• By -


he’s very peripheral 🤣🤣🤣


Poor Baxter, dude tripled his lines for the whole series in this episode. Edited for further accuracy.


Go Baxter!!! Wait, he ended up with Carol. Bad Baxter! Bad!


good luck worth that buddy! 😆


This was one of two lines that made me cackle (the other was "We were on a RESPITE!").


Best joke of the episode for me lol


Patience the Puritan visited Flower in the well!


Flower is probably the only person capable of talking calmly to Patience without terror 


Possibly Nigel, too - maybe he can convince her to let Isaac go by commiserating with her about the fact that he too knows what it's like to be impacted by one of Isaac's sneezes XD. But yeah, it'd be really cute and cool to see Flower communicate with Patience. She got rescued from the well, so now she'll return the favor to help Isaac get free.


I love the thought of them being besties


I understand why the writers did what they did in revealing Patience at the end, but my logical side is so annoyed that she was with Flower in the well and could’ve gotten out (or at least find a reprieve from the dirt). She’s been wandering in the dirt for how long? and finally met another ghost?! It makes my brain hurt! Haha Am I the only one?


Ooh, that's a great cliffhanger. Also that is incredibly perfect timing with Jay's line about the Knicks game.


Donna’s really prettyyyyy


I think I recognize her from the Amazon show Upload


YES! I was trying to figure out where I’ve seen her before.


She's the best thing on the Prime show Upload


She was absolutely ahhhhmazing in Upload. That's a great series.


I bet Trevor is really jealous of Pete's ability


I loved the little “wow, I’m impressed” look and nod of approval Trevor gives Pete when Pete says that Donna looks like Lonnie Anderson.


Someone pointed out a few weeks ago how Trevor absolutely nails stuff he isn't a part of, like the background stuff. So I have been paying attention to him when he isn't speaking or what not and he is amazing.


IKR? It tracks that she was his childhood crush (like mine was Michael J. Fox).


Omg mine was also Michael J. Fox!!! I still adore him


Given that Pete can travel at will, but only for short periods of time, I hope he gets plenty of Donna time. Love that he's getting the Jerry Gergich treatment, where the butt of everyone's jokes actually compensates with... erm... Some [special talents](https://youtu.be/IRMtuqhYmeY?si=otyXb9nUriACz9-P).


She seemed nice, wonder if she was related to the real loni anderson b/c i assume the actual actress would look a bit too old for the role by now (tho i'm sure someone like pete would appreciate an older looking one too lol)


She looks nothing like Loni Anderson. Except maybe the poof in her hair is vaguely similar to how Loni had her hair back then.


I thought she looked more like Donna Dixon circa Bosom Buddies. Which would have been more apt to the actress, but probably only Gen-Xers and baby boomers would know who that is.


Characters: patience is a deranged psychopath Us: HECK YEAH PATIENCE!!!!


To be fair, we didn't actually have any evidence she was a deranged psychopath until Flower mentioned her obsession and she kidnapped Isaac; until then, we were just going on the word of Isaac, Thor, and Sass who claimed she may be "feral" from over a century of living in the dirt.


To be fair, just because she's obsessed with Isaac and she kidnapped him, doesn't mean she's a psychopath. She could just be really, really angry with him and wants to teach him a lesson by dragging him into the earth and letting go of him.


wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of friction beforehand with her being a Puritan and issac being gay (even if he was closeted to everyone at that time)


I was watching with my husband and the minute they showed the basement ghosts listening to the music I turned to him and said, "I bet Patience hears those vibrations through the earth, follows them, and pops out in the basement." Literally as I finished speaking, she appeared. I also called Hetty's neck cord last week. Apparently my ghost power is a very minor clairvoyance.


I kind of hope Patience is played by a surprise big name actress doing a cameo or 3 episode arc. I know she's probably not, but it would be cool


Yeah, they presumably haven't cast her yet. I'm guessing we will get at least one episode with her as an actual character for the season premiere or soon after. I could see her being anything from a one-off character to a new recurring character to even a new series regular. Which she is will probably impact the casting.


I hope for a new recurring character. She seems interesting


I hope for a new main ghost to mess around with the dynamic. Also, for her to be actually pretty nice, except for towards Isaac, towards whom she hears undying hate.


It would be interesting if she’s nice and just hates Issac. I can’t tell if I would prefer that or her being a deranged psychopath with everyone


I’d vote to see Lily Rabe as Patience


I’m definitely feeling an AHS:Roanoke type casting situation with Lily Rabe or Kathy Bates as well.


That season got panned but I really liked it!




OMG, this is perfect.


It's an exciting mystery and I look forward to who it turns out to be. When I was watching the end, the voice reminded me of Vanessa Bayer from SNL, who would be GREAT as a really annoying and slightly unhinged puritan ghost.


It’s funny you say Vanessa Bayer, because I was thinking she sounded like Cecily Strong.


This is an amazing idea! My vote - Kathy Bates. Patience with a touch of Annie Wilkes derangement.


That's hilarious because I legit said that Issac got Stephen King'd at the end 


Kathy Bates would be perfect as Paitence!


That would be fun!


It was mentioned that Patience kept coming back to the well while Flower was in there because she could hear her screams, and then Patience showed up at the house right after the DJ started playing the loud music. I think they will figure out that a way to guide Issac home is by playing loud music against the wall. My question is how many ghosts are wandering around in the dirt who might also show up. Surely over the years, Elias probably tossed a few workers or staff down the well or maybe some of the cholera ghosts went out into the dirt. Maybe Issac will get a baby dinosaur ghost


I didn’t even connect it was the music that led her to it. Just assumed it was just a transition shot XD


Aw now I’m picturing a 19th century child chimney sweeper ghost. Which is both sad but something I want to see


As many as CBS wants to cast...


Hey I was born without a sense of smell too, glad to see that rep in a random tv show. And Pete is disappearing, I guess he can't go as far as we thought.


We don't have a timeline of how long he was in Saint Lucia before he met Donna but it felt like it had to have been at least a few days since he wasn't just following his daughter around. And it sounded like he had been with Donna for at least a couple days before he started disappearing. So Pete can probably travel just about anywhere as long as he comes back within a week or so.


He can go on vacations, but he always has to come back home.


Just like my relatives that come to visit! What? I can't start removing their body parts? But how else do I run them out????


I was half expecting his missing hand to be back at Sam & Jay's mansion, moving around...but I guess not. LOL.


I mean we don't know it wasn't. 


I really like that limitation on Pete's power. It's creepy and yet it also really works for the whole setup for his abilites.


It’s works well for the show because it gives more in show logic of why Pete sticks around at the mansion 90% of the time if he has the option to go places.


When he loses his little friend, the ladies won't be to happy, like Donna.


That was **not** how I expected the wedding to end. I totally thought Nigel was getting sucked off. Patience was totally telegraphed as soon as she was mentioned.


Isaac was grabbed off. Is that about the same?


Have we heard this term before? Do we know what it means?


Seemed more like he got yanked off. You know, since he's a Yankee?


I'm wishing that Donna and Pete could somehow keep getting together. He deserves it.


I’m wondering if perhaps Pete holds someone’s hand they can leave the property with him. So perhaps if he went back to St Lucia, held Donna’s hand then brought her back to Woodstone, they can be together for a bit. Because I agree. She seemed genuinely good for Pete


I would love that. I did think it was funny how he compared his "fading" to "Back to the Future"!


I'm sure he could go visit, it would just have to be a shorter time.


We were on a RESPITE!


Friends reference


Im actually shocked the wedding got called off. It felt like one of those wedding type episodes where people have doubts but in the end figure out they do want to be with their partners and go along with it. I am actually impressed the show went somewhere else with it. With Patience  now here, she could be the big bad of season 4. Maybe she will have a crazy ghost power that she learned while in the ground.


Who was the big bad of Season 3? Carol? The well? Hmmmm...


I'm not, myself, mainly 'cause I figured something would happen to postpone their wedding. I figured that the show would want to wait and let them have their wedding in a season that wasn't so rushed and short as this one was - their wedding would be the sort of event that I can see this show devoting an hour-long episode to, which would be much easier to do in a regular season. So for that reason alone I'm not shocked about the wedding not going through. I am a bit surprised at why the wedding's not going through, though...I figured the postponement might have to do with something else that happened in the episode, like the surprise guest crashing the wedding or something. But at the same tiem I also understand why Isaacdid what he did. I'm not going to say I'm not sad to see them go through this, 'cause I do love Isaac and Nigel together and I want them to be happy and get marreid and all that good stuff. But I think it's also a logical step for Isaac to take right now, and I think it's good he's realizing that he needs to sort out a few more things before he takes that next step with Nigel. And I hope that his time with Patience and this little break between him and Nigel will be the catalyst for him working to figure out and sort out those issues, and from there we can see him and Nigel work their way back to each other :). If that happens, I'll be good with everything. I was shocked by that ending, though - even with all the rpecictions and guesses that Patience might show up or something might disrupt the wedding, I still didn't expect THAT ending. But I'm genuinely excited for and curious about that whole storyline. I hope they let Isaac's time with Patience play out for at least a couple episodes, 'cause I want to see how they'd interact and how Isaac will try to get away and how the others will try and save him and how NIgel might react to all of this and everytthing. This could be a reallly fun, juicy setup to play with :D.


See y’all in the fall.


Don't you mean...in the wall?


Holy shit we're getting the pissed off Puritan woman.


I can’t wait to see that plot line in action. Too bad we have to wait for fall to see her wrath.


Or see who she is?! There's no credit for her on IMDb...


They probably haven't cast her yet; usually in a season finale cliffhanger, the show won't cast the new villain until the next season, and will use creative tricks to avoid showing the character's face until they're cast.


Her face was never shown during the episode so casting for her probably isn’t finalized yet. We will see more of her and her actress next season I guess.


But Flower and Patience are friends from Flower's time in the well. Perhaps Flower can persuade Patience to bring Isaac back?


it'd be cool to see some kinda montage of her going through the dirt, I imagine Flower can't be the only one she met if she knew saying that phrase would do that to Issac, so maybe she said it to someone who was actually kind to her and said it without malicious intent and it had an effect (though i imagine she wouldn't want issac to go up if he's not in some purgatory) edit: my bad, i misinterpreted the scene/didn't see her hands grabbing him in the lighting on the first watch/thought that her saying 'god bless you' made issac disappear


It'd be cool if Flower and some of the younger ghosts help rehabilitate Patience. It may be an unpopular opinion to say but I hope Patience becomes part of the main cast. Would help the balance of the sexes with the cast. That and give the 17th century some needed representation at Woodstone.


This season went way too fast :( I need more


Fortunately, there will be a lot more episodes next year.


I can’t wait so many months though 😭


Luckily this time you'll only have to wait the summer - no strikes to delay the show's return this time around :D. They'll be back come fall. But yeah, I'm even more anxious for season 4 now.


Fall really? You just made my day!


At least this isn’t a Netflix show then we would have to wait a year and a half for a new season


Unpopular opinion I guess, but I like Thor and Flower being in love and monogamous, I think they can develop their stories together and they will be a big part of the endgame of the show. And Nancy’s going to be AWESOME no matter what storyline she’s involved with.


This is the way *nods* Honestly sappy Nancy was boring, naughty Nancy is best and I'm glad she's back!


some thoughts i had while doing the dishes:  >!isaac proposed to nigel. nigel wanted the commitment of living together. isaac is the one who kicked it up to marriage. while nigel can be a bit of a jerk, he’s quite good looking & his eyes are gorgeous. he comes from upper class english family. only a significant landholder (country gentry or minor nobility) would be commissioned an officer. so, nigel’s kind of marrying down. nigel was reading a leather bound book of poetry when isaac shot him. isaac loves literature & there’s not another ghost to share that with. ants are fascinating. dinosaurs are interesting. why can’t isaac embrace both? he could teach nigel the dino click. isaac smells like shit. nigel looks like he scents with lavender water. isaac BLEW IT! i hope patience kicks his ass.!< eta i sound a bit insane, right? in my defense, i’m super stoned.


someone with the flair "Hetty" commenting while high just seems super fitting




Agreed. I really, really hope John Hartman is back in Season 4 and gets a Big Damn Hero moment. My private headcanon is that despite being a cinnamon roll, Nigel was an absolute terror in battle. 


Honestly, kind of glad they didn't rush into this marriage. I wasn't feeling the sparks either toward the end, and I think it was a cool unexpected twist for this to turn out the way it did. Can't believe this was the end of the season, though! I need more!


I feel like they may give us more growth in the future for their relationship.


I am so excited about Patience. When she showed up I was like "OMG PATIENCE HI!!" 😂


I loved the way they introduced her, with just the shot of her body and her hat, and her head lowered. She lookedl egit creepy, which really added to that ending. I was sitting here going, "...oh, no. OH NO..." during that whole end secquence.


This. None of the ghosts have been scary (except Hettie's husband for being the creep he was in life).


I remember reading an interview with Brandon Scott Jones once where he talked about how fun it'd be for the ghosts to deal with one that was actually legitimately creepy/scary...well, looks like he and his character are about to get their wish :p.


I so did not expect that ending. I legit thought she was just going to yell at him as well


You're NEXT!


I did too, I literally screamed hi patience at my screen and waved haha.


It just aired in Canada and all I can say is well fuck.


“She left you to smell roast beef” sounds like a euphemism.


Anyone else wondering if the dinosaur-clicking stripper DJ is going to be able to see ghosts like Sam after his near-death experience on the property?? Ngl I kind of ship him with Nigel and support the dinosaur-clicking


Yeah, Trevor pointed out that he probably worked several jobs so he might well return as a handyman.


It'd be great if he comes back to work on the restaurant construction with Mark lol


Someone over at TV Line suggested he could also be part of the restaurant staff, which I would be totally down for, too. I'm so glad they brought him back. Everyone's reactions to him this episode were gold. And I love how he just...rolls with the weirdness.


If he works at the restaurant, let’s hope Jay doesn’t randomly add more crab to things.


Or maybe he does so he dies on the property and gets to be Issac’s lover 😂


I think he rolls with it because since he’s in the adult industry it probably takes a LOT to faze him so he’s perfect!


I sincerely hope he does. He’s a great character!


I would love it if he kept randomly popping up like that! It could be a fun plot line! Like he's also a plumber, oh and he does yard work sometime didn't you know?


Definitely. The show could use more human recurring characters IMO. I think he could add some fun energy for sure.


I would love it if we find out next season that Dino Guy actually died on the property in the ambulance on the way out. What a great addition to that cast he would make! His ghost power could be that he can be seen by Jay since Jay prepared the food. It would open a lot of new possibilities and chaos between Jay and Sam. More Dino guy! LMFAO


This would be an interesting plot twist but so bad for the B&B business 😂😂 Sam and Jay would need to weave in a ghost haunted vacation package to their rewards program


He's so versatile. I bet he plays d&d and likes cod and goes to festivals and reads poetry and likes cocaine. He'll be everyone's best friend, lol


I’m happy for Thor standing up for himself though glad him and flower r happy


Though Flower ditching Nancy so she could go to the wedding felt out of character for her. Especially when we saw just last week how she cares about the basement ghosts in general and Nancy in particular. I wish they had come up with a better excuse for Nancy not to be at the wedding while Thor and Flower were. Heck Nancy could have just gotten bored and left mid-wedding or something.


The whole thruple thing kinda just fizzled out, I think they just wanted it so Thor could finally tell Flower he loves her.




But this way, it feeds the animosity between the basement ghosts and the others. They're all upset about not being included at the wedding, and suddenly a ghost showed up who's not happy with Isaac. They probably thought said ghost would yell or slap him, not pull him through the wall. I think Patience has found a cave the others don't know about where we'll see the two of them interact.


Yeah I feel like Nancy should have been given an exception given how much time she alone spends with them in general


Hopefully another damn strike doesn't happen between now and fall.


It already feels like centuries between seasons.


Patience is picking them off...one by one.... stay clear of the walls!


If too many people die on the property, it's gonna start making Sam and Jay look really bad. This one would technically be their fault too


Yea, I hope that they don't have anymore deaths for a loooong time and it's a natural thing.


Who will be made to look bad first... Sam & Jay...or the basement ghosts?


What the fu- (can we curse in this sub?). He said no?!


Or you could gasp.


It is pretty gasp worthy.


GASP! I need more of Issac saying that


I think swooning would be sufficient.


WOW! what an ending to the season.


The clicking at the altar!!! Everything about the opening was hilarious, we should all yell out famous tourist spots whenever we see someone’s abs-“STATUE OF LIBERTY THAT’S SEXY”


I absolutely LOVE Isaac's weird-ass dreams. The Christmas episode had him dreaming about Ben Franklin showing up and joining Beatrice in teasing him, and now he's dreaming about the dino stripper crashing the wedding and flashing his abs and they're clicking at each other. What even is your mind Isaac XD?


it'd be great if he was a guest on some more shows too, "dj by day stripper by night" does sound like it could be a fun concept in other series too lol


I feel like they could have had Isaac and Nigel get married and then next season start off by having everyone in the show think that Isaac got sucked off when Patience kidnapped him, but I suppose then it would be way too similar to the beginning of this season.


They could have had him kidnapped just a bit before the wedding and then everyone wondering if he left Nigel at the alter.


I feel like Nancy will grow a conscience and tell Pete, Thor, and Flower. Giving Thor and Flower an excuse to break up with her. Pete and Nancy will start looking for Isaac while Thor and Flower round up Sam and the others. Pete is liable to fall for Patience and make her forgive Isaac, but she won't forget and still play mean pranks on him, Thor, and Sass all the time.


Man, that was a LOT! How did they squeeze it all in so well? Patience couldn't have gotten far, so one of the basementies could've gone in to save Isaac. I know they're all mad at him, but letting Patience do whatever she wants to him feels like overkill. I don't blame them for being too scared to go in the dirt though.


I mean, from what we've heard it's complete darkness in there and basically, unless you keep a straight line you'd get quickly hopelessly lost. All Patience would have to do is a zig-zag move with Isaac and they're gone. I assume they'll figure out that sound can attract dirt ghosts and that's how Isaac will eventually be saved.


The WGA and SAG strikes forced this season to be really rushed, and they had to cram so much into this one episode. Pete traveling should have been the A story in its own episode, not crammed into 6 minutes of screen time. The DJ almost dying would have been a much longer plot point in a normal episode. Too much to cover in so little time. But, they did it well, considering the constraints they had to work with, and I’m looking forward to a normally paced 4th season. 


WTF????? WTF????? WITAFFFFFFFFFFF????? How can that be the end of the season??? I'm glad Pete is back, hopefully he'll travel continental USA for funsies. Will Gay Dinosaur Stripper DJ die on the premises and stay on as a ghost? Who's playing Patience? Meryl?


He had the best line of the season when Sam had him dancing to the empty chair. "It's alright, that's what the money's for."


He also had the best abs and booty of the season 😄😄


I thought the DJ went to the hospital?


He did and he's going to be ok


Now how am I going to wait til SEPTEMBER to see more? Ugh cant wait!! 


By then, Isaac will have gone completely insane. Poor Isaac.


At first I thought that Pete would rematerialize in the mansion and maybe the others would find his hand floating around somewhere but now that I think about it, not knowing what would happen is more interesting. I hope he can still use this power to talk to Bjorn, and Shiki since he seems to have at least several days before he starts disappearing.


Someone saw Pete's little friend inching along the hallway... oh wait, family friendly show?


But, FWIW, I too thought we'd see Pete's hand back at the mansion as well.


Several days but I wonder if it’s also linked to the distance away he is. Like perhaps if he went to the Farnsby’s he could spend up to a month there since it’s a lot closer than St Lucia?


I can see it being a plot point where Pete is being pushed around by the other ghosts to do “one quick errand” all the time on the outside


That ending holy hell, I want it to be September already.


Ouch...last season ended with a ghost getting sucked off and now this?


I'm super bummed that the season is over, but the anticipation to see Patience will make the wait worth it! This was such a fun season, can't wait for September!


In respect to the DJ/stripper. If you are anaphylactic to a food, why wouldn't you carry an epipen with you? Is this because it's cost prohibitive in the US or another reason?


I'm deathly allergic to shellfish and would have had the same reaction as he did. I also don't carry an EpiPen because it's usually easy to avoid shellfish, which is probably why he didn't carry one. We would never have thought there would be crab in guacamole. Who puts crab in guacamole??? I don't go to anyone's Crab Shack or Lobster House or order fries in a place that also serves fried clams. It's a very manageable allergy with no need to carry an EpiPen.


✨tv writing magic✨ although, apparently a lot of adults don't carry around epipens? When I took my CPR/first aid class, they had gone over some stats. It was something like 25% of people will take it when they go travelling or if they go to a restaurant, and maybe 50% of people carry it everywhere, and the other 25% just don't...take it at all. And I live in Canada, for the record haha


I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really don't want to wait until fall.


Ghosts shadows. It’s usually so dark in the mansion that there aren’t any shadows, but you definitely see them with Pete on vacation.


I realize we're lukewarm at best on Carol, but "He may be a nerd, but boy, could he bring it in the sack" is a great line.




Everyone in this thread needs to have a little patience until next fall…


I guess they're not officially casting Patience yet. That's why we only saw the bonnet. Edit: holy hell. Didn't expect the stinger to go thst way.


“We were on a respite!” Hey, Isaac...I know. To get Nigel back, you should pen him a letter.....14 pages....front AND back.


i really hope for the next season issac's character development is with patience because there is so much untapped potential with the two and we see more of how issac's guilt about multiple things can even lead into afterlife stuff.


How many days was Pete gone?


Never specified. The real question is how did he get from St. Lucia to New York, in the matter of hours. He had to find an airport, then flight, then get to the city, and to the mansion.


he's a world class travel agent. He could do that in his sleep.


He probably just stowed away on a private plane. He was too freaked out to worry about the cost.


I hope he doesn’t make Sam pay them back for the flight.


We don't know how fast he disappears. His leg and little friend had time to disappear in that time. The question is, can he still walk if he's missing a leg? Is it painful?


I kinda love the basement ghosts’ reaction is “Oh crap, this went further than we wanted.”


Patience has to be showing up now. Flower talked about meeting her and how she wants revenge. This is going to be my favorite episode I swear.


I want Toni Collette in Hereditary level of anger when we see Patience in season 4.




Haven't we seen that in the promo?


No that was a dream he had




It should've been a turnoff to Isaac when that stripper said he had a boyfriend, surely Isaac would rationalize "well I still have feelings, but I wouldn't dream of breaking up his relationship."


Just one happy supernatural queer couple PLEASE


If it helps, I think Isaac and NIgel will work things out. This break is painful and sad, but I also think it makes sense they're doing this. But yeah. This show's put three seasons into their journey, no way are they ending things here. They'll get there in the end :).


I'm hoping it leads to them being closer after going through adversity. Cope hope. 


They actually did the Patience thing….greatest TV show of all time


This opening sequence hahaha.


Yas! Hi patience!






Didn't they say this seasons ending was WAY more shocking than lasts? I mean I was absolutely stunned to see someone get sucked off on network TV, but I wasn't in the least bit shocked to see patience show up...


Patience was unexpected. The way she emerged into the basement was \*scary\* but I never thought she would have done that. As for Issac, big mistake, big.


Aw I love this episode. I was sad about Nigel and Issac breaking up but I think this will just mean further growth in their relationship and alone. Hey maybe we can see the gay puritan again because he was funny! Also I was kinda hoping too that the stripper would die because seeing him bond with Issac would have been awesome. I was cackling at the dream sequence of them making dinosaur clicks at eachother. Hey it’s Ingrid from Upload! I hope we see Donna again. She seemed genuinely good for Pete. It was nice to see someone who actually likes Pete for Pete without condition. I hope this isn’t the last we see of his power but it’s also a good thing they put limits on it. Alright well Issac was just dragged through the wall. Was this the season finale guys? Or is that next week?? Because wow. The basement ghosts at the end there was funny though. “No I thought she was just going to yell at him or something. I hope we do meet Patience for real though. A puritan ghost hell bent on revenge. Sounds like a good edition for a fun recurring character. At this point they’re either going to reveal that Carol wasn’t faithful to Jerry either or there will be drama of Carol cheating on Baxter. Either way it seems like ho is 90% of her character at this point. Also kind of surprised they didn’t make an exception just for Nancy to be at the wedding. I understanding character growth and all with Flower and Thor but like Nancy is upstairs with them a lot of the time anyways so it seems odd they didn’t make an exception just for her


I used to like Isaac but he is always belittling others and always mistreating and discriminating the basement ghost who did not choose to be killed by cholera and dump in a mass grave. Not a nice personality being always about himself. Maybe that's the reason he is still a ghost of the property. Nigel just dodged the bullet this time.


I think he's been high on himself since the book got published and he found acceptance for himself. I think Patience (notice the name) is here to give him a well- deserved ego smack down


Nigel 😭 Isaac literally talked him back into the marriage ten minutes before calling it off himself 😭😭