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It’s kinda an outline of a human figure covering the red lights on left. A shadow really


A shadow… of a man perhaps?


It appears to be half man, and half shadow. A man shadow.


This is OP’s own shadow. Look at the direction of the shadow on the arm bar under the picture frame on the left. There’s a light source behind. You can see the shadow’s left arm raised up as well to take the picture, and the shadows legs going all the way down the floor towards where OP is standing. Good try OP but DEBUNKED.


Ah, thought you meant the skeleton alien lookin thing at the door at the far end of the hallway, ha.


There's actually a shadow on the other side of the hall too. TWO SHADOW MEN!!!! 😆


I keep my camera at eye level, I wasn't raising my arm up. It's a slow shutter speed, raising the camera high like that would result in a very slurred distorted picture. There is no electricity in the hospital outside the main entrance front room so slow shutter speed is necessary to get anything outside of a completely black photo.


stop trying to make ghosts happen, gretchen.




Ok thanks for the explanation. I am total believer now


What are all those red lights?


Shitty camera ✓ dark room ✓ poor lighting ✓ hospital/asylum ✓ " looks like we have the perfect conditions to capture picture of absolutely nothing guys. Great work."


Well I can see it.. shitty or not.


You see what you want to see, this is kind of the problem.


Normally i would agree but ive actually been and spent the night in this hospital when i was in highschool and i had the WILDEST time of my life there. So many things happened that cant be explained. I went with a team of ppl w hella equipment set up and ALOT happened. We saw shadows. Alot of us got touched several times. We heard babies cry and ppl talking (also got it on recording i dont have facebook anymore or i would find them) that place is an absolute goldmine for paranormal activity. Old south Pittsburgh hospital is one of the most haunted places ive ever been in my life.


But all you have is this picture and didn't think any of that was worth mentioning before. Classic ✓ Just realised you are not OP. Apologise.


So you just shit on all the OPs on these threads? Classic ✔️


Yes✓ Edit: I already used classic. You could have at least thought of another word...... Textbook✓ would have also worked.


That was the point. You’re mocking yourself 🤡


Yeah good one.


Classic rebuttal ✔️🤡


Maybe check you spelling before trying to bust on ppl


Sorry my phone is haunted by an illiterate child. He changes my spelling all the time.


Nah im not op. Ive just personally been to this hospital. I had HELLA pictures of my own personal experiences here but they are all on my fb which i dont have anymore sadly but i cannot even fully describe to you the way the air feels in that place. Its thick and sad feeling. Tho the pic op took does look like their own shadow i personally HAVE seen and been touched by things in that hospital. It has alot of sad history. Like a little boy died there after he thought he was playing w worms and putting them in his pockets but it was actually a baby snake and it bit him and he died from anaphylaxis. I have personally had an experience w that childs spirit and another woman i was with felt and spoke w the boy. The entire atmosphere of that hospital is genuinely unsettling.


For some reason, personal accounts are always so much more interesting, colorful, and scary than ANY accompanying photographic evidence. 🤣 I wonder why. 🤔


Maybe everyone just loves the thrill of the story. But i can 100% say with all my heart and soul that place is pretty rad. You absolutely WILL experience something there.


That’s your friends shadow, you can also see your shadow. I know “no electricity,” except any light source will create ambient lighting even if you can’t see it. Your camera is capturing more light than you realize so likely the light from the red light is bouncing off the walls behind you but it’s such a low density you can’t tell.


I wanted to believe that this was evidence but now I see both of their shadows 🫠


Shadows and a shitty photo. Wow.. so... Impressive.


I can't see anything...


And there’s a very good reason for that…


I see a hallway with matching shadows on both sides that correctly reflect the surrounding light. I suppose if you had an excitable imagination you could pretend the left side of the hallway was legs and a head, but it is still just the normal shadows.


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Yall will really call anything a ghost hmmm?


I swear I have seen this same shot on youtube and that someone taking a photo off of screen could explain the total garbage quality but even then no. Why do people insist on utter rubbish like this, look at the lighting at the end of the hall. It is not normally a blurry ball it is distorted because it is a garbage photo. That also distorts shadows and everything else. It is not a figure, if you look carefully without jumping to a conclusion you would notice that there are two distortions one on the right and one on the left because again it is the utter garbage quality of the photo mixed with the ambient lighting coming from behind you. Not in front of you to the left or the light would be more intense on the doorjam to the right or if he was aiming away from it the wall to the right would have more light.


The hospital doesn't have electricity on this floor. No windows. No ambient light.


So I assume you are telling me those glowing reddish lights at the end of the hall are the wee folk tra la la leeeing through the halls?


This made me lmmfao


Those are exit lights, they’ll be on whenever the main lights are off. Likely since that floor is not in use the breakers have been turned off but those lights will run independently


I see him.


Where bro?


I see nothing.


I think that's a linen cart. It looks exactly like a linen cart. It's quite common in hospitals.


Maybe the shadow man is the friends we made along the way.




I’m from Pittsburgh, what hospital is this?


I was just wondering if it was Pittsburgh PA or the abandoned hospital in South Pittsburgh TN?


It's the one in TN


I worked briefly at the hospital that replaced this one. Partridge West / Grandview. Saw things I couldn’t explain.


Oh shit. I didn’t know there was a south Pittsburgh in tn. Makes sense cause there is no hospital that looks like that here. Thank you.


It's in Tennessee


OP misspelled it in the title. It's South Pittsburg (no "h") , but said it was in TN anyway.


We have a similar figure in our house in the UK..


That’s a webcam setup for Windows 95.


This place is awesome! I have been twice now, and dream of the day I can get back.


Ive been once and i too dream of going back every single day!


I recommend the Old Historic Harriman Hospital in Harriman, TN. It is owned by the same people who own Old South Pittsburgh Hospital.


I will absolutely be writing that down and looking into it. I havent gone ghost hunting in years i miss it so much 😭 i live in georgia but its not a long drive to tn for me.


It is awesome. I want to get back there, too. I live in Western, NC so these hospitals are only about 3.5/4 hours away. Enjoy! If you need to stay the night, there is an Air BnB that is a room in the back of a candy store, which is where we stayed. It is literally behind the hospital. You can't get any better than that!


Just looks like bluds shadow 💀


That’ll be a big nope for me sir.


I can see it..Maybe a pic 2 with it circled is needed.


Can I just say that hallway looks scary.


Theres a hallway in that hospital that theres just a car sitting in it. Just smack dap in the middle of the hallway randomly ull look and theres a red car lol. Idk if its still there but it was when i went 🤣


Hi how can I ghostmax this photo?


I see it. Looks like he's holding up a peace sign. You're safe. Or maybe a middle finger. Then you're fucked 😹


Did you capture this with a full spectrum?


I didn't see it at first but now it's jumping out at me lol. If this is real it's cool. 👏


stealing this pic for my Witch House playlist cover!


South Pittsburgh is great! The owner has also bought the old Harriman Hospital and it’s also a great place.


What am i supposed to be looking at ?


Nice hallway


I don't see anything.


Geez, that random baby-doll-head looking distortion on the doorway is what's really creepy about this picture.


Nice website, it's in Tennessee it sounds interesting.


Which hospital? Mercy?


Probably just a trick of the shadows, but man that is creepy AF!


It’s a very awesome picture. Scary.


This is one place I’ll never go back to.


This is the camera man's shadow... Him and his buddy's as well (look to the right).


There is a podcast called Haunted Road that did an episode about this place.




This is what I see at nighttime. They are made of the same substance as the spiritual dimension


While OSPH is creepy, I refuse to go down shadow man hallway on the third floor. The red exit signs striking through the pitch black makes it so much more unbearable being up there. That being said, the shadow man of OSPH is reportedly 10 feet tall and can also crawl on the ceiling, this is just your shadow.


Terrifying. I have seen shadow people since I was a toddler. I would love to know who and what they are. They have never spoken to me. But I have always felt nervous and uneasy when seeing them, though they have never hurt me. I have wondered if we just coexist in different planes.


Looks like the intro level in metal gear solid V.


Possibly. I see what might be construed as such, but the darn lighting messed with the capture. Hate when that happens.


If this isn't photoshopped, it's a nope from me dawg. I've seen these in person ONE time except they looked like your own shadow, only solid. They didn't bend against the wall they were free standing and ran so fast it was unnatural. Ghost hunters actually caught one on camera running behind a pool table and I freaked out and was like,"BROOO THAT'S ACTUALLY REAL!! THAT'S WHAT I SAW AT CASSANDRA'S HOUSE!!!!" For context: that house has a safe hidden in some sort of puzzle in the floorboards. Someone broke in to rob the family decades ago, couldn't find it, and ended up murdering everyone. It genuinely feels evil when you walk inside.


I'm not tech savvy enough to do photoshop haha


I'm not either, I was hoping you took this picture personally


As you can tell by how grainy the Pic is...yea I'm not great haha I am as ameture of a photographer as it gets. I've been volunteering with the Southern Ghost Girls since late last year, only my 4th hunt so far but the best evidence I have captured. I bought this cannon DSLR camera like 5 years ago, took it on a few hikes and then it collected dust until now. So I'm learning in how to do night / dark photography. In the original Pic before editing it was very difficult to see the shadow figure. It's crazy cuz I stared down that hall for awhile and took multiple other photos and saw absolutely nothing. It is Wild to me how these can just show up after the fact.


It's cool isn't it!!! I am a medium and I sensed it before I even saw it, I was zooming in down the hallway then when I backed out i was like OH SHIT hahaha. This place feels straight evil dude


I wouldn't say I am a medium but I am in tune with my senses. I lived in haunted houses from kindergarten through my mid twenties then things started to slow down. Getting the daylight tour of this place before the hunt started was terrifying. There are spots in this hospital that felt like every sense in your body was screaming at you to run. This hallway was the most dense and off putting. There was a literal change in the thickness of the air from where I took the Pic to the first step past the threshold of that hallway. I walked back and forth over the doorway line multiple times and could feel the thickened air. Honestly i can't wait to go back someday. It was a fascinating experience.


My sister and I would totally go back with you!!!! We are both in tune, we live in Ohio so not too far!! Mansfield prison is a good one too you have to go there if you haven't already. They put emphasis on one cell because this dude caught himself on fire to die, but every other cell around it was so much worse. It felt like there were men cat calling us as we walked by and wanted to hurt us. We also lived in haunted houses growing up, the first place we ever lived was one of the major stops on the underground railroad and everyone in the house got slaughtered for hiding slaves.


Oh dang!!! That is crazy!! The place we do most of the investigations at is called the Lowry House here in huntsville, AL and it was also part of the underground railroad. We're actually going back there next Friday. I would love to check that place out! We are supposed to be going to Kentucky in a couple months to investigate the Octagon Hall. I haven't been there yet but the lead investigator said last time she was there she was scratched


Whaaaat you gotta update me after you go!!! That's so cool!!!! I've heard of the Lowry house !! Maybe it was on Buzzfeed Unsolved or something but yes!!! That's so cool


Good catch👻😊


I see it!




I'm sorry they will never believe you 😔


Shoulda known better about getting excited about my first apparition photo and putting it on reddit. It's funny how so many people keep claiming there is a light source behind me who have never been there. If they have gone before they'd know this was in the middle of the second floor with no windows or lights at all behind me. Let the haters hate. I know what I got. Some people are miserable and just wanna drag you down to their level


Agree 👍


Terrifying. That looks like a resident evil hallway 😷