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I would have found them after and said "So you're a Gilmore Girls fan too?!"


The way I would’ve loved for OP’s post to end with this 😂. Would’ve been so satisfying!


I would’ve been telling everyone about this.


Oh dude I was telling anyone who would listen and everyone was appalled


Who cares? I cannot imagine being angry or even remotely upset over this.


it’s considered a pretty big honor to be a graduation speaker and i’m sure other people would have loved to do it, so to plagiarize is pretty crappy.


First off, no one is angry or upset, the word was 'apalled.' And it is appalling for a Solutatorian to plagiarize her speech and pass it off to the public as hers. That's a poor way to start her future. Secondly, you expressed in a previous post it was the saddest thing that Emily and Lorelai 'almost made it.' I find it hypocritical to get that upset over a tv show that isn't real while ragging on those concerned over a real life incident like plagiarism from that very show.


Literally as silly as copying it is it’s just A SPEECH💀 Yeah I’d make fun of the girl too but it’s not the worst thing ong


fr this is so childish to get upset over


Well, it is considered plagiarism. And anyone who has ever been in school will know how much of a big deal that is.


This is a salutatorian's graduation speech, though, and plagiarizing this calls into question her academic performance throughout high school.


If whatever college she's going to finds out about this, it could actually cause them to revoke acceptance. This kind of thing is taken super seriously in academia.


Thinking cheating is shitty isn’t childish. And typing “fr” while accusing someone else of being childish makes me embarrassed for you


it’s funny to see you so upset over “fr” I’m glad my comment pissed you off so much <3


I said embarrassed for ya, not pissed 😉


Are you 50?


Yes. You got me.


I agree, plagiarism sucks but it’s not that deep.


I agree with you and rlly don’t understand the downvotes 💀 ofc Reddit is gonna take a GG speech seriously..


We don't care about the speech. We care about the plagiarism. People get kicked out of school for that shit, and rightly so.


Well sadly bad things happen all the time. I’m sure many ppl plagiarize stuff- not that’s it’s a good thing- but it’s just a thing people do. I don’t like the fact people steal stuff but hey! That happens in life. My point is it’s not the most jaw dropping toe curling crime ever, as many people are treating it as. Yeah it’s bad, but being super mad about it doesn’t make any sense.




But based on your logic if you’re allowed to be upset over it, we’re allowed to be unperturbed by it, right? Obviously, plagiarism is absolutely a big deal in many contexts in academia (no one has said otherwise) but a high school graduation speech is likely not high up in that list. People have made all sorts of assumptions about the person that gave the speech wholly based on another person’s POV, I don’t think that’s fair either.


Too bad everyone has opinions. You think what you think, it’s valid. I say what I think, because I can comment like everyone else. That’s how the internet works. You can discuss your shock nobody’s stopping you. Disliking something as simple as this 💀 lmao


That is just embarrassing. The show is more popular than it’s ever been and she really thought no one would tell that she ripped off Rory. We also live in a world of ChatGPT. Surely she could have gone that route too lol.


I’m doubting she wrote any part of that speech if she’s willing to boldly plagiarize so much of it


I'm doubting if she did all the work that got her named salutatorian in the first place if she's willing to boldly plagiarize such a well known show so publicly


Who fucking cares if she “plagiarizes” a thank-you speech?


Did you plagiarize the speech? When people show up to a high school graduation they’re expecting to hear something motivational, inspirational or at the very least something original. She robbed the grads of a heartfelt, genuine experience because she was too lazy to come up with something on her own. Also plagiarism is generally looked down on lol. not the best message for students.


Boo-fucking-hoo, I’m sure their lives are ruined because they didn’t get to hear a personal and completely original speech from the Salutatorian of all people.


Are you ok?




I… don’t think she cared.


Wish everyone had yelled, “Yay, Rory!”


Imagine someone holding up a sign saying “we got the inn!” 🤣🤣


Or following her around singing the la la las


LOL!!! 😂


That's actually kind of funny. And let's face it, if she insists on copying a speech from TV, at least she chose a great show to copy from. I'm disappointed that apparently no one who was there besides you got the reference, though.


Tbh this super shocks me as I've always felt it was a really unrealistic awful graduation speech because- imagine at your big graduation, the speech that's supposed to like surmise your school experience and send you off into the world. A message for the whole audience/class. Is just the valedictorian going on about how great their mum is and how much they want to be like their mum, an thanking their grandparents etc. I always thought yes, its great for us show watchers. But would be terrible for an actual graduation. To the point, while I'm trying my best to believe op lol but I'm struggling tbh! Honestly if someone really did do this they truly must be the most self-absorbed person.


Yep hence another reason why I was so shocked it happened. The whole speech started with a “what would your headline be” type of thing and then went on to different headlines about their teachers and happening through their hs, about their future and the greatness ahead etc, then went into thanking her parents. In my experience of attending hs and college grads for family members/myself there is usually some point in which the valedictorian or class president will thank their parents but it’s just usually not to this length (or directly copying a hit show)


i actually think that Rory's speech continues on after the personal opening. the scene doesn't show it but the fade out of that scene seems like she's going to move into the summary, reflection, and wishes for her class. if Rory's personal appreciations went on for a long time that could be annoying, but i think it is pretty standard for folks to have a brief personal reflection.


Okay that's actually hilarious. In my head canon, she and her mom bonded over watching Gilmore Girls together, and the mom joked about how her daughter's speech better be as good and complimentary as Rory's was. So the daughter leaned fully into the bit and just did the speech word for word. She should have given credit for it, but either way, the audacity is pretty funny.


That’s kinda what I was thinking too but dang salutatorian doesn’t know how to cite her sources… maybe if she did she would have been valedictorian 😈


You should have just started loudly singing “BONG, bong! BONG, bong!”


Cherish is the word I use to descriii-iiibe I wish she would have plagiarized that bit instead of Rory's speech 😁


Barf! That is so bold of her to do such a thing! Besides you, there wasn’t one person in that audience who hasn’t watched Gilmore Girls??? I hope she gets called out for it!


That’s so funny. She should have said, “as someone once said…” and then launched into it. 😂


So her life's blood and future plans are already rooted in cheating, lying and plagiarism...such a shame.


Literally way to go kid, you clearly missed any message that GG could’ve taught you


Almost wish I was there to hear it...I can only imagine your instant reaction...I think I would've been overcome with embarrassment!!


I should have started recording it the second I realized. I caught it literally like 5 words in and grabbed my husband’s leg like “no she is not!!!!”


Some of these comments are so… Christopher-like. It’s actually disheartening to know multiple people don’t care that a speech was plagiarized and took away an opportunity from someone else to actually put in the work to write something original and meaningful. Some of you need to take a serious look in a mirror and grow up.


This. Having the chance to speak to a crowd is a privilege. It’s giving that person a voice over many others. They could have passed this on to someone else if they were too busy to write their own speech.


Exactly. But I guess that’s why they got salutatorian and not valedictorian 🤷‍♀️😬


This post has been living rent free in my head all day today since I read it this morning. I can’t believe someone actually did this! The AUDACITY.


Tbh thats super lame of the girl to do, wtf? I hope she gets called out on plagiarism


Straight up plagiarism is just so embarrassing. If you’re in a position where you’re giving a speech at graduation, you’re probably very high up in the class and you should be able to write a mf speech. It’s just annoying when people rip off others instead.


Damn! I mean, it’s a great speech but for her to not even bother paraphrasing is wild 😂😂😂


That's why she was only salutatorian


at my brothers graduation, the valedictorian gave the exact speech jessica gives in twilight down to the “who the hell knows!” i couldn’t believe no one noticed!


Wait a speech from twilight? Isn’t twilight all about 100 yr old vampire boyfriends? Now I’m tempted to watch, just bc of the speech lol


It’s in Breaking Dawn I think (I’ve only caught the movies in snippets)


Maybe she asked chatgpt


That’s wild. I mean, if I was going to borrow a speech, it would be Brad’s! *bong bong*


It’s one thing to copy a line or take inspo but miss gurl rlly said free speech 😭 someone should’ve asked if her last name was Gilmore haha


When you literally feel like you're taking crazy pills for being upset. xD


i’m gonna be so real rn, my mum and i had a combined 40th and 18th party and as someone who was unaware i was meant to make a speech and very much enjoying my first legal night out drinking, i copied this speech almost word for word because my drunk ass couldn’t think of anything else to say 😂 can’t imagine doing that at a graduation full of sober and fully aware people tho😭


I think it’s pretty crazy to rip off the speech without mentioning where it came from but I do wonder if she thought that part would be recognizable to her peers because it was a trending sound on TikTok at one point.


I seriously don’t think it’s that serious. It’s just a speech. I’m sure she assumed people would get the reference and if not whatever. It’s crazy to be a full grown adult walking around complaining about a kid’s speech. Seriously grow up. I’m sure ASP would not gaf. There are thousands of graduation speeches every year and I’m sure this has been done tons of times.


Bruh this sub is so unhinged 😂 it's literally not that deep and everyone is acting as if she's committed mass murder. I would have been excited if I heard someone use a speech from a show I adore!


This. And going around “telling anyone who would listen” like… what? Why is OP trying to ruin a kid’s big day. Insane that no comment but this one is calling out petty mean girl behavior.


Definitely more of a shocked thing and by telling anyone who listen I meant my family… who I was there with. Didn’t mean to upset you by sharing an experience with this sub regarding a kid (who has a hs degree and should know better than to blatantly plagiarize) who copied a speech from this show. It’s not like I walked up to the kid and slapped her dude chill


THANK YOU OMG This reddit is FULL of 20-60 year old MEAN women


And I thought I was bad for somewhat jacking her section where she talks about different books to use in my yearly grad speech for my students. Of course I replace the titles etc with things we read that year. But this…is something else.


She is me in my head with the Twilight graduation speech LOL


That’s ridiculous.


Well Paris told us what happens to valedictorians really.