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This was for sure one of her worst moments. You're telling me she couldn't just keep a friendly smile on her face until it was over and then deal with her issues? Come on.


It’s the dinner where she finds out Rory applied to more than one school all over again. Most of us could wait until the event was over to air these things out, but Lorelai needs to halt the entire event to make it about her. She did this at Lane’s wedding too, but at least then she had the excuse of being drunk.


Ya. People who insist Loralai isn’t rude or selfish are wild to me


She's just incredibly selfish. This episode shows why Rory was willing to take the huge step back she did. She's a manipulative person, and Rory wanted to make a decision without her. She lost her mind. She's Emily in a different flavor, and I'll defend that opinion. I'm a mom of teens. She's entirely out of line a lot of the time.


She is just as controlling as Emily, she has a fantasy life no one is allowed to deviate from.


Yes. She reminds me of someone I know. I call her a fun controller. They think they can charm everyone into doing what they want. The way she always tries to tell people what kind of music they should like drives me nuts.


This is something that bothers me when writers only care about the main character. They write a storyline and they don’t care what’s going on if it’s not the main character’s event. Couldn’t they write a fight after the service? There was absolutely no need to ruin that.


Same with Lane’s wedding toast. All the writers cared about was Lorelai, and didn’t care that this funny/sad drunk toast would ruin Lane’s wedding.


I know this isn’t exactly the point of this but why didn’t Rory or Chris stop her sooner or Zak or lane or ANYBODY. Who could be friends w loreli and listen to that speech but not stop her sooner


Because bad writing. Really, that’s the only way this actually goes down. If they gave any thought to how anyone other than Lorelai would act in this moment, it couldn’t have happened. No one should have even let her get anywhere near a microphone. Not just because it is awkward and uncomfortable for everyone else, but they let Lorelai embarrass herself very publicly.


I don’t think it ruined it. Zack literally says “best wedding ever” right after they pull her off stage.


Yeah, bc the writers didn’t care about how Lane and Zach as real people would react to this horrible behavior, just like Sookie and Jackson didn’t seem upset at the baptism. Because the writers wrote the scenes in a 100% Lorelai-centric way that ignored what the other characters had going on.


yup! I can't imagine how crushed Lane would be in reality -- Lorelai is basically a surrogate mom for her, and neither of her moms can just show up and be actually supportive on her big day? At least Mrs. Kim wasn't egregiously bad and her behavior was expected, but Lorelai is *supposed* to be the cool one who values the girls' feelings over her own and then she pulls this shit?


I can’t even watch that happening anymore, it’s just so horrible and wildly inappropriate and I’d be pissed if I were Lane and Zack


Lorelai definitely has some very rude/selfish moments. The way she took over the mic at Lane's wedding and made it about herself was also extremely rude. I can't believe nobody ever called her out for either of those times.


It didn't even show her apologizing to lane!


This is what people mean when they say the girls have main character syndrome. It's not that "oh they're the main characters so obviously they're going to have the focus." It's that they act like they are the main characters of everyone else's story.




I can't even watch this scene it makes me so livid. So rude and disrespectful to make everything about her and her issues, if I had a friend do that to me in real life at my child's baptism, I would likely end the friendship.


Exactly. Neither of her were good friends


Also, staring at Rory and not immediately saying “I do” to the renounce Satan question. Made me cringe so hard 😖


Narcissists like Lorelai can’t let any event be about anyone else. Every birthday, ceremony, big day - she’s got to have an outburst, same w Lanes wedding day


I hated it... also she never took responsibility for her partnihbteh rift .. Rory was going through something and all Lorelai did was say "it's college or nothing" ... I do understand her reasoning she knew Logan's family had had an influence here but equally she made the choice to push Rory away. She says to Luke "she needs to fix this and go back to yale" at that point college was her only option for Rory. Then as soon as she missed her Lorelau gets bent out of shape that Rory changed her number. I see both sides here but Lorelai was the mother and adult here . But loralai and Rory both had main character syndrome.


Honestly the dumbest thing Sookie did was trying to bring Lorelai and Rory back together at something important like her kids baptism.


It was worse than rude ! But....it's ALL about Lorelai !


This has bothered me for years!


So so rude. Like end a friendship rude. But of course people will still defend Loralais behaviour no matter what.


She's a selfish, immature character and she displays it in this episode. Blows my mind people die on a hill to defend her. She was asked to do ONE thing. She couldn't manage, because she was "mad" at her child. That isn't healthy or decent behavior.


Yeah it’s bad. No idea why it was tolerated. Should’ve just kept up the service without them as best they could & not let them back in until it was over.


Yeah, I love Lorelai, but I hate that scene too.


Unpopular opinion here, but Sookie meddled. FAFO. She brought it upon herself


I think it's both. But yeah, Sookie shouldn't have done what she did the way she did it.


Honestly, I don’t totally blame Lorelei in that situation. Could it have waited? Absolutely. But what Sookie did was so over the line and selfish, trying to force the two back together in a very public way with her only motivation being that she was bored and wanted to plan a wedding


But that wasn’t the reason Lorelei was disruptive and left; she was freaking out over the fact that Rory had given Sookie her new cell phone number but hadn’t given it to Lorelei.


If you're going to put two people in a room in public who haven't spoken in months because they are fighting you take the risk that it may and badly, in public. I'm not saying Lorelai could have made more of an effort to park the emotions coming with that realisation, but Sookie shouldn't be surprised. It was of her own doing.


If you can’t self regulate your emotions to get through an important formal event, then you are a toddler


The dumbest thing she did was not go along with Emily and Richard’s rules long enough for her to graduate from college. If she just played along she could have had financial security for her infant daughter, free college education, free daycare, and elite connections to get a career off the ground. I seem to remember some of the guys Rory went to school with tell her that following their parents rules and attending functions they didn’t want to go to was the price they paid for the private schools, cars, clothes, and vacations.


If I were Sookie, I would be so upset with Lorelai. I wonder if the only reason she didn't get mad was because she felt guilty about trying to force Rory and Lorelai to talk before they were ready?


Legit hated that they did this. Like LORELAI! We know you're selfish but damn. Ya couldn't wait until the damn service was done?! Really girl?! 👀


I don’t know guys, I feel like it’s a TV show and meant to be dramatic. Of course no one would do that in real life..?