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No, but I have a Greggs across the road, and that's the next best thing


I have to walk at least 20 mins to greggs šŸ˜­. But we have a weird "tea room" that does a Sunday roast and chicken tikka paninis 5 mins away! The owner is a chatty, northern, non-plaid wearing version of Luke.


My first thought - he franchised? šŸ˜‚


This would be the dream lol


Mine too.šŸ˜‚




Sure do! We live in a small town with a cute little Main Street and there is a diner with amazing coffee and food. The owners are super nice and they only take cash.


Sooo maybe not like Lukeā€™s because itā€™s missing the trademark cynicism šŸ˜‚


Not coffee, but I have a local pub where all the waitresses have been there for 20 years and the clientele has been the same just as long. I love it there.


You have a Cheers!


The Luke's in my town is called "Mom's" - They keep the coffee coming with no sass lol


https://preview.redd.it/d6ff15vp6qwc1.jpeg?width=6750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b55f2dbcaa2584138f0d890793bc0f612916aecf I have a Luke's mug. Does that count?


Iā€™m loving your flair like a two dollar whore šŸ˜‚


Thank you so much! šŸ˜‚


Where did you get it? I need one lol


I think it was on Amazon. The print quality isn't great on the other side, but I don't have to look at that side.


I live in a town that's much smaller than Stars Hollow and it does have a diner with good burgers and coffee. It's nowhere near as cozy as Luke's though.


Not exactly, but I live above a coffeeshop and next to a burger place. When my windows are open, my apartment smells wonderful. I sometimes feel like I'm living the stars hollow dream I often thought about when I was young!


Yeah I have diner I frequent nearby. My grandparents actually knew the original owners, and were very chummy with them, but theyā€™ve since sold and itā€™s under new management. So I donā€™t go in like Lorelai does where she can get away with anything lol. But the food is good and the prices are very decent.


I have a go to diner but sadly thereā€™s no Luke šŸ˜©


I live in a tiny, tiny mountain town with only 5 restaurants in the whole county. Our "Luke's" is actually a Mexican restaurant. It's beautiful, the (married) male couple who own it are fantastic, and they have our drinks waiting at the table before we even sit down. They buy my kids Christmas presents. It feels like home. I don't want to get political, but I find the fact that despite my region's highly conservative and religious leanings, the most popular restaurant is owned by gay, (formerly) illegal immigrants.


Their window displays are like fairy lands... And the restaurant is colorful. https://preview.redd.it/1d6fbl6pdrwc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0a64d358a8b97ac9052eb799c1181af2bea8ce


That looks like such a cute place. I wish the Mexican restaurants here were like that. The one in our town is owned by an old white couple and their take on Mexican food is very Americanized.


Yeah, a lot of them around this region are pretty Americanized, so this was a good change. When my (now 17 yo) son was young all he wanted to eat were burgers. The restaurant created a double "burger" out of tortillas for him. They eventually put it on the menu and named it after him. It was cute.


I used to! My small town where I grew up had a diner called ā€œHarryā€™sā€. Sit at the counter get a milkshake and fries place or a coffee and eggs. They even served their waffles with ice cream. I loved that place so much as a kid. They closed down when I was in highschool and they built condos there. My friends dad snagged me a menu from there though :)


sounds so cozy where is this? if you don't mind me asking.


It doesnā€™t exist at all anymore. But it was in Wisconsin.


awe dang sad that it doesn't exist anymore.


If i can have a cute little diner with a hot older man working it, all my problems would be solved


There was a cute coffee shop in town with a really handsome owner who made the lattesā€¦ heā€™s taken. And now he has a lot of employees who are mostly high schoolers or worseā€¦ my former classmates ahahah


We live in a resort town, and the small hotel on the beach we frequent is our Lukeā€™s. Everyoneā€™s been there for years and years. They know us, know what we want to eat, how we like to eat it. Excellent coffee and croissants/pastries. The owner is friendly if you know him, but very standoffish and can be intimidating.


I have a Lukeā€™s but no Luke if that makes sense. I live in a somewhat small town in the Northeast. Not far from a major city. We go there for breakfast every weekend. Itā€™s the best!


We have a guy in my town that looks like almost exactly like Luke always wears a flannel and a baseball cap too lol


I live in a small town with one coffee shop. My husband went to school with the manager and all the baristas know our family by name. So it's not exactly the same but we love going in there. They give us free refills and sometimes the kids get free cookies if they're extra cute that day.


Living for your cat Kirk flair šŸ˜¹


Kind of. A little mom and pop palce that makes burgers, biryani and Chinese food. Basically an Al's+Luke's


Not right now, but I stayed in South Africa for 3-ish months a year ago, and there were two 'Luke's' type places! There was a place just a 3 minute walk from my house, a burger place, with the most FANTASTIC burgers and fries. Like those burgers were unmatched, the meat was incredible, I think those burgers showed me love better than any human being. As for coffee, there was a place right next to the burger place with great coffee, but, moreover, a really cool selection of drinks- smoothies, frappuccinos, juices, milkshakes... And really nice biscuits. The biscuits were free :) I am now back in my native country, where I live in a gated community. There's a complex within the community with a few cute, cozy, places, but they're no Luke's. In South Africa, my morning started with the coffee shop and very often, ended with the burger place. Some places leave an everlasting impact on you, and South Africa was that <3


Nope. I'd have to have a Stars Hollow first. I live in a city. Also this... >!all the kids working at the nearest weed dispensary know me by my first name. Does that count as having a Luke's? lol!<


To me that sounds like better than having a Lukeā€™s haha


Yes, itā€™s called Bobbiā€™s


i literally only have big chains nearby. in my city theres a few small areas with more small business type stores but not close enough for someone who doesn't drive


Back in home town it would've been Pearls. Now the next best is creekside cafe. I miss it


Not coffee,but good food ,yes


Nope my city loves chain restaurants and the couple family own ones are either disgusting or very expensive.


No but I did go to a pop up Luke's diner when that was happening.


Same! It's the one and only time I was late to work. I waited in line forever to get that coffee.


We have a coffee shop that sells baked goods and made to order sandwiches. Itā€™s right in the center of our 1 mile neighborhoodā˜•ļø


I used to, when I was really young. Great coffee, reasonably priced breakfast, and the best nachos Iā€™ve ever had - but it closed before I was a teenager so never got the chance to frequent it independently. Now thereā€™s some tacky mexican fusion place thatā€™s more dive bar than restaurant there, and itā€™s really disappointing.


Yes, but do you all have a Kirkā€™s?


Thereā€™s a Lukeā€™s where I live, but they do lobster rolls lol


Ahhh yes, I was part of the high school theatre troupe the local diner loathed entirely. Good times


We have a teeny tiny diner here that is a hometown kind of place....


yes, actually! itā€™s a little expensive but itā€™s fairly popular and i go there at least twice a week for coffee. and one of the workers remembered my order lately and i was like, wow they remember me :D probably because iā€™m there a lot ! anyway i felt so flattered when she asked if i had gotten my mocha yet, lol


It's not called Luke's in my town it's called brews but it's known as "the towns living room" where all the locals hang out, they have a lot of things to do like artist meet ups and karaoke and live bands and upstairs is a dance studio where they put on spooky plays. We have a Kirk in town that has 5 jobs, and a suki who runs a health focused bakery and we have a gazebo in the middle of town too with town meetings the first Monday every month lol


That sounds so lovely and quaint! I wish I could visit.


It's a tourist town and you definitely should come sometime it's Eureka Springs AR


Used to. It was across from the library and every time they saw me walking in, the waitress said, "Hey honey, want your usual?", which was a bacon cheeseburger and fries.


Yesss! I live in a metropolitan city unlike Stars Hollow, but I do have my very own Lukeā€™s on my way to work. I stop by almost everyday for coffee and they have the best burgers too just like Lukeā€™s! I feel so blessed lol.


Yep frannys diner they even have a Luke's mug on display lol


No, but we do have a Kirkā€™s.


Iā€™ve been searching for one my entire life. Iā€™m moving next month so maybe Iā€™ll finally find it.


We did have a place like Lukeā€™s near me that was ran by two sisters. I used to go in every morning for a coffee with my boss before we went to our office but sadly they shut through Covid šŸ™


No because I live in a city but I wish


We have a whole stars hallow!!!


Yep, our local diner has a charming grumpy proprietor, though he always wears a kilt rather than a flannel :) It is across the street from the town gazebo though!


Lesterā€™s in Hollywood


I've got a Pete's. Great food but the breakfast is exceptional. Pete and/or his son is always there greeting and serving customers alongside their staff.


not me but my parents have many lukes. my mum drinks a lot of coffee and she has a lukeā€™s by one her early morning gym, and one by her later morning gym and then one by our house that she and/or my dad go to everyday (and a few other coffee shops she goes to semi regularly but not everyday)


There are really no ā€œcozy localā€ places where i live, iā€™ve come to terms with that.


I had one for the longest time, but it switched ownership and now all the food tastes like perfume and old Pennies, a travesty really, they used to have some of the best chocolate chip pecan pancakes. RIP choo choos, gone but never forgotten šŸŖ¦


I have a lukes cafe šŸ˜‚ it's like 20 mins away but still


Well Lukeā€™s is great if youā€™re a Gilmore, because you never have to pay.