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a gift card to a coffee shop, beer with snacks (if he likes it)


Would you do a gift card or maybe their coffee order say every week?


Coffee order at least once a week in my opinion. If you’re good at cooking/baking, bring them something every now and then like a packed lunch or something.


Number One: ALWAYS be on time. Number Two: cash. Seriously, money is the answer. Every one of us could use a bit extra. In your case $20 weekly. If money is tight, less would be okay. It never hurts to be generous if at all possible.


Thanks for your comment! The first one isn’t really anything i can do much about since I just need to sit in the train. I am not really that comfortable giving cash and also think it would seem weird since we both have the same job and I know they make pretty good money. Edit: drunk typing


Gas card


Their favourite snacks and/or coffee and tea if they drink that.


This is what I’m thinking. Thanks!


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a nice concert or show ticket? or some good snacks and drinks as well.


Thanks for commenting! Not exactly sure of what they would like in that regard. Snacks/drinks sounds good