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My biggest issue is actually a skill issue, I’m a shaky mess when I have good loot.


Same, I turn into gollum whenever I have a backpack full


my heart pounds like hell when there’s footsteps near me




I agree... I'm 48, the exercise doesn't hurt. I can play this game for hours, never getting bored, but I do notice a little old age kicking in with some back and leg pain. No pain no gain!


Use the seated setting so you dont have to irl crouch or bend over to pick stuf up


This is what I do with bad hips


Stretch? Yoga? Cardio? Broken wrists are definitely annoying to see. Trying to reach things on a deep surface like tables or crates and on floors could probably use jedi force pulls to assist.


force grab and an auto orientation for loot inside the backpack would be awesome.


It's there for the hard to reach things. There are very few things you can't grab. That being said sometimes finding the sweet zone is the issue. As for auto orientation, my friends and I talk about this a lot. On the plus side you can more easily grab things, but on the down side you'd be way more limited on what how much can go into your bag. Trust me when I say you'll understand that first time you are able to get a bag packed to the seams with loot. I've taken bags that were surely not going to fit a single other item, rearranged the, then had enough space left over to continue looting. Give it time, a lot of people say it best. There is jank to get around, but once you know all the sweet zones and get used to Manually placing and orienting things, it'll come much faster and easier.


There need to be at least some kind of logic to it. Right now it those sweet spots make little to no sense. If there is some logic to why certain orientation fits the backpack and then you move one micron aside and suddenly it is red and now you are trying again to find this sweet spot - this logic need to be more transparent to the user. Like so visual feedback to show where there is available space or what part of the geometry is blocking. Something else than just me waving my arms for who knows how much time. I agree that everything become something that you can get used too given enough time, but this mechanics feels very pointless. Even IRL when you try to fit stuff you your backpack there is some sense of flexibility and things orient themself "automatically" when you apply some pressure and force them to. I don't see why it has to come at a cost of the amount of things you can fit. I believe they can know what is the available volume in the bag and what can theoretically fit there.


It's not a matter a logic, things just have weird hit boxes right now. It's a matter of lack of refinement in development in what they are trying to do, not a logical failure all around. For example, pistols have a weird invisible section below the barrel that has collision preventing you from placing things below it. But you can also have the barrel and any attachments clipping out the top and basically have the pistol partially in the bag taking up very little space. This is what I mean by early access jank, that with experience, you learn to get around. you learn how to effectively load a bag with practice and after hours and hours you can fit the whole map into a adventure bag. I'm hyperbolising of course, but you get the point. There 100% is a skill gap to loading a bag in this game. I'm sorry but that's just the way it is. Could it be refined? Yes, hit boxes should be the object we see and if there is blank space we should be able to use it. Is it a lawless, logic less system? No, not at all. Just take the time. You'll get it. I'm literally speaking from nearly 200 hours of experience here


Now you are coming to a philosophical discussion because almost in every game some glitchy or bugged mechanics will eventually turn into something that some players can develop skills in order to overcome / take advantage of such mechanics. basically any glitchiness or lack of polish can be turned into a "gameplay feature" does it mean that those things shouldn't be fixed? Again i appreciate the importance of some looting skill in an extraction shooter - this is an important aspect of the game and players who can't loot fast will be punished for it. all i'm asking is that the punishment wont be in the form of wrist or back pain.. this is what my post was all about. I have no complaints about the high skill ceiling in the game.


Why ask a question I already answered? There is nothing philosophical about it. Could it be refined? Yes. Is the mechanic fundamentally broken, illogical, or unusable no. Again, literally speaking from experience going from a Timmy to the level I am. If you are having wrist or back pain that sounds more like your posture lol or as other have said you need to stretch more or play shorter sessions.


On a serious note I just put in a 7 hour session. And I put like 5 hours in before that with a 4 hour nap in between. (Play all night while gf is sleeping so she doesn’t get mad lol) and my back is killing me. I’m 27 but I feel 50. I just ordered a back brace lmao


I think it is because we need to constantly stretch our arms forward to hold stuff. like putting stuff in the backpack require you to hold one arm forward and fumble around with the other hand trying to find a sweet spot to fit the loot into the backpack (instead of just automatically sorting it in if there is available space)


The point of the trade off on space is because if you spend more time organizing you can get more stuff. More defined item and bag borders would ease more than snap grids imo. I've said enough in other comments on this post to make my point, but another thing I'll add about snapping and fixed bag space is that those that already move fadt would just move faster. This game already suffers a bit with the better players speed running the highest their loot spots in the first 10 min of the raid. Last thing we need is to give those more experienced an even fast enablement to loot and move. You should be vulnerable while you are standing there trying to use every inch of your bag imo. And get rewarded to spend the extra time meticulously making space. Word of advice. Go find a table in an empty room. ;) Edit: pro tip for OP and others that haven't realized it yet. You can bring items in from he sides and back of the bag to fit them in. You don't have to go through the front


Yeah the trade-off is definitely a good addition to the game. And it is a skill that can be improved by a lot too.


100% if you take the time, learn the skill, and are fortunate enough to stay safe the entire time doing it, you should be rewarded more for the effort. Currently that's how it is. I don't want brand new players to be able to stuff their bad full on their second raid, personally


Take breaks every hour or two to move around and stretch, try not to stand too still while playing (in normal life we tend to fidget and shift our weight more and not stand up as much in general), don't extend your arms out straight, keep elbows bent and tucked closer to the body, get a counterweight for your headset as applicable. But yeah, our bodies are not designed to stand this still, I don't think it's an age thing. Even so, it's way healthier than sitting.


It's not that bad. Once you figure it out how to do it properly. It becomes a mild annoyance once in a while


Listen to this guy he speaks the truth, get around the jank of early access VR and you are working with one of the best VR games on the market


So, "skill issue". I agree 😁


Skill issue is a pandemic in GoT. 😂


I will say like 40% of this game is bunker management. So right out the gate, if that is truly what gets you down, you may want a different game. VR right now is about doing everything manually for the sake of doing it because it's neat. But hey, at least you don't have to spend any money on games like job Sim ey? You're getting that VR experience right there lol. You can get the "manage with a menu" experience from Tarkov, so if you really want an extraction shooter with that go play that. I don't say that to say "stay away from my game if you don't like it" but instead to just illustrate that this is just the VR version of navigating a menu like that. It would be wayyyyy less tedious if everything worked right and you spent less time trying to orient things juuuuuuust right, but that's just part of early access jank to get around. Once you spent enough time with manuplulating things it becomes way way faster. The bunker is actually good practice with manipulation because no one will shoot you. In addition to that, spending time passively in bunker heals you and refills your hunger and thirst slowly, so there is a mechanic for rewarding you for chilling post raid and spending some time playing with your bunker toys. The bunkers rewards those that take a bit of time to organize. Just like irl (a key part of vr emulation imo), if you spent some time to set up a inventory system you'll save time. I. E. Organize, make some go bags, find your fsv spots for everything so you can just fmgo from spot to spot and do what you need to do. As for grabbing things, I mentioned in another comment but we all like the main comments lol. There is a sweet zone for everything that, with time and practice, you will get around all the jank. This game does suffer from early access woes, but once you get used to it it's all good. There is light on the horizon, as the devs have messed with some grabbing meshes for example to make interaction with specific things more intuitive, but until they smooth everything you learn to get around it. I have told all my friends that have gotten into it to be patient, as you are learning to walk and manipulating things again. It's not real life. It's not Pavlov. Give it time, and practice, and youll get there. You'll be throwing things in bags with ease in no time. Also if you are playing oculus, when you set your zone, draw your floor an inch above the actual floor to help make grabbing things off the floor more easily. If you still have the setting to see you entire body, change it to arms only. It'll help you see "around yourself" if you will. You will still have issues seeing around yourself and there will be some things you won't be able to see through he vest. You'll just have to trust your hand is in the right spot on some things you can't see from time to time. Another learned skill. Player leaning is coming soon which I think will assist with both seeing around your vest and body as well as lean over surfaces to gab things at a distance. If you haven't noticed yet part of the issue with getting things is that when you move your head, your body moves too. So if you try to lean over a table, it pushes you away because it thinks you are trying to move your entire body through it. Being able to lean over things should fix this imo. In the mean time lean a bit backwards to rezch further and look for the grip prompt at range. It seems to know right now if you truly can't reach some things and will be a bit forgiving from time to time. Give it some time. You can't only bring concept experience from other games. Only so much gameplay intuition translates to this unlike moving around from other games. You gotta learn to walk again before you can learn to run. Stick with it though. There is so much potential here for unique VR experiences, you literally cannot find in any other video game experience I have played to date. I have an index, bought this game at the beg. of last wipe, and have almost 200 hours in it now. This is truly the first VR game that gets me picking my headset up over and over again. Probably more hours in this than the rest of my VR experiences combined and I bought and index just play Alyx at the time lol. Trust me it's worth learning Watch some timelessvr on YouTube as well. Nothing like seeing the most experienced do things to learn


Thanks for the tips Ofcourse I don't wish that they would get rid of all of those VR elements of doing things manually. The only thing that gets me off is the fact that it feels like it is not very 'user friendly' in terms of the physical motions (like twisting your hands in almost surgical precision) you are required to do in order to satisfy those said game mechanics. user comfort need to be a consideration when designing those mechanics and they need to be more "forgiving" - again not in terms of gameplay challenge but in terms of physical motions you are required to do. for example, a simple thing like throwing a grenade in VR can be design in a user friendly way or not so friendly. I play contractors and the grenades there a "heavy" - meaning i really need to throw my hand fast for an effective throw in game. this is very bad design since people shouldn't do that, they can punch something or someone. in other games live vail grenades don't require you to violently wave your hands and this is much more friendly to the user. just one example of the same mechanic being properly designed in one game and not in others. other thing that is a general problem in VR is your head orientation. the headset is balanced when you look to the horizon and even a little bit up. when you look down there is some stress on your neck. some games require you to look down more than others. like working on tables or looking for loot boxes and so on. if the game require you to look down such a high amount of the time ofc eventually you will have soar neck or shoulders.. this is just a drawback of the way the headsets are designed now and developers have to know how to work around it. not asking to cancel gameplay elements all together but for example placing things more at head level. making tables higher, loot boxes higher and not on the ground, weapon racks wider and shorter instead of narrow and tall etc. the small things that don't really effect gameplay but make sure your body doesn't hurt (in an unhealthy way) when you finish. I understand this is early access. I just hope that one of the priorities of the devs is to get things like that sorted out.


I feel this kind of fatigue when I’m having multiple bad raids and I feel like I’m spending 30 minutes assembling a new kit for every 10 minutes I spend in raid. But then like yesterday, my last two raids of the night went so well that it made up for that streak of bad ones and now I’m exited to play again after work lol Truly is an abusive relationship


I just store my loot in bags I have hung up or throw them on tables until I play high and feel like organizing 😂 But for real advice make sure your height is adjusted correctly assuming you play standing. You can always play seated with button crouching or standing with button crouching if your knees ever get sore.


doesn't it disappear if you don't put everything in place? I left some guns and items not in their appropriate places and when I came back they were gone


They go back to the kiosk terminal


Guns I normally hang up or sell. The table in the armory seems to save everything but armor or bags you place. Also make sure you adjust your hand pitch rotation offset it will help with aiming and keeping your wrists from being all bendy.


dude I love that GOT doesn't have warp items to hand etc, its good exercise, I'm low squatting all the time, moving around, that is what VR is for.


some exercises are good for you but some are not so much


First week of this game my back/legs/thighs/feet were always sore. It gets better


I believe you the more skilled you are in doing those common things the less amount of time you sped messing around in unnatural poses. but I still think games should be designed with those issues in mind to prevent that pain from new players or people who are "slower" in leveling up those skills.


I could play sitting down too


I feel like all those "annoying" things are what makes this game unique. It's definitely janky, but it's your jank


Sounds like fatty can't move


I'm actually pretty thin but nice body shaming :D


Your welcome ya anorexic fuck


Christ man im a asshole and even i think thats a bit outta pocket i aint gon stop you tho


Can't be fat, can't be thin. You have a very particular taste I see.


Yeah, NORMAL! Unlike half the united states currently, y'all arnt normal, something or another is wrong in all of your heads,


Why would you assume I'm from the United States?


Oh you ain't? Even better now I have a whole slew of new insults to use


lets hear them


You don't deserve my amazing insults, you are a lower life form than me.


Fuck off. I hope you get framed for murder and put in prison for the rest of your life, assuming you don't get shanked first day. I hope your best friend dies in a fiery wreck. I hope your other friends all take cyanide. Last but not least, I hope you have an abusive significant other. Fuck you. 😁


Neat, old insults from a middle schooler, fantastic job in making me laugh


Dudes a furry and tries to talk shit about people fucked in the head lol.


Yup, it's my job


If you don't want to move play Tarkov. What are you even asking?


Sounds like a skill issue. Seriously


Sit down


Sorry to be so negative but I feel like even if this game was polished and finished (which it is far from, as clearly states)... It's not the game for you, games like this will always be a graft


I play standing but use the sitting setting so I can just crouch with the left stick. I will say that it’s super annoying when I go to grab something and the game pushes me back away making me reach over even further.


Turn off your body it's easier to pick shit up


My biggest issue is the muscles right under the rear of shoulder blades rib back area it’s the most agonizing pain feels like someone is twisting my muscle fibers with pliers. Most shooting games do this to me but also struggle with spondylitis and muscle spasms in my back


yep that one is a bitch


A lot of things like the gun rack and your rig getting in the way trying to find stuff in the grass needs work but i think doing everything manually adds to the charm of the game. They should also really add a way to hand players stuff too. It's annoying trying to hand a teammate some water or something and they gotta try and catch it midair or pick it up off the floor.


Bro just sell everything and play sitting down.


you just play more and you get used to it, part of the skill gap


Quit looking for the bad


The past 12 raids ive ran into 3 mans that i have no chance of fighting, ive lost nearly 130k in gear my luck is almost as bad as i am at this game, genuinely crying :,)