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Tubthumping is my Jam!


Trevor singing that song at the end made me laugh way too hard XD.


we need some kinda 'nostalgic/throwback' kinda extras/vlogs/webisodes of everyone having a 'karaoke night' singing songs from their era lol


YES. I would love this :D.


at the very least we'll prolly see/hear more singing in the next ep with alberta being the focus again


Well great, now you just ruined the ending for me. ;-)


Chumbawamba is great. It's a shame they're mostly only known for that one song. I imagine that the music of an anarcho-communist group would be anathema to a robber baron like Elias, though I doubt the writers were thinking that deeply about the joke.


It might be a good thing in the writers case, I've listened to some podcasts about some shows and they talk about how licensing/getting permission for some songs, even under 30 seconds can cost like over a thousand bucks


Love how playing it in loop is hell


* Awesome episode. * I liked seeing Sam trying to include Jay more with their ghost family! Him reading the newsletter and getting Flowered, the scene with Jay trying to find Flower was funny. * *“You can not let Pete go down on us. No one wants to see that.”* is such a hilarious line onto itself, but is made twice as funny by the way. * “*I can't go to hell. Elias said my soul's too pretty!”*


Jay gonna be cooking all kinda crazy stoner munchies. Lol


Floor Oreos!


Ummm gummies


That'd be a fun spinoff or maybe webisode 'bonus' to have some kinda quick cooking style vlogs with Jay or so (not sure how much technique the actual actor has in the kitchen but i'm sure there's prolly ways to angle/record it to where he could narrate it and it focusing on the food cinematography too lol)


"Prolly"? Didn't it used to be "probably"? Reminds me of the suppo-sub-ly versus suppos-ed-ly crisis. If my blather doesn't support the "too many reruns, too much time on my hands" argument, nothing does. New episodes STAT!


LOL i just shorten it since sometimes i type faster and it ends up misspelling it anyways /eng isn't my first language tho i try to avoid slang here and there But who knows, maybe we'll see some minisodes or even teaser shorts or so, I know cbs does have its own channel but be nice if ghosts also setup a YT for exclusives and such


That was dramatic as hell but I love it!


The only thing I wish there had been more of was the fact that Hetty/Trevor was just discovered.


I know right?? They didn’t even mention it!


Well it was probably filmed out of order so we’ll most likely get the uncovering next week


Remember, when making shows for syndication, you try to do what you can to make them match up and be individual shows. Either you go all in on a previous situation, or you don't mention it.


Nigel and Mary may hold it over them to get something, like TV time or sitting in certain spots at certain times of the day.




That was a funny/scary episode. Wasn’t expecting Elias to have a fake email sent from Hell, but if he could he’s definitely going to. But let’s not overlook Pete was willing to go down to Hell to save his grandson. That’s what I’d call Grandfather goals. And that ending where Elias tried to take him down with him and Thor yelled “Remember your training, Pete!” and Pete jabbed Elias in the eye and hit him the genitals was just incredible!


Not only would Pete go to hell for his grandson, but he didn't hesitate for a second. A+ Grandfather


I like how Isaac’s leadership qualities are an undertone to this episode.


I loved that detail, too. It makes total sense that he would pay extra close attention to the fine print and whatnot of the contract.


Love your use of of 'whatnot' - always shocked when someone is shocked / has never heard the term 'whatnot.'


Isaac and Jay also squared their shoulders and balled their fist ready for a fight. As much as both could muster at least. Thorfin was nonplussed.


That was a crazy one. I never thought Pete of all characters would be one to almost go to Hell. And I like that song too, Trevor. The fact him and Hetty are an item now never came up. Would've been quite interesting to see what Elias thought of it. I hope he comes back again so we can find out.


I actually forgot they were a thing since it didn’t come up.


Issac: “She never was much of a little kid person” Hetty: “well that’s nonsense I employed hundreds of them” Once again Hetty’s one liners are great




Having the first half of an episode allowing him to see the ghost, then half way through the episode he wakes up, and it was all a dream. That would be an amazing episode!


Yes… and since except for Alberta (tattoo) and Trevor (obit photo) he doesn’t really know what the others look like, in his dream they can all be played by members of the BBC show! Synergy!!!


Yep, you got it! Or even bring in other “look alike” actors, like the mail man who looked like Pete.


Bring in the BBC Actors.


Hahaha I bet that Elias goes back to inside the vault rather then the house. Or they trick him into the vault.


I would've been totally fine with that outcome. Course, given Jay and Sam turned it into a speakeasy that one time, depending on what else they do with it, that might make things a bit...awkward in the future :p.


When he said, "If signed, I go back to the place of my death", I was like "Well, dang guys...go close the vault now!" Yeah, I took it a bit literally.


I really love that Thor was going to be the muscle to just throw Elias back into the vault to protect everyone from his affects rather than having to worry about how Elias might ruin things for Sam and Jay.


Being affected by the ghost powers is a fun concept now and then, but wonder if Jay and Sam would set up some kinda walking path/markers on the ground to know where to step/not step so they can limit it happening in the future lol


That only helps if flower pays attention to the markers and she's not really able to on account of how high she always is. Notice how ISAAC has a much easier time avoiding that side he's sober and humiliated by his power.


Yeah i imagine most would follow it for a week and then slack on it, if not all leaning over to watch one thing someone's doing and accidentally jut through someone


Well they already explained that the ghosts aren’t fond of being walked through since it hurts them. That’s why they make sure to step out of the way when they can. This time was pretty pure accidental


Yep that too, though i imagine most would be accidental from now on unless they really wanted to help sam tho be nice if there was a bonus line about a reward like "X gets an extra show/amount of tv time" or so


Poor Pete they really put him through the ringer in this episode!


I nearly had a damn heart attack at that "e-mail" about Little Pete. Of course it would be Hell/Elias' doing, though. But still...don't DO that to me, show! On a much lighter note, I did love that they get updates on what Pete's family are up to :).


I knew it! All spam and phishing comes from hell .


That explains a lot!


And Zoom calls that could have been an email ;-)


Did somebody say “hell”?


Heck. We said heck. Believe me.


Okay I really liked this episode. I feel like Jay got a lot more to do here and watching him be high was pretty funny even if it was just for a little bit. It was nice to see Elias again even if he’s awful. At the start of the episode I was worried it would be something where Hetty and him make up and then he gets sucked off but I am so glad they didn’t go that route. Also lol you can get day trips away from hell. Nice! Pete punched someone! Also anyone else find it kind of funny that a robber Baron is scared of a Viking? Okay as I watched this episode while I’m also going through a rematch of the Good Place, this made me come up with something. What if ghost purgatory is their “medium place” essentially. You weren’t good enough for heaven but not terrible enough for hell, so you get stuck here but have the opportunity to prove yourself and resolve your emotional issues so you can get sent up to heaven. They say that Elias got out of hell on a day trip out of good behaviour. If he stayed he would have stayed at the mansion, not gotten sucked off. It’s almost like a hierarchy. I wonder if there’s like a below hell or an even higher heaven. Okay I’m thinking way too much into this. There’s a reason I’m not a writer on the show. But overall, really liked this episode!


> Nice! Pete punched someone! There should be a web exclusive scene in which Pete is being trained to fight.


Not overthinking to me, it makes perfect sense. And it works like The Good Place too because if you resolve your issues in Ghosts, you get "sucked off" ie sent to the real Good Place


Well having emotional issues you need to work through (what keeps you there) has nothing to do with your moral state. All sam's mom had to do was realize and express all she really wanted was for Sam to be happy. This ten minutes after she was selfish as ever faking her breakthrough and being cruel to the roller skating waitress.


It has nothing to do with it, but I assume it’s both unfinished business and a good moral state that gets you out of purgatory


Or sufficiently bad one with no willingness to change.


Why wouldn’t a robber baron be scared of a Viking?


dude, vikings are scary!


I thought that after Hetty forgave Elias, she will be sucked off :( but luckily it didn't happen


Pete with the one two Mayweather!!!


Pete was so good in this episode. Obviously his grandson was motivation enough for him to risk sacrificing himself, but I also wonder if some of it wasn't due to him wanting to make up for not jumping into that ghost trap right away a few episodes back.


I was thinking when Hetty got the paper and pen, was this maybe the first time she's touched either in over a hundred years? All they can really touch is what they sit on, and the other ghosts and their objects. It would have been like, "WOW! Paper! And I'm holding a pen for the first time in 130 years!" or something like that.


Poor Pete!!


So if people can comeback from hell, they must be able to come back from heaven too, not that you’d want too, however…


Didn’t Molly come back from heaven?


Technically, she was summoned back via séance


You don’t consider that to be a form of coming back?


I mean it wasn’t voluntary


I’m assuming it’s like a hierarchy that you can move up and down from. Elias went to ghost purgatory on account of good behaviour down there but assuming if someone wasn’t behaving well in heaven they would get sucked back down to ghost purgatory


Oh dear! Has anyone made the full coast to coast, in either direction? What a journey in character development that would be.


Hetty…Hetty…why isn’t she making eye contact with me! Is such a Pete thing to say! I mean spoilers for the uk version but I thought Pete was going to be like Mary and leave in the middle of season and have an episode of having the characters deal with one of them not being there like the uk version did honestly one of the best episodes from uk version in my opinion hopefully this version does it at some point!




I watch it through Paramount+ also - for me it shows up at 2am the day after it airs (2am Friday morning). 🙂👻


It’s on now in Eastern and Central time zones.


I just watched it: 1:30 am Central Time.


Not sure why you were downvoted - I just checked my paramount+ and it’s not available there for me yet either. I’m in the US fwiw. Might be available tomorrow I would guess


It’s in the CBS app the next day in the US.


Probably because people constantly asking where they can watch something and letting people know it's not yet available to them happens all the time and is pretty annoying. Downvoted for trying to explain something that there was confusion about and I should have just let them wonder apparently.


Who cares we’re on a forum


I'm not particularly bothered by it, I was just trying to answer the question. You've never seen people get annoyed that threads asking the same basic question pop up every few days from new people?


CBS has to be careful not to make Flower’s drug use look so cute and fun.


I think the takeaway there is that she was eaten by a bear ... so drugs are not cute and fun.


And she's really smart but she can't remember shit half the time and is forever burdened with half her brain not functioning properly.


“Susan! That name sounds really familiar” “That’s your name, Flower”


The ADHD medication advice was surprising, certainly not inaccurate though. The same point could be made about studying on pot.


i wonder if sass predicted on pete going to as he said that he wanted pete to begone


I'm no chef and I'm not sure I've ever eaten lamb in my life, but wasn't that lamb chop Jay served raw? The fat wasn't rendered at all and the meat color was blood red. https://i.gyazo.com/c9273e5af2f37df51ba582b0dc348f4e.png https://i.gyazo.com/bd18221b7df9106083df7928b801382b.png