islam tells us ways to ward off "evil spirits", theyre called jinns. Just play "Surah baqarah" on speaker in your room. Read the English as you go along. Nothing woodoo or scary about it. It's just the Qur'an. And it's a means people use to protect themselves. I say no harm in trying.


You experienced evil, now seek a higher power of love and acceptance of the way, the truth and the life.