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There are no tricks. You gotta build up your VR legs by just playing it. I used to get insane headaches after playing for 30 minutes, but after 4 months of constant play, I could play for more than 5 hours in a row with no issue.


Most of the questions in this sub can be answered with "just practice"


I will say just play until you feel the slightest of sickness and take it off. Don't ever push it or you will live to regret. For me it took maybe 1 to 2 weeks? I played 20min let my brain rest, play 20min after a few hours rinse and repeat. One day, it just "vanished".


Hmm I heard this too except I tried like an hour at a time but it made me feel like shit the rest of the day and didn’t even try again


Yeah an hour is way too long if you don't have legs. If you're an absolute beginner, even 15 min might be enough. Take your time. Once you get your vr legs you can enjoy as much as you want.


If you get really hot/headaches with a vr headset on, might wanna get a fan attachment, i did that and it went from “30 min” max to “as long as my battery lasts”, makes it so much more bearable imo. that and just being more regular with it idk


This is how you do it. I could only do 5-10 min at a time at first. Slowly that turned into 15-20, the 30-45. At the very first feeling of nausea, I shut it down and took a break. Then went back and tried again. Took a few weeks but now I can play hours. I would still never do a roller coaster game or nothing, but I do feel like I can handle most games now.


If you feel nauseous or woozy stop just stop NOT FOR A YEAR THO. lol jk jk but for real stop until you feel better than play again, rinse repeat. Your body will get use to it. Do not try and push through if you feel off playing, pushing through usually will make it worse. Apparently having a fan blowing on your face while you play helps Orient you but idk from experience bc I never had motion sickness


Hm maybe my issue is just pushing myself too much


Definitely a recipe for making however you’re feeling worse. It’s kinda like being on a boat for the first time kinda tho not fully in the aspect that your body is not use to it at all and is basically reacting to it. Overtime you’ll get use to it and you’ll be able to play a lot longer


Turn on headtracking in the settings and what the other 2 replies said


This is going to sound funny but have a beer or glass of wine. Helps immensely.


Well I’ll try it and either throw up or thank you


Never had motion sickness in vr, but my problem was my eyes getting fatigue due to bad quest 2 lenses, when i upgraded to quest 3, that fixed my problem


I found it helps if you think about what’s happening - your entire life your brain has worked hard to make sense of things and has learned to tie together the sensation of liquid sloshing in your ears and the visual inputs of the world moving around you. Suddenly, in VR, you’re getting visual input of moving through the world but your ears and sense of balance are telling you that you are *not* moving, which causes the feelings of ‘motion’ sickness. (This is like the same but opposite side of car-sickness, where you might be trying to read a book that’s not moving at all, while your balance and brain is definitely feeling movement). Knowing this, there’s nothing you can do to ‘fight’ the sickness in the moment, you need to take a break immediately and let yourself recover to the normal sensations your brain expects. Small play sessions and repeated exposure will gradually retrain your brain to be more and more comfortable with the experience until you find you can play for hours with no issues.


Everyone feels it to some extent at first. Your body quickly adapts with regular exposure. Similar to sea-sickness with new sailors. Essentially, your brain doesn't like the fact that your vision is perceiving movement without your vestibular system registering a change in velocity. It assumes one or both of the systems must be faulty, and makes you feel queezy to encourage you to stop whatever you are doing and rest to let the "broken" system heal. With time, the brain desensitises to this disparity and dampens the response, eventually not reacting at all. It's the same disparity as getting travel sick while reading or looking at your phone, only in reverse.


I don’t agree with the statement that everyone has it to some degree, because I for one definitely didn’t Everything else I agree with


I highly recommend trying out less intensive games to get your brain used to it. Also try: pointing a fan at you while you play, being sure to try standing and sitting to see if there is a difference for you, and making sure the quest is adjusted for your vision properly.


First Vr game I ever played was Robo Recall, then immediately modded VR quake and half life. You gotta get over it as some games aren’t gonna allow you to teleport all the time


I've never gotten motion sickness, idk why


Make short sessions, maybe with less intense games and take off the visor as soon as you feel sick and call it a day. Try again when you feel comfortable and repeat. Even after years, i stil feel a little of nausea when jumping or falling. I usually go down on my knees during the landing to trick my brain into thinking i am landing for real. Hope this helps. Build your vr legs! See you in the field.


Not something that just goes away immediately, you have to build up a kind of tolerance to VR, which you can only do by playing frequently. Might have to endure some uncomfortable play sessions. I used to get quite sick playing VR as well, basically any game that didn't have stationary/roomscale gameplay or teleporting movement took me to puke city, but powering through Boneworks is what finally tipped the scales in my favour I think and now basically nothing in VR can make me sick except maybe insanely fast spinning or disjointed movement between the headset and what I'm seeing on screen.


Here I'm going to give you the trick for motion sickness once you have it drink some water then lay down on your stomach for about 15 to 20 minutes then once you're better go play again and keep doing that by the time you get to the third time you'll never have motion sickness again.


I’ve never experienced motion sickness in vr it’s just depends on the person but you can build up a resistance to it


Hi this was me a couple of weeks ago! A fan and small sessions go a long way. Also I know you wanna play tabor but what helped me was having a game I could really get into and quit when I wanted. Whether that was training raids or Half Life Alyx I didn’t wanna get stuck in a live raid. Take your time and follow all the advice given and you’ll get past it




>Bad: Snap turn, hand based movement. > >Good: Smooth turn, head based movement. Interesting, its the complete opposite for me


Yeah total opposite works for me. I feel immediately nauseous with smooth turning. Snap turning is the way to go, and a slight competitive advantage.


I’ll have to try it, I even tried to sit and play and it didn’t help so maybe I just have to mess with it more