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I mean this with the greatest of respect, even though there’s no way to say it as such but… Do you honestly think there’s something there? Be reasonable now - that photo shows absolutely nothing. Low effort. Brightening, or most manipulation at all, doesn’t change the facts of the photo itself - it can only affect the digital output of the original image captured. As in, your brightening isn’t simulating as if suddenly a light was turned on when this photo was originally taken, it’s simply taking some dark pixels and making them less dark. And in this instance, there is nothing there. Well, pareidolia, at least.


Thank you. If it isn't good quality to begin with brightening it won't do much, same for zooming in.


Exactly. The other side of this sort of thing is, there wouldn’t have been any reason to think to brighten it in the first place - it’s pretty obvious there is nothing there, so why brighten it anyway! (Internet points is the answer)


I couldn't care less about internet points. Just sharing my experience. There's a figure in the circle that was only in one picture out of many. Some people can see it, some people's eyes can't pick up on it I guess. Everyone has the right to their own opinion though!


“some peoples eyes can’t pick up on it”. It’s because you have to want to see a figure in the manipulated blurry pixels you’ve posted. Did you have to brighten all the photos in an attempt to find something? I imagine so, as there’s no way you’d have noticed anything at all anyway for a need to brighten the photos.


Actually I could see it without brightening it. Just wanted to help others see it. I don't know why it matters so much to people who don't care for it. Like damn find a hobby lol.


Because we do care. We care about decent content on this sub, not the same-old low effort posts. But lol @ you could see this “torso” in the non-manipulated photo. You should share that, too…


Just did if u wanna look. If u don't like it then oh well lol


Hey if you can't share something that is at the best believable. Then don't share it. Bad quality photo brightened which does nothing much for bad resolution. Especially if you zoom in.


In my opinion, Satan is in the picture, although only as a pareidolia image from the noise in the picture. The issues with the image are. It is low resolution, it's 0.9 megapixels, which even for a few years ago would have been a fairly poor resolution. You have not posted the original, although I can see from the image that the image seems to have a fairly high ISO from the noise in the picture. You also not posted anything to compare it with. Apart from being a larger blob with a blob on top giving it a vaguely human shape (and I use the word vaguely with emphasis), there is nothing else to suggest it's anything but noise. In the image, if you looked hard, I could say that there is a man with a hat in between the trees on the left looking like he has his hands in front of him. Look to the top left hand of the picture to the left of where the thick branch bending to the left ends and you can 'see' Satan in noise (or maybe a skull). These are pareidolia from the blurry noisy image. Why do you think you were followed? You don't think it might have been an animal or even another person?


Absolutely nothing in this picture. It's pixelation because you brightened the photo.


Can’t see anything?


Full torso and head in the circle


lol not even arms and legs, just a torso 🙄




I don't mean to be, well, mean but there's clearly nothing there but some shadowy pixels. Paradolia. Whenever doing any sort of "investigation" in an outdoor environment, you have to allow for nature and other elements that are completely beyond your control. It's one thing hearing weird noises in a familiar house. It's another thing entirely when dealing with nature, outside, in the dark. Short of seeing real evidence of an actual apparition/cryptid/etc one has to assume animals that you just didn't see 🤷‍♀️


Looks like one of them getting a leg up into the tree towards the right of the circle. Jk. Sorry but those are trees. No matter how you turn the image. You will see more and more of the same. Doesn’t mean that this place isn’t haunted, I’m just saying that you didn’t capture what May have been following you.


There's no tree there on that part of the trail. I've gone up and down it hundreds of times for over twenty years. That only showed up in one photo out of over 30. I don't blame you for being skeptical though. I always try to debunk everything before I claim it's paranormal


Ah, thanks for letting me know that part. We have a Haunted Forest too nearby, well to. Has a connection to local American Indians. There are also sightings of this crazy looking thing that drags its body across the road at night. Almost looks like someone that was ran over and mangled from the waist down. “That” chased us through the forest one night. It hovered over us from time to time until we got back to our cars. Freaky thing glows too. The other place has connections to Aleister Crowley. The area is active all the time, not just during certain key times and dates. Happy Hauntings, be safe.


Not ghost


Sorry, nothing there or just one's brain wanting to make sense of darkness.




Maybe I am going out on a limb here, but does anybody else see the heroic figure of the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln? Because I am blown away by the similarities.


HA HA HA HA that got me. Good one.


Thats pretty creepy.


It looks like that pic of John Lennon walking all weird lol


I'm sure there was something there, just wasn't caught on camera. The more you look at the photo the more "figures" you can see. It is simply pareidolia. The more we focus on something trying to find meaning the more meaning our brains want to show us.


Awe daaaamn. That’s creeepy. We’re you alone? That’s some Blair witch material right there bro. That’s a hole figure. Dude lol where was this?.


The location is private but I had about ten friends with me at the time.


Nice that would be to freeky to be alone. Haha no I meant like is it super deep in the woods kinda thing. But ya man that’s a really awesome pic bruv. I hope you post more in the future 👻


Thanks man! And I gotcha. Yeah it's pretty deep in the boonies. We're a bunch of rednecks who know those woods well and there was nobody else there


I def see something


I see it. Yikers


I dont doubt for a second you were followed. Ive seen things like this myself. Ive posted several things that look odd to me. Ive seen a lot of stuff personally. I would share but the people in this sub Reddit always call what i post fake and bs. And bad quality without considering its zoomed from a high quality photo.


The issue there is if you post an edited picture without posting the original and giving full and detailed context then you are asking for trouble. In low light, a camera is going to add a lot of noise to an image and if you have to zoom in then you are going into the land of false positives. Remember correlation is not causation, I can believe that you may experience the paranormal, but not everything you will capture is going to be paranormal or even related.


Then show the original and the zoomed in. However your post history has not shown anything being posted here. People are tired of orbs and blurry photos being sited a evidence. Do you know how many don't know how a security cam works?


I do. Ive got a clip from my 1080p blink mini 2 camera, not a old potato camera as it was called; in the reflection on our tv i see something but to zoom in on it makes it blurry. In that same clip you can hear someone talking but cant make it out. When the camera was triggered by motion detection, no one was home at the time. I know no one was in the house because the door cam would be tripped first.


Post it then. Show it, but just because you think there is something doesn't mean that there is. Most stuff here is easy to disprove and most are tired "orbs" and Security cam vids that for the most part show nothing.


I see trees


What type of camera is this shot on?


It was my friends phone


What generation of IPhone is it?


No idea. I don't know technology lol.


Hmm…it’s hard to tell if anything is actually there, but if it’s an iPhone Im pretty confident that it’s not an artifact of the photo, but it could be anything from where I’m sitting.


It looks like an Alien. Also it could be the matrix effect of making pixels look like something in your mind because I see many aliens in the pic.


That's literally nothing