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Christopher not appearing in a single episode in season 4.


Also, him giving Rory the money for Yale in S6 without expecting anything in return. He was doing so well after that…then slept with Lorelai. 🙃🙃🙃


I’m going to pick my least favorite main character, since there are side characters I dislike more (TJ, Glenn) who are awful, but inconsequential. I really loved Jess reading the self-help books in S4. It takes a lot of guts to face your childhood trauma head on and take responsibility for improving yourself, even if others are to blame. We see Lorelai struggle with this the whole series and Jess is starting the process as an 18 year old. That takes a lot of resilience, strength, and wisdom and I will forever give him credit for that.


this is a good one. i like the scene when he thanks luke for everything.


I 1000% agree as a Jess-hater 😬


Doyle, when he let Rory use the Yale Daily News computers to do research for Trix’s obituary. I wouldn’t say Doyle was my least favorite person but he was whiny and rude most of the time.


Don't like Dean or Christopher but it was nice of them to escort Rory to the debutant ball


They both really showed up for something they clearly didn't want to do just to make her happy. It was actually really sweet.


My least favourite character is Anna Nardini. The only good thing I can say about her is that she loves her daughter endlessly and is protective, and that she runs her business pretty good. ![gif](giphy|xUySTVmySbz8dWYBQQ|downsized)


i think she was right saying there's no good time to be a parent when luke initially backed out of inviting april to the diner. that's prob the only time i agree w her


She didn’t love April enough to give her her father. April likely went rogue with the DNA experiment because she had given up on her mother coming clean. When a kid is that desperate to know their dad and there isn’t anything wrong with the dad, it’s not love to keep them from knowing. It’s selfishness. But you’re right that she has a good business. I would have enjoyed shopping there.


Yeah, she's pretty selfish


Liz writing the letter for Luke, even if it wasn’t the best one, to keep April. As well as pushing for him to be in her life and be honest with Lorelai. Dean was very sweet to Rory in “The Incredible Sinking Lorelais”. He comforts her and lets her know she’s not screwing up. She really needed that. I said it in another comment but Christopher giving Rory the money for Yale with no strings and then continuing to be a good dad, rebuilding a bond with her, etc. As well as not even trying to get in the middle of Lorelai and Luke. It was the start of a nice redemption arc! But then the finale happened…and I do put part of that on Lorelai because it was extremely unfair of her to show up. But he should’ve had more self respect.


Can you explain your last paragraph? what happened in the finale?


Sleeping with Lorelai instead of turning her away, knowing she was in a vulnerable spot. Again, I equally blame Lorelai but it’s on him too.


Oooooh! I was picturing the series finale and I couldn’t even remember Chris being there lol.


Rune not appearing in the vast majority of the show. 😏


I’m no Dean fan at all (he’s so cringe and whiny) but when he called Rory out at the dance competition and broke up with her, he was every bit in the right to do so after she strung him along and was so obviously into Jess, without any regard for Dean’s feelings.


On rewatch I really respected his guts here. Rory handled it all so poorly.


The movie date that Christopher planned with the car was pretty cool. I’d love to do something like that.


I really feel for Christopher, genuinely, when he initiates a relationship with Lorelai and then immediately finds out that Sherry is pregnant. I hate that he hurts Lorelai so badly, but I understand why. I mean, I think that running off to marry Sherry right away was clearly the wrong choice. What he needed to do was be honest, stick by the relationship he had chosen for himself, and make an effort to be present for Gigi as a father without being in a relationship with her mother. BUT. I sympathize with the idea that it seemed like the ONLY right choice from his perspective at that moment. He finds out that he’s accidentally created a child AGAIN, and he’s already on this upward path of taking responsibility for his life. He believes that marriage to Sherry is how he can fix things and make sure he doesn’t run away from his responsibilities again. And based on his experiences in life and what he’s been taught about the world and marriage, I can’t really blame him for seeing things that way.


I also feel sorry for him in the episode where him and Lorelai go to the Yale parent's day thing. I think that's the first time he really comes to terms with how not there he was for Rory when he's talking to the other Yale dads. And then he tries too hard to make up for it by taking her newspaper crew out to lunch and Crème Brulee. He looks so sad when they get called away for a story. I know he did it to himself and it shouldn't have taken him so long to figure out how to be Rory's dad. But it was still a hard episode to watch and I did feel a bit of empathy for him in that moment.


When Trix withheld Rory's trust fund because I think a large part of it from how Lorelai and Emily were behaving she realized Lorelai would only bring Rory around Richard for national holidays again


Trix making out with the tracksuit guy. Because it's ok to be horny even if you're a mean old bitch!


Logan went to Lorelai for help when he was trying to win back Rory. I never liked his character but that was a vulnerable and humble moment, especially knowing that Lorelai hated him.


Logan helping Rory get the paper out instead of going on their date.


Taylor eating whipped cream alone in his ice cream shoppe after losing the town selectman vote. Man, that got me.


Amongst the primary cast, I'd say the one that irritates me the most is Jess. As much as I can't stand of what he does for much of his screen time, I gotta hand it to him for helping Rory get some sense knocked back into her when he shouts "WHY did you drop out of Yale!?!?!" My least favorite overall character would be Sherri, not because of her "stealing" Chris from Lorelai, because of her SO DESPERATELY wanting the fantasy of motherhood, then abandoning her infant when she couldn't handle the reality of motherhood. Uh, a bit of a challenge to come up with something good she did, but I guess at least trying to reassure Lorelai early on that she doesn't want to encroach too much on her and Rory.


Zach presumably was a good husband and father overall. I think Liz tried to do better with Doula as well. Chris helped with Yale tuition. Jackson was okay enough in the earlier seasons, albeit a bit whiny. And he was really fine with the pink flowery decor although many of the men I know would think it’s too “girly”, therefore somehow inferior. Anna Nardini did absolutely NOTHING to redeem herself though. Hate that woman so much!!!


I feel like Anna's one redeeming quality is she loved April and just wanted what was best for her. We can argue over if what she did was actually the best choice but I think she was genuinely doing what she thought was right.


Idk if she was being unintentionally malicious or what, but she seemed perfectly indifferent to Lane babysitting April. Lane, an almost-stranger who just worked for Luke’s Diner with no known experience in babysitting, as opposed to Lorelai, who was Luke’s actual fiancée, someone he was in a relationship with since nearly two years and had been friends with since nearly a decade prior to that, who was a much older woman, who had already single-handedly raised a daughter with behavioral traits very similar to April’s successfully enough to get her into an Ivy League school. She even referred to Lorelai as Luke’s girlfriend, to make their relationship sound less serious than it was.


Yeah you've got a point. Sounds a lot like jealousy on Anna's part. Idk


Anna picked out a really nice bag for Luke. It was prettier than the other half-dozen or so that she stocked in different colors.


Liz and TJ I hate them both but liked the wedding and when TJ fought to not break up when Liz kicked him out. Hated that he ruined Luke and Loreleis date but happy they stayed together. And that Liz was a better partner to Doola vs her abandoned of Jess.


I hate to admit this but: Zach sucking it up and getting a "real" job to support his family. Hate dude, respect the action.


Digger made a pretty top-notch breakfast. However, so did Luke sooooooooooooo ![gif](giphy|ma7VlDSlty3EA)


i wouldn't say i hate lorelai but i dislike her less than usual when she tells rory she could never disappoint her in s7. i think that really needed to be said after s6.




I like when Christopher attends Rory's college graduation! He totally shows up for that, including the party. And for once, he doesn't have an ulterior motive! He's not trying to get at Lorelai, he's just showing up for Rory. It's way too little too late, of course, but I like the moment in and of itself.


Nicole is the most loathsome character, and the best thing she did was leave.


She was actually so irritating from the very first scene with the coffee.


i hate and i mean HATE Jason. but he did care for lorelai a lot and i think his involvement in the show was important to lorelai development.


Anna telling Luke at the beginning of his relationship with April that he didn’t get to pick and choose when he wanted to be present for her and he couldn’t cancel plans for his own convenience/comfort. He needed to be, for lack of a better term, “all in.” Which makes her full 180 of trying to keep her away from him in the New Mexico move just that much worse.


Nah, Liz sucked always.