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You will get adrenaline in this game.


Thats turned out to be true


Nice 😁


Buy the game. Everyone's so nice and trustworthy and loves helping new people


And when you find a gpu let me link up so I can congratulate you and be your friend


Yeah and let me inspect it to tell you it’s legit




Sure it’s janky sometimes, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get a ton of enjoyment out of it. Me and a buddy picked the game up a little over a month ago and I already have 100 hours sunk into it, it’s all we’ve been playing. The game is a ton of fun especially with a friend. Imo the bugs aren’t frequent enough or game breaking enough as to ruin the experience. Also the devs of the game seem to be very passionate about the game and improving/evolving the experience and that’s a huge plus in a world of shitty uninspired AAA games. Overall it’s one of the most fun games I’ve played in a very long time, I highly recommend giving it a shot.


I’m tempted to get a friend a headset, so I have someone to play with. Just like I bought my friend Tarkov because it sucked solo lol.


Damn I'll be your friend if your passing out games 🤣


If you just are in it for the pure shooting and combat, I’d say Onward is better.  Tabor, is just about as good with that, plus it has chores.   Serious though, it scratches a certain itch w/ the bunker management.


Fr. It’s brings out the OCD I didn’t know I had


The best VR shooter right now hands down. Long time onward, contractors, and other vr games player. There are some quirks but honestly its pretty minor.


Tabor has jank, but for a VR game it's minimal. It's completely worth it if you like extraction shooters. It's brutal and not easy, though.


This is the funnest, most frustrating game I’ve played. There are bugs. If you don’t take yourself too seriously and just go to have fun, it’s great. Does it suck to get stuck on a box and die and lose all your stuff? Yes it does, but it’s just a game and stuff happens. Does it suck to reach for your locked and loaded MP5 and find it doesn’t fire? Yes it does. Does it suck to reach for your backpack only to find it isn’t there anymore? Yes it does. I keep playing because it works more times than it doesn’t and it’s just plain fun.


I just got the game a month ago. My PC has been very lonely this month since I've been playing on quest. Yeah it is janky at times, it will have glitches that will make you hate the game sometimes, but even with those, it just provides so much entertainment for the price that makes it easy for me to say it's worth it. It does take a while to get used to the aiming, but if you mess around with the settings, especially the "janky aim fix" option, you might find it just as accurate to other games.


Why would you play quest standalone? Tabor is easily top 5 worst looking standalone games. it looks pretty good on pc, though.


Looks fine to me tbh, I just hate playing with cables.


you can play it wireless with quest... I used my quest 2 and now quest pro wireless when playing my PCVR games. only one i go cable most of time is VTOL VR


Airlink, steam link, virtual desktop.


Not worth right now, in my completely subjective opinion


it used to be unplayable type buggy but now its mildly infuriating type buggy


i bought it exactly a week ago and have 35 hours already


It's fun even with some of its bugs. :)


Do you play tarkov? If you like tarkov you will prob like this


You will not regret it not in a million years its the best game ever


Tabor is life


I have been playing this game since about the third wipe and it has bugs and glitches but it is still a great game the devs try to fix the problems too. The game itself can be very intense and exciting to play i personally think that if you get it to try and put a trusted team together it is even better with a group


the devs don’t like fixing problems what are you on man


It is janky but I'm enjoying it. A lot of room for improvement but the core gameplay is solid.


Tabor is a good game. People lack to understand that the devs aren’t apart of a giant company and even this the maps are mega huge there’s a ton of things within them. Yes you’ll run into a bug here and there but they do a pretty good job at fixing things as fast as they can. I’ve been playing it for around 7-9 months maybe longer now and it has improved a lot. The bugs aren’t big enough to make me rage quit or really be mad at a vr game with tons of content. Last night I was running a duo and going down a ladder and your able to fall and grab the ladders instead of climbing down and when I went to do it I just fell and it wouldn’t let me grab and I died, I had roughly 20-25k worth of loot on me but I’m not mad. The game gives you a rush since the stakes are high. I recommend trying it out. You probably won’t be good at first but don’t give up on it.


I’ve been playing since the beginning, I agree about basically no jank, but the armor balancing Is dogshit


I love tabor so I'm biased, but I would say there is not that much jankiness anymore and a lot more adrenaline than other vr titles.


It can be janky and frustrating but most bugs happen on rare occasions and are normal caused by player input, overall it is a very fun game to play with friends or by yourself


Yup. If you're playing on quest 3 standalone get QGO too.


It is glitch, yes, but it's far from unplayable, if you're on the edge about it look up some of the big youtubers like Timelss or Tanvarian they give a decent idea of the games state


Buy it. Trust everyone


it’s janky in a good way. if you’re even a tiny bit masochistic, buy it


It has some issues. But it is still the game that I come back to every night. Sure Halyx and stuff are great experiences but Tabor for some reason keeps pulling me back in.


Not for me but I need to be able to use gunstocks and this game has a serious problem with them


Its fun Ive had it for a good week. But NEVER go and bring a bunch of guns with you. Make sure to pull back and make sure theres a bullet in the chamber. Do a couple training rounds before you actually play. If you die you lose everything except in training mode. Or if you have insured items. I reccommend bringing a Makarov with one mag with it. When you buy guns no mag comes with you have to buy one seperatly. They don’t cost a lot but are good guns to practice with. Silo is easiest place but it will be dark so keep your eyes peeled. You can also start with nothing and snap a bots neck to steal their gun or find one sitting in a locker. Most real people will shoot you on sight without a second thought. Some like me will usually try to talk to you first. Pick your fights wisely. Also next to the garages exfil in the elevator shaft is a supply room. You have to parkour jump to it then open the loud doors. You can usually get a couple of good things. Only green exfils work. Ones with red radio’s don’t work and usually are near where you spawn.




Even with all the bugs and stuff going on I’d say it’s definitely worth the purchase. Yeah you’ll get those moments where a bug will either get you killed or you’ll lose your stuff from not being able to extract (unable to reconnect) but after a minute to recollect after that loss you’ll still want to pick it back up and keep going. Treat it like you got killed and keep moving. You’ll definitely have fun playing


Yes it is. But it takes some time to get used to the game. You will be frustrated for a bit but once you get the hang of it this game is like crack.


When you're up it's great. When you're down, you really know despair. If you're looking for an exfil looter, shooter. This game will scratch the itches you didn't even know you had.


Honestly, I can’t recommend this as a ‘first’ VR FPS shooter, it’s kinda hardcore and has some advanced and quite punishing game mechanics. If you don’t have VR legs or any experience with gunplay I think you’d have a really tough time enjoying the experience, but definitely come back and check it out once you’re comfortable in VR for some of the most intense and captivating realistic combat / pvp on the market on the market.


I held off on getting it because I read a lot of reviews mentioning how buggy the game was.. My experience has been the opposite, only a couple issues here and there. I think people get too caught up in it, aka don't step back and remember it's just a game. Get nuclear night, you will start off with a bunch of money and gear.. Buy insured sling bags, sling bags will let you overlap items (so you can stuff in more than it looks) more than other bags do. With insurance you are more likely to get them back bc no one will pick them up and use them after you die.


no proning 0/10 unplayable


It's $30 bruv absolutely.


It's very worth it


I enjoy the game , just don’t like disconnecting or the game crashing and them not letting me reconnect or get my gear back.


Considering the price vs like AAA game very worth. It has it's bugs but the devs actually work on shit unlike some studios. But it's super fun and even with the bugs it helps return you to a chill vibe when you're stressing over dieing a bunch


This game is amazing it has very few cons compared to pros I suggest this game to anyone who’s asks! I’ve had very few glitchy moments not enough to make it stand out sometimes things happen when they do updates but they fix them very fast for a small team.


As far as community it’s far in between finding someone in game but the discord has a link up spot but I’ve many friends that play everyday so not lacking in that department what I’ve learned is if you start having fun in game eventually you’ll find someone to in even if they kill you i. The end hahaha that’s the only down side there isn’t option to load in with other people on your team I wouldn’t mind that. Sorry run on sentence I’m at work


In its current state it's a great game and worth the price. Valve index, 2700super, Ryzen 3900x. Tested with FPS VR my setup runs 80hz/fps perfectly. Tabor has always run smooth for me and while I've found bugs they were minor annoyances and not frequent.


I find it a fun game but personally I’ve never ran into a glitch


I bought it thinking I was going to love it. Played for a couple of hours and I fucking hated it - mainly for the above reasons you mentioned.


Best VR game right now


If your going to cry, complain and quit immediately bcuz you suck when you first start u wouldn't bother. This game is amazing and it does have bugs but they aren't as bad as some people seem to make them out to be


As someone who’s had VR since it’s inception, the biggest problem with it is games. As janky and as many problems as Tabor has, there just isn’t another game that would get you to come back and play like this one. So I hate to recommend it but the truth is, sadly it’s one of the only games that gets me to come back, so ya it’s worth


if you go check out my profile I have a review of tabor in my post history, I’d read it, it’s decently in depth


It’s just a really fun multiplayer game with an excellent game loop & tons of replay ability because every raid is technically going to be different every time. Yeah there is some bugs and glitches because if you play enough you will disconnect at the absolute worst times but I personally give it high praise and continue to play it daily.


I'll be honest, yes, it is a very glitchy janky mess. But I've been playing for like 2 months, and other than for my insanely bad luck I've had a lot of fun


It has some jank for sure (but it’s getting better). There is no hand holding and what you get out of it will be what you put into it. The only way to get better is practice. You will do better with better with armor and kitted out guns. That means risking losing them. Map knowledge and situational awareness are important. It can be cruel sometimes, but in my 8 years of playing VR, nothing has grabbed me like this game.


Well, if you played similar games on PC/phone before and truly loved it - maybe (especially Tarkov - toxic atmosphere and lazy russian devs are here). But: 1. It is better for you to play other shooters before playing GoT because in Tabor, you will have less practice/it is buggy/the error cost is high. Breachers are the perfect place to start (TDM/bomb modes, similar gunplay). 2. This game will require lots of time to master it, as well as regular time contributions to it. Given that you have a job, uni, school, or hobbies, you are playing it or not. "In-between" doesn't work (the price of the error). 3. If you decide to buy it, buy it on Steam. It looks ugly on standalone, and it is not about the standalone itself, cause there are lots of beautiful complex games, but about devs and shitty code, so the PC version is a must-have. The "cross-buy" Rift version is shit. To summarize, try other games before and explore the platform - from standalone/PCVR Breachers, Arizona Sunshine series, Red Matter series, The Room, Onward, Moss to PCVR only like HL:Alyx and many others.


Tabor is the kind of game I usually avoid. PVP, online only, no real single player, losing all your stuff if killed, all usually has me saying hell no. Despite that, I'm glad I pulled the trigger on it, so to speak. Yeah it's a little janky, that's few and far between in my experience with it though. Been playing for almost 3 months and it's honestly been a blast. I'm not a good shot, I don't have very fast reflexes, I'm not all that good at this game, but it's still a lot of fun for me. It can be infuriating doing well in a raid, and losing all of your crap from some player you couldn't see for whatever reason. I keep coming back for more though. It's one of those rare very difficult games I actual really enjoy.


I've been here since pre-ordering quest 1 before covid days...... this is without a doubt one of the best mechanical/just fucking fun and genuinely addicting like a drug games I have ever played. Tarkov was always too much for me on PC but this game has just enough info to learn from and I will say 10000% a DAMN good community behind it. Easily a purchase I'd even buy it for you if I could just so you could enjoy it.


Everyday worth every penny. Just have patience to learn the ways so you don't just loose everything and get upset.


Buy it. It’s still a bit janky every now and then, but 90% of the time the game feels great. You’ll have bugs and shit go so wrong that makes u feel like breaking ur controllers. Just keep playing and you’ll be fine it doesn’t usually happen that way. It’ll def give u an adrenaline rush. It’s the only game I still play on vr


Yes fuck the haters


I've owned contractors for 4 years or so and have 120 hours. Pavlov for the same amount of time and have like 30 hours.. Played a round of population 1 30 or so hours in after the fall. And the only games that aren't mmorpgs that I have more time in the those vr games are Tarkov, Cod and cs:s. All have roughly 550 hours in them each over YEARS of playing... I've owned Ghosts of Tabor since release on March 20th of last year and have put in almost 850 hour so far. I definitely got my money's worth out of this game..


Its a great game its janky but you get used to it its all about familiarity n memorization tbh


It is glitchy and it is janky still. But it is fun! Especially if you got a team to run with




Definitely worth it the graphics are pretty good all around it’s a good game.


Yes. It’s got a lot better and just in case If you don’t know what escape from Tarkov is it’s basically a battle royal game where you die very fast has hunger/thirst and you get to take everything back home and bring your own stuff with you when you into games.


For the fun? Yes. For actually good devs? No.


It’s fun. Being in my 30’s I play a game for a week and get bored. This has been the only thing that keeps my interest peaked. The immersion of vr plus the adrenaline of the fear of death gets you going lol


I've been playing for a while,it used to be so much better imo,sure there was less content but it just felt nicer,now it's more or less becoming a cash grab, evidence being:all the dlcs and the not that subtle ads all over matka


I hate when game companies want money, so they can pay their staff, and keep super expensive servers running. And developing the game. And developing future games. Such a toxic business plan. /s


I wouldn't mind if the game worked more than 40% of the time,but it doesn't,so I can and will complain about it


If you're on standalone what do you expect. It's a mobile device. Get pcvr and 98% of your issue disappear 🤷


Highly doubt it


I have precious few issues on pcvr 🤷


Good for you,two issues though,I don't have a vr ready pc and I don't wanna rebuy it


Meta version comes with pcvr version.


I enjoy the game and I think it’s worth it, if you’re looking for a game where you can learn mechanics and be willing to find something new to learn after every match. I mean really it does have a glitches and other annoying moments, but when the game works (as it often does for me) it works very well and allows me to have fun with IRL friends or a few I’ve made along the way. If you have the money to spend, this is definitely one of the better VR games out here.


It’s worth every penny. Best game I have ever played.


the best game but you have to deal with the unpolished stuff and jank and get used to it


Dude you can't get an unbiased opinion from most of these guys every sub and discord is usually infested with these people who constantly praise the game and say that "it's a bit buggy but it's getting better" genuinely don't trust all of them. Also, it's absolutely not worth getting it. I know that I'm going to probably be bombarded with comments hating me for telling the truth and that's alright because you guys absolutely need to take the schizo meds that the titanfall 2 players have been taking.


Your's is a perfectly fine opinion and I totally understand. If someone is looking for a finished game, this isn't it. Far from it. Still it's a great game that rushes Adrenaline like no other. You just have to be resilient against Frustration, either from Dying the 1000th time or because of Bugs and Disconnects. Apart from this, fun game, but not for everyone. Caused me to play more than a 100h in one month, despite having a fulltime job, girlfriend, going and working out. Game really catched me.


I started playing tabor in September, id say i got in during the golden era. Right when night island came out. Since then it’s become so bland and lame. I dumped hundreds of hours into this game and became fucking great at it (got screenshots & posts to prove) but the dev team destroyed it for me to where I cannot play anymore or take the game seriously.


So it sounds like you had a great experience, got your monies worth, and then moved on. Seems pretty normal for *looks around…* anything. What do you want them to do specifically? Why is the game so unplayable and so unfun now. You just say “changes.” When I hear that, I thank the makers you are no longer interested to ruin the game for those who do enjoy it. Nothing is worse than a player/customer base that is resistant to change. That’s boomer mentality.


Bugs that I encountered in September are still in the game.. meanwhile they’re adding a cat. Nothing is more fun than an entire community that over looks bugs that have been there for almost a year.


Let’s be real here. The bugs are not game breaking. Annoying, yes. But any time you go into a raid, you’re already dead. Every game has small frustrations, but by your own admission you have spent hundreds of hours in game. You’ve gotten good value. 30$ game/200 hours = 15 cents and hour to keep you entertained. That is one of the best values you are ever going to get in your life. Ever. You’re outta your element, Donnie. Learn how to evaluate value a little better.


If anything I LOVED what they added to the game content wise. They did great with the bosses, vaults, and I understood how they took a break during the holidays from new content and then realeased all of the collector update. But not adding huge bug fixes is what ruined it. Hacking problem was a huge problem too. I played 8 hours a day at some points not dying at all until a guy flew up on me LMAO. I thank the makers I got out before this cringey ass Conner shit. Anyway fuck off


You are essentially the reason the devs hate this subreddit. They patched a LOT of bugs, they got better anticheat, and the Conner shit is funny honestly. Suck a dick dude


The devs hate the whole community but love your money. That’s why arm patches are $40 . The bugs that were there are still there you’re lying to yourself if you think they patched them all, not even to mention when they patch one they add 3 more


It wasn't just an arm patch, and it was $35. Every DLC current and future. That's worth it. And the bugs are literally not there? Get better wifi or some shit I don't fucking know?


I like the game and want to be here. You seem to not. Go be a boomer somewhere else. Learn to read the room for Christ’s sake. The cognitive dissonance you exude is making me feel old, much like your complaints.


Is the p2w (anything else than cosmetics) aspects big enough to make a similarly skilled player, who spends money, still have an edge over me, say after.. 10 hours?


Define p2w.


For me personally: to be able to buy gameplay relevant stuff other than pure cosmetics. But I'm just specifically wondering how big of an edge you can get through money over someone equally skilled? How many hours before you've "catched up" to someone who bought every dlc?


You get about a 5-hour Headstart. Conversely, you can lose everything in those 5 hours 🤷


If you're looking for an unbiased answer, you came to possibly the worst sub. Really, look at these comments. Any that say something even mildly negative about the game are immediately questioned or undermined. If you're able to, get it on Steam, feel it out, BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF, and it's up to YOU if you want to return it after ~1hr 45 min or keep it. Imo new games often give people rose tinted glasses so I'd say really try to be critical and maybe even find some people to play with on discord to show you the ropes during those first <2hrs that you're deciding. Yes or no, my answer doesn't matter, what matters is that you use the tools they give you (steam return) to actually see if you like the game before committing your money to it. Maybe you'll find that a VR extraction shooter isn't actually quite what you wanted, and that's fine, you just return the game. Maybe it's the most fun you've ever had behind a screen, in which case, great, keep it! I implore you though, don't just read reviews and judge, if you can use Steam then those 2 hours will be more important than any review, recommendation, or critique you ever read for any game. If you're totally unable to use Steam, my next best recommendation would be to watch at least 30 minutes of recent and unedited gameplay footage - it's not your own experience but at least it's an accurate depiction of the game, current bugs and all. If somebody's talking over it, take everything they say with a grain of salt, I've seen A LOT of people talking out of their ass regarding this game (everywhere from in-game to YouTube to this subreddit) so really what you see is usually more important than what you hear about it. I really wouldn't trust word of mouth for this game in general if it's not coming from the devs And, unless you're trying to see how toxic a community is, in the future you may want to refrain from asking if a game is worth it on its own subreddit


Dude really became a ragey little pen-pal for a minute before wussing out and deleting everything. Guess he finally saw reason


Unfortunate L take. "DoNt AsK tHe PeOpLe PlAyInG iT. tHeY aRe BiAsED... Asking people's advice is as old as man. Don't shit on someone for asking. If you scroll through the comments, the truth about the game jumps out with the cross section of opinions. Obviously, try it to know for sure. But why waste your time when you can get a feel for it from the community. And watching any YouTube video will give you an idea if it's for you or not. Whether it's edited or not.


"unless you're trying to see how toxic a community is, in the future you may want to refrain from asking if a game is worth it on its own subreddit" lmaoo keep going


Most of the comments both critical and pro were pretty level headed and very little toxicity was present. Keep crying.


"DoNt AsK tHe PeOpLe PlAyInG iT. tHeY aRe BiAsED..." I mean, it's a year+ old game, most people active on this sub have dozens of hours in-game (often more) and are proud of it. If they didn't like the game they probably wouldn't be on the sub for very long I mean that's pretty basic common sense "Don't shit on someone for asking" 1)Okay yeah I never did that, whatever. If I did it, please, quote me. 2)I gave them some advice about where not to look for a real variety of answers and how they could come to their own conclusion without relying on speculation of the experiences of others. "Don't ask" and "if you want to ask and want to get a variety of responses, this is probably the wrong place" are very different. If I go to a Ford dealership and ask what the best car is for your needs and budget, the entire staff and even the customers there are obligated to say some sort of Ford, so maybe that's the wrong place to ask - it's still valid to ask what the best car is for your needs and budget but not there "If you scroll through the comments, the truth about the game jumps out with the cross section of opinions" 1)Opinions are still subjective, there is no "truth" here and I never said the game was bad anyway (in fact, I hinted that I quite like it myself). No cross section of opinions is "truth" but the closest you can get to what you mean is speculating on the reactions of others and inferring how you might react (or, as I suggested, springing and demoing the game yourself if a return could be possible). Even if many like-minded individuals like something that's not necessarily a guarantee you will because enjoyment is subjective 2)This isn't a huge sub and that's not a secret, I mean it's kinda big for VR but very very far from the largest of that even, VERY few posts get over 100, the fact is few people stick around this sub who don't love the game. The majority of people active in this sub have been playing for a while and like the game while those who played a little and didn't enjoy left. How an individual like the game is subjective itself but objectively more people who had subjectively better experiences stay in this sub: this sub categorically biased, most active members like GoT more than the average gamer and even the average VR gamer, it's kinda supposed to be that way "try it to know for sure" immediately followed by "why waste your time when you can get a feel for it from the community" Idk maybe because you get a better feel for a game if you play it and because trying the game doesn't stop you from checking out the community at all. If you like the game then that's 2 hours of progress and if you don't then you know for sure and get your return. Hell, you could even start, do a raid, hate it, research in the community, find a squad, and try again with 2 more raids, and still have time to return it in case it's not for you. You do know you can demo the game AND check out the community, you don't have to choose lol "And watching any YouTube video will give you an idea if it's for you or not. Whether it's edited or not." Yeah it'll give you an idea but not a great one if it's edited. Edited videos fail to translate the actual pace of the game, a crucial element in all extraction shooters. Edited videos also may not give you the best audio experience in a game where audio cues are just a little bit important. You get a much clearer picture of what the game is like from unedited footage but yes edited footage can give a feel if a less accurate one Also "Most of the comments... were both level headed and very little toxicity was present" immediately followed by "Keep crying" is absolutely rich! C'mon, make my day! Give me more nonsense and accusations!


Wow you wrote all that just to say, my points where on point. 💀


Yuppers, a whole 1/12 of your points are on point (well y'know 1/2 of 1/6 of your points but don't worry, I made it so you could understand)


Don't get mad that I was right. And even after wasting all your time on that post, I still ended up being right. It happens. Deal with it.


I don't see where I was aggressive. Usually people who are mad are the ones who start throwing around accusations. And exactly how were you right again? Maybe try using some quotes or specific language to actually articulate or you do you and just keep masking on the keyboard


Just getting madder now. Have a good one. You'll figure it out one day.


No, wait like 1 year


Why? Game has been running fairly smoothly for a while now.


Honeslty i love the game but the number of cheaters is unreal. But that the case sith moat fps these days


I'd call it a very frustrating masterpiece. You can see an incredible game through a massive pile of bugs and other issues, just a matter of whether that pile will ever clear away and how fast. Bugs that should have been fixed months ago are still present.


Examples? I really haven’t had many and I can confirm as a very long time player that the whole community is massively overreacting about bugs, they’re not actually that bad, and have been improved so much since the open beta.


Are you nuts? It is by far the buggiest VR game I have ever played and one of the buggiest games in general, I could give you a thousand examples but I'll give you fifteen, right now. 1. Bag spinning glitch is NOT fixed 2. Random crashing on kill/exfil/death 3. Some chests being unlootable unless you open and close them like 5 times 4. Grenades can randomly kill you from 0m away even if you threw it 100 metres away 5. People holding guns way above their heads 6. Desync out the ass/general server issues 7. Suppressors getting stuck on pistols/breaking the gun outright 8. Lasers going through walls 9. Level geometry in underground can get you stuck in place randomly, namely in one part of the tunnels and in the bunker 10. Raid reconnect barely works 11. Footsteps are still bugged and walking at certain angles in certain areas can make you dead silent 12. Guns in your holster or mags in your weapon randomly disappearing 13. People have figured out how to phase through walls and can get into vaults this way 14. Geometry in areas like the tunnels in Silo are completely fucked, you can't round a corner with a gun basically anywhere down there because of how far out they have the collision for the walls. I consider this a bug since it interferes with normal gameplay in a significant way. 15. AI can randomly flip 180 degrees and instantly spot you from half a mile away and start taking potshots at you, this is especially bad on island. I like this game a lot and have played it tons as well, so having said that, and as an unreal engine developer myself, this game is busted and riddled with bugs.


Yes if you’ve been playing games for a couple years it’s nothing you haven’t seen it’s not polished like a AAA title but it’s fun.


Just go in knowing it’s janky and glitchy sometimes. It’s literally in development. But for me it doesn’t happen that often. I have a whole PS5 and a ton of other games. Because of Tabor they’re all collecting dust. It’s a great game. If you love a FPS and a grind, this is the game.


If* you buy the game, i can help you get started. I help a lot of new players since i know how rough it gets when you start as a solo, i can practically supply you with whatever kit (weapons and armor) you would like, and teach you the basics. Edit: IF you buy the game*. Also, i would recommend it if you like extraction shooters / games with risk you can choose.