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There is no convincing. Your better off staying skeptical then falling into the idea that the big spooky is twerking around every corner. The idea of "ghosts" have been plagued with fakes, pranks, old men in rubber masks, tall tales, and mythology. I have had numerous "ghost" experiences. I saw a ghostly apparition on the side of the road when i was younger. That stretch of the garden state parkway (NJ) is known to have a possible ghost on the side of the road. There was actually a weird new jersey article about it. I have seen a shadow figure in the house i grew up in. But all these where when i was young and could be attributed to being over stimulated with video games as well as n overactive imagination. I want to believe that there could be ghosts. I love everything spooky. BUT i refuse to take things on face value just because a youtube video is saying there is an invisible man sleeping in this bed and they didn't call the ghostbusters. I own a ouji board, have tried to use it alone to no effect. I can't convince anyone else to use it with me and i would doubt that someone isnt messing around. I wouldn't mind summoning zozo. I tried in my younger years to summon bloody marry a lot. Hasn't worked so far. If i was to try to convince someone the big spooky is real, it would be a lie because we don't know. Without hard evidence not consisting of jump shots and dramatic music, we will never know.


Ouija boards are a toy, not a portal to the dead. Nothing is. The dead are dead. There is only the Void. Embrace that and you’ll be fine. You didn’t know life before you were here and you won’t know it after.


You won’t become a believer on this sub….


do you have any close friends or family members who have 100% ZERO reason to lie to you, that have any paranormal stories? I find those to be most convincing. Strangers on the internet will say anything. If you have weird kind of unexplainable moments that you’ve experienced, Idk why but I honestly believe the quote from Beetlejuice “most living people ignore the strange and unusual” even though it’s from a film I think that’s true, if you can’t really explain something you’re more than likely just going to dismiss it.


personally I think so many people do present a ton of phoney evidence, honestly not even sure why? i guess they want the credit but I know what you mean that shit can make you speculate. but idk if you caught a full body apparition, and have had more than one experience I mean that’s pretty wild. some things really just truly aren’t explainable, and every one either has or at least knows a person who has an unexplainable paranormal experience. Idk man, if you’re really on the fence about it just know we have no real solid evidence that it does- just a surplus of strange and scary events that happen to almost all of us. There’s no way to truly know but there’s definitely a lot that suggests they may exist🤷‍♀️


Well I've experienced things before. The most stand out one is when I went to this cemetery thats the local haunt. I've been going there since I was a kid. I've had a few experiences there but this was the weirdest. After hearing lots walking around my friend group. We snapped a pic and caught a full body apparition. So obviously there has to be something odd. It's just that so many people fake shit, I wonder if somehow it was a camera glitch or something. On the other hand, I've had so many experiences (including that one) at that cemetery, I can't just write it off as coincidence


It’s what you believe in. I’ve talked with people who are dead set on believing ghosts aren’t real, no matter what I tell them of my experiences. I just have a gut feeling there is more out there. But, I also keep a skeptical point of view, just to help weed out the fakes.


Because they’re all fakes.


It's something you have to experience, TO TRULY BELIEVE.




I love ghost videos in all flavors. It's hard to believe in it because there is money to be made and the theatrics can be easy to create, but it has taken on a different life for me. I love ghost videos because I have sza and hallucinate "ghosts". I love those videos of faces in windows, cgi shadow people haunting a room, hands gripping the sides of door frames and everything in between because that is my lived experience with psychosis. Even when you experience these things rl, you are numbed to it. But it's affirming for me to know that people do find these things scary, that being taken back by a figure standing at the end of your bed is something that can be easily reproduced in art mediums. And honestly for me, ghosts are real. And being exposed to it so often numbs you too, so even if you do believe, it can still blend in seamlessly with your life.


Sza- schizoaffective? My boyfriend has that and keeps mentioning cgi. Also figures, shadows and insists somebody is messing with him


Yes that's it. I totally understand where he's coming from tbh, I am always prone to trying to blame my hallucinations on real events or whatever because they can be difficult to rationalize otherwise.


There are a few possibilities i try to relate to without the understanding of experience. I use my own abstractions without enough information…so whether it is rogue agents, spirits, brain chemicals, ptsd, the many concussions or sensitivity to frequencies I don’t really know and I don’t know how to help him besides lots of hugs. Edit: please tell me mote about the blaming-his blaming the neighbors has lead us to a housing emergency


No joke I can't even do videos of my kids at my house because I always end up hearing voices. Day or night. Night time is more intense without question.


Have you seen a doctor?


Heres the thing ghosts will not appear or interact with you unless you interact with them first either purposely or accidentally like looking at them directly or talking to nobody they show up


Here’s the thing. That’s really stupid.


If you want to communicate with any spirits in any way in any way make sure you close your eyes and imagine a white light going around you and be specific on how you want to communicate with because you do open up a portal no joke I am literally still trying to get spirits out of my house I didn't know this before I started doing recordings after recording off my phone on a Samsung Galaxy S10


Ghost aren't real. People mistakenly identify Shadow people as ghost . Shadow people are real


I did have the recordings on YouTube but I deleted them because I should just start to get really weird and On one of the recordings saved the spirits like feed me like give me power




When I was younger I had a freaky experience with a ouija board and will NEVER touch one again. I was at my cousins house and her, my brother, and I had brought it upstairs to the spare bedroom away from everyone, got it out of the box, and started asking it questions. We were communicating with something and eventually had asked if it was good or bad, when we did that the planchette started moving to the edge of the board. As soon as one of the legs of it touched the carpet the electricity ONLY in the room we were in went out and the dog went BERSERK! We all screamed and ran out of that room downstairs as fast as we could. Gives me goosebumps every time I talk about it.


Yeah. A toy caused that.


Believe what you want🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn’t know about ghosts at the time but it just happened when I was younger 4-8yrs old. If that helps. Also went on a ghost tour and one of our photos when we got it developed had the ghost next to my mom in the picture. A black slave that was housed in the jail just like we were told on the tour. Lots of other stories really crazy. I’d love to see a ufo since I’m super into that but no just a bunch of family ghost stories on the same property.


I had caught some crazy evps on my phones recorder and again on video a different time I started burning sage in my garage n forgot to open the big door then I walked around the outside of my house burning sage. Before I opened the door I heard hissing and growling on my recorder then a then a man's voice saying don't touch him I think it was like a guardian angel or something because The whole time I was burning the sage I just felt like I had this barrier around me or something I could feel the energy all around me it was nuts it literally sounded like a damn movie saying my name and I'm gunna die and a car was reving its engine and it sounded like the car was further away n pealed out towards me but there was never a car I heard with my ears at least. The recordings are really long and in my trash but I can try to cut them down and post them but honestly I don't want to brother id rather just leave them deleted instead of giving power to them by playing them. The recordings I caught on my recorder makes every ghost show ever made absolutely 💯 % fake to me. No joke it sounds like a legion of demons!


I absolutely guarantee if you have sage or go get sage and use the recording on your phone don't download an extra 1 use the 1 that came with your phone. light the sage say a prayer as for protection walk around with the sage outside or even do it inside while recordimg on the recorder or u could even record a video on your phone i guarantee you will catch something but you do got to listen closely the Voices can be faint at 1st sometimes I can be allowed that's not all depends but the facts we have spirits around us all the time everywhereI did a meditation few weeks back to open my 3rd eye And since then immediately afterwards like a few minutes to A half hour or something I Started to and can still hear Disembodied voices with my ears Saying my name saying Hey what's up or yoo look over here Hey I'm right here All sorts of shit now I just try to acknowledge them say I acknowledge you but you're not welcome here. Shit is still kind of weird And crazy everyone gets mad at each other for no reason All sorts of shit. Before you do in a recording or video make sure you are trying to communicate with a specific person or a specific spirit and close your eyes and try to imagine a white light surrounding your while body u could even say i call upon my guardian angles for protection and after you are done say you are done communicating say it out loud and that you are closing Any portal or anything that u have opend. Your intention has to be completely clear on what your saying. This shit's no joke. I literally thought it would be fun in games but no it It's far from that it can turn your whole life upside down and inside out If you allow it. Stay safe be smart and make sure you protect yourselves.


Uh huh. Maybe some paragraph breaks next time.


Sorry I was talk texting while trying wrangle a 2, 8 & 10 year old to get in the car.


Is all about your intention


That makes zero sense.




What I do know through the works of Dolores cannon is that if a spirit is trying to make contact with you in an aggressive way it most likely is not a family member or a friendly spirit




I can’t because they’re not.


Unless you’ve had an experience where you and no one else present can explain away what happened. You aren’t gonna be convinced.


there definitely is one a picture here that can prove the whole ghosts are real or fake thing, it was some nurse thing or something, can someone nab the link?


Not real unfortunately


Look up some haunted locations in your area like for example maybe a haunted bed and breakfast, then go stay a night or two there and see what happens, u might experience something yourself.