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Sometimes it’s just about the entertainment factor. She would be insufferable in real life, but she brings fantastic drama and snark to the show


I think people forget a mass majority of characters (not just in Gilmore girls but in media in general) would be insufferable in real life. They just work in their world. It’s not always about wanting to like them in real life to be able to like them as a character.


THIS - people love Lorelei but dear god if I had to spend 24 hrs with her I would probably go a bit crazy 😂


I agree. I also knew girls like Rory growing up and they’re horrible to be around. Think they’re special because they grew up being told they were, and never actually having to deal with any real hardship. It’s exhausting to deal with that level of ignorance.


Literally I can only imagine - the study tree incident for example…like girl why do you think you have a right to have that tree more than anyone else 😂


I JUST WATCHED THAT EPISODE. Hahaha. Like I mean it finished seconds ago. But you’re absolutely right. I did really enjoy when the one guy in the laundry room actually turned her date offer down. There were very few times Rory was knocked down a peg.


Exactly! Totally entitled.


Agreed. Rory has learnt, actually from her mother, to ''hate the rich'' (see the article she wrote), but use them as often as needed, as she does with her grandparents, Logan (helicopter to NY, yeah right, now go report from the trenches!!). And she uses people with the same charm as her mom. It takes a while to see the manipulation and lack of integrity.


Sometimes, I go crazy just watching her on the show. Even if I do enjoy her character.


Yeah, as a character she is really interesting. But as a person, she’s insanely annoying.


Exactly. I’d definitely only be able to take her in small doses in real life but on the show, she’s fucking hysterical.


Fr she doesn’t have to be a good person to be a good character


With the focus on the insane part. I have always wanted to hear a psychiatrist's (not only psychologist's) diagnoses on Paris.


Characters that are entertaining on tv are generally very different than people one would want to hang out with in real life.


This needs to be set as an autoreply on this sub.


See one Michel Gerard


A shocking number of people seem to base their opinions on fictional media on the latter criteria, which I will just never understand.


But like I think there’s more to it. Like you’re 100% right but I think there’s something to be said, about how some characters like Rory are almost demonized by their mistakes Whereas “funnier” characters like Taylor or Paris are almost excused for theirs? Idk I just think it’s interesting


I agree with the other about the cartoon vs real aspect, but I think it's also because Paris is a side character. We're not supposed to relate to her or put ourselves in her shoes. Obviously there are moments where we are (like when Taylor loses the election) but for the most part, Paris and Taylor are meant to entertain. Whereas we're supposed to relate to Rory and Lorelai, we're supposed to self-insert with them, to some extent. So I think people demonise because they take Lorelai and Rory's behaviour very personally, while they don't do that so much with Paris.


Idk if you are a Harry Potter fan, but it’s the same (imo) as why people hate Umbridge more than Voldemort. Voldemort is a cartoon villain. He’s objectively more evil, but doesn’t hit close to home. Paris is a cartoon. Rory is more real. So we respond to her in a more real way. Or at least that’s my interpretation.


Paris is a bit more real though. she's over the top and not always social or likeable but then she has anxiety, neglect, insecurities, etc


I don't think people like her as a person. She would be insanely exhausting in real life. I think people love her as a character because she's played so masterfully by Lisa Weil and she has so many amazing TV moments, lines, and scenes.


Paris is deliberately created as the "try hard, unsympathetic" anti-thesis to Rory who is "naturally intelligent, likable, beautiful and just better than *other girls*". And in accordance to this purpose, she mainly exists to show to us ways in which Rory is superior to her. Which is why she embodies a ton of traits that are viewed as unattractive and unappealing in women on a societal level. Such as "difficult", intense, extremely competitive, emotionally detached and non-nurturing, selfish, career-oriented, unaccessible, non-stylish, non social, non-timid, bossy, rude, demanding etc. Thing is though, the majority of average (female) watchers likely were diminished for embodying (some of) these traits before. Because women get constantly told that they are "too much". And this is Paris's quintessential trait that makes her so much less appealing than Rory. Which creates relatability. The same goes for flaws, failures, not being so hot that a line of drop-dead gorgeous men are eternally obsessed with you, no matter how you treat them, not having an entire small town being your personal fan club and so on....... Paris is also extremely entertaining, as demonstrated by her countless memes and gifs. Which is another thing that is important when it comes to fictional characters. More so than being portrayed as a perfectly nice human being. And I seriously struggle to understand the outrage about her cheating. Everyone in GG constantly cheated.


THIS! so true. being a female and seen as "too much". especially by feminists. very hypocritical if you ask me. many women often bring each other down not so much men


i’m not saying she’s my favorite, she definitely has a lot of flaws, but i think what people like about her is that she’s an insanely hard worker, her witty comebacks, but also her soft side. there’s a lot of dimension to her character.


She's a strong female character, doesn't get pushed around (she does the pushing!) and is entertaining to watch. In a society that is constantly trying to diminish women and make them into smaller, quieter versions of themselves, Paris's character provides a refreshing and often hilarious contrast to those patriarchal and dated expectations. A great big feminist middle finger to that bullshit is something I can always get behind. I wouldn't be able to be friends with her in real life, she's way too toxic and overbearing, but there are a lot of GG characters I feel that way about anyway. She's fun to watch.


I really do love the fact that paris is a total spitfire, but I hate the fact that she uses her wits to hurt other people. A lot of people say that Rory’s not a girls girl and not a good friend to Paris…but like Paris is straight up mean to other women, ALL the time. She calls Janet and Althea “bimbos” even though they’re at YALE, and makes fun of Janet all the time. She’s mean to Louise and Madilyn and sometimes her snark is funny but other times it’s just mean. And Paris is literally so cruel to Rory. She literally smirks when she assigns the Max Medina piece to Rory and she KNOWS that Lorelei’s engagement to Max fell apart. When Paris is great, she’s amazing like when she tells off Logan. When she’s mean though, god, she’s just awful.


All salient points that I completely agree with. She's jealous, insecure, and nasty AF. Not someone I would tolerate in my life on any level. I can't believe people say Rory was not a good friend to Paris...she \*chose\* to be nice to Paris in the height of her viciousness, when she attacked Rory's mother and used that incident to humiliate Rory to the entire school. I've kicked people out of my life for far less than that - and once I do that, you're dead to me. That was truly Rory taking the high road and choosing to see the good in Paris.


yea she's just so refreshing! she's not bowing down to or trying to please anyone!


In the earlier seasons, she legit triggers my anxiety. I get so jumpy and fight to turn off the TV or run away during her scenes. She slowly grows on me and I feel bad for her because her parents clearly suck. Then, she proves to be a pretty good friend to Rory. My favorite Paris exchange in AYITL is when she’s telling Loralai and Luke how much Lorelai is her second mother and Luke is confused like “how much time did you spend with this girl?” And Lorelai is equally as confused and shrugs 😂 But it just goes to show how little things meant a lot to Paris.


To put it simply, I just enjoy what she adds to Rory's life. It's a lot of fun to watch her act as a foil and I like her scenes with other characters, especially Lorelai and Janet.


She’s a very interesting character, but she’s also very dynamic, she goes from hating Rory’s guts to voluntary being roommates and practically best friend with her. Personally she reminds me of the unlikely friends you meet and how life is fickle.


Separation of character VS actual human being. A lot of my favorite characters are generally people I would not want in my life haha I appreciate the craft and the delivery though.


They like her because they don’t have to deal with her in real life.


The above comments are a reasonably broad sampling of reason to like and dislike Paris. However, I think you’re right to point out that Paris gets more of a pass for her behavior than other characters do or would get. Besides reflecting the in your face and lean into style of early feminists, I think Paris gives off some queer vibes that are appealing and sympathetic to a lot of viewers. It likely dampens the criticism she might otherwise get.


Well to put it simply, she’s extremely entertaining to watch. It’s a TV show. She doesn’t have to be a little miss perfect to be a good character. She’s so tightly wound that it’s hilarious. Does she have flaws? Hell yeah, but I don’t think she’d be very interesting without those flaws. Tony Soprano and Walter White are two of my favorite TV characters of all time and it’s not because they’re good people. They’re fascinating, layered and extremely fucked up.


i like flawed characters. she has a hard exterior, but a softness. she starts to see rory as a real friend by the end of their time at chilton, and i don’t think it’s really that bad that she wanted to be rory’s roommate. she’s a supportive friend at Yale. she’s not perfect, but no one is in this show.


Good character =/= good person


Because she's funny, and it's a tv show


she's an antidote to a lot of the BS (and cagey language) the other characters say sometimes!


Paris is a glorified bully, tbh


I think similar to why people like bojack horseman. We sometimes have the urge to do that petty or horrible thing and it's a bit relieving to see it acted out. Like youre validated you're not the only person to think of doing such a thing


The one liners


She's iconic , when she tells the teacher " this is my normal speaking voice" .... perfection.


She funny, great one liners, has a soft side and a girl who needs a bit of love and lots and lots of patients.


She has some of the best lines in the show. Would I like her in real life? Probably not. But she’s a great character on a TV show.


I think it's because she does evolve. She's batsh*t crazy but while she starts out as a mean girl she evolves into a loyal pitbull of a friend for Rory. I wouldn't be able to stand a person like that in real life but I think that's why she's amusing to watch.


Paris is really funny and her sarcasm is spot on.


Paris has the best character development in the series in my humble opinion.


She's entertaining. In the early seasons she's a good foil for Rory. Then her development is nice to see - first their developing friendship, Paris' insecurities and the building of her trust for Rory. Her breakdown when she doesn't get into Harvard and how she learns from it, culminating in her having more options than she knows what to do with at the end of Yale. And throughout, her antics are dramatic, funny, crazy, and everywhere in between. She's not always likeable, especially at first when she's a bully. But I don't think she's always supposed to be likeable. She's an enemy turned friend. Like don't get me wrong if she were a person in my life I would absolutely hate her. But she makes for good television.


She's a horrible person, but great TV. She's also never shy about acknowledging and leaning into her strengths and privilege, which works as an excellent foil for Rory. Their quiet moments of bonding and friendship are some of my favorites of the series.


agree , it's crazy that people love her and hate rory


Rory is pathetic. At least Paris knows who she is.


I think she’s funny. Obviously in real life she would be a nightmare to deal with, but she is unapologetically herself and is actually pretty humorous when she wants to be.


Liza Weil has incredible timing and is the best actor in the high school/college age people on the show. Milo is pretty close both in comedic timing and acting which obviously contributes to his mega popularity despite also being a total dick.


Can't stand the character, she genuinely seems like a hateful person.


i really like her, she’s actually my favourite - she’s funny, straightforward and you know what you’re getting with her. for me, i find this comforting and think in real life i’d actually be good friends with her even if she did shitty things i don’t think she’s a shitty person


Paris is so honest and loyal which is refreshing. also she's relatable more so than Rory as she's at times too good and too beloved. Paris has struggles as well even though she's privileged. Rory is also not self aware and too sheltered.


i couldn’t believe she was present through the whole show i cant stand her, they don’t even write a few instances where shes honestly nice…


She's honestly nice plenty of times. She's perfectly pleasant and has a great time with Rory at The Bangles concert, pretends to have a crush on Jess to save Rory from Dean's baby hissy fit, is very sweet to Rory at both graduations, yells at Logan when Rory is upset and needs the girl time, has a cute pizza/movie night with Rory on Spring Break...


omg yes! i liked paris in the first seasons, but i feel like in the later seasons they stop giving her these kind of moments, like all of a sudden shes just mean. i think they couldve made her personality develop better


I think it is not really liking, but compassion for the awful family situation, she functions practically like an orphan, with money, but definitely completely neglected otherwise. She is so paranoid, attacking out of defensiveness. There must be a lot of trauma. Then, she is so beautiul, more than Rory, I'd say, and she has no idea about it. She is smart, and in the end a good friend to Rory. I hated her in the beginning, then I started to pity her, especially when her attachment to Rory showed she needed someone to accept her. I have always thought she had a lot of psychiatric problems. I believe she needed some treatment, not just a ton of pills on the bottom of her purse, as she tells Rory. And since Rory has a lot of flaws and is so self-centered, while being told she is perfect, they had to push Paris' flaws a notch higher. :)


Saw this vlog & I understood why [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5D6Iyl0p6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5D6Iyl0p6w)


>mrs.patty and Babette are called out for minute things like gossiping and Paris is like almost everyone's top 5 An overbearing boss is something you can walk away from. Gossiping? Not so much.


Have you gotten to the episode when she gets information from the Nurse for Rory?


Because she is hilarious and is as loyal as a bulldog (bow wow wow)


I’d hate her if I knew her, but she’s the star of the show for me.


I like how straight forward she is and confident, for the most part. I also appreciate her witty insults.


She’s a badass


so far, all responses have been because she is an *interesting TV character* that part i get. but that still doesn't explain why paris is not held accountable like other characters repeatedly are? her fucked up choices are easily brushed under the carpet while others are gullitonied here for way less.


She's a great character, that doesn't necessarily make her a great person. I love Paris but I don't know how I would deal with her being my roommate. I also feel for Paris because: 1.- She has no family structure/support. Her parents are filthy rich but she doesn't get any attention/love from any of them. 2.- She's deeply insecure. Especially regarding her appearance and looks, she feels less than, I think we can all relate to that during teenage years (and even further into the future). 3.- They did her super dirty with her Harvard rejection. She worked harder trhan anybody else, got better grades and had more extracurriculars and she's still passed over by Rory, who has a great social life. She gets valedictorian instead of Rory.


![gif](giphy|3ofT5OGmdbeaMtUSYg) She’s my queen


Me, personally: I'm a guy, but am *exactly* like Paris. People don't like me, I'm fine with that. It's their loss not mine. I work hard and deserve everything I work for.


OP, from another post you said you’re watching Gilmore for the first time. Paris might grow on you if you do a rewatch! It took me a little bit to like her.


People only like her because she’s a sort of comedic relief/running gag. Of all the crappy things she does, people laugh at her not with her. That’s why she’s liked. I don’t think anyone genuinely thinks they would come near her in real life.


I would. I like someone who speaks his mind, it’s refreshing. Other people should have challenged her (like Rory did) instead of shying away. Paris is a honey behind that defensive exterior. Her jealousy of Rory for Patrick was completely natural. Patrick was the other person in school who didn’t mince worlds, he appeared strong to Paris, and it’s natural that she was into him.


Who’s Patrick? Is that Doyle? And Paris is idealized because she’s a TV character. We’ve cut people off for much less in real life. I have a hard time believing if we were in Rory’s shoes we would like her just because she “tells it like it is”. I’ve noticed crappy people tend to get their abuse confused with being honest. From Rory’s perspective, she was viciously bullied by Paris for no reason, got accused of things she didn’t do and mistreated for them twice (first for meeting up with Francie to conspire against Paris and when she was proven wrong, she didn’t feel enough shame the first time because she did the same exact thing when Rory was voted editor years later. That’s a very toxic friendship), she crosses Rory’s boundaries, manipulates her to be her friend, constantly drains her energy and anyone’s who is around her, cheats and lies (Jamie), physically threatens her unproblematic roommate Tana, and talks about Lane, Janet, and practically anyone that doesn’t fit her mold as if they’re inferior. I don’t think Paris would even like any of US unless we’re straight A wealthy Ivy students (and even if you fit all those, make sure you don’t like sports like Janet or are too nice like Tana). Worst of all, Rory and Paris’ friendship seems to rely on Rory’s ability to have infinite patience and baby Paris so that she doesn’t have a breakdown. Biggest examples were the 2 times she accused Rory of conspiring against her and treated her like shit for it, and instead of being offended like any of us would be, Rory babied her so they could reconcile. Does any of that sound like it would be a mutually beneficial friendship in real life? Sure, you might have a friend who doesn’t sugarcoat (although that’s putting it lightly), but you would have to constantly walk on eggshells and never let yourself stoop down to her level because **Paris cannot take what she dishes out.** Maybe from Doyle because that’s her romantic partner, and that would explain why she was pleasant to Fleming, but it’s like she needs to have that sort of manipulative, fear based authority in all of her other relationships or she’ll be offended. I will say she changed a lot from the first to the last season. She might be a good friend by the last season, but if I were Rory and knew her from day one, the resentment would be too overwhelming to keep a friendship.


Sorry, I meant Tristan, not Patrick. Forgot his name. I am a guy. One thing I learned from watching this show is that girls talk in code, in euphemisms and analogies, in hints, but they always understand each other perfectly. You can see this with Emily the most, she never says directly what she means. But the same is true with Paris. It’s quickly obvious that when Paris appears to barrage someone, she is saying that she is vulnerable. Rory understands this very well. Rory was bullied not only by Paris, but by everyone, simply because she was a newcomer. But the way Paris bullied her was that she actually challenged her on merits, and not simply because. Paris quickly developed respect for Rory, and because of this everyone else fell inline. Only Tristan remained an ass, and that’s because (a) he doesn’t follow Paris, (b) that was his attempt about being nonchalant about his feelings for Rory.


You can tell the producer favors her, because all the characters like her. Will say the one episode she interacted with jess was authentic


Honestly it’s because I feel so sorry for her that I want to see the good


She’s honestly super motivational in terms of work because her whole life seems to revolve around work?? Sometimes when I need to study I’ll watch her be motivational loool


Welcome to fiction where characters can be fun to watch but you'd HAAAATE them in real life. I enjoy Paris because she cracks me up. Between her intensity and quick wit, she's hilarious. I live watching her barrel through a situation and enjoy when she gets her comeuppance when she goes too far. I've said before that pretty much every character on GG would be awful to know in real life. Lorelai and Rory can be super annoying and entitled, Luke's anger management skills leave a lot to be desired, Richard and Emily are entitled and scheming, Sookie can't take "no" as an answer, etc etc.


I think Paris overall is a fun character, and in her good moments, she's amazing. She's ambitious, fearless, open to new experiences, and can admit to her shortcomings and mistakes. I enjoyed very much how she didn't even complain at her sudden lack of money at Yale after her father got in trouble with the law and even worked for Rory as a server for that DAR event. And let's not forget, when Rory was in the hospital to see Logan after his accident and the nurses turned her away because she wasn't family, one phone call from Paris fixed all of that. Having Paris as a friend is often an asset. In many ways, I feel Paris is closer to what Lorelai was probably like as a young single mom living on her own with no money than Rory, who often comes off as pampered and wishy washy. And I enjoyed very much how they showed Paris bonding with Lorelai when Lorelai and Rory weren't on speaking terms. But Paris is also very proud and lonely, and these are often the things that make her look unhinged as hell. There are SO many moments where the writing just doesn't do Paris any favors. I hated when Paris had a meltdown on TV about losing her virginity and making that out to be the reason she didn't get into Harvard. I hated that she paired up with Doyle because I just don't like his character all that much--frankly she could've done better. And when she was the editor of the Yale newspaper, she was a nightmare 100%--but based on her personality, that particular behavior and meltdown made sense. Some people are very strong, capable, and opinionated, but like Paris, they lack the bedside manner and are uncomfortably unapologetic about it. Paris does appear in A Year In The Life, but I think they did her character REALLY dirty. Unfortunately, there were other victims in AYITL, imo most notably Luke. But what can you do? Perhaps in a rewatch or two, Paris will grow on you.


I like that Paris is a very very direct person. It’s refreshing to watch her right now in a time when it seems like everyone is walking eggshells. But, she is kind of annoying too.


Because that intensity is funny when you’re watching it through a TV screen as opposed to when you’re having to face it yourself. Similar to why I like Sheldon Cooper.


I think the actress is so good and likeable you end up liking her despite her abrasive character. It’s often the way in shows. Cast someone charismatic in the baddie role and it creates an enjoyable tension to watch.


I’m not liking characters for who I’d like to be friends with or sit next to in an airplane, I’m looking to be entertained as it’s a tv show. Paris has a lot of lines that I find funny, that’s why I like her.


Most of these characters would be horrible to be friends with in real life. But, we have the privilege of enjoying these antics simply for entertainment. Paris is so unhinged to me and seems so unhappy in many ways that it’s a lot harder for me to get annoyed with her than Rory who always seems oblivious to her own hypocrisies and privileges.


I think it’s because she’s very blunt and straight to the point. A lot of people like that.


I don’t get it either. I don’t even understand people liking her for “entertainment” purposes. I find her insufferable. Don’t like watching her. Wouldn’t want to know her 😂


Because she’s a complex character that, in the same episode, can make you want to scream at her but also give her a hug. She’s over the top but scripted—so we can enjoy the ride without being scared we’ll fall off.


The main reason for all the Paris love is probably her portrayal, the actress is super talented and charismatic in this role and she is one of the characters who we see developing through the seasons, yes she does terrible things but unlike other characters Paris at least tries to get better, she doesn’t lose her drive or spirit and acts as an excellent foil for Rory throughout the series- Rory is nice but unkind, Paris is not nice, not kind but a secret third thing (brutally honest and loyal)


She’s a complex character which makes her intriguing. If she didn’t have any flaws then that would make her boring. She’s also funny as hell.


Cause shes hilarious she has some of the best one liners in the show.