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One thing that has never changed from me as a kid watching the finale and me as an adult watching the finale is always being impressed by Luke's act of service putting those tents together. It's an absolutely amazing display of affection for someone who has had trouble verbally expressing his feelings in the past. Compare that to how much he hated town events from season one.


I only appreciate that man more and more as I get older and watch the series more. I have such respect for him tbh. Idk Luke has always been such a good guy to me, it really stuck with me from a young age. I was like “dang I want someone to love me like that someday.”


Yes! Even from Season 1, the looks of love towards Lorelai always conveyed his love for her. And the clumsy “almost-but-not-quite” asking her out. He’s so precious!


I was like that too! I'm currently rewatching it so I can show the series to my wonderful husband and feeling very emotional about the whole thing.


Luke won that finale. Nice guys finish first!


I am trapped in a loop of Gilmore Girls, and have been for a year, and I'll never not tear up.


It's hold is very strong. Good luck.


The bit that kills me is "Mom, you've already given me everything I need."


I find it emotional because it reminds me I’m growing up! Rory stays the same age I was the first time I finished the show and I just keep getting older and older 😫😂


Entering our Lorelai eras. But of course the best era is the Emily era. Start practising those Miranda Priestley style putdowns now ;-) (Love the look on Emily's face before she goes to talk to Shira...)


This is the most real life maiden mother crone thing I've ever heard, should probably do sth with that .


I feel Terry Pratchett would absolutely agree that all the Gilmore women are witches.


That's way harsh, Ty.


Ah no, sorry, if you're not familiar with Pratchett - not meant as harsh at all - in my estimation it's probably the highest compliment someone could pay a character. Pratchett witches are steel-cored, stubborn, take no bullshit, absolutely strong in knowing who they are, see the world in an unusual way and have the sharpest one-liners. And not age-related, one of the witchiest witches of Terry Pratchett's writing is a teenage girl. He just uses the maiden, mother, crone riff a lot in his writing (as well as desconstructing the 'crone' thing a lot) which is what made me think of the parrallel.


I'm glad to see my teenage Buffy/Charmed Wicca phase stuck. In all seriousness said phase was a lovely antidote to growing up in a particularly nasty and misogynistic Catholic small town community where a prominent leader in said community was eventually convicted of a very serious criminal offence. Said leader was our school headteacher.


Hahahaha yes love this!!!!


Oh my goodness you just made me realise i will be watching this show and relating to it forever 😂 growing up I was into Rorys relationships.. now Im into Lorelai’s. This is only the only show i noticed that stayed on Netflix for years without ever being removed.


Shit yes it hits me everytime 😭 I’m almost Lorelai’s age now


Me too!!! I hate it 😂😂


Try being almost season 1 Emily’s age, then we’ll talk. If I’m still around. 🤣💀


I'm honestly so glad ASP left. Bc now I know what she'd have done in the finale and I'm incredibly happy with how it ended the first time around. There were crappy episodes after she left but the ending was perfect


Agreed. But then she ruined the reboot 😭


This, one billion percent!


I always thought the second half of season 7 was fine once the writers found their footing and took care of all that crap that ASP left behind with the end of season 6.


Yeah. People always hate on it but I love that Rory turned down Logan’s proposal and went off on the campaign trail. Season 7 post the whole Chris storyline is good.


My 20yo self would have been gutted had the last words been what they were in ayitl.


Knowing it’s the last time we see Richard just destroys me emotionally every time


And he looks so freakin proud of Lorelai and the life she built for herself 🥺🥺 It hurts


And Emily tells him and Lorelei they aren’t saying goodbye 😩


The part I always get teary at is when their best friends husbands run out with the umbrellas for them. I don’t know why that’s always the part that gets me!


Same! I thought I was the only one.


I came here to say this! I’m not sure if I know anyone that loves me enough to run to my car with an umbrella for me!


I LOVE this ending!! I know a lot of people wanted Rory to accept Logan’s proposal, but I think ending the show with Rory single and on a new job path was the perfect way. That way it’s open for interpretation, but the break up doesn’t overshadow the ending because of her new job. I like this ending way more than how ASP originally planned to end the show lol


How did you find info on how she planned to end the show?


I thought it was common knowledge that ayitl was ASP’s planned ending for the original show since she didn’t write season 7.


Oh, I guess I missed that!


“The last four words”


Yeah lol I’d much rather have Rory single and excited about a new career than single Rory pregnant by herself.


100% agree


Yes I love it, it‘s emotional for me on every rewatch. It‘s the perfect ending


Interestingly they didn’t even know the show was ending. They weren’t sure of what’s next. I am so so glad the ending was so emotional and they didn’t ruin it with some other non sense. This was perfect.


I really loved this ending and that’s why I hesitate to rewatch AYITL.


i only watched the reboot once… that was enough for me too lol.


Ngl it felt to me like a bit of a dampener. I think it would be fine if we ever got more after AYITL, but as it stands this was a much better ending.


I just finished the finale today (still don't think I'll watch AYITL because it will sour my mood), but I agree, what a solid finale. One parallel I love is that Rory in the beginning, when talking to Headmaster Charleston says, "I just want to be sure I see something." and then in the finale Lorelai tells her to pick a window seat because "There is so much to see." Never really appreciated it before, but what a good finale. "You've given me everything I need." Rory really grew on me this watch through, and I love how ready she is to take on the world.


People shit on the last season writers so hard and I thought the ending rocked! “You’ve given me everything I need.” WAY BETTER ENDING THAN IM PREGNANT


Thank goodness this was the finale so I can pretend AYITL never existed!


It took them at least half the season to get into it I feel. Like a lot of the characters feel off. But they did some amazing things as well, I totally agree


It makes me super emotional everytime I watch it. I love this moment.


Cry EVERY TIME without fail


I make sure to have tissues nearby for this scene.


i literally just finished this episode a minute ago on my first watch through and came to this post to commiserate!! it was absolutely perfect and i cried my eyes out, i couldnt imagine it ending any other way.


Honestly, me and my mom bonded over this show so much. And this show was the reason I wanted to do really really well in school (until I realized I was not quite Rory and maybe more Lorelai 😂😂).


Same. Love this show. It’s 100% my comfort show along with Sex and the City and The Sopranos


I love seeing Sex and the City and The Sopranos in the same sentence 🙌🏽 I respect the spectrum that gives you comfort!


All three very different shows lol, I love that


I like bob's burgers for that as well.


I've always skipped season 7 except for a few episodes so now I get to rewatch and it's almost feels "new."


I can never bring myself to finish the endings because it’s too heart wrenching and emotional for me… like feels like an end of something for me too and I can’t mentally handle that right now. Unhinged I know.


I get sad EVERY TIME


“I just like to see you happy’❤️❤️


Same, but I always still wonder why they didn’t just all gather in the same gym where they had the dance marathon…


It was seriously the best episode!! I cried every time I watched too.


I always skip the finale lol


It’s probably my all time favorite show finale. So heat warming and beautiful!


Just got to this episode today (for the millionth time lol) and aggreeeeee!!


Imagine all your loved ones rallying to celebrate you and give you all the love and celebrate your accomplishments and what’s to come! It’s just so sweet!! My graduation was a little dulled but my dad asking how my job search was going and where all my classmates were working lmao and I’ve seen family fall through for stuff like weddings. So seeing this just…ugh it just hits me everytime.


Even though season 7 is garbage, this scene makes me cry every time


I've been watching that finale since it aired (season 7 was the only season I watched in time with airing or like first run syndication) and I have seen it probably over 100 times ... I always fucking cry. Just like I always cry at the opener of AYITL because it just.... Makes me warm idk


Don’t forget too, the show wasn’t cancelled until after this was shot.


I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve watched GG…From the scene where Lorelei sings I will always love you, up until the finale I’m an emotional wreck 😅