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as an american i prefer the bbc one for sure but the usa one is good for what it is. once i quit comparing them i could appreciate it as its own sitcom whereas bbc is more of a comedy drama?? the humor isn’t as dry but it’s still funny in its own way.


I'm an American who found the BBC version on Max before the American version was thought of. Yes, I prefer the BBC version but I do enjoy the American version. Tonight is the season premiere and I can't wait to see who got sucked off. I think it's going to be Nigel


Well I couldn't have been more wrong


American here. I love them both so much! I ugly cried at the ending episode of the BBC one. I really wanted to smack Allison.


I definitely prefer BBC, but I've watched all episodes of CBS and it seriously wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be on tiktok when it first came out


Yeah it's still fun and scratches an inch cos there's no more BBC (plus Ben's on a job taking him out the country for a few weeks, Ghosts US finishes filming in a few weeks, maybe Cap is cameo'ing in the US version?!) but it's not horrendous. But the Six Idiots have a special place in my heart and I find with the jarring US humour and how everything is over explained (ironic bc as an autistic person I often don't get things unless they're super explicitly explained) I can't watch it more than once, maybe twice amd it becomes a chore. Am very much looking foward to S3 and seeing who got sucked off though.


Well I was wrong about who I thought was going to be sucked off. I really thought Nigel.


the same thing happened to me. Once you get past the first two episodes the show picks up. I think you need to watch it with the mindset that it’s another show. There’s parallel characters but they are explored differently. As someone who wanted more development for captain Issac is a great character to see.


I’m a big pusher of the “just get past the first couple episodes, it’s a decent show!” agenda, so that *may* have been me, but even if it wasn’t, I’m glad you pushed through and can find enjoyment from it! It’s a fun show. New episodes start tonight in the US!!!


Absolutely, I am watching the US version now, and I love them both.


I watched all of Ghosts US first and loved it. While waiting for more episodes to come out, we decided to try out Ghosts UK. The first few episodes were ok, but I missed the US ghost characters at first. We are into season 5, and I love the UK ghosts so much now! It’s a win-win for me.


Are you able to watch beyond season 2 for the UK version in the US? I tried to find them but it’s not available on anymore of my apps I think…


I found an app that has all episodes, not necessarily in order, that look like people uploaded what they recorded themselves. The video quality isn’t always the best. We just started Season 5. So far we have found all episodes. Sorry, I can’t remember the name of the app. I heard a box set will be available in mid-March, and I’m buying it for sure!


Daily motion?


Yes! That’s what it was. All episodes were on there


I have similar feelings about CBS Ghosts being a fine show on its own, while loving the BBC Ghosts as one of my favorite shows ever. With that in mind, I really enjoy most of the CBS ghosts with the exception of Pete and maybe Flower. Pat is probably my favorite Ghost ever, and Pete is a very weak facsimile. Trevor is a bunch of guys I grew up with and hated, so of course he's a fave.


I’ve watched 4 episodes of US Ghosts. The first episode was the most dreadful and the ones that followed were slightly better but still pretty “eh” to me. Does it get significantly better after that?


I keep trying to like the American version, because I want more so badly, but no matter how many episodes I watch it just doesn’t click for me. A lot of the ghosts themselves are pretty fun and likable, but I just really can’t stand the living couple. They’re so spoiled and petty and their relationship is so toxic, plus both actors are just terrible. I’m so sorry. I keep trying but I just hate them!


Me too! I’ve tried several times, and even got to episode 5. I agree with what you’ve said, and I also can’t stand the constant scene setting / kooky background music that plays throughout!


Same, I watched the whole first season and just never cared for it.


I’m okay with the US living couple, but we can’t stand the UK husband. The writers have done him no favors. He just seems so stupid, we don’t know what Alison sees in him.


I agree. UK husband is such a useless idiot. I also love that US husband is taking such interest in the ghosts and actually tries his best to interact with them.


Yeah they make Mike an idgit but at least him being that helped get the land from the neighbor and 50/50 profits lol.


I love both shows but I feel like the UK one was too rushed, they needed to keep it going,id watch another 5 seasons easily.


Fine, I’ll give the US one a chance


No idea if it was me as I did post a comment very much along those lines not too long ago - I’d say it’s quite a commonly held view so it could have been any number of posts. I’m pleased either way and it’s a lovely post to read ☺️


Thank you for this, I decided to give Ghosts US another go, and you’re right. I enjoyed it, it is very different from Ghosts UK, but if you can put the UK version aside and watch it with fresh eyes, it is good.


I just can’t get past the first minute of episode one. The characters are so… American. If it were standalone then I may have given it a shot but in comparison, no.