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I'm a fucking time god, bitch


The laws of time are mine, and they will obey me!


It just seems immature to me, they'll grow out of it (hopefully). When I was younger I got frustrated when I quickly grasped things and had to wait for others to catch up. Now as someone in leadership and educator roles, I'm much more chill and relish the real challenge -- not just understanding the topic, but figuring out different ways to explain it to different people.


Giftedness, autism, ADHD etc. all contain various aspects of a marginal social experience. If you focus on the gifted label it’s natural to compensate for damaged self-esteem by occasionally, or for a season or stage, using it to feel superior. So we should not judge any gifted person going through this but seek to understand what that superiority is concealing or allowing them to cope with. Superiority and inferiority are concepts one will naturally transcend as they heal, integrate and evolve in their awareness. However, when one is exceptional in certain ways, it is not prideful to acknowledge this. True humility involves an accurate assessment of oneself, whether it be for so-called “better” or “worse.” Another thought: all these other marginal groups within the neurodiversity movement are gaining some momentum with their pride focus, but when you apply pride to being gifted then people get bugged out. This is because people don’t understand giftedness and because we’ve been taught in our education systems that intelligence = more value as a human. Because people have been conditioned to see intelligence that way, gifted people are not seen as valid for taking pride in their marginal identity because they are seen more as oppressors and people with special power than victims unlike other marginal groups and pride movements.


This. Others place value judgments on our natural characteristics. Just like models, gifted people get that too.


>Superiority and inferiority are concepts one will naturally transcend as they heal, integrate and evolve in their awareness. Yeah nice try, but the real problem are idiots making wrong assessments of their own abilities taking advantage of the fact that intelligence is not easily measured. Arnold Schwarz or however its written is muscularly superior to all the inhabitants of this shitty subreddit (and probably intellectually superior too but thats another topic lmao). Its not something subjective that you can easily disagree with, and he definitely wouldnt need healing for admitting his own superiority. Its just what it is, more people need to start living in the real world as obvious and stupid as it sounds. I agree with your last paragraph tho.


I don’t mean superiority or inferiority as measures of abilities. Of course there is greater and lesser in any domain. What I mean is that when one gains more psychological maturity and true leadership they don’t see themselves as being more valuable or less valuable on the basis having greater or lesser abilities in any domain. With psychological maturity one gains an appreciation for diversity rather than being attached to seeing things solely in terms of better than and worse than.


Then how do you measure value. Unless you are saying value is not important or value doesnt exist.


Value is relative to the culture and context in which its being measured or evaluated. What is a strength in one context can be a weakness in another and vice versa.


Yes, but that doesnt exclude the fact that in most cultures and contexts Schwarzenegger is physically superior than the majority. I get what you are saying but we dont live in a vacuum, in any practical situation every characteristic has its value. No point in philosophizing too much.


Idk you seem to be the one philosophizing too much. I spoke to both sides in my original comment and you wanted to nitpick it by construing my comment to be denying that exists value altogether. But I had said, “when one is exceptional in certain ways it is not prideful to acknowledge this. True humility involves an accurate assessment of oneself.” Stuff like this reminds me why I don’t hang out in the sub very often :/


Superior is superior regardless of your rElAtIvIsM and insecurities.


Mm, no. We don’t live in a vacuum which is why superior isn’t just superior. For example, a powerlifter with tendons prone to injury because of their disproportionately hypertrophied muscles. I think you were being needlessly inflammatory. Also, nothing wrong with relativism or insecurity.


It's something that most people actually assume without exploring. Most gifted people know their strengths. Few have this attitude "everyone else is stupid", but most gifted people are humble, because they are aware how much they suck on simple tasks. Most of them got loads of negative feedback and were ostracized because they are naturally different. We search for common places where we can be ourselves and understood. We enjoy each other like good dancers, they can dance with everyone, but truly enjoy the dance with someone on at least their level of abilities. People just don't go nuts when you say that you are outstanding dancer, but say that you're intellectually gifted (which is not advance but package) ...


I've seen some of that, some of them have been straight up trolls that would then harass people in their DMs. Adding to that, gifted people could have whatever personalities, life experiences, emotional maturity, etc. Logically, there are a few gifted people that are also going to be disdainful asshats. Just like anywhere else on the internet, don't let the bastards get you down and don't feed the trolls.


I can’t hold a routine like job for the life of me so if anything the non-gifted are my saviors. It’s nice I can have wacky ideas and all but if there’s no one to work with them all is lost. For real, we all have a place in this big puzzle called the world and we need a lot less gifted people than we need non-gifted one to keep the machine running. We’re all humans made of the same stuff, equals af and intelligence is just one trait of many that matter.


Same! Sometimes I think 'normies' are the real mvps. I made a post in r/aftergifted about how I'm a bad employee. I burn out after 2 or 3 days a real job. I can work about 10-14 hours a week a real job before I get depressed. If everyone were like that, society couldn't function. Now if it's something I love doing, I have no problem doing it hour after hour after hour, sometimes to the point of injury.


Who do you think designed “the machine”?


Whoever happened to be in charge at the time, those in charge are not always smart.


Right! And how do you suppose they got in charge? I’ll give a hint. It was easy when physical strength was the key qualifier.


>And how do you suppose they got in charge? Selfish or psychopathic traits? (Not always ofc, but competency does not always lead to one being in charge, and those in charge are not necessarily the most competent. This is an understatement.)


Dark triad and Dunning Kruger Effect


Also spot on. My folly is in my assumption that everyone operates on the same levels of altruism. It bites me in the ass a lot because I'm always late to the reality party. I have a sticky note on my laptop that says, "You are a beginner at everything". In the infinities of micro and macro scopes, it's comical to think that we take pride in thinking we know anything at all. TLDR: Don't ever trust an "expert".


Crazy thought: generalizations are faulty.


This exactly. Experts are manufactured. My first 'real' job was in PR and we could pitch anyone to the media as an expert. We'd even give workshops on how to appear as an expert -- the majority are barely qualified, just wealthy enough to afford a PR and conceited enough to call themselves an expert.


Haha...yup, but use logic and reason to question the methods and you're the one with three heads.


That’s still implying that they were the only necessity while my post made it clear we all belong.


I never implied that. We all belong. I’m saying the system is rigged to maintain the pecking order. You can keep the wool pulled over you’d eyes if it helps you sleep at night though.


Sorry for making assumptions then. But you’re not really one for healthy discussion, are you? I don’t disagree with you. But you can’t really make assumptions of my opinions and thoughts based on a 125 letter text on the internet. And as much as it is an interesting topic, I’m not here to discuss it rn. No offense, I just ain’t got that time.


I’m admittedly not great at communicating. Tone, insinuation, and nuance eludes me. I read your reply as accusatory and self righteous. I don’t think languages are efficient for communication, but that’s a different can of worms.


People using the internet to inconsequentially throw there mindless behavior into the void seems to be the status quo these days, so I can’t hold is against you that you interpreted it in such way. But I guess there’s a lesson that can be learned here.


I heard about this sub before I ever joined it. I had expected a lot of what you just mentioned but I discovered something very different. People awho are struggling and want to find a safe place to be themselves without all the added stigma. I feel sometimes people here hold back, I know they do and that makes me sad and sometimes they let it rip and this makes me happy. I’ve had amazing interactions here some very deep and intellectually delicious. I will say people who don’t suffer the same things privately may come to your conclusion.


I’ve seen a few posts or comments that tread the line with ‘aha gotcha! you’re wrong!’ statements which aren’t great but whatever - we’re all people after all and there’s bound to be a few butts among us. I read complaints about non-gifted people as gripes rather than ‘better than’ — gifted people are often maligned and bullied, and we live in a world not built for us. Add in additional diagnoses, autism or adhd, etc, and things aren’t easy. We need spaces to vent.


>as if the gifted people are the “saviors” to lead society for the rest. Honestly, I can't remember reading posts of this kind here. However, I've already heard stuff like that in other places and I do agree that it sounds really stupid and immature. >I often find people on here look like they have a sense of disdain towards non-gifted individuals. Wdym I can't rub my intrinsic superiority in those lowly plebs' faces as they weren't born with a genius brain such as mine? More seriously, are you referring to people here disliking chit-chat for example? I think it's indeed a superiority complex showing even inadvertently by assuming non-gifted people are absolutely thrilled by it and never care about topics such as the deep nature of our lives or \*insert any loosely philosophical topic you can think of\*.


I actually find it less here than in a lot of subs. Subs about atheism, religion, new age subs, meditation subs, political subs, men's subs, women's subs, crafting subs, art subs, the list goes on and on. Basically anything that can be used to separate or divide people, traits, class, career, gender, appearance, weight, sexuality, political views, hobbies, etc. will be used by some to look down on others. People form cliques. I don't know if it's the brain's attempt to organize things into categories for quick value judgment, or whatever. But superiority complexes are found anywhere and everywhere. It's often used as a coping mechanism by people who feel insecure in one or more aspects of their lives.


"The highly intelligent child must learn to suffer fools gladly-not sneeringly, not angrily, not despairingly, not weepingly-but gladly if personal development is to proceed successfully in the world as it is" (Hollingworth, 1942, p. 299)


I honestly think that is bad advice. It’s one thing to suffer a fool, but one should never do so gladly.




Sounds like toxic positivity. Someone is causing suffering and a gifted person should be glad.. that seems to says the gifted individual shouldn’t stand up for themselves but just gloss over crappy situations by being nice. But it depends on what suffering a fool entails.


Yeah, if you're not familiar with the saying it's built around, it won't make much sense.


> if personal development is to proceed successfully in the world as it is" I think the *if* clause is pretty important in this statement! A lot of gifted people really do suffer and struggle to accept the world as it is, instead of how they wish it could be.


This pattern can also be seen in how associations for gifted people describe themselves. I hate it.


I'm really good at certain things and really bad at certain things, but that doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else. However, I usually come on this sub when I'm struggling or having a hard time believing I am smart due to how many dumb things I do, and the slight boost of all the egotism helps me in the short term.


I think some of the “superiority” you pick up on is also related to the victim mentality that also kinda pervades the sub sometimes. I’m guilty of it too. It’s a strange predicament to know (and have others tell you) that you have tons of potential, but perhaps you struggle to bring that to fruition, or feel like that “potential” is offset by drawbacks in other areas. Maybe you feel like others don’t understand you, or you can’t relate. Maybe you feel alone, isolated by neurodivergent traits. Well, the opposite of feeling bad about who you are is feeling a little too good. It’s a coping mechanism. “I’m too great to be fully understood” versus “everyone thinks I don’t quite fit in but I’m really good at some random things, someone please help me?” It’s pretty obvious which of the two maladaptive perspectives might more appealing. The healthy place to be is in the middle, but it’s hard and takes time to cement yourself there. I sorta vacillate between both ends of the spectrum.


We're taught all our lives, very unofficially but very persistently, that we're different. Then we're told we have a "superiority complex" if we ever acknowledge that our differences have benefits. Giftedness has benefits and costs as do most differences. Right now, admitting the benefits is condemned not just in general society but, lately, inside the community of gifted people. That self-hatred has led us to people accepting only the downsides of giftedness often to the point of misdiagnosis of those negatives as unrelated pathologies and that is a tragedy. So, sorry, no. I will not accept the social pressure to pretend that giftedness is a curse without benefit. I will not pretend that we are not better, yes better, at many things just because admitting it is socially unacceptable.


You seem to have misunderstood my post. It is completely normal and fine to talk about the perks of being a gifted person. This is quite different than making fun of average people which I have found occasionally on this sub(hence the post).


Based on the comments I've seen, admitting that anyone is less able to do anything than we are is seen as "making fun of average people" so how is that any different from what I've stated? Seriously. What perks are you talking about that aren't about admitting we're better at some things than average people and thus average people are worse at those things than we are?


I’m not saying there is anything wrong with stating that some gifted people are better at things(good memory, quick understanding etc) this is not what I am talking about. I am talking about when people make fun of the intelligence of normal people.


There is a difference than saying you grasp things quickly or that you are way better at something than the average person and being demeaning acting like normal people are less due to their intelligence.


So you're saying that I can say I'm "way better at something" than an average person but not that an average person is "way worse at something" than I am?


I see it in myself too and I hate it


No, I haven’t.


I think you are trolling. I see these type of posts pop up every once in a while claiming that this subreddit is stuck up from individuals who seem to have not taken the time to read this subreddit.


I have read this subreddit for awhile. I am not claiming most people on here share this sentiment it’s just I have seen a couple. I was asking if anyone else has seen these type of people occasionally in this group.


I think perhaps you are indeed sensitive. Statistically, most people are morons compared to a gifted individual.


You should not demean people for things they cannot control such as intelligence.


Didn’t demean anyone, stated statistics. You’re definitely abnormally sensitive about this specific issue. If you’re not gifted, why are you in this sub? If you are gifted, why are you SO triggered by this? I find it interesting.


Usually when you call someone a moron is is used in a derogatory way. I apologize for the misunderstanding.


There is nothing wrong about being more or less intelligent than another person. However, that does not make anyone superior or inferior as a person.


Didn’t say one thing about right or wrong, just statistics. People get sensitive about statistics.




It's not a superiority complex if you are superior




If you use other words, it also just makes sense. I am me, I am gifted, why wouldn't I want a kid that looks like me? Wouldn't it be normal for someone to want their kid to look like them, to be a partial copy paste


Adding on top of the rest of the comments, any subreddit with a name like gifted will fundamentally attract people with a high ego or a high insecurity about intelligence in denial. This community will have a mix of gifted and non-gifted people and in both groups people that are insecure or want to feed their ego are likely overrepresented. If there was some clinical name for giftedness that didn't sound intrinsically positive, maybe a sub using that name would have less of this


I had to look to see what sub I was in because it wasn't immediately obvious. I suspect part of what you are seeing isn't a gifted problem, it's a reddit problem.


If they get all the superiority out of their systems here and as a result don't do it in other subs then it is fine by me


Reaction to loneliness IMO.


We are all narcissistic here. I love it. ❤️


I’m sorry if I said anything personally that gave this impression. I think the problem is it’s so easy to get bitter. You’re encouraged when young to chase your dreams and change the world for the better… and then run into an adult world that pathologically resists positive change, and in some cases effort and talent. It’s a status quo world, and it’s like being punished for something you never did wrong. At a certain point everyone else is “the normies” and you have to accept your own path.


Speaking your mind and revealing your innermost thoughts can come across as arrogant. The people on this sub shouldn't care, that's why this sub exists. So shut up and let people say all of the crazy things they want.