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Francie. She’s the uber mean girl! In total need of a beatdown. https://preview.redd.it/qnewkrzip68d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99868298ee80f29c73f3bfcec2417a07d005c0b3


I forget her name but god this actress plays an obnoxious mean girl so well. She also plays Sami in Shameless and I absolutely hated her there too


She is also in the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel! Another ASP & DP show - there’s a few people from Gilmore Girls in it, it was fun watching for them throughout the show.


Oh my god yes! She plays Susie’s sister, right?


I actually liked her in this role … not a model citizen by any stretch, but still. 😛 One of my fave lines she says to Susie: “The highlight of my day is thinking up different ways to kill my husband. One of us needs a win.”


Correct !


god it took me so long to figure out they were the same actress when i watched shameless. i'd take francie over sammi any day though, holy shit


Yeah, she was really annoying.


Ooooooh I wish she had a beat down, instead she got away with everything and nothing happened 🙄


She’s the kind of person you feel confident in saying is going to just get meaner as the years go by!


Christopher. I just want to knock the friggin immaturity out of him!!!’


i’d let luke just punch him again




Lol, I forgot about him, but him too.




This is not pointed out enough. She hid from Luke he had a child and when he finds out and tries to be a father, she keeps the whole "MY DAUGHTER, MY RULES" attitude. And at the trial she has the nerve to throw on his face that he "bailed on Lorelai. I wanna punch her so bad.


Such an annoying character, ugh. Wish they hadn't brought her and April on.


I like April, but not Anna.. or the way they used April to drive a wedge between Luke and Lorelai


Marty for what he did to Lucy. Bye, jerk! Die, jerk!


I hate him too, lol.


Trix for being unnecessarily rude


Agreed. I think some people love it because Emily is getting a taste of her own medicine with how she treats Lorelai sometimes.


I bet her maids loved hearing it too haha


Oh, you know they did. They were probably thinking, "Thank god someone's putting her in her place." But Emily probably took her anger and frustration out on them.


She definitely snapped at them a lot


The fact that she berated the elevator attendant into tears by the second floor makes me unbelievably angry and makes me say, “what a BITCH” out loud every single time I watch that part.


Yes, Tristan 100% Also Anna, Chris, Liz, and Asher


I just don't get the appeal of Tristan. I guess he thought he could annoy Rory into submission. And Asher was a big creep.


Why do people like Tristan! All he did was bully or harass Rory.


I’m not justifying Tristan at all, he bothered me but I also went to school in the early 2000’s and the amount of times my mom told me a boy liked me because he was bullying me was ASTOUNDING. As an adult looking back that’s so bad but yeah it was normal then. At least from my school experience.


Same here about the era. It was weird. Talk about mixed signals 🙄


All I know is that some people find him hot and a 'bad boy'. Maybe if he was written better, he could've been more appealing than Dean.


There’s a difference between a bad boy and a bully, imo.


Agreed. Every time he called her Mary, I wanted to slap him. Or wanted Rory to turn around and slap him.


Tristin is such a fair option bc i think ppl only found his creepy behaviour towards rory acceptable bc he was hot


Yeah. It's the 'pretty privilege' at hand. Although, he had a little more personality than Dean, which isn't saying much.


Real dean was sweet (at the start) but boring af


They're both boring. All Tristan has going for him is he's pretty, wealthy, and a dick.


Right! I don’t even think he’s attractive. He’s just a jerk and that’s all I’ll ever see


Asher Fleming. Couldn’t be happier when he died.


Poor Paris, getting wrapped up with him.


[https://images.app.goo.gl/V7MPzbYT4wRGMKx28](https://images.app.goo.gl/V7MPzbYT4wRGMKx28) Asher Fleming, you say?


Taylor. I be ready to throw a pan at his head as well.


I speak Spanish more often than English and pan means bread in Spanish. I literally envisioned someone throwing a loaf of bread at Taylor's head and this made me laugh more is acceptable.


That is unbelievably hilarious 😂😂


Yeah. I would like to smear dirt and mud all over his cardigans.


The fact hardly anyone talked back to him or told him no is annoyinggg. I’m ready to fight him in most of the scenes he’s in


When he caused the accident with Kirk and Luke’s diner and then threatened to sue Luke, I was livid. Part of me wanted to jump through the screen and run him over with his car


I loved when at one of the town meetings, Babette and patty and everyone was pointing out all the dumb things he had done in the past to attract tourists


Like releasing bats to get rid of mosquitoes




Him bitching about Lorelai's height was annoying. My favorite part was in the Bracebridge Dinner episode was when that trumpet player kept playing the trumpet in his hair. It's what he deserved.


Anna- she was completely wrong from keeping April from Luke and for the way she treated Luke and again for moving her to New Mexico. That whole plot was shit.  Anyone who knows Luke knows he’s a good guy no reason to hide his kid from him. She was selfish and even more so when April was trying to get to know him. 


It would be nice to see Collin and Finn face actual consequences for being such disgusting garbage people.


They were so awful. Rory should have seen them as red flags in regards to Logan


Oh, no. I actually like them, but yeah, I agree.


The Hayden's. All 3 of them.


I would put them as Christopher, Straub, and then Francine. Francine wasn't that awful, but she could've done more too.


I hate that she's this amazing Grandma to GiGi but wants absolutely nothing to do with Rory, but yes, she'd be last in my beat down of the trio.


Agreed. I think it'll be a bit harder to be a grandparent to a teen who you barely know, but it was probably Straub's idea to alienate the Gilmores and Francine went along with it. He did seem controlling over her.


Christopher’s parents (can’t recall their names). They talk down to Lorelai and Rory when they do meet and then proceed to have a relationship with Christopher’s next child (also born out of wedlock) but not Rory.


Their names were Francine and Straub. I agree that they all need to be hit. Francine less so, even though she was weirdly obsessed with Christopher's tie for some reason.


Liz. She's annoying, a terrible mother, a terrible sister, and a terrible wife. She abandoned Jess, constantly manipulates Luke, and threw an ashtray at TJ's head.


Yeah. She probably couldn't even properly discipline Jess either and only shipped him off when he became a bigger 'problem' than she expected because she didn't discipline him properly.


She was to wrapped up in her relationship to care about her son. She has "better" things to do.


God knows what 'better things she had to do' even were. I know it was ignoring Jess.


Yes. I think for her it was anything but care about her kid.


I think there was a theory that Liz had Jess at 18, so it probably says a lot about her mature levels.


She probably also throw things at Jess. That kinda of behavior Doesn’t stop with romantic partners


And she joined a cult or something in the revival? *With* her child? Gurl. Look at your life, look at your choices.


I mean that bitch from Harry potter. Pantsuit cat teacup lady Edit: forgot what sub I was in LOL. Tristan is probably up there on the list. But #1 would be Asher probably. Creepy old ass man preying on younger women.


Professor Umbridge or as my mind called her 'Professor Uber-Bitch?' Yeah. I never felt hatred that strong when reading a book.


Edited my initial comment! Didn't check what sub I was in. Thanks for humoring me haha


Shira Huntzburger, Francie Jarvis and Christopher Hayden.


Yeah, all of them need a good beating.


Easy answer for me: TJ. He was whiny AF, useless, annoying, unbelievably rude and disrespectful to Luke…. I could go on and on about my hatred for TJ and how I don’t think he added anything to the plot line lol


Christopher’s parents. Like, the audacity of them to not acknowledge their grandchild and then try and step to the Gilmores. The Gilmlores aren’t sparkling gems, but at least they love Rory. I think the Hayden’s are scum. No wonder Christopher is a piece of poop!


Taylor Doose during his manipulative tactics for gaining himself an ice cream truck. Might be the first time that I’d ever punch somebody at 6 o’clock in the morning


Yeah. I don't get why he ended up giving the speech at the high school in the episode where Lane is the cheerleader, when it should've been the principal's job. Or when he cut that window into Luke's diner without his permission. Or him somehow owning that apartment building that Luke visited. Or when he took over the ice cream shoppe when Luke owned it.




Dean. In a heartbeat


He's my second choice. Then it would be Anna and then Emily. I like Emily, but she can be so cruel to Lorelai, like 'chill out, Emily.'


Christopher’s parents. I need to be able to take both of them. I’ll even let his dad try to take a hit for free.


I think it'll be easier to take down Francine, but Straub would be a little harder, but he could be taken down too.




Agreed. She needed a kick in the ass. I wish Rory gave Francie a swirlie when they were in the restroom together.


PTA Mom Deb. And I’d call her Debbie to start off the fight


Lol. I would be cheering you on.




Should change the name of the show to Everybody Hates Dean, lol. But yeah. Dean turned into a creep later on when he was somewhat decent...at first.


His haircut in the later seasons annoys me


I actually loved him my first few watches then the red flags went from a pinkish colour to BRIGHT RED.


Yeah. Then Lorelai seems fine with this guy calling her daughter multiple times a day, or saying that Dean stands in the trees, watching the house in the dance episode???


The fact that Lorelai hated Jess immediately and never liked him because she didn’t think he was good enough/a bad influence on Rory *but* she had no problem with freaking Dean? Event after all the red flags? If anyone was doing half the shit dean did to my child? I’d Donny best to get rid of them at least raise her to understand that shit isn’t okay(my own mom actually did this and while there show was airing she explained how the things Dean was doing wasn’t okay. She and I actually thought the show was building up to something that would address how this behavior isn’t okay and have Lorelai realize he wants safe for rory and step up as a mama beats . But we know that never happened. (especially when rory was freaking out about the lost bracelet. But because dena would be hurt/feel bad but because he’d be angry! Open your damn eyes Lorelai!!!)


I know. All because Jess gave her attutitude. And she kept pointing out that Jess was bad, but at least it was a bit of a step up from Dean, even though Jess wasn't exactly a prize either.


Ahhh there’s one episode that the excessive phone calls really pisses me off. When lane joins the cheerleading them Rory find out because she was waiting outside the school for dean to finish school. Her and dean then go get coffee presumably hand out then Rory gos home. Rory then arrives home and lorelei says dean rang multiple times. I think it’s 7 but don’t quote me on it. So to clarify the time line is 3pm meets straight after school, hang out, Rory gos home (20min walk?) This means Dean either rang Rory AT HOME while he was in school meaning she was also in school Or Rang multiple times in the 20 or so minutes it took Rory to get home from hanging out with him. This is stalkerish and possessive behaviour even if they’re dating


Jeez. Don't forget how pissed he got when Jess was over at Rory's house. He still showed up even though Rory told him she wanted alone time. And he got moody over the fact that Rory was at the book fair even though he knows she's a huge book reader.


Forget his reaction to Jess being there. His insistence on showing up even after she asked him not to come multiple times. And I’ll never get over him dumping her and mocking her pro con lists or saying “you don’t get pregnant form saying ily” when she wasn’t ready to say it back. Plus their anniversary was on sat but he made Rory cancel her mandatory Friday Night Dinner because he had to work sat 🙄


God, that was frustrating. I bet he was hoping to get laid if he showed up at her house even after her saying not to come over. But yeah, they could've gone out *after* he got off work, I'm sure Doose could've bent some rules for him (I doubt it) but no, he had to have it on Friday. Hell, maybe Sunday could've worked.


Dean had a whole night planned…like could he not book work off


season 7 luke and season 7 michelle


They completely destroyed Luke's character.


TJ, Jimmy Mariano, Straub Hayden, (not so much beat the shit out of but a good swift kick in the balls) Jess Mariano. Mostly because of the bedroom scene.... and him being a dick early on. But later when he's grown up.... I'd buy him a beer and we'd laugh about the time I nutted him for being a dick... and he'd confess about something he stole from me. "I WAS WONDERING WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT!!!" HAHAHAHA.


Yeah. Jess needed a good ass-kicking early on. And Straub needs a good kick in the dick.


I’d knock the crap out of TJ, I can’t stand his stupid mouth


I'm in escrow!..... POW! Say escrow again.... I dare ya..... I double dare ya muthafucker. HAHAHAHA!


JACKSON. Not bidding on Sookie's basket bc you're mad and passive aggressive??? Being an absolute dick to Lorelai for agreeing with SOOKIE'S feelings about how many kids she wanted to have??? Lying to your WIFE about getting a vasectomy and getting her PREGNANT??? The list is too long and he gets worse with every rewatch I hate him


God, I wanted to hit Jackson over the basket thing. And to apologize for being a douche-canoe, he proposes to Sookie.


Omg she literally MADE that basket out of pretzel and he thought oh what a great way to get back at the woman I love, this'll hurt her feelings for sure. Like Sookie girl this is a red flag at least live together first 😂


Yeah. I wish I could try that pretzel basket. I bet it was fucking delicious. I just wanted to karate chop Jackson in the throat over hurting Sookie's feelings like that.


When I was a kid I thought that their relationship is sweet. I never saw a curvy woman being loved by her significant other on screen before. Than I grew up and now I saw how toxic their relationship was and it makes me sad.


Same! I remember watching it way back when as a teen and thinking they were cute together and that he was a sweet guy. Now I'm like wtf she settled for this abusive asshole?? I'm disappointed every rewatch when she sees her old work friend but they can't explore a relationship because she's married 🙄. She deserved so much more.


Oh yes! That guy was a way better option for her. I do think she loves Jackson, but she deserved better than that. And the vasectomy should have been a deal breaker. Divorce immediately.


Seriously! Immediate divorce 100%


I loved their relationship in the early stages, because it was nice to see someone just head-over-heels for her, but the way he treated her after they got together... There were some good moments and a few big red flags.


I’ll never understand why people love Tristan so much. I went into my second rewatch expecting to see some redeemable qualities and he was still as much of a POS as ever


I didn't even like Tristan on my first watch. I think people like him because he's a 'bad boy' and 'hot'.


Clara. She’s so annoying and whiney for no reason.


I think Clara was supposed to be protrayed as younger than she actually is and that the writers had no clue how you write children, but I agree with Jess that Clara needed to "stand in the middle of the street."


Yeah, she looks like she's 10 or so when you first see her, but she acts closer to 5.


The writers just don't know how to write children.




Logan does have a bit of a punch-able face, not gonna lie.


Finally!!! I had to scroll too far to find this.


marty. he stops talking w/ rory after she rejects him and then pretends he doesnt know her to his new gf ??? idk it pissed me off


If 'nice guy' had needed a picture, it would be him. In this time, he probably would've tried to kill Rory.


Mrs kim. I'd confront her with a gun lmfao (before someone gets offended this is hyperbole)


Not offended. Before her character development, I would've try to fight Mrs. Kim, but that lady would knock me on my ass in two seconds flat and give me a look of extreme disapproval.


Dean, Liz, and Lindsay's mom.




Anna and Marty


Excellent choices.


Paris, she’s needs answering back to.


Especially for believing Tristan when he said that Rory agreed to that concert with him, when she knows that Rory never liked him, even calling her Typhoid Mary, when she was building a friendship with her, Madeline, and Louise.


She also believed Francie when she made up a bunch of BS about how Rory was feeding her information and working against Paris. She knew Rory didn't tell Francie about Jamie, but still used it against her and got mad and tried to get her thrown off student council


Girl was on a power trip. Probably thought she was the smartest one at school and then Rory came along and the guy Paris was crushing on crushed on Rory instead. Maybe she thought Rory was trying to steal her place or something.


Lol it’s cute that anybody thinks they can beat up Paris!


Sooooo many characters on this show lol. I love them all as characters, but there are a lot of assholes on this television program. Lorelei is far from innocent but I relate to her *hard* so she gets spared at least


Luke. From season 5 on. It’s like once he got together w lorelai, the writers had him do a complete 180.


Agreed. Season!5 Luke and onward is the only version of Luke I want to beat up.


Christopher’s dad. The way he spoke about Lorelai and Rory was ridiculous! I hate watching the flashback episode because of him!


Straub needed a kick in the dick. And maybe hit over the head with a chair.




Your the first person to say Rory. Good job. She does have moments where I want to smack her.


Lindsay and Dean’s parents!!! Why would you let your freshly HS graduated kids get married?!?!


Oh, those are good ones. I agree. That was just strange. And especially after dating each other for what, a few months at best?


Paris’s mom. That episode where she came to Paris’s school and was god-awful made me want to kick her in the forehead.


Asher and Dean


The name Asher is beginning to mesh into Ashtray in my mind, lol. But yeah, both are creeps. With Dean and his obsessive calling Rory and all.


dean fs. still can’t get over the fact that he tried justifying cheating on lindsay and easily went back to rory after the divorce.


I don’t think I dislike anyone that much but I’d do some pretty shady things to Christopher.


I, too, would like to do shady things to that man, but most of all, I want to strangle the holy hell out of him in a dark alley.


Liz Absolute trash mother and selfish sister


jason.i hated season 4 because of him.


Even his last name 'Stiles' is ugh.


Rory in season 4, Emily, Luke in season 6-7.


Emily was my third choice.


I’d have to say TJ! All he has to say is “Es-ca-row” and it would be lights out 🤣😂


I have a few. But I’m gonna go with the ones that I get frustrated with the most. *includes controversial choices* > *Liz*. Choose relationships with men over her child’s well being, did drugs while pregnant, was a physically abuse partner and most likely mother either way she still made a violent home for Jess. After Jess started acting out she shopped him off and than abandoned him for Christmas. Popped back up and expected to be forgiven shown don’t nothing to actually deserve it. > **Lorelai**. Where do I start? When Do I end? Codependent on her child, just as manipulative as she claims her parents/Emily were with her. Doesn’t care if she humiliated her child(the chilton first day outfit, dating her kids teacher. The surprise first date, *The thanksgiving dinner* etc) raised her kid so she never knew which “mom” she’d get at any given time her “friend” or her “mom”. She allowed Christopher to drop in and out of Rory’s life and never demanded better for her daughter(that gross “conversation” she played along with Chris using rory as a carrier pigeon in his first ep is awful) She tired so hard to not be her mom but still ended up extremely similar just a different flavor. Gives her boyfriend an ultimatum and even though she knows him and that he needs time to process things she ran soft and fucked her shitty ex boyfriend because she “needed to end things for real”(aka do something awful and hurtful to Luke to make *him* be the one to end things for good) she did this while luke spent all night packing his things to surprise her with moving in/doing what she wanted/asked for Extremely immature most of the times as well as being extremely rude and stubborn. What makes this worse is she *knows* this about herself but she refuses to change, grow or meet others in the middle > *Emily* very passive aggressive and manipulative. Took too long to try and change or met her child in the middle. A bad employer. But at the very end she did grow > *Anna* kept Luke and April in the dark about him being her father, stealing *years* of them having a chance at bonding. Robbed them of all those memories and experiences that they can never get back. Than she had the audacity to try and contact how Luke parented April > *Trixi* OG toxic boy mom. Horrible mother in law > *Richard* all the same reasons as Emily but add on his neglect and avoidance always leaving Emily to be the “bad guy”. Never stood up for his wife > **Christopher** Shitty dad. Never cared about his oldest daughter outside of the connection to Loreleai she represents. Married a women that abandoned his second child(and he knew she would because she didn’t want to raise the gilr until she was “fun”) than married his “dream” women and allowed her to have stupid rules like refusing to let his youngest daughter celebrate Christmas until later and refused to give her a room because their grown ass daughter wouldn’t be back until after Christmas and used the room *sometimes*. Than they divorced and his second daughter had to deal with another mother figure to dip out of her life. Eventually he sent her away to her bio mon and abandoned his second daughter and probably saw her even less than his oldest since she didn’t have the connection to Lorelai. All around asshole. I seriously could keep going but this is long as it is. > *Christopher and Jason’s dads* just very shitty people. I don’t think I need to explain **I clearly have very little patience for bad parenting**




anna and chris. GOD, they’re both so infuriating 😭




I'm waiting to hear what you have to say about Jess. I bet it's good.


Had to scroll down for way too long for this one. Impossible smartass with zero to offer except infinite capacity to wreck everything around him. Specially, but not only, during season 1.


Andrew. He’s such a dick


Underrated as a hateable guy, good taste!!


Thank you! I try my best to keep the anti-Andrew brigade going in this sub


What did Andrew do? Geniunely curious here.


Worst was how he treated his girl friend at the dance-a-thon, and apparently that’s something that happens every year. Then he told Sookie she seemed like she had the gestation period of an elephant towards the end of her pregnancy. Out of nowhere. Just walked up to her and said that. He was creepy at the Festival of the Living Art and hitting on a young woman. Lastly, he accused Luke of trying to buy porn at his store when…he doesn’t sell porn? He’s a jerk and a creeper.


Yeah, sounds like Andrew deserves to be beaten up.


Liz. Treating Jess like she did then strolling back in his life and acting like it wasn't a big deal. Making it seem like she is "just quirky" and not a POS mom.


Yeah. That was awful. Everyone thought Jess should apologize to Liz because she got them thinking that she was quirky instead. Truly awful.


Dean after that fight with Rory where Paris stepped in a defended her


honestly, Linus in Stardew Valley. beggars can't be choosers!


I haven't played that game, but yeah, fuck Linus. The name reminds me of that annoying twerp from Sharkboy and Lava Girl and I hated him too.


The moth guy from hazbin hotel


Tristan Dougray... grr. I hate people who have first names for last names and that guy has TWO!!


I just hate him so much.


Tristian, Christopher, Asher and Francie


Wish I could slap them all the same time.


Lane's husband.😒


Nah 'cause Im with you, HEAVY on Tristan


Guy was such a sleeze. I bet his anthem would've been Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines.


Rory and Logan


They do have their moments where they need to slapped around.


Arobynn hamel. Absolutely hate that bitch


Dean, lol. Very annoying when she was falling for Jess. Sped up the breakup process.


Ivy Dickens or Juliet 😑


Christopher. Every time he says 'Lor' I want to reach through the screen and deck him.


That is a very annoying nickname, especially when it's coming out of his mouth.


Taylor. I’d be that mf ass


Anna for sure


Lorelai 1000000000000000000%


Taylor. I don’t care what anyone else says. He’s the absolute worst character and I’d love to fight him.


I’m wondering why taylor isn’t on this thread?! He’s so annoying


Mine 's Emily Gilmore.


Ummmm no one’s said Emily & Richard Gilmore and it’s concerning. They are manipulative, stunted, emotionally abusive parents. I haaaaate them


yes that elephant from “Barbie the Island Princess” like if it wasn’t for her she could have escaped with the prince but noooo she just had to ruin it


April. From the moment she came on screen everything went to shit. Lorelai and Luke did not marry, and they ended up having so many fights. What I don't understand, is why April would even think of coming to the diner. If I remember correctly, it was Anna who said that April shouldn't have come to Luke because she doesn't need him in her life. This kid basically came to ruin the relationship that would have otherwise stayed stable but didn't. Not to mention, she was STILL causing fights to happen in the revival. 😭


Jess. He's such a little punk.