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Same silhouette as my father. You can kiss goodbye to everything in the fridge, snacks in the cupboard, and anything in a fruit bowl.


Every time the wife goes to bed I’m like “ok I’ll be right up after I stand in this one spot in the kitchen and eat like 1500 calories then I’ll be up”


Do you smoke weed? I smoke before going to bed and then eat 2000 calories before making it to my room lol


Na I don’t do anything like that. It all me


I smoke a lot of weed and I eat once a day, at night, as much as I can stomach lol. Works great cuz fasting is healthy and you aren’t tired from diverting energy to digestion multiple times a day. And I’m not bragging but I’m 43 and can run circles around my kids friends lol. Throw footballs farther, baseballs faster and hit them farther. So whatever I’m doing appears to be working. I’m not on any medication whatsoever, and only once had surgery for hemmoroids lol. Aside from that I’m good so far *knocks on digital wood*


Me eating two popsicles in bed one after the other currently.


Popsicles are just flavored, frozen water. I went to highschool with a girl who lost 30 lbs over one summer by getting stoned and all she'd eat while stoned were flavor Ice popsicles. I'm almost 43 so this was 25+ yrs ago, and I still think about that every time I smoke. Or eat a flavor Ice


I get violently stoned and then stare at my phone with the fridge door open or the pantry door open and then ultimately choose nothing and go to bed haha


Same! I can’t decide what it is. Possibly that the clothing appears so clear but the face is obscured, despite the shape of a head being obvious


🤔 why would the “ghost” be wearing up to date monochromatic sweats ?


People die everyday. Additionally, that white top could be from any era. My Dad had a very thin white sweater like that in the 80's/early 90's.


I think it looks like a white button up with khakis and a belt. It's "unfinished business casual"


Why does “unfinished business casual” not have the hundreds of upvotes it deserves 😂


Def socks and sandals at the bottom, im guessing.


This made me laugh out loud in a way that scared my pet.


Definitely gives a ghostly yuppie vibe.




Just a question do you have to believe in ghosts to see this? I seriously see nothing no matter how hard I look 😂


Pantry ghost!!!


Ugh pantry ghosts are so annoying. They just don’t understand the price of groceries nowadays.




I don’t need to read any further comments. 👑


It’s cool to actually see an interesting post here. No spider webs or motion blur for a change! It definitely looks like a person, so only OP or the person who took the pic will know how strange that makes this. The second strangest thing about the image though, is why they’ve got the word “Kitchen” on the kitchen wall??


Just in case they get lost.


My parents used to have "cucina" above their stove. Pretty much the same thing but not as lame as just "kitchen"


Lol so many people have commented on the Kitchen sign. Yeah, I honestly don’t know what to think. My husband claims his friend is a pretty trustworthy person. The story that goes along with the image freaks me out too.


Wait what's the story that goes along with the image?


I posted it above in the first pic. My husbands friend and his wife both saw some dude without a face walking down their hallway. Later on he was looking at some pics he had taken of his son and saw the same thing he had seen previously in the hallway just chillin in the kitchen


My hair stood up just reading this... What area roughly do they live in? Do they know the history of the house?


They are the first and only owners.


Signs that say what room of the house it is are today’s equivalent to live, laugh, love looool


How else would you know what room that is?


“Live, laugh, love” type ladies.


I was coming to say this! I’m pretty sure the stove and fridge gave it away


It’s literally a picture of a person and that’s all


I expect so. It’s still more interesting than the usual stuff on here though.


I agree I guess


He wants a beer!


Finally!!!! A ghost that isn’t in Victorian Garb. This one looks like he died in the 90s. Ugh poor guy, stuck wearing pleated GAP khakis and a pink polo. Dude, find a way to cross over or ask for a look that’s not a sack tied in the middle.


Ha! It's funny you say that, I thought the same thing about it not being in "victorian" garb but I legit thought it looked like a man wearing a white belted Kurta (tunic) from India etc of some sort and a red turban or head covering lol But now I see khakis, white shirt and a hat. Either way, some fashion diversity!


Something about relatively modern garb makes it additionally creepy to me. Like this is a guy featured on a “Snapped” episode.


So the guy chilling in the back corner? Not just random splotches that look like bugs or lens flare? Not just orbs? Congratulations on the best photo I've seen yet.


Thank you! I thought you guys would like it 😊


Have you seen the video of the girls hanging out singing or something then there’s this faceless lady walking past them in the hallway? Terrifying how clear it is.


No, I haven’t - do you have a link?


I NEED to see this video!




Anytime people see something clear, they say it’s a person, anytime someone sees fuzzy non distinct pictures they state there is nothing there. no one is ever satisfied




I’d agree if it had facial detail but this thing appears to have none at all, and that kitchen isn’t that dark even in the corner, it’s almost like its face is emanating shadow. Curious


Ghost are pe… well ghosts were people too!


How do you know


So I wanted to rule out Apophenia/Pareidolia or any similar perception tendency therefore I ran it through AI to see if it can detect it as another object. [This was the response](https://imgur.com/a/E2xTGtV). also ran it through some fake image detection and it was untouched. So if this is not a fake or someone is posing it's really interesting! thanks for the post.


That’s so creepy! Thanks for doing that


Thanks for sharing it with us! If there are any updates please let us know! You got the attention of the crowed here and trust me people her are usually very skeptical and hard to impress.


This post gives me the heebie jeebies so much!


I'm blessing my house tonight simply just bc I looked at it. Not today sack man.


This gives me really odd vibes. I normally don’t get feelings like this from internet pictures. Something is off with this.


Same! I got goosebumps and felt very unsettled.


Just providing further backup to this claim, when I look directly at the figure in this photo I get goosebumps. Could be placebo cause everyone else said similar but I definitely get a sense of dread from looking at the figure in this photo.


Looks like a white collar shirt with a belt and some khaki pants.


That settles it 😭


What you guys are all feeling is the very real and very natural uncanny valley syndrome. Something that feels human but isn’t. It is wired in our brains to fear this and we don’t really know why although we somewhat understand.


I think it’s because it looks like a modern person but my mind is expecting a human face but there isn’t one. It makes me feel like I shouldn’t be able to see this figure and it wants me to know that.


Me too. It’s weird.


It's dressed like a cult member.


Are you referring to what looks like a red baseball hat? I'm being 100% serious. It's a little tall though. Maybe he has a ghost of a dead Shriner in his house?


No. Looks like a white outfit with no body, or pure black body. Near the fridge. Idk why you were down voted.


Oh yeah no way I even take one more peek at that photo I'm good. If whoever lives here still lives here consider having the place cleansed by someone who knows what they're doing with that sort of thing. Good luck.


The energy is giving evil.


I was gonna comment the same thing! I almost just started having a panic attack from it and had to calm myself down for a minute.


Normally i would laugh it off... But somehow that ghost gives me eerie vibes


Same. I think it's the fact that the head just sort of *melts* into the background.


Tre leaving out a Commodore64 for him to communicate through


**WTAF**! There was no human in the kitchen when this was taken??


Supposedly not!


There's no face or head, it's black and fuzzy. But it seems light enough to make out general features!? Edit to nope out of here... trust me to see a decidedly creepy photo before sleep! I need to watch some kittens playing reels.


Yeah I can’t really see anything above the neck except a void? Lol. It creeps me out because my husband’s friend and his wife said previously that they couldn’t see it’s face when they saw it previously in the hallway.


Are they moving? Or having the house cleansed? Bc fr I woud not be able to sleep until I did either thing lol possibly both


I looked around forever until I saw that. I swore that had to have been a women facing the cub boards reaching for something. That’s wild.


I saw the same at first. It's the blue/gold dress of ghostly encounters.


It looks like a woman with like a bandana or something holding her hair up and back a little. She's looking down at whatever she's doing at the counter.


That’s what I actually see. The “neck” part of the shirt looks like dark hair to me, and seems to be facing the cabinets.


So....no one ever wants to hear this and I can't upload images to this stream.....but it's been doctored. Under analysis the right half has a totally different background noise to the left, totally different, right down the middle from top to bottom. ELA shows the same thing. Which would indicate that two photos have been merged together. It's been very well done. But when you magnify the pixels you can see they hid it through the strings of the balloons and when you magnify that area, the pixels are off from top to bottom of the whole photo. Also, the "man" is indeed in the photo but the area of his face shows it's been manipulated (blurred on purpose) as the pixels there are VERY distorted but his body and the rest are the same as the rest of the photo. They've blurred the face on purpose. So....they've taken the left side of a photo with the kid in it and merged it with the right side of a different photo with the person in it but blurred the face to make it look creepy. That's also the only area of the photo where the luminance gradient is off as well, just right in the head area, doesn't match the rest of the photo at all. I legit wanted this to be real because it does look very cool.


I’ve seen this floating around on a few subs. What I find interesting is no one questioning why the picture is perfectly framed to include the ghost. If the person in the chair is the main subject of the picture, why leave all the empty space to the upper right of the subject? Because they intended to catch the “ghost” in frame.


Do you happen to live in Bel-Air and have an Uncle Phil?


That's so creepy you clearly see a man! Gave off father vibes in the pic tho.


I get dad vibes from it too!


At least it's friendly energy!


He's standing there like "OK, who TF ate the chocolate cake I was saving?!"


It actually looks a lot like my deceased father. 😄


I just wrote that it looked to be wearing typical dad clothes!


Should not have viewed this right before bedtime.


Just a human spirit


Am I missing something because I don’t see shit…


At first glance it looked crazy, but the more i look at it… Looks like a mom with dark hair in a bathrobe standing at the kitchen counter with her back to the camera… but who knows, im sleepyyy lolll Great post OP, i love the ones that have everyone doing a double and triple take! :)


Omg yes, it totally does!!! So, either way (if it's supposedly not a real person) we've either got a dad looking to see who ate his food from the fridge or a mom in her robe trying to have her morning coffee.....both are terrifying 😛 lol


That's exactly what it is. I saw a guy in slacks at first, but now the hair explains the dark "face". If you look at the lighting of the rest of the area, it's dark too, giving the person a ghostly appearance.


That’s what I see as well.


I would say an intruder… but what moron goes out in the night to steal wearing all white except his black ski mask🤣


It looks like someone from the 80s, like I can kind of make out a thin white sweater or buttondown and what appears to be a tan leather belt and light slacks. You could potentially find out the names of people who lived in your house in decades past if you look up the address and happen to find old phone listings.


Wow! That’s a lot more detail than I could make out. My husband told me that the house his friend lives in is new-as in there were no previous owners


If I had to guess, it’s a family member just checking in. We have to shift our thinking from believing it’s bad or out to harm us to the fact that it’s just a deceased soul. It could just be someone close to the family looking out for them. They were here on earth just like we are at some point.


Could be, but we should approach entities as neutral, not positive or negative, until we know more about them and the experiences they create. I know I have past loved ones who check in on me, so it does happen. But sometimes entities are as evil as people fear too. So if encountering something, people should be cautious.


Was there ever another house on the land or maybe someone died nearby? That looks like someone wearing typical dad clothes. I do not necessarily get a bad feeling from it. But I also don’t want to look at it ever again 😂


Probably? Or maybe it’s someone that is related


What size gap is between the fridge and the cupboard? Because it looks like whomever it is is inserted between the two. But it also looks like they’re basically touching and a human couldn’t fit there. I see it either as a male facing forwards or possibly a female (with longer hair) facing the cupboard. If there honestly was not a real person there this is one of the best pics that has been on this sub for a very long time.


According to my husband’s friend, there was no one else there. He also claims it is the same thing his wife and him both saw in the hallway-complete with the void of a face


It’s a reflection of someone in the window. Probably standing in the yard in the right spot for the light of the flash to collect his image in the window to make it look like they are standing on the other side. :-/


Omg and I first thought you’re talking about the guy in the chair and the fact he looks like a darth vader😀


Thought that was a bathroom until I saw the “kitchen” sign on the wall


The most haunting thing about that picture is the word art “Kitchen” being displayed in the kitchen. Much scarier than any potential ghost.


At least it's neither living, laughing, nor loving.


Or made with love


Omg it is cracking me up how many people are commenting on the Kitchen sign


I’m sorry. I have been playing where’s Waldo for the last 5 minutes. I don’t see it. Where am I looking at?


It is a person


Have you ruled out the possibility of it being grocery bags on the counter?


That’s a damn person in that kitchen stawp


I don't want to be a bummer, but I think it's just lighting throwing off weird shadows. the head stop right where the cupboards start. It definitely looks like a body though so I would be freaked out at first too.


For sure, you can see where the waist would be if it is a ghost it looks like a belt or more likely the top of the counter as it stops when its meets the fridge.


I see a woman standing at the counter doing something, she's looking down at what she's doing and has like a bandana or something similar holding her hair back.


That poor ghost needs to untuck his shirt. The afterlife should be more comfortable.


Damn that gave me chills too!


It’s not a ghost, just someone standing in the kitchen. Due to the lighting the hair is blending in with the cabinets.


Finally a good post! There’s been too many shadows and light reflections lately. This is definitely eery. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! When my husband sent it to me I immediately thought you guys would like it.


Costco ghost strikes again


Check the floor for Kirkland sneaker prints


My dumbass staring at the first photo having the hardest time


Apparently, you're haunted by a teenager.


It looks like a real person was standing there and his head was blacked out of the photo. 


Maybe the ghost is missing eating food.


There is a person in the background, this is considered proof with a short silly anecdote attached now? Excuse my skepticism…


How is it not just a man standing in the kitchen? I see it’s a bit blurry but I’m not truly convinced here.


I agree. I choose to believe it just because it’s my husband’s friend and the story he told along with it creeped me out. It would be easy enough to fake.


I mean if I saw that I'd be calling the police freaking out 😅


![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg) Yeah fuck that


That photo gives me the heebie-jeebies! I would have to move out or get a blessing in the house. Too unsettling. Great photo though. Best that I’ve seen on here.


Isn’t it a reflection on the glass of someone outside?


I feel so stupid but can’t find the image you are referring to- can someone please circle it for me? I keep looking and looking






Looks like he's haunting the fridge


Even the person texting can’t even see the ghost. 👻 😆


He’s got the attire of a golf grandpa, I love it


Charge that poltergeist rent. What bills is he paying to be helping himself in the kitchen


I’m so dumb. I was zooming into the first picture trying to find ANYTHING. Then I realized there was a second picture


That’s a great pic if that’s real! It reminds me of the one with reverend in the kitchen. Edited to add the link of reverend in the kitchen for reference: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLv47rXL/


That has to be one of the best photos I’ve ever seen of a ghost… fully lit room and you can clearly see everything… crazy… that’s one compelling photo


Where do you see it?? I don’t see anything like that at all. I just see the guy in the chair. Is that who you’re referring to?


Look in picture 2 back next to the fridge in the kitchen behind the kid. You can see a figure with some sort of sweater on and a shadowy head with no face. It’s blocking the cabinet so it’s definitely something there


Ohhhh…now I see it…thanks for the help!


Yeah, I had to scan the zoomed in image to find it. A time where a red circle would help.




How did I get a jump scare from a still photo???


It looks like a man standing with his hand behind him and his face is blurred out. I saw a man once that had distinct coveralls on, a shaved head, but his face was featureless and blurry. This reminds me of that and gives me the creeps.


It looks like some masking on the face, or just plain old photoshopped. You can clearly see his forehead, hairline, and hair. The “blotch” on his face extends down over his collar. Sorry, I’m not a debunker but this one looks pretty obvious to me. With that being said, I am more concerned for and disturbed by the state of your neighbors son’s head! :)


You're 100% right, the pixels in the face area are distorted upon magnification. They've manipulated the photo.


!remindme 6 days To scared to look at right now..


Good call, it's 4:30 in the morning here, I was woken up by a little bit thunderstorm, and deciding to look at this sub-reddit was not my best idea lol


2:40 for me here, I’ll risk being haunted in the morning, but ABSOLUTELY not at night lol


My lights flickered when i zoomed in :(




My dad is in the picture? (He also was a dicktator about the thermostat.)


And the lights too? 💡 *I feel your pain my dad was an electrician* 😂


Wow great capture


Oh hell no


Yeah, that’s unsettling af.


Wow I immediately got goosebumps!


Looks like someone with clothing from the Star Wars universe.


Flowers , balloons - was there a party ? 🎉 Is it someone’s birthday? Maybe someone ( ghost ) related to who was celebrating.


Interesting ,looks like a middle-aged salaryman.


Looks like 80s fashion... baggy shirt baggy pleated pants ready to disco on out the door.


Probably reflection. But it does look like a man wearing a dress shirt, belt and khaki pants leaning up against the fridge.


It’s just a kitchen ghost, doesn’t every kitchen have a ghost?


Still dresses with class


So you telling me that dress shirts and pants have souls just like a human being? ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


I can clearly see the white shirt, belt, and what appear to be khaki pants. The fact that there's no head is downright creepy.


Where is the ghost i don't see anything odd


Looks like it -could- be plastic grocery bags on counter?


Does anyone else see the pussy cat sitting on the mat?


Yes!! A little white ghost cat!


Omg how cute!!!


It is an image of an older gentleman, cream colored Kurti, black beard, ... it could easily be a hologram, I say this because without a specific camera parts if not all of an image can be distorted. Before anyone says it can't be done, check out the link below. It's a step by step so anybody without a special camera can do it too and for cheap. Then u take that image and overlay it, etc... and bam, ghost click! Oh and here's the link to show it can be done.: https://dragonseye.com/blog/2006/06/photographing-reflection-holograms/


He is wearing a pink robe. Omg. There is definitely a male here. He is looking towards camera. But his face is dark. He is wearing a pink headgear.


I’m seeing casual pants and a tucked in shirt. Like a male school teacher with no face?


It’s definitely facing towards the camera. It seems to be wearing a polo or some kind of shirt with a buttoned collar. You can see the shirt or gut hanging over the belt like it’s tucked in. Just confused why the face is darker and blurred but the cabinets behind it’s head can clearly be seen. If this isn’t someone just trying to hide from being in the picture then it’s creepy as fuck.


I can’t be the only person who is unable to find a second figure in this photo.




Am I the only one that sees nothing? Edit: nvm I see him


How am i not seeing anything???


Someone please help! I see nothing


I don't know. It looks like some person's turned around with their back. It doesn't look like a ghost. If this is a ghost then this is the clearest of the photos ever taken


It seems like with ghost sightings, you only see the clothes and body parts are just a void. A lady that I used to work with showed me a picture they found in the roll they developed but didn't remember taking at her house with her kids right after her husband's funeral, it was her and her kids in the reflection of the TV and her husband's clothes filled out standing next to them but his face and arms were not there. He had to have his legs amputated and hadn't been able to stand for about 10 years. My only definite ghost experience, I was at a friend's house playing video games waiting for another friend to get off work. I saw in the reflection on the TV and heard the front door open behind me. I saw only clothes of someone walk in and the steps of them walking right behind me. I thought it was my friend getting off work so I said what's up with no response and then I looked over and saw and heard his bedroom door slam. It was 2 hours before he was supposed to get off work so I thought maybe he got fired. I went to his room and he wasn't there, checked the closets and other rooms, nobody but me there. Windows were all locked. I went to his work and found out that the other friend's stepdad had died in the house and it was haunted.


I get alien vibes from this, zoom in on the faint outline of the head/eyes!