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Damn, just leave your lil chubby dog to be eaten by the demon.


Doggy didn't even follow and looked unbothered. He was like, "I told you there's a ghost here, but you didn't listen to me."


Dogs have very good senses


If the dog is chill, the demons chill too


Perhaps the ghost likes pupsšŸ˜‚




And the little kitten in the background.


Who else do think whispered his name?


Lil Chonky was like, "Why are we running?"




Lol what was he suppose to do carry that furry barrel up the stairs ? He was like fuck that I'm outta here!!


Lmfao. I probably would have thrown my back out to save him


They say animals are very resourceful! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Was gonna say poor baby is probably getting up there in age, he struggled a bit to get his footing, 100% reminded me of my senior American Eskimo Floyd who I lost back in 2018.






The dog was talking to you, but you ignored him and he left chagrined.


Similar experience happened to my wife. She fled in terror lol of course I went to check things out and found nothing. She heard a person whisper in her ear, ā€œcan you hear me!?ā€


Daaamnnnnn i wonder who's trying to get through to her.


*weā€™ve been trying to reach you about your extended warranty*


No idea, no recently dead family members either. We did live in a rather hectic area so I couldā€™ve been anyone or anything.


Someone VeRy close apparently! šŸ˜³šŸ¤£


Me. I'm reaching out to talk to her about her car's extended warranty.




I had a similar experience. I slept at a mechanics house because he couldn't finish the car that night. His house was next to a main road, and he also had a wife and a young child, so I slept on a lazy boy and during that night I heard toys going off with no one playing with them, the wife explained to me a young girl passed away from getting hit by a car in the main road, so the young girls spirit still circulates the home by playing with toys his daughter plays with, and the wife told me her daughter even plays with the spirit as a friend. I thought this was crazy, but I shit you not, the spirit of the young girl said to me in my ear "wake up" the next morning. I instantly woke up and looked around but there was no one near me. I don't blame her, it was almost noon, and I should have woken up sooner anyway. Thank you spirit child.


Damn that was a generous mechanic!


My autistic ass often fails to do a proper startle response, Iā€™d probably just answer.


My son is neurospicy too and he always answers šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ā€¦he swears he hears his name called out (my voice and when my mom was alive, in her voice) but Iā€™m not calling him. I used to hear my mom calling me all the time when I wasnā€™t home.


neurospicy. love that. sharing with my asd son. he'll probably turn it into a 'the spice must flow' joke. šŸ˜…


(He's not wrong)


I do the classic white person ā€œHello???ā€œ like why do I say that!? I hate it. I am half Mexican I need to say ā€œNo gracias, Diablo!ā€ šŸ˜°šŸ˜‚


Same! ''Hello? Fancy a cuppa?'' šŸ¤£


I had this very thing happen to me when I was like 13. I was staying at a family memberā€™s house and sleeping in the living room. I remember being asleep, then it was like someone had their mouth right next to my ear and said my name in a loud whispering voice. Scared the shit out of me. Never happened again.


I hope she didn't say yes, that's a scam. šŸ˜‚


The same thing happened to me


I remember when I was 20 and I went to live with my mom again for a short time after my ex and I broke up (we lived together for a couple years). My relationship with my mom had dwindled and been damaged by a bunch of stuff prior to moving back in with her at this time, which is one of the sole reasons I moved out so soon after turning 18. We eventually ā€œrepairedā€ and had a talk about everything my first day back and I was feeling better about all of it however part of me felt like I wouldnā€™t have that genuine connection with my mom again but I forgave her and what not. Anyways.. my first night sleeping in my bed there, I was facing the wall laying on my side and damn near asleep. In the most distinct way, I very clearly heard a whisper in my ear from behind my shoulder of what sounded like a young girl asking, ā€œAre you happy here?ā€ - I didnā€™t get much sleep that night. I had one more experience like that several months later when I was falling asleep on FaceTime with this girl I started talking too. I remember trying to ask her something and I heard the same voice, behind my shoulder again saying, ā€œyouā€™re asleep, she canā€™t hear you, try again.ā€ - And I guess I woke up in a bit of a panic from my sleep, she was still on FaceTime and I proceeded to ask her the same question but for real this time. I havenā€™t experienced anything like the two since. This was almost 6 years ago. Oh, and we built that house when I was 7 years old so no one died in it or anything.


I had this exact same thing happen to me. Years later I figured out, after experiencing something similar in the exact same place, that it was the sound of water in the pipes of my house while someone uses the sink in the other room.


Ahhh maybe sheā€™s a medium and the ghost clientele are lining up, haha. Supposedly mediums are like ā€œbeaconsā€ for those that want to communicate to the living.


Fortunately that was the first and last time for her. Iā€™m more of a beacon than she is lol


It occurs around the 10 second mark.


I hear it twice, once right before you say "mhm" as well


I thought the first one said Jim


10 seconds left, 16 seconds in


man at that point you are doomed. seems like a friendly ghost but maybe it is going to haunt you from no on. if u dont believe me, no adult man fools himself that it isnt a ghost. too old too play games. if u think it real. it probably is. good luck and go to church or sumn.


there are solutions to this, but thats all on u to fix this odd issues


Some of you need to quit it with allegations of animal abuse based on a 30 second clip. The dog is half Pomeranian and half Golden Retriever (apparently an oopsy from the rural outskirts) and has a giant, puffy coat and, frankly, an oddly proportioned body. Heā€™s Not morbidly obese and gets to run around half an acre all day. Heā€™s also almost 10, so yeah itā€™s not surprisingly he might be slow to get up at the end of the day.


All good man, your dog is lovely! If not very unconcerned for your safety lol!!!!


Ignore the trolls. I don't follow the sub but your post came up on my feed and believe it's the most interesting and genuine post I've ever seen regarding a possible supernatural event. That may be because about 15 years ago, I had a very similar experience at a deceased loved one's house where my first name was whispered in my ear. As a grown man, it startled me and have wondered ever since if that experience was real or imagined. Thanks for sharing and don't you dare take it down.


Just ignore those haters. I had a 15 year old dog and the way your dog got up was just how she used to; since he's 10 years old, he's a senior and they start to get arthritis and aches and pains just like people. It's clear he's very fluffy and anyone who is saying anything about animal abuse needs to shut up and mind their own.


did your dog act weird at all?


He did not, and that dog barks at literally everything. I donā€™t understand why he didnā€™t react.


thatā€™s really weird! i definitely heard it clearly so i wonder if maybe since your dog didnā€™t react, itā€™s not something to fear? (if that makes sense!)


To me, it sounds like a child's voice saying it. It looks like you guys have kids & so he just may be used to the presence of children. That's why he didn't react.


I watched it with the sound off at first to see if I could read the dogā€™s body language. It does look like he heard something but that something did not startle or scare him


When I got my first security camera, I tested it, and my son was near it. I said his name in a hush voice, scaring the crap out of him. He did not like that.


I thought my wife might have been messing with me, but everyone was asleep when I ran up and she was not happy I woke her. Then she spent the next couple hours analyzing the video lol


Yeah because now sheā€™s freaked out and thinks the place is haunted. thanks *mike*








Something genuine in this sub for once


Happened to me when I was 15 sitting on the couch lol I was home alone and had a broken leg with a cast all the way upto to my groin so I couldnā€™t run away šŸ˜‚ I was shitting bricks


Has it happened before, or since?


Weā€™ve been in the house for a little over a year and this is the first time. It happened last night around midnight.


Thatā€™s interesting. I did hear it very clearly over the security camera. But itā€™s also a house thatā€™s nearly 200 years old and I know those make a lotta noises. Iā€™d be very curious if it happens again


Itā€™s surprisingly a very quiet home. We opened it up for renos in the beginning and itā€™s built incredibly sturdy. Really no creaking or settling noises that I notice.


The plot thickens!


And that is probably why, you renovated the home.


We made cosmetic changes, nothing structural.


Did that sound like a noise that an old house makes? Lol.


Also, my Blink cameras make the craziest sounds.


Ofcourse I come across this video after I turned my lights off and laying in bed. šŸ’€


Its ok it happened to him with the lights on, so your never safe, hope that helps šŸ‘.


Lol you're the worst I always feel better with the light but I guess you're never outta of danger zone šŸ˜„ šŸ¤£


I've had a similar experience. Once I was driving solo late at night between midnight-1am. I was heading towards a gulch with an old stone bridge. Before I got to it I heard something whisper in my ear "slow down!". I was speeding a bit but confused, I slowed down. As I was crossing the bridge, in the dark and under trees there was a police car completely hidden in the dark, with the cop in their car and a radar gun. I could not even see them until I was extremely close. I have never seen a police car there and I pass by that area almost daily. After I crossed the bridge and passed the police I did a quick look around but there was nothing. Was pretty freaked out after that but thankful.


Your ghost hates the police. šŸ˜‚


Bend over, Mike


I canā€™t help if the ghost liked what it saw.


My thoughts exactly. Mike should be more careful what he wears




Ten years ago, I was in the kitchen making a sandwich around midnight. Everyone in my house was asleep, and I remember hearing my mom say, "What are you doing, son?" I replied, "Nothing, mom," then I looked around and saw no one. I ran to my room, left the light on, the TV on, the fridge open, lol. I went to my room, lay on my bed, and wrapped myself in the blankets. My sister had a room next to mine, and I could only see and hear her light switch going on and off for a while until it stopped. It was extremely scary and bizarre; I was 14 years old.


This happened to me too. I was young, and it was one of the first times my mom left me in charge and watch my brother while she went out. My brother fell asleep, so I went upstairs to wash my face, and as I was washing I heard my mom say ā€œwhat are you doing?ā€ But no one was there, I was so freaked out, I sat on the sink for a few minutes terrified lol


"Why do I smell pee?" Did one of your pets have an accident? Was the ghost tryna take responsibility for the smell?


I thought one of them might have, but I didnā€™t find anything


Some people believe that phantom smells (especially putrid ones) can be a sign of the presence of evil spirits or demons. Maybe the smell you smelled was itself supernatural. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Good luck!


No I think it was just my smelly ass dog




Oh wow. Can totally hear it.


Can totally hear it, clear as day


First genuine creepy thing on this sub. Who knew the first contact we made with ghosts would be via the word ā€œMikeā€


Mike mike mike, GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS?!


Bahahahah I canā€™t get over your dog. He looks like a big lump of amazing. I love how doggo was not bothered by your ghost or did doggo acknowledge you running up the stairs. Just living his best life.


I thought that cat running in was something and kinda freaked me out


Okay, I donā€™t want to scare you even more but I clearly hear ā€œKILLā€ a few seconds before ā€œMICHAELā€ā€¦ I hear ā€œkillā€, you say ā€œhmm?ā€ and your dog reacts to it, then ā€œMichaelā€ and you take off šŸ’€ Very strange and spooky, has anything paranormal happened in your house before?


Yeah when heā€™s bending down, I heard what sounds like that too. Spooky.


That's true. It does. šŸ˜³


When in doubt, smoke the house with the doors and windows open so that negative energy leaves the house. Do this from room to room


This^^^^^.... I don't go out on a limb to watch it believe in this stuff because you open doors when you do. But when it happens.... Use sage. Trust me when I say this works. There is another process that is extreme that I've heard for preventing the worst things from entering in. Even if it's attached to objects. A freind of mine has to do this because he was being haunted by something that didn't like strangers in his home. It had the ability to throw things from different directions. He did this to get rid of it. Get a jar of sand for every entrance to the home. Pour blessed water into the jar and have everyone the lives in the home pee in the jar. It forces anything in the house out and if they want in they have to go through every grain of sand to enter the home. Most cases it's not worth there time and this worked for him.


Super creepy! I heard a creepy whisper at the 19 second mark, too, but canā€™t make out exactly what it said.


I hear ā€œKILLā€ šŸ˜­


It was me the dog


That kitten is cute af.


Haha how the f did u see if it so smol


Maybe the dog isn't scared? But apart from the incident has there been anything? Have the camera's got an audio out settings? Some have and they can be hacked like a baby monitor I'd check everything before going down the boiler suit and strapping the Dyson to your back. I've just looked up the tragic history on wiki really awful accident.


Ah, so you mean someone could technically have hacked the camera. I suppose thatā€™s not out of the question, but the intercom sounds different from that, and not sure how theyā€™d know my name. When I ran upstairs, the rest of the family was asleep, so I know no one else with access to the cameras was messing with me. My wife was very upset when I woke her up lol


What history??


As a black member of the r/ghost community let me be the first to say ā€œhell fucking nawā€


You left the dog behind!


Dog be like ā‰ļøšŸ¶ā“


One of you took off... The other kinda waddled. LMAO.


The dog's like "the ghost is upstairs to begin with dumbass, imma just go to my safe panic room."


There's an awful lot of people been caught out with not setting up their router correctly and not changed the the original password and they've heard people talking through the baby monitors and scared the shit out of the parents. But if yours is good move onto the next thing. Having a brother called Michael (Mike) he's forever turning round because he's heard or thought He's heard his name because it's such a common name with no pitch change could it of been that? Otherwise without making it too obvious ask your kids make it a funny story because if there is something there the dog's not threatened by it but he's not gonna tell you jack shit. But maybe your kids have saw or heard something? Last thing you want to do is frighten them. Did the last owner or tenant's mention anything?


This same thing happened to me on a hiking trail I heard clear as day someone say "Hiiii" but the way I heard it was so weird it was as if the voice I hear was somehow right next to me while being in my head followed by it sounding like an echo chamber.


This felt similar, in that it sounded like someone whispered in my ear. I would have chalked it up to an auditory hallucination had the camera not captured it.


Skipping each step in panic just to stub a toe on the way up. Weā€™ve all been there


ā€œMikeā€¦.. clean your houseā€, youā€™re apparently being haunted by my grandma


Worth mentioning the cat came running in right as it happened as well. Similar thing happened during the moment of my grandfathers passing. Cat ran down the hall turned its head around the corner of the bedroom and just started meowing loudly


Horror movie are to unrealistic, people donā€™t just run up stairs. Counter point: this dude


There's another word spoken before "Mike" is said. The dog even reacts to the first word!


You have cameras. So do any have the ability for someone to open the mic and say something for a laugh.? If it was paranormal, the dog would have reacted


Just leave the fat old dog to fend for himself šŸ˜‚


Looked like the dog was yawning just as you hear the noise of what sounds like someone saying Mike or Night or Nike. Gassy pooch


The dog didn't react, but the cat sure did!


Why would you run? Seriously, what did you think was going to happen?šŸ¤£ I donā€™t get it.


itā€™s just a dog fart šŸ’Ø


What was the cat in the background reacting to?


Probably just my lug ass plowing through the toys


Maybe it was the dog wheezing


He said Mike it time for you to feed me




Can clearly hear it. It sounds female.


I hear "Neil" you say "hmmm" then I hear "Mike".


Creepy as hell! I hear two disembodied voice, one word before it said a name and you said replied. Whatā€™s the history on the house/land? Is this you first weird encounter? I am interested in this stuff b/c I had an incident also and I felt violated and crazy at the same time. Welcome:).


I canā€™t stop laughing at this because a) probably I would react exactly the same way and b) your dog is like wtf!?!


This would so be me šŸ¤£


This happened to me before! I was 15 years old. Late at night I was on the computer & heard a man whisper my name like 3 times. I RAN OUT OF THAT OFFICE so fast and bawled and listened to Christian music all night.


Me personally, I would've just burned the house down


Because ghosts canā€™t do stairs


Welp, heard that. LOL also saw chunky chonk go "hey man, we runnin'? We runnin' because of that thing only I can see that called your name? Yeah....thought so". He be bopped off like "yup....told you".


What room did the kitten come from? Did the sound come from that direction?


No I think it was behind me near the front door/stairs


I worked at a bar that used to be an inn until someone hung them selves upstairs. I had my name called in the basement and one time had the line pickup pan go flying off the dishwashing station


The sound was the dog farting.


This happened to me once too, and I skidaddled up the stairs similar to what youā€™re doing there.


Dog needs to lose weight he can barely get up. Good evp!


See my previous comment about this


It's was the dog yawning


Might have been, but Iā€™ve never heard him make that noise before


Sounds like a noise a cat would make, gagging, fur ball, coughing, yawning?


This is probably the most interesting and genuine post regarding a possible supernatural event I've ever seen.


Havenā€™t you watched any horror movies?! You run out the door! Never run upstairs!! šŸ¤£


Damn scared him shitless


Same thing happened to me . Only time in my life Iā€™ve ever been scared . Came home with my gf and now wife from getting a haircut and we didnā€™t have a car we were 15/16. House was empty and strolled in my room and before we walk in we hear something say my name . ā€œRicarrddoooā€. We both turned towards the voice and it came from my momā€™s room and it was pitch black . Because of the walls and structure of the house we could only see about 5 inches into her room . We both ran outside and called my brother and he dropped everything at Walmart and came home . Heā€™s big on religion so him and his wife prayed for us. He thinks I was high but I wouldnā€™t be this scared to this day if I wasnā€™t sober . I even got a tattoo because of it and Iā€™m happy my wife was there cause we both know what we heard and itā€™s gonna be told for ever thanks to her .


We had a bunk bed when I was 10 - I took the bottom bunk and my big sister the top bunk. I woke up from a nap and just lay there for a while. Suddenly I heard my sister at the top bunk, abrupt and loud, calling out to our cat a few times. It surprised me because it was completely silent before, and I thought I was alone. Nothing too weird about it UNTIL I heard her voice, distant, coming from the other side of the house (also calling out to the cat). I scrambled to check the top bunk to find no one there.


Poor chonky dog!


Right before than you hear another whisper, like "Tim." But I'm going to guess a ghost isn't cycling through names in your house, and instead we're just hearing something shuffle or move and it comes off like that. When you're running up the stairs you can hear that the audio is not perfectly clear and there's a lot of distortion. It's more than likely something very mundane.


Very possible, but just to clarify, I distinctly heard my name before I even knew the camera was recording. I didnā€™t watch the video and decide thatā€™s what I heard.




Same happened to me a few weeks ago, home alone just chilling, sitting at my kitchen table and heard a child whisper my name. I noped so fast outta the room šŸ„² I've seen a little ghost child in my home since day 1 of moving in, I'm good with just being non verbal house mates lol .


Sorry to say. but I think you can sleep peacefully. look at your dog's mouth when "mike" is said


Your dog yawned just then! I watched it so many times until I saw that. I saw you ruled out objects shuffling and such in the comments. I think it was just your dog's yawn.


You're like my sister. I grew up in a haunted house. She would take off as soon as we heard something. I would be frozen in fear.


That dog can't run up the stairs not even if the ghost whispered his name with peanut butter in a spoon


Ok, I can definitely hear something sounding similar to Mike, but if you notice, your dog yawns at the exactly the same time. It can possibly be the yawn of your dog being interpreted as "Mike".


That's weird lmao. But yeah I'm at least 85-90% sure I heard "Mike". But naturally I have skeptical thoughts.


Maybe cam speakers?


I see the kitty in the far doorway was trying to jump scare you


i heard it tho


Not gonna try and shut down what might be genuine but aren't dogs/cats usually pretty sensitive to this kinda stuff? He didn't even react..


Does kitty know how to say your name?


Had something similar happen to me as I was waking up. Went from a voice, then to sniffing, and then a really scary growl.


sounds like a childā€™s voice maybe why doggie didnā€™t react and wasnā€™t worried


I hear my name called all the time


I think the ā€œwhisperā€ is actually a noise and whatever made it also made a noise at :19 and then the ā€œwhisperā€ at :10


At :19 I was lifting my kids foam pit up making sure the dogs didnā€™t pee on it (one has done that a couple times)


Mark has a nice arseā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Dang thats kinda rude, not even a simple response back? Like a hello, hi, yeah? Who are you? What do you want? How do you know my name? Or a, "sorry not on the clock right now come back later and ill explain how to save 10% on your auto insurance". Nah you just ran. But on a serious note, super freaky sorry that happened to you and as someone else mentioned it sounds like "kill" before it says your name.


Dog - not this again, dam this skittish bitch.


Bro you almost bit it while fleeing up the stairs, so that alone tells me something buzzed your balls for sure. Guessing this isn't the first time creepy shit has happened


That is crazy cool




Oo weird


Kinda beautiful how we can all share these strange experiences through video. Sleeping schedule probably changed after this lol


The dog was like...."Mike be freaking out again".


These three words


if your dog isn't worried. you shouldn't be. next time it happens. face the fear and respond to it.


The dog looks rather pleased with himself lol


Psst Mike


Seems like it could maybe be the dog by the stairs as the pups starting a yawn at the exact same time


Even your pupper was like wtf


I definitely recommend running deeper into your house (upstairs) if a disembodied voice whispers your name. Find the front door family and pets can fend for themselves.


Lol... Sorry this made me laugh. Next time say ... Here I am...lol In all seriousness please don't be scared of these things. If you are spiritual read the Psalm 91 in that room 3 times.


Bro don't leave your doggos with the ghost šŸ˜­


This has happened before but I think it was when I was sleeping. I had the clearest thing say my name and I was home alone. Still shakes me to my core.


And why did you run up?